Date: 8 march
Map: Wake Island
Server: ---===Killers.With.Attitude===---
Name: rumAEner
Infraction: Cheater. Was flying the jet and taking out infantry with guns before he was even in visible range. Im not talking im complaining because he was flying good; he had to have been using some cheat. 33 kills, 4 deaths, next highest was the other guy he was flying with, DOOKIE Haze999, 28 kills, 2 deaths. These two were dominating the map so bad we only capped one flag, and even then, you couldnt expect to be alive there for longer than it takes for a jet to make a pass. looked up the stats on runAEner, and he plays *only* wake, *only* in jets. you never know, he might be that good, but i think he was cheating. he was taking me out with guns before i could even see him, and i have my draw on 100%. ive been messed up by aircraft, but this was worse than i have *ever* been. have ending screen to prove scores, but alas, no screenshots due to current screenshot bug.
bad touch

its not hard, its called trajectaory, angle, splash damage... etc

i can take out the blackhawk while its still on the carrier even before i clear the southern island finger

its also called skill
+4|6704|3 Miles East of Smurf Village
Dude, stfu.

Plenty of people can do that, and even better.

I can go 70-0 on wake island any day of the week. (and thats 70 kills and 0 deaths fyi)

Nothing impressive, theres not alot of land to shoot at on Wake island and the area effect on the jet's guns are huge. Please make a complaint thats viable and not out of pure anger. Thanks.
All of the above.. You don't need to see people to shoot em ><
+24|6790 not talking they were spraying and happening to hit people, i mean i would see a patch of sky, and then there would be tracers headed straight for me, and kill me before i could see the jet. and im not talking i was chilling at a spawn point, either. I understand there are some good pilots, but these guys were pinpoint shooting infantry beyond the draw distance...explain to me how you do that?
bad touch

[BSF]Nexar wrote:

Dude, stfu.

Plenty of people can do that, and even better.

I can go 70-0 on wake island any day of the week. (and thats 70 kills and 0 deaths fyi)

Nothing impressive, theres not alot of land to shoot at on Wake island and the area effect on the jet's guns are huge. Please make a complaint thats viable and not out of pure anger. Thanks.
what he said, the cannon on the jets is dead on accurate, and it has awesome spash damage as well
+98|6696|Penrith, N.S.W, Australia
ive seen better any ways hes not cheating.
Da Blooze
I would normally agree with all of these replies and dismiss this, but last night I had something similar happen to me on a server...I was on Dragon Valley as an American, and we were slowly working inland taking flags, etc.  A clanmate and I were in one of the cobras, and the other cobra was sticking close to us as we went from flag to flag...there was a guy on there on the Chinese side who had some sort of cheat I am almost positive because flares were literally ineffective against him.  We never had him make a pass where we didnt take a missle hit, regardless of how I used my flares....I've got Veteran Helicopter, so I'm no complete n00b in the chopper, and this was just not right.  Finally, I witnessed what was going on first hand:  I was hovering with our teams other cobra right in my line of sight probably 40 feet ahead of our chopper, and I heard missle lock on us....I hit the flares, and sure enough I take a hit...BUT THEN I saw EVERY OTHER MISSLE (5!!!) the guy had fired fly straight at the other chopper, and every single one hit....he didn't even have to slow down to pull this off, he just zoomed right on by.  If anyone has seen the "hack" that TEAMGOD made, where the SRAW is full auto...that is what his air-to-air missles looked like as they passed us, no joke...I quickly quit, and joined an urban map because he scared me outta the skies.

Now someone correct me if I'm a complete noob and you can shoot missles that lock on like that now, but the only times I've ever flown in a jet, you're lucky to get off 1-2 good locked missles at a time on a chopper that has a pilot who's using flares.  And the thing is, he was rarely (if ever?) hitting us with his gun. I just wish I could remember the guys name...he wound up with a similar score (30-something and 4-5 deaths) without ever really bombing the carrier.  I wouldn't be suprised at anything these days...

(This isn't really the same thing you're describing, but I've played 400 hours or so and never seen anyone I thought was cheating in a jet until after what I saw, I can surely imagine that a jet pilot with no fog of war could have been shooting you far before he should have)

Last edited by -CARNIFEX-[LOC] (2006-03-08 21:41:49)
let me get this clear on you newbies who say OMG H4X! everytime they get killed.
a good pilot finds way to coordinate things and remember places well. let me explain.
a good pilot uses UAV/comander pinpoints to know where the enemy is, hence a good player already knowin almost every inch of the map will probably have about a 70% chance of killing that target. also shootin randomly is the key, you never know when you can kill som1 on HOTSPOTS such as.- plane spawns, sniper spots, IGLA/STINGER spots, vehicle spawns, wher you spawn,etc... thats why you shouldn't hang around on your main base for too long, we'll get you.

-CARNIFEX-[LOC] wrote:

I would normally agree with all of these replies and dismiss this, but last night I had something similar happen to me on a server...I was on Dragon Valley as an American, and we were slowly working inland taking flags, etc.  A clanmate and I were in one of the cobras, and the other cobra was sticking close to us as we went from flag to flag...there was a guy on there on the Chinese side who had some sort of cheat I am almost positive because flares were literally ineffective against him.  We never had him make a pass where we didnt take a missle hit, regardless of how I used my flares....I've got Veteran Helicopter, so I'm no complete n00b in the chopper, and this was just not right.  Finally, I witnessed what was going on first hand:  I was hovering with our teams other cobra right in my line of sight probably 40 feet ahead of our chopper, and I heard missle lock on us....I hit the flares, and sure enough I take a hit...BUT THEN I saw EVERY OTHER MISSLE (5!!!) the guy had fired fly straight at the other chopper, and every single one hit....he didn't even have to slow down to pull this off, he just zoomed right on by.  If anyone has seen the "hack" that TEAMGOD made, where the SRAW is full auto...that is what his air-to-air missles looked like as they passed us, no joke...I quickly quit, and joined an urban map because he scared me outta the skies.

Now someone correct me if I'm a complete noob and you can shoot missles that lock on like that now, but the only times I've ever flown in a jet, you're lucky to get off 1-2 good locked missles at a time on a chopper that has a pilot who's using flares.  And the thing is, he was rarely (if ever?) hitting us with his gun. I just wish I could remember the guys name...he wound up with a similar score (30-something and 4-5 deaths) without ever really bombing the carrier.  I wouldn't be suprised at anything these days...

(This isn't really the same thing you're describing, but I've played 400 hours or so and never seen anyone I thought was cheating in a jet until after what I saw, I can surely imagine that a jet pilot with no fog of war could have been shooting you far before he should have)
ever heard of the linebacker?  mobile AA? they have 5 misiles +

Last edited by -(PK)-DarkIllusion (2006-03-08 21:45:11)

I.M.I Militant
We Are Not Alone In Here
+297|6757|Melbourne, Australia
the jets guns IMHO dont have splash damage..i was runnin with a amte on wake.. and dis jet came diving straight at us... an spraying wildly but if u can imagine a swoop move then u only go up an down an u dont cover ur left an right.. if u get my picture .... so i was standing about a metre away from the line of fire as my mate got blasted and i was left with nothing but a fuzzy lil screen =]
+4|6704|3 Miles East of Smurf Village

I.M.I Militant wrote:

the jets guns IMHO dont have splash damage..i was runnin with a amte on wake.. and dis jet came diving straight at us... an spraying wildly but if u can imagine a swoop move then u only go up an down an u dont cover ur left an right.. if u get my picture .... so i was standing about a metre away from the line of fire as my mate got blasted and i was left with nothing but a fuzzy lil screen =]
Your opinion doesnt matter. Anyone who flys jets or has been raped upon can definantly tell you there is splash damage. Theres no ifs thens or buts about it pal. But keep on trucken!

Last edited by [BSF]Nexar (2006-03-08 22:45:27)

Da Blooze

-(PK)-DarkIllusion wrote:

ever heard of the linebacker?  mobile AA? they have 5 misiles +
Yeah, I've heard of them...and they have salvos of 4 rockets at a time, not 5+...and I wasn't responding in this thread to be some whiny noob jumping on this guys bandwagon.  I'm around the top 500 people in Helicopter (115 hours and 11500+ kills = 100 kills/hr in helicopter) and don't need lessons on what can possibly shoot me down.  I know I saw something odd, read a little more into my post before you try to belittle me.  The point I was trying to make is, yes, fishy stuff happens involving jets, possibly as far as cheats...while I do agree that a lot of it is just people who don't want to believe someone could be THAT good,  what I saw looked like the guys air-to-air missles (I'm sure it came from the jet, because he shot them as he flew over me) fired full auto, which I thought was a bit weird to say the least.  Just trying to throw my 2 cents in.

And, I've heard that some of the so-called multihacks can turn off fog of war as one of their "features"...dunno if that's just speculation but that would explain people in jets who can shoot beyond their normal visual range...

Still, the only reason people feel the need to make cheats like that is to compete against the few people who are actually good enough to do that stuff legit, so its never an easy call.  More power to ya if you're a successful jetwhore post 1.2, but keep the h4x away from planes is all I ask, they're plenty good as it is.

Last edited by -CARNIFEX-[LOC] (2006-03-09 04:15:40)
There are multi hacks that remove the fog, increase the veiw distance so that you can see the carrier gulf of Oman from the beach.
Lol stfu...
+4|6704|3 Miles East of Smurf Village
And like, omg, theres this one hack that you calibrate your jets cumbustional mechanism chamber thrusts and the multi-hack program auto pilots you around the whole map shooting every object that is a threat, and the program also goes back for repairs and ammunition.

You just sit back and relax, and have a nice cup of koolaid.

Last edited by [BSF]Nexar (2006-03-09 06:50:25)

okay, i am not complaining about jets...let me clarify some of the stuff that was happening.

instance 1: me and my buddy are at the aa site at the west end of wake. i look up towards the carrier, expecting a jet. my *friend* is in the aa. im at least 25m away from the aa (incase the aa got bombed, i wouldnt die). i look up, and see tracers, headed straight for me. not randomly, not in my general area, we are talking like aircraft sniper (i have seen pilots do this, this is not cheating.) the big issue i have is *he was beyond my draw distance and hitting me with a very high degree of accuracy*. there was no UAV overhead, because i was scanning the skies looking for him to help my friend try and take him down. afterwards he nails my friend with bombs, but anybody can do that.

instance 2: i am on the carrier, running towards the far phalanx. i am waaaay away from my spawn site, halfway across the conning tower. i take a look over my shoulder (i have died doing this twice already, so im trying to keep my head down) and once again, i see tracers, not shooting for a spawn point, not shooting around me, but shooting me and hitting me once again with a very very high degree of accuracy (i would say aimbot, but ive seen other pilots i know arent cheating hit that accurate, so who knows). but once again, he is beyond my draw distance. its not like he could have done that randomly or erratically, or just guessed it.

it sounds to me like he had a program removing his fog-of-war, like zukabazuka said.

i want to reiterate, i have seen good pilots, and i have spent rounds getting killed much by good pilots. air power rules the battlefield, and i have no problem with that. hell, ive spent a fair amount of time in a jet too, with not a *bad* kill death ratio.

this was not skill, i never complain about somebody being skilled. this was not the plane being uber, because, well, they are powerful but not invincible. this was a player using some sort of cheat program to do something that you would not normally be able to do, no matter what your skill level.

Last edited by blacksheepcannibal (2006-03-09 08:47:43)

+99|6674|New York
reminds me of this lol...

blacksheepcannibal wrote:

okay, i am not complaining about jets...let me clarify some of the stuff that was happening.

instance 1: me and my buddy are at the aa site at the west end of wake. i look up towards the carrier, expecting a jet. my *friend* is in the aa. im at least 25m away from the aa (incase the aa got bombed, i wouldnt die). i look up, and see tracers, headed straight for me. not randomly, not in my general area, we are talking like aircraft sniper (i have seen pilots do this, this is not cheating.) the big issue i have is *he was beyond my draw distance and hitting me with a very high degree of accuracy*. there was no UAV overhead, because i was scanning the skies looking for him to help my friend try and take him down. afterwards he nails my friend with bombs, but anybody can do that.

instance 2: i am on the carrier, running towards the far phalanx. i am waaaay away from my spawn site, halfway across the conning tower. i take a look over my shoulder (i have died doing this twice already, so im trying to keep my head down) and once again, i see tracers, not shooting for a spawn point, not shooting around me, but shooting me and hitting me once again with a very very high degree of accuracy (i would say aimbot, but ive seen other pilots i know arent cheating hit that accurate, so who knows). but once again, he is beyond my draw distance. its not like he could have done that randomly or erratically, or just guessed it.

it sounds to me like he had a program removing his fog-of-war, like zukabazuka said.

i want to reiterate, i have seen good pilots, and i have spent rounds getting killed much by good pilots. air power rules the battlefield, and i have no problem with that. hell, ive spent a fair amount of time in a jet too, with not a *bad* kill death ratio.

this was not skill, i never complain about somebody being skilled. this was not the plane being uber, because, well, they are powerful but not invincible. this was a player using some sort of cheat program to do something that you would not normally be able to do, no matter what your skill level.
I have seen this on My server .
I have been Playing jet sims for years I beats tested Falcon 4.0 And was number 1 on numerous times on falcon 3.0 ladders ...So I can Fly.We had a guy in our server last night that had unlimited bombs and never missed. When you got on his 6 Could not get lock and then he  like magic was on your 6.
We set him up with a lead plane and he was in the middle of two of us.But he never died.i think there is somthing to all this.

same has [BSF]Nexar
Respekct dad i love u always
+946|6847|Marathon, Florida Keys
33 kills, 4 deaths
in a  J-10? Patheticcccccccccccccccc
Got milk?

arson wrote:

reminds me of this lol...
I got Mug 222 at Gritty's!!!!
+216|6678|Your moms bedroom
either the uav was on you, or you have been spotted by the enemy commander.....

[BSF]Nexar wrote:

Dude, stfu.

Plenty of people can do that, and even better.

I can go 70-0 on wake island any day of the week. (and thats 70 kills and 0 deaths fyi)

Nothing impressive, theres not alot of land to shoot at on Wake island and the area effect on the jet's guns are huge. Please make a complaint thats viable and not out of pure anger. Thanks.
Just wonder a thing How ON EARTH do you get 1000+ kills on ONE day? (Seems like you get it now and then....)

Take a look on the kill score. Also that's a nice Victim list "EEYORE13 (33)" and loads of more. Btw did you get your stats resetted to?

I'm just curious.

Btw I actually think rumAEner is the more cleaner player than Nexar is. Because take a look on the team kills and that. Even thou rumAEner have played 70+ less hours he have at least 1000 less team kills.
+4|6704|3 Miles East of Smurf Village

Zefar wrote:

[BSF]Nexar wrote:

Dude, stfu.

Plenty of people can do that, and even better.

I can go 70-0 on wake island any day of the week. (and thats 70 kills and 0 deaths fyi)

Nothing impressive, theres not alot of land to shoot at on Wake island and the area effect on the jet's guns are huge. Please make a complaint thats viable and not out of pure anger. Thanks.
Just wonder a thing How ON EARTH do you get 1000+ kills on ONE day? (Seems like you get it now and then....)

Take a look on the kill score. Also that's a nice Victim list "EEYORE13 (33)" and loads of more. Btw did you get your stats resetted to?

I'm just curious.

Btw I actually think rumAEner is the more cleaner player than Nexar is. Because take a look on the team kills and that. Even thou rumAEner have played 70+ less hours he have at least 1000 less team kills.
I had my stats reset a few months ago. EEYORE13 is on my favorite victim list because he said some highly vulgar comments towards my clan, my friends, and royally screwed with me wherever i went, therefore i simply kidnapped him for a short while so he could obtain the "Nexar Scar". Everyone else has been added to my list because of flying jets (wake specifically) and helis with my clan mates.

RumAEner might be a cleaner player but he is certainly not a better player. I play to win. I dont wait for smurfs to get out of my way while taking off, if they want to be jackasses, ill have no simpathy for that. That includes players who fly and crash into a tree 100 meters down the runway and comes back for the jet spawn, ill simply remove him from harming our teams tickets and flags.

I dont cheat, and ill never cheat. It takes the challenging part (the few challenges there are in BF2) away, and therefore there would be no reason for me to enjoy it. Servers can cortex my gameplay all they want and the only thing they will pick up is talented piloting. Anyone who has a joystick and a simple awareness of spawn points/IGLA sites and is not entirely retarded, can be just as good as myself.

For future sakes, stay on topic. This is about Rum, and not myself. There are plenty of posts where you can bash on the way i play.

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