Real Хорошо
+826|6665|Adelaide, South Australia

madmurre wrote:

Fenris_GreyClaw wrote:

madmurre wrote:

Allot of really bad movies turns out really good cause the fun level reach crazy proportions but here are a few movies that made me wanna cry real bad cause they are just pure badness. They arent in any special order i just think they suck equally.

Starship Troopers 2 - its a dark mess with extremely bad acting think what was good in the first movie theres nothing left just a huge amount of crap added. Also worth mentioning cause of the low budget the whole movie takes place at the same location and its really dark..
2 is about 1000x better than 3. And given that 2 does suck pretty badly, that's saying something.

I disagree the third was bad but it had entertainment value Rico was back! Also when that hot girl ( Christian blondy ) got enlightened and found god hehe it was hillarious i had a good laugh. Im not saying its good but there was this super macho thing going on all movie that made it pretty fun in a bad way.
Remind me to never let you pick out a movie for me.
less busy
+586|6981|Kubra, Damn it!

Lynx14 wrote:

I watched indiana jones and the crystal skull and I really was starting to like it until the last 15 minutes which speilberg gave a big cock slap of aliens in your face and ruined the movie for you.

Then I watched AI, I started to like the movie and then again speilberg at the last 15 minutes cock slapped with aliens.... I hate my life -.-
Those weren't aliens. They were at the bottom of the ocean so long that humans (along with genetic engineering) evolved into something new.
fuck it
You asked for it.

Kindergarten Ninja
http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0316111/ (2.7/10)
I still haven't watched the entire movie. It's thats bad.

Kracker Jack'd
http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0445025/ (1.0/10)
Like someone made a home video and accidentally released it as a film.
Don't be fooled by the trailer, it's much much much worse. Yes, three much.
Cool member

^*AlphA*^ wrote:


1408 was not as good as I thought it was going to be as a "Horror", but I wouldnt say it sucked.

One movie that I can remember as being really bad was Spy game with Brad Pitt and Robert Redford. One of the only movies that I have considered walking out of while at the cinema.

Another one, The Producer. Switched this off after about 30mins as it was absolute shit.
Support fanatic :-)

Battlefield Earth with John Travolta, Forrest Whittaker and Barry Pepper is the worst movie ever ... still have it in my collection for some strange reason ... tried to have a sacrificial burning of the DVD to end it's evil influence but then the spirit of Ron Hubbard appeared and scared the shit out of me ... whatever you do don't watch that movie
Wait behind the line ..............................................................
Cool member

Varegg wrote:

Battlefield Earth with John Travolta, Forrest Whittaker and Barry Pepper is the worst movie ever ... still have it in my collection for some strange reason ... tried to have a sacrificial burning of the DVD to end it's evil influence but then the spirit of Ron Hubbard appeared and scared the shit out of me ... whatever you do don't watch that movie

wikipedia wrote:

The film won seven Golden Raspberry Awards, including Worst Picture and Worst Screen Couple (John Travolta and "anyone on the screen with him")



Was watching 'Batman and Robin' last night. now that is a VERY VERY BAD movie. Poor acting, shitty action, and even worse special effects.

Last edited by theDude5B (2008-11-03 02:05:21)

Hector: Ding, ding, ding, ding...
+1,975|6620|6 6 4 oh, I forget


scout rush kekeke ^___^
+116|6703|Brisbane, Aus

un wanted

110minutetalktoofastfest just to see morgan freeman say mother fucker.

Last edited by Fenix14 (2008-11-03 03:48:21)

Hector: Ding, ding, ding, ding...
+1,975|6620|6 6 4 oh, I forget


Uddits broke my head. Only surprising thing was to see Morgan Freeman as a villain for once.
I am a fucking homosexual
+211|6752|Parainen, Finland
That would be Turbulence 3: Heavy Metal!


The main character is a real loser:

This pile of shait even has a trailer! :


Ubersturmbannfuhrer wrote:

That would be Turbulence 3: Heavy Metal!


The main character is a real loser:


This pile of shait even has a trailer! :

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UHKJQsbO … re=related
I thought of posting "The Great Race" (the one with Peter Falk in it), but thanks for reminding me of this utter waste of perfectly good film. Oh, and thanks for making me watch it back in the day.
I need around tree fiddy.
All of the Halloween movies, The Ring movies, and all the other gay-as-fuck "horror" movies.
UR father's brother's nephew's former roommate
+652|6688|Texas - Bigger than France
I'm gonna go with Armageddon.

Rarely does the guy who makes these movies make any worth watching.  Every cliche in the book.

We actually laughed the whole time it was so bad.
Love Actually
macaroni with cheeseeee
I can't remember the movie title,but it was shark themed,with awful acting and even worse CGI

Last edited by blah (2008-11-03 06:30:09)


blah wrote:

I can't remember the movie title,but it was shark themed,with awful acting and even worse CGI
the last snippet on this youtube clip might be the shark movie you are thinking about... hehehe

my fav line here 'it's garbage day!'
Hector: Ding, ding, ding, ding...
+1,975|6620|6 6 4 oh, I forget

blah wrote:

I can't remember the movie title,but it was shark themed,with awful acting and even worse CGI
You're thinking Deep Blue Sea by Renny Harlin.
U shud proabbly f off u fat prik
+3,097|6636|Gogledd Cymru

Ultrafunkula wrote:

blah wrote:

I can't remember the movie title,but it was shark themed,with awful acting and even worse CGI
You're thinking Deep Blue Sea by Renny Harlin.
I liked that film
Hector: Ding, ding, ding, ding...
+1,975|6620|6 6 4 oh, I forget

The Sheriff wrote:

Ultrafunkula wrote:

blah wrote:

I can't remember the movie title,but it was shark themed,with awful acting and even worse CGI
You're thinking Deep Blue Sea by Renny Harlin.
I liked that film
You WHAT!?
macaroni with cheeseeee

Kimmmmmmmmmmmm wrote:

blah wrote:

I can't remember the movie title,but it was shark themed,with awful acting and even worse CGI
the last snippet on this youtube clip might be the shark movie you are thinking about... hehehe

my fav line here 'it's garbage day!'
That's the one!!!

Ultrafunkula wrote:

blah wrote:

I can't remember the movie title,but it was shark themed,with awful acting and even worse CGI
You're thinking Deep Blue Sea by Renny Harlin.
I actually like DBS.

SamTheMan:D wrote:

v for vendetta

Topic was worst movie, not best movie you numbnut!

Worst movie, that's a hard one, saw so many bad movies, but if I have to pick one it would have to be Batman and Robin.
Hector: Ding, ding, ding, ding...
+1,975|6620|6 6 4 oh, I forget

blah wrote:

Kimmmmmmmmmmmm wrote:

blah wrote:

I can't remember the movie title,but it was shark themed,with awful acting and even worse CGI
the last snippet on this youtube clip might be the shark movie you are thinking about... hehehe

my fav line here 'it's garbage day!'
That's the one!!!

Ultrafunkula wrote:

blah wrote:

I can't remember the movie title,but it was shark themed,with awful acting and even worse CGI
You're thinking Deep Blue Sea by Renny Harlin.
I actually like DBS.
Oh lord, you too? What the hell is wrong with you guys?
A generally unremarkable member

Kimmmmmmmmmmmm wrote:

blah wrote:

I can't remember the movie title,but it was shark themed,with awful acting and even worse CGI
the last snippet on this youtube clip might be the shark movie you are thinking about... hehehe

my fav line here 'it's garbage day!'
i dont think ive ever luaghed so hard at a movie

those CGI effects were terrible beyond words
I am all that is MOD!

^^^I've seen that - horrible.

The Shape of Things was the worst movie I have seen.

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