I'm Jamesey
Do a Research Noob
and the fact that you have a problem with your parents and ran off to rant on the internet about it only works against you at this point
The A W S M F O X
I Won't Deny It

I'm Jamesey wrote:

and the fact that you have a problem with your parents and ran off to rant on the internet about it only works against you at this point
Yeah, my advice would be to grow a moustache and harden the fuck up, start doing backflips over things and if you play guitar, bust wailing solos all the place for any reason at all, or no reason, up to you.

+1,175|6605|British Columbia, Canada
My parents use to be the same way when I was 15..

I just stopped listening to them and they eventually stopped nagging me..

But I'm an entirely different person now then what I was 3 years ago (when I was 15)
Shifty's Home Number: 02 9662 8432

+786|6163|Ontario | Canada
m sry raphi
lets chil; tmrw XOXOX <3333d/
You orrible caaaaaaan't
I think you should get a good book that would keep you busy and your parents happy. Sod it they will never be happy don't let it get you down mate.
prince of insufficient light
My dad has more hours on BF2 than I do.

*suck it*
+786|6163|Ontario | Canada

Flaming_Maniac wrote:

My dad has more hours on BF2 than I do.

*suck it*
my ddad ais my number 1 kil;eds on my bf@ accout
*suckk it*
Semi Constructive Criticism
+1,431|6007|London, England

My dad steals games off the internet, and he takes my bandwidth doing so.

*Suck it*
_______________________________________________________________________________________________ https://i.imgur.com/Xj4f2.png
Davide Santon

Mutantsteak wrote:

My dad steals games off the internet, and he takes my bandwidth doing so.

N00bkilla55404 wrote:

WoW is for fags.
for serious
i played it to test it out
that game sucks worst than combat arms (and that game is horrible)
i dont get the whole "omg WoW is awesome"
and ppl still think its good

Last edited by GCFC (2008-10-10 20:28:00)

+42|6886|Waikato, Aotearoa
Nothing wrong with being a gamer, (or even a hard-core addict). Sposed to improve your hand-eye co-ordination. Yeah it sucks not having your friends close to you. Get in touch with them and see if you can all play a MMORPG like Conan or WarHammer. Socialise over the net with them that way.
sounds like you have an addiction to the e-netz. listen to your parents kid, for once. If you make them happy for that one day, then everything well fall in place for you. Back then, my parents hated the idea of me being on the net just 2-3 hours a day, but I was physically active, playing football, hangin out, going to movies, partying, dating, you name it. I still to this day. Just listen to mama and Dada, they know what's best for you.
CC you in October
+131|6662|Medford, WI
my parents know i am on the computer, but know that I am going to be a coder/webdesigner when i grow up so they dont really mind, not much else to do when i get home from football late and im dead tired
Amen to that...
Your 15. Listen to your parents. My Mom was right about 99.9% of the time.
Voices are calling...
+136|5974|Somewhere out in Space
This sentence is false.
I can haz titanium paancakez?
I was in the same situation last summer. all of my friends were away and my mom was bitching about sitting on my ass for too long. Just let it go man. Dont try and prove them wrong by using valid points, itll fail. Most parents are so far up their own asses when it comes to internet and video games. at least mine were.

Jamesey has a point aswell.
Ecilop Murof
+167|5822|loves Stimey <3 |
I ran out of karma

Defiance wrote:

Do your chores, do your homework, do everything they ask you and do it right. Do this consistently and tell them that you deserve your time to do with what you wish.

Basically, come out to them that you're gay. They obviously have some pre-determined notion of who you ought to be, the problem is that you are not that person. That aside, tell them they can't choose what you do for leisure just because it's not what they would.

I don't have parents as draconian as you make yours sound, but my mom was never and isn't ever happy that I spend so much time on my computer. She doesn't like violent games and jumped in horror when I showed her Crysis. Specifically, the "grab the north-Korean by the throat" move. She thinks it detracts from school. Grades, tests and my behavior show her I'm not fulfilling any of her worries, so while she can't not think about those things, she doesn't bug me about them.
I will try that but I already know that I won't be doing what they tell me.

They said I'd have to learn 1 hour after each day no matter what. Just learning something by 1 hour seems a bit retarded for me though.
PS: I always switch to steam window when I play CS:S, which they never allowed me to play untill Stimey (you fucking awesome guy <33) bought it for me over steam.

PspRpg-7 wrote:

I remember if anything went wrong, it was the Internet's fault. Good times.
Yes and no

DefCon-17 wrote:

Find a paintball field in your area.

I can't keep track of who is who when you're all being constantly perm-banned, but if you are who I think you are: Go take more pics.

Paintball is quite expensive. My new mate plays softair though and I was going to start it too but my parent's are against shooting so I'm not allowed though. He sent me a text last night saying that he's back from italy and he'll give me a pistol he bought in Italy on next monday

And yes, the wanna be photographer is me lol

RoosterCantrell wrote:

The way things are currently, is that your parents don't understand the internet.

Try to explain to them about the internet/computers.... here is a good analogy:

tell them to research about the opinions of people when "electricity" was introduced.

There was a large pool of people who talked down about electricity.  Where are we now?... exactly.

The future, as of now, is the capabilities of the internet and computers.  You should stress that to them.  The internet/computer use in everyday society has no comparison in history, on top of that, look at it's current use.  It is in everyday life.  even cell phones are into the internet.

Tell your parents to find ONE ONE ONE company that DOES NOT use internet/computers ON A DAILY BASIS for standard operations.

Tell them that you understand their point of view (AND YOU SHOULD) but also ask them to try to look at yours.   tell them to try to look at it from a point of view as extra credit, or even researching further, what your school is teaching you.... cause really, that is the truth.  By learning computers in your spare time, you are essentially learning skills that will DIRECTLY apply to a career.

try to tell them that internet savvy is about as important as any degree.    STAY CALM and BE RATIONAL when talking to them.   But ask them STERNLY to research and answer YOUR RETORTS, and ask them to prove you wrong.  If your parents are reasonable, they will maybe see the truth of it all.

keep in mind that your parents mean well, and even though they are your parents, they don't know EVERYTHING.  Don't act that way though.  NO PARENT will tolerate their own child correcting them.   Just offer them some ideas and view points to your side of the opinion.

Acting calm and mature is your best weapon against them.  Acting like an adult will/should get you the best, adult responses.

Then again, your parents might be closed minded freaks, and if that is the case, there is no help that ALL OF the internets can offer to save you from willfully ignorant parents.  IF that is the case, godspeed and get out as soon as you can.
Thanks alot, my father stressed me just 5 mins ago because it's 9:30 in the morning and I'm already online but I acted calm and asked him what's wrong with it and what else I should do. He said I should go out...

PPS: I read books.
Best ___ in Aus
Show them your web design work / tell them its what you want to do when you're older. My parents stopped caring about my PC time, I overheard them telling my sister they had given up on me :>
Voices are calling...
+136|5974|Somewhere out in Space
Time to stamp your foot down and say enough is enough!  "guys i cant play this because my parents said i cant" what kind of a fucking lame excuse is that?  Youre 15, at this rate im afraid you'll grow up into a huge pussy because you let your overprotective and controlling parents push you around.
iPod is broken.
+1,048|6708|NT, like Mick Dundee

Take up a decent martial art. Try to find a good club as there are many dud clubs about that want you to buy a black belt. Any club that will hand out a blackbelt with less than a 5 hour straight grading with at least 45mins sparring probably isn't worth your time.
Whoa... Can't believe these forums are still kicking.
Looking for my Scooper
Play your guitar
+176|5732|Notts, UK
What can you legally get hold of in America? Guns. go figure :p

but nah seriously- i have fucktarded parents too and tbh you gotta learn to live with it, and manipulate them so that you can get them to do what you want, kinda by doing what they want but in a different way which gets you what you want

but remember, internets > real life

Last edited by JoshP (2008-10-11 04:21:22)

I got Mug 222 at Gritty's!!!!
+216|6683|Your moms bedroom
cook your parents dinner a couple times, keep the sink clear of dishes. Theyll leave you alone
macaroni with cheeseeee
Go out,get drunk,return back home very,very late and you'll see.They'll beg you to stay home,even in front of computer!

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