Enemy Sniper..." *BOOM* "Nevermind... got him...
+61|6748|Las Vegas, NV USA

Nicholas Langdon wrote:

havent seen you online in forever True.
Yeah, I've been rather busy lately.  Two jobs.  Ugh...

I've been wanting to get on and play, but my sleep schedule has been all screwy.  It should be stabalizing soon.  Or so I hope.

DrunkFace wrote:

There are some reasons why using a tank successfully is harder then playing infantry. And then there are reasons why it is easier, I'll list them both.


Has near on unlimited ammo with no need to 're-load'
Has a main cannon which does lots of damage and lots of splash damage, but is also very slow firing.
MG has no deviation and does lots of dmg. So it kills what ever you point it at.
Is basically invincible to 4 of the 7 classes.
Is strong and can take multiple hits from almost every weapon.
You can move and shoot with no loss in accuracy (if you know how to lead).
Basically it is a strong armoured beast which can take a lot of damage and return even more.

Its massive, in comparison to an infantry soldier it is huge, which makes it easy to hit, easy to see and therefore easy to kill.
Manoeuvrability is low, it can not strafe, it can not jump, its extremely slow in starting and changing directions.
Moving over rough terrain changes where you were aiming and sometimes a hill is necessary just to hit someone.
Aiming is limited, Not only is the gun slow to move, it can only move in a limited arc and can not shoot down or up making it impossible to hit some things.
On maps with planes it will have a nice big highlighting box around it , while infantry can remain anonymously hidden.
There are 3 kits which are basically dedicated to killing tanks.
While in a tank you are (or at least should be) the main target of almost all the enemy.
Repairing is slow, unlike infantry which can be instantly healed, tanks take a long time to repair.

Basically you are a big slow sitting duck with everyone out to get you.

It's all relative though, trying to drive a tank with an ace pilot or chopper crew is like running a marathon with your legs tied together. Even against good infantry its extremely hard to stay alive as they can put 3 AT rockets up your ass before you can even tell where they are let alone move your turret to kill them (especially if they are firing from different locations). 1 AT on a building is almost impossible to hit yet can rain death apon the armour below. Of course if you're playing against idiots who keep choosing kits which can't kill tanks on maps like Karkand then there is nothing easier then racking up 50+ kills 0 deaths, but then they deserve it.
You bring up many true, and good, points.

My issue is not with the pros and cons of effective tanking.  It's the idea that it takes more skill than being an effective sniper.

Getting a 6:1 KDR ratio in a tank should not be difficult.  Getting a 3:1 KDR in an APC shouldn't be difficult, either.  It's only because of these rather easy to attain ratios that armor becomes a magnet for AT tactics.  Even then, most armor users still manage to pull off these ratios before they themselves are finally killed.  This is especially true on maps without choppers or bombers.

The fact remains that an effective tanker typically does well because of the team around them.  The same can be said about an effective sniper.  The difference lies with the firepower available to each, the defensive properties attributed to both, as well as the tactics employed.

For the OP to say that having near invulnerability to all but the most devastating of weapons is harder than running around with a semi-auto, or bolt-action, rifle strikes me as favoritism more than fact.  Five out of fifteen categories of infantry weapons can "damage" a tank, but that includes weapons that have little damaging effect, like grenades or grenade launchers.  Even AT rockets take from three to five rockets to bring down a fully functional tank.  A sniper (let alone any foot soldier) doesn't have those same luxories.
Voices are calling...
+136|6085|Somewhere out in Space

TrueArchon wrote:

Of all the vehicles available, a tank doesn't even rate in the top half for play difficulty.  Couple that with tankers that play on maps that don't have choppers or jets (like Strike at Karkand, Warlord, Road to Jalalabad, and Great Wall) it really becomes ridiculously overrated to score kills in armor.

It takes a truly inept player to screw up using a tank.
It also only takes a semi-intelligent infantry to get rid of even the best tankers.  On great wall ive killed some of the best tank whores by grabbing the tow from behind them and 1-hitting the treads.  That, or i will go AT and abuse the fact tanks have no turret elevation.  If i do my job correct i will outscore all the armor whores by 20 points.
+45|6643|Kamloops, BC Canada
The last one alive is usually a sniper... Which is good. Because if they weren't a sniper they would have been found out and killed along with everyone else.

It happens with pilots too... do you want to get rid of planes?  Maybe we should scrap guns altogether... We could get points for picking flowers and then you could throw them at your enemy and if you headshot them then it sticks in their hair and is all pretty and you become best friends and everyone can share the flags and everyone wins and has tea and cupcakes around the victory campfire. OOooo and everyone gets a gold star... even the grumpy one who doesn't get a lot of friendship points.


Snipers should not be used to take points. They should be used to defend them.

A good sniper will
-Defend a point from a few units. (If there are a lot it doesn't matter if you're a sniper or not)
-Spot enemy units (I always spot before shooting)
-CQC (Most people can't do this well...)

I wish I could give you negative karma...
+572|6813|BC, Canada

Canadian_Sniper_X wrote:

The last one alive is usually a sniper...
The thing about this is... the last sniper alive never seems to notice that not only is he the last one alive, or that all his flags are taken, He usually lays in the same spot while the entire other team decends on him due to the UAV above his head. Even if he does realize that his team is about to lose, he rarely does anything to help.
I don't come here a lot anymore.

Ignoring the seven pages of this thread, I'll just say:

Good snipers are good for the team, if it's a good sniping map, like Wake, Kubra or Dalian. Suck-ass snipers are not worth a dime.
The idea of any hi-fi system is to reproduce the source material as faithfully as possible, and to deliberately add distortion to everything you hear (due to amplifier deficiencies) because it sounds 'nice' is simply not high fidelity. If that is what you want to hear then there is no problem with that, but by adding so much additional material (by way of harmonics and intermodulation) you have a tailored sound system, not a hi-fi. - Rod Elliot, ESP
Since day One.
But i remember that i covered several times APC and Tank whores with ma sniper rifle. Yes we are the ones who cover your buttz when a fag tries to put C4 on your armor. So no team players but if they are skilled they are good for covering your arse!
I like armor and claymore whoring tbh.
+45|6643|Kamloops, BC Canada

Nicholas Langdon wrote:

Canadian_Sniper_X wrote:

The last one alive is usually a sniper...
The thing about this is... the last sniper alive never seems to notice that not only is he the last one alive, or that all his flags are taken, He usually lays in the same spot while the entire other team decends on him due to the UAV above his head. Even if he does realize that his team is about to lose, he rarely does anything to help.
Very rarely happens... I'm rarely on a team that sucks so bad to lose all flags... But when it does happen... Yes the mentioned event happens maybe 1/10 times...

I'm not going to bitch about something that has maybe happened to me 3 times in 600 hours of playing time.

Usually the sniper comes close or actually manages to take the flag
Official Battlefield fanboy
+240|6302|San Antonio, Texas

venom6 wrote:

But i remember that i covered several times APC and Tank whores with ma sniper rifle. Yes we are the ones who cover your buttz when a fag tries to put C4 on your armor. So no team players but if they are skilled they are good for covering your arse!
A fag's a cigarette.

I too like that feel when you snipe that Spec before he pulls out his detonator and sends the tank to kingdom come. That feeling of adrenaline is
the "Commander"
+102|6677|the Netherlands
lone wolf sniper or with me buddy team sniper... always in the hotzone ... hit 'n run ,well within range of some flags in defensive position but keep in close support of squads or leading squad , cap flags occasionally ,set CLAYS  ;D ... yeah Snipe is LOL ! imo even in Ghost Town .
Well I think, just as many of you do, that a noob with any kit is annoying. Specially a medic that is right infront of you when you're dead and ignores the many attempts times you call out "medic!" But a camping sniper can be very, very annoying. But hey, give him a dose of his own medecine. Find him and snipe him! Being a good player on BF2 means you have to be diverse, so getting good with every kit is essential!
+244|6843|arica harbour
snipers " useless noobs who cant play fps"
vehiclewhores " useless noobs that cant get a kill with a rifle or pistol"
campers " useless noobs who do nothing but sit there all day long and spawnkill"
support " useless noobs who nadespam just to get kills and get T'ks"
medics " useless noobs who dont want to die by reviving and healing each other"
hackers " useless noobs who cant learn how to play the game fairly and correctly"


all i got to say is ...MAN GIVE ME A BREAK!!!!!!!!!!!!!! stop whinning like douchebags/ retards because you did not do your job and the sniper just did his. threads like this become flame wars just as fast as you pull the trigger in the game. i hear this crap in BF2142, BF bad company , and COD4. if you are smart and cautious, snipers are just another kill into your record just like other players. IF you want to snipe, make sure 3 other enemy snipers dont know where you are, cause from experience in Wake island, it isnt pretty.

if you are good at something and people while like little bitches about snipers, just tell them to STFU..... period.
got any popo lolo intersting?

InBF2, for IO all you need is medics, for conquest all you need is medics and AT. Period.
main battle tank karthus medikopter 117 megamegapowershot gg
War Man
Australians are hermaphrodites.
+563|6868|Purplicious Wisconsin
I normally don't like playing sniper as I prefer being up close and personal at the enemy with an automatic.
The irony of guns, is that they can save lives.
+3,936|6654|so randum

War Man wrote:

I normally don't like playing sniper as I prefer being up close and personal at the enemy with an automatic.
I prefer being up close and personal to you with a large 'weapon' too

Small hourglass island
Always raining and foggy
Use an umbrella
Should have ducked
+394|6641|Ham Lake, MN (Fucking Cold)
Did anyone realize this thread is 10mo old? He's a new guy he will learn his place.
Should have ducked
+394|6641|Ham Lake, MN (Fucking Cold)
Its not gay unless you push back.
+319|6546|Southern California

SgtHeihn wrote:

Its not gay unless you push back.
Its not gay if you yell slayer...

+176|5843|Notts, UK

specialistx2324 wrote:

if you are good at something and people while like little bitches about bitches just tell them to STFU..... period.
iz dat sum irony
*chough* claymore's /*chough*
+176|5843|Notts, UK

GateKeeper{NL} wrote:

*chough* claymore's /*chough*
clays are fucking awesome, i <3 them

JoshP wrote:

GateKeeper{NL} wrote:

*chough* claymore's /*chough*
clays are fucking awesome, i <3 them
omg die.
+176|5843|Notts, UK

RegMan wrote:

JoshP wrote:

GateKeeper{NL} wrote:

*chough* claymore's /*chough*
clays are fucking awesome, i <3 them
omg die.
no srsly they're the best weapon that requires no skill and makes everyone cry

which is awesome
Got Lamb?
+56|6428|Outside your Back window

']['error wrote:

m95 = vehicle ticket for the cool guys.
+30|6353|Daqing Oilfields?
I have no problem with sniping, it can be useful to the team and fun, but even as a sniper myself I want clays out of the game. I hate them rofl
+3,936|6654|so randum

Miniman7474 wrote:

I have no problem with sniping, it can be useful to the team and fun, but even as a sniper myself I want clays out of the game. I hate them rofl
remote det clays would make sense. Like placing C4.
Small hourglass island
Always raining and foggy
Use an umbrella

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