lowing wrote:
That ain't no shit, can you believe what the fuck they did to the capital? Personally, I love the observation that they could all make it to DC for the inaugeration, but couldn't seem to manage a way out of New Orleans during Katrina, coupled with all of the lame excuses that have offered on this forum for their lack of ability to seek high ground makes that comparison priceless.
New Orleans is pretty shitty. I doubt many people would disagree with me on that.
As for the trash.... well, if you see what happens to my city during and after Super Jam (a major rap concert).... it's hard not to make certain racist observations.
I'll put it this way. Durham is like NC's version of Compton/Oakland.
As for the inauguration... well, the entitlement crowd has never cared much for cleaning up after themselves (similar to how neocons don't either in terms of budget messes).