
If you knew what no one else did...?

Keep the secret/ Play dumb28%28% - 11
Shout the TRUTH to the world! (internez ftw!)28%28% - 11
Bring a select few into the secret...23%23% - 9
Blackmail 'the Man' for all I could get.7%7% - 3
Cower in my underground bunker, with my tinfoil hat.12%12% - 5
Total: 39
+240|6978|Austin, TX
Things have been getting too down in here, lately, so I decided to pose a purely hypothetical question.  We have all seen the conspiracy theories out there; 9/11, Roswell, JFK assassination, media orchastration of wars, neo-cons, illuminati.... whatever.  This is not directed at any particular conspiracy, and I am not trying to trash one side or the other.  So, here I pose:

What if you saw something, had a piece of information (not admissable in court, but still very convincing) about a major conspiracy in the highest levels of business or government?  A clue to a secret that people have disappeared to protect.  Real "Enemy of the State" stuff.  What would you do?

-Would you try to pretend it never happened?  Bury your head in the sand, try to live your life the way you normally would, and hope no one ever found out what you knew?

-Would you shout your rightous anger from the mountain tops, getting the public, everyone, to see what you saw, to know the beast for what it is?

-Would you work slowly, carefully, bring your friends and selected others in on your secret, trying to build a slow, careful base of support and try to figure out a way to work with what you know to better... something?

-Would you go completely mercenary, blackmail those responsible, trying to make the best possible life for yourself?

-Or would you hide, buried in the wilderness, always certain that the secret troops may be dropping any day now from black stealth helicopters, just as soon as THEY get their mind reading satalite focused on your hideout?

I am just curious as to where peoples' thoughts lie... and what do you think would be the best course of action?  Just Justice enter into it for you at all?  Are you just in it for yourself, either through gain or just survival?  Do you see it as a cause to rally behind?
The X stands for
+1,818|6419|eXtreme to the maX
Shout the truth, don't see any other option.
Fuck Israel
Shout the truth.  If they can make people disappear because of this info I'm sure they'd have no problem disposing of a blackmailer.  I'd get behind over 9000 proxies and tell the internet.
Real Хорошо
+826|6833|Adelaide, South Australia

Immediately contact my lawyer and put the information into my will, to be released to as many news/media groups possible, upon my death (no matter the cause).

Proceed to blackmail until I die. Then, the secret is out.
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


Once payment is received the secret goes public.
Germans did 911
+427|6994|Disaster Free Zone
I'll tell you when it happens.
Support fanatic :-)

If it's a conspiracy you can't possibly be alone knowing the truth ...
Wait behind the line ..............................................................
+1,716|7045|St. Andrews / Oslo

Deep Throat style.
https://static.bf2s.com/files/user/26774/flickricon.png https://twitter.com/phoenix/favicon.ico
Depends on the consequences which would be visited upon me, my family, friends etc, if I revealed it.
Bellicose Yankee Air Pirate

Depends on the nature of the conspiracy and the nature of what I know.

If the conspiracy is of a criminal nature whose existence threatens lives, then I would work slowly, carefully gathering corroborating evidence before coming forward...with others who are experts in the fields involved. Ideally, it wouldn't necessarily be me, but a group of experts who can't just "disappear".

If the conspiracy doesn't threaten anything important...who cares?
“Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid.”
― Albert Einstein

Doing the popular thing is not always right. Doing the right thing is not always popular
The X stands for
+1,818|6419|eXtreme to the maX
Anyone can be disappeared, discredited, finished, doesn't take a lot - they only have to get one or two and the rest shut up pretty promptly.
There are very few people in this world prepared to take a fall for someone else or for society.

Last edited by Dilbert_X (2009-03-18 04:50:02)

Fuck Israel
O' HAL naw!
+470|6891|Columbus, OH
Post it on BF2s.com
All kiiiiiiiiinds of gainz

[TUF]Catbox wrote:

I do... still bugs me... it would open up a huge can of worms... not a conspiracy... just a cover up...
the source didn't have reason to lie... oh well
spill the beans
Blackbelts are just whitebelts who have never quit.
Say wat!?
If its not admissible in court then its not very bloody convincing is it?
If you know about the conspiracy, then the people who are involved in the conspiracy also know about it. So you can never be the one and only.

Minor observation.

Oh, right - yeah. What Varegg said.

Last edited by liquidat0r (2009-03-18 05:37:16)

+3,611|6934|London, England
I hope to be involved in some sort of government conspiracy when I'm older, yeah......fuckin normies need good government to think for them and to control them

Where do I sign up
El Beardo
steel woolly mammoth
+150|6033|Gulf Coast

If you were the only one who knew and decided to tell the world most everyone would think you were full of shit anyway.

imortal wrote:

Things have been getting too down in here, lately, so I decided to pose a purely hypothetical question.  We have all seen the conspiracy theories out there; 9/11, Roswell, JFK assassination, media orchastration of wars, neo-cons, illuminati.... whatever.  This is not directed at any particular conspiracy, and I am not trying to trash one side or the other.  So, here I pose:

What if you saw something, had a piece of information (not admissable in court, but still very convincing) about a major conspiracy in the highest levels of business or government?  A clue to a secret that people have disappeared to protect.  Real "Enemy of the State" stuff.  What would you do?

-Would you try to pretend it never happened?  Bury your head in the sand, try to live your life the way you normally would, and hope no one ever found out what you knew?

-Would you shout your rightous anger from the mountain tops, getting the public, everyone, to see what you saw, to know the beast for what it is?

-Would you work slowly, carefully, bring your friends and selected others in on your secret, trying to build a slow, careful base of support and try to figure out a way to work with what you know to better... something?

-Would you go completely mercenary, blackmail those responsible, trying to make the best possible life for yourself?

-Or would you hide, buried in the wilderness, always certain that the secret troops may be dropping any day now from black stealth helicopters, just as soon as THEY get their mind reading satalite focused on your hideout?

I am just curious as to where peoples' thoughts lie... and what do you think would be the best course of action?  Just Justice enter into it for you at all?  Are you just in it for yourself, either through gain or just survival?  Do you see it as a cause to rally behind?
It would depend on the conspiracy, I would ask myself if the citizens are being protected by keeping the secret or is criminal behavior being protected by keeping the secret.

Example. If I found out the world was going to be it by an asteroid in a year, I do not think I would let that out. If I found out our govt. was covering up accidentally shooting down an airliner, yup, I would sing. ESPECIALLY if it was Obama

Last edited by lowing (2009-03-18 06:44:59)

The X stands for
+1,818|6419|eXtreme to the maX
Number of airliners shot down by Democraps: 0
Number of airliners shot down by Republicons: 1

I thought everyone knew about the asteroid.

Last edited by Dilbert_X (2009-03-18 06:14:03)

Fuck Israel

Dilbert_X wrote:

Number of airliners shot down by Democraps: 0
Number of airliners shot down by Republicons: 1

I thought everyone knew about the asteroid.
TWA 800? http://whatreallyhappened.com/RANCHO/CRASH/TWA/twa.html

at least the Republicans were smart enough NOT to shoot down one of their own airliners
+3,611|6934|London, England
That Iranian plane was shot down by the US Military, and the other plane is a conspiracy theory and even if it was, it would've still been shot down by the Military and neither events matter as to whether it was Republicans or Democrats in charge. Sometimes people are so partisan it's pathetic, they'd swear allegiance to their political party much much more than to the country itself and shit like that. The USA needs a civil war to get rid of the idiot Americans who hate each other so much due to silly political differences, some of you people fail as hard as the Koreans and Vietnamese in terms of hating each other
i would shout it out cause i cant keep my mouth shut
+5,233|6842|Global Command
I'd make a thread on bf2s about it and get told to wear a tinfoil hat.
prince of insufficient light
Shouting does not work because

ATG wrote:

I'd make a thread on bf2s about it and get told to wear a tinfoil hat.

Mekstizzle wrote:

That Iranian plane was shot down by the US Military, and the other plane is a conspiracy theory and even if it was, it would've still been shot down by the Military and neither events matter as to whether it was Republicans or Democrats in charge. Sometimes people are so partisan it's pathetic, they'd swear allegiance to their political party much much more than to the country itself and shit like that. The USA needs a civil war to get rid of the idiot Americans who hate each other so much due to silly political differences, some of you people fail as hard as the Koreans and Vietnamese in terms of hating each other
Sorry, I didn't keep score, you might wanna talk to Dilbert about that. I do not have an allegiance to any political party at all. It just so happens I do not have views that are in line with socialism/liberalism/communism.

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