Things have been getting too down in here, lately, so I decided to pose a purely hypothetical question. We have all seen the conspiracy theories out there; 9/11, Roswell, JFK assassination, media orchastration of wars, neo-cons, illuminati.... whatever. This is not directed at any particular conspiracy, and I am not trying to trash one side or the other. So, here I pose:
What if you saw something, had a piece of information (not admissable in court, but still very convincing) about a major conspiracy in the highest levels of business or government? A clue to a secret that people have disappeared to protect. Real "Enemy of the State" stuff. What would you do?
-Would you try to pretend it never happened? Bury your head in the sand, try to live your life the way you normally would, and hope no one ever found out what you knew?
-Would you shout your rightous anger from the mountain tops, getting the public, everyone, to see what you saw, to know the beast for what it is?
-Would you work slowly, carefully, bring your friends and selected others in on your secret, trying to build a slow, careful base of support and try to figure out a way to work with what you know to better... something?
-Would you go completely mercenary, blackmail those responsible, trying to make the best possible life for yourself?
-Or would you hide, buried in the wilderness, always certain that the secret troops may be dropping any day now from black stealth helicopters, just as soon as THEY get their mind reading satalite focused on your hideout?
I am just curious as to where peoples' thoughts lie... and what do you think would be the best course of action? Just Justice enter into it for you at all? Are you just in it for yourself, either through gain or just survival? Do you see it as a cause to rally behind?
What if you saw something, had a piece of information (not admissable in court, but still very convincing) about a major conspiracy in the highest levels of business or government? A clue to a secret that people have disappeared to protect. Real "Enemy of the State" stuff. What would you do?
-Would you try to pretend it never happened? Bury your head in the sand, try to live your life the way you normally would, and hope no one ever found out what you knew?
-Would you shout your rightous anger from the mountain tops, getting the public, everyone, to see what you saw, to know the beast for what it is?
-Would you work slowly, carefully, bring your friends and selected others in on your secret, trying to build a slow, careful base of support and try to figure out a way to work with what you know to better... something?
-Would you go completely mercenary, blackmail those responsible, trying to make the best possible life for yourself?
-Or would you hide, buried in the wilderness, always certain that the secret troops may be dropping any day now from black stealth helicopters, just as soon as THEY get their mind reading satalite focused on your hideout?
I am just curious as to where peoples' thoughts lie... and what do you think would be the best course of action? Just Justice enter into it for you at all? Are you just in it for yourself, either through gain or just survival? Do you see it as a cause to rally behind?