All kiiiiiiiiinds of gainz
i refuse to watch the video.

I have not said the mosque was packed with oxygen tanks (isn't oxygen highly combustible anyway? It's pressurised in those tanks so ever better bang).  I pointed out there is evidence to suggest Israel is getting it wrong with regards to other strikes.

Last edited by m3thod (2009-01-03 19:58:49)

Blackbelts are just whitebelts who have never quit.
All kiiiiiiiiinds of gainz

san4 wrote:

m3thod wrote:

Delusional? Suppose it's down to what you want to believe.  So lets look at some up to date statistics:


http://www.btselem.org/English/Statisti … alties.asp

Oh yes i forget, ahem its collateral. What Israel says and what it does are two very different things.
You said Israel targets civilians. Evidence of the number of civilians killed by Israel is not evidence that Israel targets civilians.
That's right 4781 accidental deaths.  Sorry guys, my bad.
Blackbelts are just whitebelts who have never quit.
The X stands for
+1,818|6419|eXtreme to the maX
Israel says they don't target civilians, then either does target them or carries out military operations with such little care for civilian casualties its close enough not to matter.

Its pretty bloody obvious they do target civilans, with the intention they are so terrorised they just give up and go live somewhere else.
Fuck Israel
Truth is my Bitch
+5,695|6914|132 and Bush

m3thod wrote:

i refuse to watch the video.
I have not said the mosque was packed with oxygen tanks (isn't oxygen highly combustible anyway?).  I pointed out there is evidence to suggest Israel is getting it wrong with regards to other strikes.
Not nearly as explosive as .. oh I don't know explosives? Like I said, it would have to have been a lot of oxygen tanks being stored in the mosque.

The militants want the deaths of Palestinians. It's the greatest thing they can do to gain support. Support from people who could actually hurt Israel. This is why they fire their rockets from densely populated civilians centers. This is why they use boy soldiers as lookouts. THIS is fodder for the cannon.

Looking at your chart, I see a successful Hamas.
Xbone Stormsurgezz

san4 wrote:

You said Israel targets civilians. Evidence of the number of civilians killed by Israel is not evidence that Israel targets civilians.
+42|6165|Flyover country
If IDF doesn't give a fuck why do stupid stuff like leaflets and text messages ? If they are doing it for Pr purposes only, it's tactically retarded...they are warning their enemies.
They have to know that is self defeating, the militants they are trying to go after blend in with the civilians; they are getting warnings too. They will just clear out and get back to the fight later.

really if they truly are bloodthirsty and DGAF about world opinion, why not just smash the place?
No warnings, no attempts at precise targeting, throw out intelligence gathering..

I'm likin FEOS's idea actually. Why waste money on expensive guidance systems ?

Hell it really seems Gaza has just turned into a big fireworks launch pad ever since Israel pulled out of it.....fuck it, maybe they never should have.
Truth is my Bitch
+5,695|6914|132 and Bush

usmarine wrote:

san4 wrote:

You said Israel targets civilians. Evidence of the number of civilians killed by Israel is not evidence that Israel targets civilians.
I suggest these guys ask a veteran if they really think that, given the situation, they think they are targeting civilians. The numbers are actually pretty fucking amazing. Consider the area is one of the worlds most densely populated as well as the fact that Hamas is intentionally offering their own up as Martyrs.
Xbone Stormsurgezz
Truth is my Bitch
+5,695|6914|132 and Bush

Vax wrote:

If IDF doesn't give a fuck why do stupid stuff like leaflets and text messages ? If they are doing it for Pr purposes only, it's tactically retarded...they are warning their enemies.
They have to know that is self defeating, the militants they are trying to go after blend in with the civilians; they are getting warnings too. They will just clear out and get back to the fight later.

really if they truly are bloodthirsty and DGAF about world opinion, why not just smash the place?
No warnings, no attempts at precise targeting, throw out intelligence gathering..

I'm likin FEOS's idea actually. Why waste money on expensive guidance systems ?

Hell it really seems Gaza has just turned into a big fireworks launch pad ever since Israel pulled out of it.....fuck it, maybe they never should have.
But what if after dropping the leaflets..

..they bombed "b". Sneaky zionist bastards.
Xbone Stormsurgezz

Kmarion wrote:

usmarine wrote:

san4 wrote:

You said Israel targets civilians. Evidence of the number of civilians killed by Israel is not evidence that Israel targets civilians.
I suggest these guys ask a veteran if they really think that, given the situation, they think they are targeting civilians. The numbers are actually pretty fucking amazing. Consider the area is one of the worlds most densely populated as well as the fact that Hamas is intentionally offering their own up as Martyrs.
i cant speak for the IDF.  but all i know is there were TONS of times we broke off contact because the risk of civies was way too high.  naturaly the enemy didnt give a fuck.  they would duck into a house filled with people and start shooting at us.  lots of times they would booby trap the doors and do such a poor job they would kill the people in the house along with themselves.  but, that kind of stuff doesnt make the bbc so i guess it didnt happen.

Last edited by usmarine (2009-01-03 20:48:22)

Truth is my Bitch
+5,695|6914|132 and Bush

usmarine wrote:

Kmarion wrote:

usmarine wrote:

I suggest these guys ask a veteran if they really think that, given the situation, they think are targeting civilians. The numbers are actually pretty fucking amazing. Consider the area is one of the worlds most densely populated as well as the fact that Hamas is intentionally offering their own up as Martyrs.
i cant speak for the IDF.  but all i know is there were TONS of times we broke off contact because the risk of civies was way too high.  naturaly the enemy didnt give a fuck.  they would duck into a house filled with people and start shooting at us.  lots of times they would booby trap the doors and do such a poor job they would kill the people in the house along with themselves.  but, that kind of stuff doesnt make the bbc so i guess it didnt happen.
No just the bulldozing for absolutely no reason at all.
Xbone Stormsurgezz
Bellicose Yankee Air Pirate

Kmarion wrote:

usmarine wrote:

san4 wrote:

You said Israel targets civilians. Evidence of the number of civilians killed by Israel is not evidence that Israel targets civilians.
I suggest these guys ask a veteran if they really think that, given the situation, they think they are targeting civilians. The numbers are actually pretty fucking amazing. Consider the area is one of the worlds most densely populated as well as the fact that Hamas is intentionally offering their own up as Martyrs.
I'd say it's glaringly obvious that Israel learned lessons from the Lebanon fiasco. They clearly have had near-constant ISR coverage of Gaza, finding "patterns of life" for key Hamas militants, learning the key locations and routes of rocket assembly and launch. The precise targeting of the tunnels is a great example.

The fact that their strikes have killed so many Hamas and so (relatively) few civilians in such a crowded urban environment shows they have gathered some pretty damn good intel before setting this thing off.

The leaflets and other methods used to warn civilians (and Hamas, btw) that a building is going to be hit is about the best Israel can do to achieve the military objective while trying to minimize civilian casualties.

It was Hamas, not Israel, that chose to launch rockets at exclusively civilian areas.

It was Hamas, not Israel, that chose to put it's military infrastructure co-mingled with Gazan civilian infrastructure (violating the Geneva Convention while so doing).

It was Hamas, not Israel, that chose to break the cease-fire.

I'm betting Hamas are giving themselves the Homer Simpson "D'Oh!" headslap right now...
“Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid.”
― Albert Einstein

Doing the popular thing is not always right. Doing the right thing is not always popular

Kmarion wrote:

usmarine wrote:

Kmarion wrote:

I suggest these guys ask a veteran if they really think that, given the situation, they think are targeting civilians. The numbers are actually pretty fucking amazing. Consider the area is one of the worlds most densely populated as well as the fact that Hamas is intentionally offering their own up as Martyrs.
i cant speak for the IDF.  but all i know is there were TONS of times we broke off contact because the risk of civies was way too high.  naturaly the enemy didnt give a fuck.  they would duck into a house filled with people and start shooting at us.  lots of times they would booby trap the doors and do such a poor job they would kill the people in the house along with themselves.  but, that kind of stuff doesnt make the bbc so i guess it didnt happen.
No just the bulldozing for absolutely no reason at all.
yes, the awesome media.  i swear i dont know what is worse with them.  war or aviation.  they miss the boat on both.
Wait, wait, wait!

I've got it!

Offer them seventy-three virgins in paradise, if they play well with others during this life.


Fine.  It's all I've got for now.

Kmarion, FEOS, and USMarine have it pretty well covered in the last few posts here.
+605|6862|San Diego, CA, USA
594 Palestinians killed by Palestinians?  I wonder if they blamed those deaths on Israel?

Look 0 of the Palestiinians would had been killed if Hamas didn't hide among them.  They use women and children as shields, hide weapon cashes in civilian buildings, fire at Israeli forces from civilian centers...heck they suicide bomb innocents. 

Hamas uses isometric warfare against Israel because they cannot fight their military eventhough they are a proxy for Iran.  Hamas takes money from 'Palestinian' charities.

A mother who encourages her child to be a suicide bomber is no longer considered a civilian.  They brainwash their children to blow themselves up.

Hamas showered Israel with how many rockets before Israel attacked back?  As was said earlier, if you poke a dog with a stick it'll eventually bite back.

Oh and the United States has Israel's back...we just stopped a U.N. Security Council from demanding a ceasefire.
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Harmor wrote:

Look 0 of the Palestiinians would had been killed if Hamas didn't hide among them.
Hamas were democratically elected. It's not like Israel can claim that they are doing this to bring Democracy.
Was ist Loos?

Kmarion wrote:

destruktion_6143 wrote:

Has Israel learned nothing from Lebanon?  They cannot win in a ground assault on hamas. Just cannot fight conventionally against a guerrilla militia. Watch the Israeli support drop once they realize they are going to get a LOT of casualties.

My prediction is either they leave defeated or they stay in gaza fighting like America in Iraq.
So going in the ground is completely thrown out because they made mistakes in Lebanon? Holy shit that a simple assessment. There is now way they can do what they need to do without going in. Period.

But don't take my word, listen to the Lieutenant Colonel
http://www.nypost.com/seven/01012009/ne … htm?page=0
From earlier briefings in Israel, I know the IDF takes an almost absurd degree of care in its targeting. The questioning doesn't stop with "Is that the right building?" it then asks, "What should be our angle of attack to ensure any rubble falls into the street, not atop the primary school next door?" (Hamas consistently embeds terror facilities among innocent civilians.)

Hitting a terrorist hideout in an apartment building, for example, an F-16 would be armed with the smallest warhead that could do the job. If the terrorists are tucked into rooms on the fourth floor, targeting officers evaluate which window the guided missile should go through to kill the terrorists, while minimizing harm to civilians living below.

Any military veteran can tell that the Israelis are taking enormous care to spare civilians. Given the number of airstrikes thus far and the hundreds of tons of bombs dropped, it remains remarkable that so few innocents have been injured in such a dense urban environment.

But, as this column has stressed for years, fighting terrorists effectively means going in on the ground - and sooner is better than later. You can't impress fanatics into surrendering. You have to kill them. Nothing else works.

Let me repeat that: You have to kill fanatics. Nothing else works.

Ordinarily, Israeli leaders would only need to ponder battlefield costs and counter international pro-terror propaganda. But the rise of President-elect Obama complicates matters gravely.

Even the timing of Israel's strike at Hamas has been driven, at least in part, by the coming power transfer in Washington. The immediate trigger was the hundreds of Hamas rocket attacks on Israel after the terrorists refused to renew an Egyptian-brokered cease-fire, but Israel's leaders also counted on steadfast support from the Bush administration in its final days.

Obama's an unknown quantity, though. While hysterical claims that he'll be pro-Islamist from start to finish are absurd, even minor shifts away from supporting Israel's struggle against terrorists could have catastrophic consequences. And Israel's vaunted intelligence services can't tell their superiors what Obama will do, since few (if any) of the president-elect's supporters know what he intends to do.

In fact, the president-elect may not know himself. He's a babe in the woods, and the woods are full of wolves. Fighting political rivals doesn't prepare you for fighting terrorist fanatics.

For now, Israel must worry that a major ground offensive against Hamas would be halted halfway by the withdrawal of US support, both diplomatic and practical. The IDF even counts on us to replenish reserve stocks of the guided weapons that minimize civilian casual ties or penetrate tunnels and bunkers. Israel could find that it had paid a grim price in the blood of its sons and daughters, only to be robbed of the chance to hand Hamas a meaningful defeat.

As for our president-elect, his all-too-coy insistence that "we have only one president at a time" has been selective from the start. Glad to pontificate on stimulus packages and union benefits, Obama has used the one-president mantra to avoid taking stands on difficult issues that bedevil or bewilder him.
Im saying that it will be a huge loss for israel. im not for or against either side here. im just stating the obvious of, yes they need to go in on foot, but at a high cost of casualties. A conventional army will NEVER win against a guerrilla, fanatic, un conventional milita.
Complete Tanker

TheAussieReaper wrote:

Hamas were democratically elected. It's not like Israel can claim that they are doing this to bring Democracy.
I didn't think they were claiming to bring Democracy? I thought it was because Hamas were launching rockets exclusively at civillians?

Edited : made no sense

Last edited by Teamsreth (2009-01-04 03:14:59)


Uzique wrote:

Fuck Israel.
Excuse me, I have family in Isreal.
The X stands for
+1,818|6419|eXtreme to the maX
Oh and the United States has Israel's back...we just stopped a U.N. Security Council from demanding a ceasefire.
As per usual.
Fuck Israel
Cowboy from Hell

Kmarion wrote:

usmarine wrote:

san4 wrote:

You said Israel targets civilians. Evidence of the number of civilians killed by Israel is not evidence that Israel targets civilians.
I suggest these guys ask a veteran if they really think that, given the situation, they think they are targeting civilians. The numbers are actually pretty fucking amazing. Consider the area is one of the worlds most densely populated as well as the fact that Hamas is intentionally offering their own up as Martyrs.
This time alone I agree, but what about the others in the past.  This time is different, Israel is trying to remove Hamas and they must invade Gaza and take them out, of course there'll be collateral.  Nobody says Israel targets innocent civilians, they just don't care about civilians, which is as bad anyway.  But this time Israel entering Gaza is the right thing to do coz this won't stop until Hamas militants are all dead.  Then, we can criticize Israel again, but not this time.

Dilbert_X wrote:

Oh and the United States has Israel's back...we just stopped a U.N. Security Council from demanding a ceasefire.
As per usual.
NO what we did was stop the UN form taking sides. We stopped the UN from interfereing against Israel. If the UN were really concerned about the situation they would have acted when the rockets were flying into Israel, as it is, all the UN wants to do is protect Hamas from it well deserved ass whipping.
Israel is creating hundreds of freedom fighters with every palestinian they kill during that genocide.

Israel is digging its own grave..

To all those blaming Hamas for resisting, were you blaming the french resistance too in the 40s ?

AutralianChainsaw wrote:

Israel is creating hundreds of freedom fighters with every palestinian they kill during that genocide.

Israel is digging its own grave..

To all those blaming Hamas for resisting, were you blaming the french resistance too in the 40s ?
I had no idea France launched attacks into Germany practically begging Germany to do something about it.
'Light 'em up!'

lowing wrote:

AutralianChainsaw wrote:

Israel is creating hundreds of freedom fighters with every palestinian they kill during that genocide.

Israel is digging its own grave..

To all those blaming Hamas for resisting, were you blaming the french resistance too in the 40s ?
I had no idea France launched attacks into Germany practically begging Germany to do something about it.
Don't remember them going for civies either.
Bellicose Yankee Air Pirate

AutralianChainsaw wrote:

Israel is creating hundreds of freedom fighters with every palestinian they kill during that genocide.

Israel is digging its own grave..

To all those blaming Hamas for resisting, were you blaming the french resistance too in the 40s ?
I wasn't aware Israel was occupying Gaza. Perhaps you should let the news outlets know...they've gotten it all wrong.

BL: Launching rockets blindly at purely civilian areas is NOT "resisting" a la the French Resistance. The FR focused on disrupting German occupation of France by attacking government/military targets. If that's what Hamas did, a lot fewer people would take issue with what they did/are doing.
“Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid.”
― Albert Einstein

Doing the popular thing is not always right. Doing the right thing is not always popular

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