one issue here in Northern Ireland that unites both Protestant and Catholics, Loyalist & Republican, Nationalist and dissenter is their vehement opposition to abortion, which is not, and, never has been available "on demand" here in the north. Moves are being made to bring Northern Ireland legislation in unison with the rest of the UK to allow abortion here. As always the heated debate revolves around the issue of "when does life begin?" I read this very interesting letter in todays newsletter from curious Christian
thoughts? … 4612132.jpIAN Paisley's comment piece "Life must be protected" raises a very interesting point.
To many in the "religious community" the question surrounding abortion revolves around the issue of when life begins. Most claim "life begins at conception" but the scripture that Mr Paisley quotes suggests something different. Gen 2 v7 states: "And the Lord God formed man of the dust of the earth and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life and man became a living soul."
That appears to be quite clear, man became a living soul when God breathed in the "breath of life". Therefore, it can be argued – from scripture – that life begins at the first breath.
Now I appreciate other scriptures tell us that we were knit together in our mother's womb, and that God knew us before we were born, but scripture is quite clear – breath was the life-giving feature.
In fact, it could be argued that before the "breath of life" man was just "dust of the earth". Life ends at the last breath, therefore it can be argued it begins at the first breath.
I appreciate that abortion and the issues surrounding it are emotive and are rarely impacted by logic but, unless of course some of our "religious" people would like to amend what the scriptures say, or even possibly set God right on the issue, it seems clear enough!