+1,510|6443|Carnoustie MASSIF
Let me make it clear that I am not a racist, bigot, or anything along those lines. I just couldn't believe the audacity of this woman. And she's only doing it 'cause she's Asian, and therefore can.

Apologies in advance to anybody that is offended by the above paragraph.

Daily Mail wrote:

How badly would someone have to hurt your feelings for you to believe that you deserved a £16.7million payout? Yes, that's 16 million, not 16 thousand.

It's a sum that could see a village through this bleak recession or help thousands of frightened families avoid repossession, yet Muslim bank manager Mona Awad believes that Halifax Bank of Scotland (HBOS) owes it to her personally in compensation for sex, race and religious discrimination.

The 29-year-old, who has since left her £40,000-a-year job, will claim at an employment tribunal that two of her bosses falsely accused her of having sex with a client, mocked her religion and made sexist remarks.

Normally, I would be the first to support women who face discrimination in the workplace, but looking at some of the incidents which supposedly injured Ms Awad's feelings, my first reaction is to tell the sensitive petal to get herself down to any club or pub in the land for a swift reality check.

For example, if your male boss slaps another female employee's bottom at a horse-racing event in front of clients, it may not rival tea at the Ritz for gentility, but who in their right mind thinks it's worth 'aggravated damages'?

Ms Awad, that's who. Not for suffering it, mind you, just for witnessing it! Surely the person who should decide whether they're upset is the lady with the smacked bum?

HBOS actually upheld a number of Ms Awad's original complaints against the two sleazeballs in question. It found their behaviour fell far short of acceptable standards and both men have since left the bank. End of story, you might think.

Not when there's a giant cash register marked grievance to sit on and watch the compensation come tumbling out. Kerching!

Funnily enough, over Christmas I read a book by another woman who had to put up with atrocious old sexists who thought she was out of her depth.

For some reason, she chose not to sue (nobody did in those days). Instead, she beat them at their own game and eventually became the most invincible foreign reporter of her generation, male or female.

I refer to Dame Ann Leslie of this parish, the title of whose autobiography  -  Killing My Own Snakes  -  says it all. 'You're keeping a good man out of a job,' a Northern news editor snarled at her in the early years.

God knows, no one wants to go back to those primitive times. But what kind of employee has thrived in our more pampered ones?

Regrettably, Mona the Moaner epitomises a particular type that spread like fungus during the Age of Excess. People whose main qualities are zero sense of humour, zero sense of proportion and the ability to take offence at any kind of behaviour other than her own.

Look at another case in the news this week. Ron Dennis, Lewis Hamilton's boss, has been branded a racist bully at a tribunal by the former steward on his private jet.

Peter Boland accuses the McLaren chief of being 'culturally insensitive' to Middle Eastern businessmen because he offered them alcohol against their religious beliefs. He also allegedly said that he needed to wash his hands after 'shaking hands with Arabs all day'.

Now I have no idea whether Mr Dennis is a homophobic, racist bullying manager, as his ex-employee alleges. That's for the tribunal to decide. What I do know is that it's classic Moaner behaviour to claim that you were personally wounded by having to turn a blind eye to your boss's gaffes.

Would Jeeves have sued Bertie Wooster for having to deal with a hangover arising from insensitive abuse of alcohol on Boat Race night, or would he have offered him an aspirin and a pick-me-up?

Before the credit crunch, I have no doubt that Mona Awad would have been in line for a huge payout. (The previous compensation record for such a case was the £6.5million won by bond trader Allison Schieffelin in 2005.) Today, her claim to have 16.7 million quid's worth of bruised feelings looks like a gross insult to the millions facing real injury and pain caused, in no small part, by the banks.

There will be widespread and justifiable public anger if taxpayers' money, which bailed out HBOS, is paid to Mona.

We can expect many tragic casualties during this recession, but one thing we won't miss about the old, high-spending times is the matching greed of the compensation culture. Just goes to show: there's more than one way to rob a bank.
+515|6968|Loughborough Uni / Leeds, UK
Selfish bitch.
All kiiiiiiiiinds of gainz
Oh look its HBOS again

Female banker brings £10m action against HBOS for sex discrimination … 23331.html

Last edited by m3thod (2009-01-07 09:51:43)

Blackbelts are just whitebelts who have never quit.
+2,382|6991|The North, beyond the wall.
I'm sure she'll manage.
Wow Daily Mail printing an irrelevant story about a Muslim again? Never. I bet they wouldn't have reported it if it was a nice white Christian girl... or would have reported it in a completely different tone.... especially if the boss was Muslim....
+1,510|6443|Carnoustie MASSIF

CameronPoe wrote:

Wow Daily Mail printing an irrelevant story about a Muslim again? Never. I bet they wouldn't have reported it if it was a nice white Christian girl... or would have reported it in a completely different tone.... especially if the boss was Muslim....
Ooooh. Do I detect a Labour supporter?

Nice and sarcastic there, fellow Cameron.

I agree with you yes, but then again, would she have sued if she was a nice, white, Christian girl?
+2,382|6991|The North, beyond the wall.

SirSchloppy wrote:

CameronPoe wrote:

Wow Daily Mail printing an irrelevant story about a Muslim again? Never. I bet they wouldn't have reported it if it was a nice white Christian girl... or would have reported it in a completely different tone.... especially if the boss was Muslim....
Ooooh. Do I detect a Labour supporter?

Nice and sarcastic there, fellow Cameron.

I agree with you yes, but then again, would she have sued if she was a nice, white, Christian girl?
The Daily mail is renowned for being a shit source, it hardly takes a mega labour supporter to see that.

What are ya, a Tory Sheep?
+1,510|6443|Carnoustie MASSIF

jord wrote:

SirSchloppy wrote:

CameronPoe wrote:

Wow Daily Mail printing an irrelevant story about a Muslim again? Never. I bet they wouldn't have reported it if it was a nice white Christian girl... or would have reported it in a completely different tone.... especially if the boss was Muslim....
Ooooh. Do I detect a Labour supporter?

Nice and sarcastic there, fellow Cameron.

I agree with you yes, but then again, would she have sued if she was a nice, white, Christian girl?
The Daily mail is renowned for being a shit source, it hardly takes a mega labour supporter to see that.

What are ya, a Tory Sheep?
It's not a shit source. You're just tainted by other media so you're saying that. A shit source, now that would be the Sun/Mirror/Star etc.

And no, I'm not a tory "sheep" I make my own decision as to why I follow them.
Connecticut: our chimps are stealin yo' faces.
I'd bang her. Pretty hot tbh.
Malloy must go
+2,382|6991|The North, beyond the wall.

SirSchloppy wrote:

jord wrote:

SirSchloppy wrote:

Ooooh. Do I detect a Labour supporter?

Nice and sarcastic there, fellow Cameron.

I agree with you yes, but then again, would she have sued if she was a nice, white, Christian girl?
The Daily mail is renowned for being a shit source, it hardly takes a mega labour supporter to see that.

What are ya, a Tory Sheep?
It's not a shit source. You're just tainted by other media so you're saying that. A shit source, now that would be the Sun/Mirror/Star etc.

And no, I'm not a tory "sheep" I make my own decision as to why I follow them.
Lol I'm not tainted by other Media at all. The examples you have are fractionally worse if not on par with the daily mail. The daily mail caters for the average Sheep with racist undertones that wants "All them bloody pakis to fuck off and give us our jobs back rabble rabble". Usually the 40+ generation that have had that drilled into them all the life, it's just an awful source. I don't know why you're defending it.
Back from the Grave(y)
I would sexually harass her.

SirSchloppy wrote:

Let me make it clear that I am not a racist, bigot, or anything along those lines. I just couldn't believe the audacity of this woman. And she's only doing it 'cause she's Asian, and therefore can.
...uhh Asian?
Connecticut: our chimps are stealin yo' faces.

tuckergustav wrote:

SirSchloppy wrote:

Let me make it clear that I am not a racist, bigot, or anything along those lines. I just couldn't believe the audacity of this woman. And she's only doing it 'cause she's Asian, and therefore can.
...uhh Asian?
The majority of the ME is in uhhhhh Asia.
Malloy must go
All kiiiiiiiiinds of gainz

tuckergustav wrote:

SirSchloppy wrote:

Let me make it clear that I am not a racist, bigot, or anything along those lines. I just couldn't believe the audacity of this woman. And she's only doing it 'cause she's Asian, and therefore can.
...uhh Asian?
in the UK ethnic minorities from the indian sub continent (Indian, Pakistani, Bangladeshi) are known as Asians, as they're are way more of them than the Chinese, Japs etc

For the Americans it's the other way round.
Blackbelts are just whitebelts who have never quit.

m3thod wrote:

tuckergustav wrote:

SirSchloppy wrote:

Let me make it clear that I am not a racist, bigot, or anything along those lines. I just couldn't believe the audacity of this woman. And she's only doing it 'cause she's Asian, and therefore can.
...uhh Asian?
in the UK ethnic minorities from the indian sub continent (Indian, Pakistani, Bangladeshi) are known as Asians, as they're are way more of them than the Chinese, Japs etc

For the Americans it's the other way round.
ok...thanks for clearing that up.
+1,510|6443|Carnoustie MASSIF

jord wrote:

SirSchloppy wrote:

jord wrote:

The Daily mail is renowned for being a shit source, it hardly takes a mega labour supporter to see that.

What are ya, a Tory Sheep?
It's not a shit source. You're just tainted by other media so you're saying that. A shit source, now that would be the Sun/Mirror/Star etc.

And no, I'm not a tory "sheep" I make my own decision as to why I follow them.
Lol I'm not tainted by other Media at all. The examples you have are fractionally worse if not on par with the daily mail. The daily mail caters for the average Sheep with racist undertones that wants "All them bloody pakis to fuck off and give us our jobs back rabble rabble". Usually the 40+ generation that have had that drilled into them all the life, it's just an awful source. I don't know why you're defending it.
What paper do you read? And how old are you?
All kiiiiiiiiinds of gainz
Jesus fucking Christ man.  The Daily fail is a Tory housewife paper that actually supported the Nazis in ww2.  it's known as the daily fail for a reason.

you should avoid the that rag like it has the plague, aids, herpes and gonorrhea.
Blackbelts are just whitebelts who have never quit.
+2,382|6991|The North, beyond the wall.

SirSchloppy wrote:

jord wrote:

SirSchloppy wrote:

It's not a shit source. You're just tainted by other media so you're saying that. A shit source, now that would be the Sun/Mirror/Star etc.

And no, I'm not a tory "sheep" I make my own decision as to why I follow them.
Lol I'm not tainted by other Media at all. The examples you have are fractionally worse if not on par with the daily mail. The daily mail caters for the average Sheep with racist undertones that wants "All them bloody pakis to fuck off and give us our jobs back rabble rabble". Usually the 40+ generation that have had that drilled into them all the life, it's just an awful source. I don't know why you're defending it.
What paper do you read? And how old are you?
I don't buy papers, I have the internet and I have a tv.

I'm 18, if that matters somehow?
sorry you feel that way
as usual here people start attacking the source just for being the source, and not the actual article on it's substance.
inane little opines
Pendulous Sweaty Balls
+1,538|6015|College Park, MD
yeah you fuckin tories


SirSchloppy wrote:

I agree with you yes, but then again, would she have sued if she was a nice, white, Christian girl?
You aren't familiar with dole-scrounging Chavs? And I'm not from the UK ergo 'supporting Labour' is nothing to do with me.
+1,510|6443|Carnoustie MASSIF

CameronPoe wrote:

SirSchloppy wrote:

I agree with you yes, but then again, would she have sued if she was a nice, white, Christian girl?
You aren't familiar with dole-scrounging Chavs? And I'm not from the UK ergo 'supporting Labour' is nothing to do with me.
You better believe I'm familiar with dole scrounging chavs. I am completely against giving dole to them. They don't need it. Get a fucking job. That's why we have so many immigrant workers.

as usual here people start attacking the source just for being the source, and not the actual article on it's substance
thank you

Last edited by SirSchloppy (2009-01-07 10:52:19)

+2,382|6991|The North, beyond the wall.

dayarath wrote:

as usual here people start attacking the source just for being the source, and not the actual article on it's substance.
It's a valid argument. If I post a blog article with some shred of truth in it and you have to spend 30 minutes dissecting out the cunts ignoramus opinions then you'd be pissed too. If you prefer we can start discussing the "Substance", or lack of.

Here goes nothing:

Them fucking scrounging Muslims always looking for the easy way out and never willing to work. Coming to my country and suing us in our time of need, who do they think they are? Stupid bitch she deserves a fine of 15 million for being that selfish. Rabble rabble rabble. Why am I always seeing this terrorists in the news? It must be because they're always stirring up shit, god damn I wish I lived 300 years ago.
+1,510|6443|Carnoustie MASSIF

jord wrote:

dayarath wrote:

as usual here people start attacking the source just for being the source, and not the actual article on it's substance.
It's a valid argument. If I post a blog article with some shred of truth in it and you have to spend 30 minutes dissecting out the cunts ignoramus opinions then you'd be pissed too. If you prefer we can start discussing the "Substance", or lack of.

Here goes nothing:

Them fucking scrounging Muslims always looking for the easy way out and never willing to work. Coming to my country and suing us in our time of need, who do they think they are? Stupid bitch she deserves a fine of 15 million for being that selfish. Rabble rabble rabble. Why am I always seeing this terrorists in the news? It must be because they're always stirring up shit, god damn I wish I lived 300 years ago.
Debate and Serious talk.

Not "Sarcastic opinion and troll"
All kiiiiiiiiinds of gainz

dayarath wrote:

as usual here people start attacking the source just for being the source, and not the actual article on it's substance.
A reliable and credible source is important.  Journalism is easily manipulated.
Blackbelts are just whitebelts who have never quit.

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