© 2009 Jeff Minard

Kmarion wrote:

mafia996630 wrote:

Why doesn't isreal allow reporters into Gaza ? its like back in the "soveit union when threw every Western journalist out of Afghanistan". Mayb isreal doesn't want the world to see what they are really doing to the people?

OR maybe they are trying to protect journalists  (LOL)
They've already killed journalist who were in their line of fire. Why is trying to prevent a repeat so hard to believe?
rightttt, so isreal can't help but kill journalist ? is that how retarded you think the isreali army is ? Do you really think journalists hang with the Hamas crowd?
Truth is my Bitch
+5,695|6763|132 and Bush

mafia996630 wrote:

Kmarion wrote:

mafia996630 wrote:

Why doesn't isreal allow reporters into Gaza ? its like back in the "soveit union when threw every Western journalist out of Afghanistan". Mayb isreal doesn't want the world to see what they are really doing to the people?

OR maybe they are trying to protect journalists  (LOL)
They've already killed journalist who were in their line of fire. Why is trying to prevent a repeat so hard to believe?
rightttt, so isreal can't help but kill journalist ? is that how retarded you think the isreali army is ? Do you really think journalists hang with the Hamas crowd?
They have killed them before "hanging out with terrorist". Retarded is thinking that they would deliberately kill media representatives. That couldn't possibly have damaging effects? Journalist are passionate about their work. They will risk their lives to get the "good" shots. They've even gone so far as to forge fauxtos.
Xbone Stormsurgezz
© 2009 Jeff Minard

Parker wrote:

mafia996630 wrote:

Well excuse me for not taking you word parker. Links parker ?
links to prove what?

mafia996630 wrote:

Prove isreal has not been blocking aid ?
thats not genocide.

mafia996630 wrote:

Prove isreal has not stopped the flow of electricity?
nor is that.

mafia996630 wrote:

Prove they isreal hasn't fuked up the economy by stopping exports and imports ?
and thats not genocide either

mafia996630 wrote:

Because i can prove they have been doing all this.

now prove its genocide.

mafia996630 wrote:

You only have to look at a couple of humanitarian website to see its genocide.
nah, YOU only have to look at a couple humanitarian websites to see its genocide.
those of us that are NOT blinded by hatred know the truth.

mafia996630 wrote:

I will be cheering when isreal gets what its deserved.
whats that about being blinded by hatred?
So your view is isreal does all those things by its not called genocide ? . hm fair enough.
The Mas
+311|6850|NYC, a place to live

mafia996630 wrote:

Well excuse me for not taking you word parker. Links parker ? Prove isreal has not been blocking aid ? Prove isreal has not stopped the flow of electricity? Prove they isreal hasn't fuked up the economy by stopping exports and imports ? Because i can prove they have been doing all this.

You only have to look at a couple of humanitarian website to see its genocide. I will be cheering when isreal gets what its deserved.
Israel controls one part of Gaza's border and Egypt controls the remainder. What is wrong with Israel refusing to supply Gaza when the supplies can go through Egypt?
© 2009 Jeff Minard

san4 wrote:

mafia996630 wrote:

Well excuse me for not taking you word parker. Links parker ? Prove isreal has not been blocking aid ? Prove isreal has not stopped the flow of electricity? Prove they isreal hasn't fuked up the economy by stopping exports and imports ? Because i can prove they have been doing all this.

You only have to look at a couple of humanitarian website to see its genocide. I will be cheering when isreal gets what its deserved.
Israel controls one part of Gaza's border and Egypt controls the remainder. What is wrong with Israel refusing to supply Gaza when the supplies can go through Egypt?
Yes by all means, RAM the aid ship!
The Mas
+311|6850|NYC, a place to live

venom6 wrote:

Israel should STOP it and get out from the stolen territories! … 948-49.gif
You can see the official borders from Israel (1947) in purple. In green is Palestine and of course before 1947 there was no Israel.
After a few wars Israel occupied more from Palestine...why not? He had the military support from the USA and the rest of the wolrd was quiet!
So what you see in pink is the stolen territory from Palestine. They dont agree and fight for their freedom! The main goal for Israel is to erase the Gaza strip and the West Bank. They want to kill all of the palestinians who got more rights on the place then israelis.
The maps you posted are labeled "Le Plan de L'O.N.U." Israel accepted the plan when it was proposed.
The Mas
+311|6850|NYC, a place to live

mafia996630 wrote:

san4 wrote:

mafia996630 wrote:

Well excuse me for not taking you word parker. Links parker ? Prove isreal has not been blocking aid ? Prove isreal has not stopped the flow of electricity? Prove they isreal hasn't fuked up the economy by stopping exports and imports ? Because i can prove they have been doing all this.

You only have to look at a couple of humanitarian website to see its genocide. I will be cheering when isreal gets what its deserved.
Israel controls one part of Gaza's border and Egypt controls the remainder. What is wrong with Israel refusing to supply Gaza when the supplies can go through Egypt?
Yes by all means, RAM the aid ship!
Are you saying Gaza can't receive supplies through Egypt?
+3,611|6783|London, England

san4 wrote:

mafia996630 wrote:

Well excuse me for not taking you word parker. Links parker ? Prove isreal has not been blocking aid ? Prove isreal has not stopped the flow of electricity? Prove they isreal hasn't fuked up the economy by stopping exports and imports ? Because i can prove they have been doing all this.

You only have to look at a couple of humanitarian website to see its genocide. I will be cheering when isreal gets what its deserved.
Israel controls one part of Gaza's border and Egypt controls the remainder. What is wrong with Israel refusing to supply Gaza when the supplies can go through Egypt?
Exactly, I always wonder why the fuck Gaza seems to be so reliant on Israel even though it shares a maritime and land border with Egypt. I mean what the fuck, if anything Egypt is the worst out of all. Shouldn't they be helping out their fellow Muslims instead of leaving them at the mercy of the Jews and shit, nah I doubt it, then there would be no reason to hate Israel.

The Arab/Muslim world, by and large, are a bunch of cunts who don't really care about each other, the whole "Muslim brotherhood" bullshit doesn't really exist, only when it's convenient to do so will they care about that brotherhood bullshit. Like when it comes to things like Israel etc..

I don't think anyone really gives a shit about the Palestinians, people just want the excuse to hate on Israel. That's what I've noticed alot about this whole Palestine/Israeli conflict
© 2009 Jeff Minard

The Egypt-Gaza Border and its Effect on
Israeli-Egyptian Relations

Egypt claims that Israel has not only exaggerated the threat posed by weapons
smuggling, but is deliberately acting to “sabotage” U.S.-Egyptian relations by
demanding that the United States  condition its annual $1.3 billion in military
assistance on Egypt’s efforts to thwart smuggling. Section 690 of P.L. 110-161, the
Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2008, withholds the obligation of $100 million in
Foreign Military Financing for Egypt until the Secretary of State certifies, among
other things, that Egypt has  taken concrete steps to “detect and destroy the smuggling
network and tunnels that lead from Egypt to Gaza
BTW the arabs are full of shit also.

Last edited by mafia996630 (2009-01-05 11:24:28)

Truth is my Bitch
+5,695|6763|132 and Bush

Kmarion wrote:

Why hasn't Egypt lifted it's Gaza blockade?
Spoiler (highlight to read):
They don't like Hamas
The Egyptian blockade multiplies the Palestinian struggle 100%.
Xbone Stormsurgezz

Kmarion wrote:

Kmarion wrote:

Why hasn't Egypt lifted it's Gaza blockade?
Spoiler (highlight to read):
They don't like Hamas
The Egyptian blockade multiplies the Palestinian struggle 100%.
The Egyptian governement should be erased from the pages of time.
+2,382|6840|The North, beyond the wall.

AutralianChainsaw wrote:

Kmarion wrote:

Kmarion wrote:

Why hasn't Egypt lifted it's Gaza blockade?
Spoiler (highlight to read):
They don't like Hamas
The Egyptian blockade multiplies the Palestinian struggle 100%.
The Egyptian governement should be erased from the pages of time.
They were around long before Canada.

jord wrote:

AutralianChainsaw wrote:

Kmarion wrote:

The Egyptian blockade multiplies the Palestinian struggle 100%.
The Egyptian governement should be erased from the pages of time.
They were around long before Canada.
The canadian government should be erased from the pages of time too !
+5,233|6691|Global Command
Genocide is using gas chambers and mass shootings or perhaps starvation, you know like the nazis did to the jews.
Eurotrash either were involved in the killings or were mostly quiet about it. So in my view, europe is to blame for the existence of Isreal as it is today.
If you think what is going on today is genocide, you are a moron.
+2,382|6840|The North, beyond the wall.

ATG wrote:

Genocide is using gas chambers and mass shootings or perhaps starvation, you know like the nazis did to the jews.
Eurotrash either were involved in the killings or were mostly quiet about it. So in my view, europe is to blame for the existence of Isreal as it is today.
If you think what is going on today is genocide, you are a moron.
Europe made America and without Africa Europe couldn't have been created. So really I blame Africa.
All kiiiiiiiiinds of gainz

ATG wrote:

Genocide is using gas chambers and mass shootings or perhaps starvation, you know like the nazis did to the jews.
Eurotrash either were involved in the killings or were mostly quiet about it. So in my view, europe is to blame for the existence of Isreal as it is today.
If you think what is going on today is genocide, you are a moron.
eurotrash and amerifags alike actually had no idea what was really going behind the nazi curtain until the camps were stumbled upon.  So no Germany is to blame for the existence of Israel.

[still going nuts eh?]
Blackbelts are just whitebelts who have never quit.
+2,382|6840|The North, beyond the wall.

mafia996630 wrote:

m3thod wrote:

i'd wish you'll just top yourself and save us your constant moan and droan.  Hell it will give you a chance to meet up with your hero McVeigh.

Go take up a cause you have no idea and then pretend you're the inside man and can see the "truth" and what's "really happening". All of us are just blinded by propaganda, and are sheep. If only he had your 14 year old insider knowledge. Then not only would we be enlightened, we'd be able to arrest the last of the Cosa Nostra too, Mafia boy.
© 2009 Jeff Minard

jord wrote:

mafia996630 wrote:

m3thod wrote:

i'd wish you'll just top yourself and save us your constant moan and droan.  Hell it will give you a chance to meet up with your hero McVeigh.

Go take up a cause you have no idea and then pretend you're the inside man and can see the "truth" and what's "really happening". All of us are just blinded by propaganda, and are sheep. If only he had your 14 year old insider knowledge. Then not only would we be enlightened, we'd be able to arrest the last of the Cosa Nostra too, Mafia boy.
Jord, just because you like to see innocent people die doesn't mean I have too as well. As for the no idea bit;"All of us are blinded by  propaganda, and are sheep"
+2,382|6840|The North, beyond the wall.

mafia996630 wrote:

jord wrote:

mafia996630 wrote:


Go take up a cause you have no idea and then pretend you're the inside man and can see the "truth" and what's "really happening". All of us are just blinded by propaganda, and are sheep. If only he had your 14 year old insider knowledge. Then not only would we be enlightened, we'd be able to arrest the last of the Cosa Nostra too, Mafia boy.
Jord, just because you like to see innocent people die doesn't mean I have too as well. As for the no idea bit;"All of us are blinded by  propaganda, and are sheep"
Yes I clearly like innocent people dying. Because I said that... Don't put words into my mouth you tool...

I'm not blinded by anything. I have no bias to either side. I don't give a shit about Israel. I happen to see that one country is responding to rocket fire and agree with that, and I hope my country would do the same.
Compensation of Reactive Power in the grid
How is it going with the Israeli army anyways? I heard they moved in?
الشعب يريد اسقاط النظام me the schematic
© 2009 Jeff Minard

jord wrote:

mafia996630 wrote:

jord wrote:


Go take up a cause you have no idea and then pretend you're the inside man and can see the "truth" and what's "really happening". All of us are just blinded by propaganda, and are sheep. If only he had your 14 year old insider knowledge. Then not only would we be enlightened, we'd be able to arrest the last of the Cosa Nostra too, Mafia boy.
Jord, just because you like to see innocent people die doesn't mean I have too as well. As for the no idea bit;"All of us are blinded by  propaganda, and are sheep"
Yes I clearly like innocent people dying. Because I said that... Don't put words into my mouth you tool...

I'm not blinded by anything. I have no bias to either side. I don't give a shit about Israel. I happen to see that one country is responding to rocket fire and agree with that, and I hope my country would do the same.
Your not blinded by anything ? you have no bias ? wtf ? if that was the case, you might have at least once considered the great loss of life that will result as a direct action of isreal. While you see one country responding to a rocket fire, I see many years of hardship due to blockage of aid, destroying of an economy. holding the population under siege and etc. For you it might have all started a week and half ago but for me it started way before that.

Last edited by mafia996630 (2009-01-05 13:06:32)

+2,382|6840|The North, beyond the wall.

mafia996630 wrote:

jord wrote:

mafia996630 wrote:

Jord, just because you like to see innocent people die doesn't mean I have too as well. As for the no idea bit;"All of us are blinded by  propaganda, and are sheep"
Yes I clearly like innocent people dying. Because I said that... Don't put words into my mouth you tool...

I'm not blinded by anything. I have no bias to either side. I don't give a shit about Israel. I happen to see that one country is responding to rocket fire and agree with that, and I hope my country would do the same.
Your not blinded by anything ? you have no bias ? wtf ? if that was the case, you might have at least once considered the great loss of life that will result as a direct action of isreal. While you see one country responding to a rocket fire, I see many years of hardship due to blockage of aid, destroying of an economy. holding the population under siege and etc. For you it might have all started a week and half ago but for me it started way before that.
Yes I have no bias, I am neither Jewish nor Muslim. I don't give two fucks if Israel takes their shitty land off them or if Hamas send out mass suicide bombers and take out 5% of the IDF. You are bias, it is clear. You have taken up the cause of someone else because you think they are oppressed, as soon as you took up that attitude you have no reason in you. No logic, just emotion.

The way I see it. Hamas has a certain amount of power, and they have decided to make a decision on behalf of their people to start a war. Now they're people are getting killed, it's a shame. However Israel couldn't stand by and wait for one of their rockets to get lucky and take out a family of 5.
The X stands for
+1,813|6268|eXtreme to the maX

Kmarion wrote:

Retarded is thinking that they would deliberately kill media representatives.
They do that, and aid workers, and protesters.
Русский военный корабль, иди на хуй!
Troll has returned.

Dilbert_X wrote:

Kmarion wrote:

Retarded is thinking that they would deliberately kill media representatives.
They do that, and aid workers, and protesters.
how many of you remember the protester bulldozed?

and ambulance hit with 5 doctors inside, few days ago?

Last edited by Ottomania (2009-01-05 13:16:49)

The X stands for
+1,813|6268|eXtreme to the maX

mafia wrote:

Your not blinded by anything ? you have no bias ? wtf ? if that was the case, you might have at least once considered the great loss of life that will result as a direct action of isreal. While you see one country responding to a rocket fire, I see many years of hardship due to blockage of aid, destroying of an economy. holding the population under siege and etc. For you it might have all started a week and half ago but for me it started way before that.

The Egyptians are bowing to Israeli pressure, controlling their part of the border. I think they have a treaty in place which requires them to do so.

Last edited by Dilbert_X (2009-01-05 13:21:36)

Русский военный корабль, иди на хуй!

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