Kmarion wrote:
Dilbert_X wrote:
Hamas have done a good deal to stop the missiles while the ceasefire was in place, but they can't control the people any more than any other government can.
OTOH the Israeli govt sits back and lets its settlers do whatever they like, its much the same.
There has been over 3K rocket and mortar attacks over the last year. I wouldn't call it a good deal. This what Israel gets when giving up territory.
lol giving up their territory. the last time it was israeli territory was 2000 years ago... they have no right to the land... and really who though it would be a good idea to take arab/islamic land give it to a jewush state... in the middle of arab nations. hmmm something tells me that wasnt going to work from the begining.
And also u say israelis giving up their land? they have been stealing palestinian land for years with illegal settlements, israeli only roads, demolishing palestinian houses, illegal millitary bases and attacks in palestinian territory.
how can u defend israel when rocket attacks into israel kills very few people. yet the israelis kill hundreds in a single strikes.
Rocks, bricks, AK's and a few rockets against F-16's, attack helicopters, tanks, apc's and m4's
But its too late now the problem has been created. but or any peace to come to the region israel must withdraw to the established 1947 borders and aid should be given to palestine in order to stablize the country and give their leaders effective control.
PS (this isnt directed at Kmarion specifically more all the people that have defended israels actons)
PPS (im really tired and this post might not make any sense