Calmer than you are.
This hatred for people on welfare is obviously getting out of hand... There has to be a good reason...

So Harmor, how much does a person get actually? Better yet, in your current state, (married, single, kids etc) how much would you get?
a) It's a horrible idea and a massive human rights violation
b) It would likely have the effect of driving huge numbers of the unemployed into a life of crime/prison.
c) It would likely drop the unemployment rate significantly and cause a huge rise in inflation, helping to ruin the economy.

A healthy economy NEEDS something around 5% unemployment rate of people that are able to work. As much as everyone hates the idea of supporting the unemployed, without them the economy is completely fucked.
I hunt criminals down for a living

Reading about the attrocities in the German concentrationcamps often made me wonder how on earth someone would be able to be guard or executioner in these camps.  How low do you have to be as a human being to treat other human beings like that.

Reading the OP and even several other posts made me understand that there is not much difference, and it can easily happen again.

Harmor, you're sick. Really, look for help. Considering such thoughts and suggesting them on an internet forum are only the beginning, this guy probably started that way too.

Last edited by Pierre (2008-10-09 02:47:04)

Why don't we just round up all the people on welfare and send them to a large holding area fitted with what look like shower heads and just gas them all?

Pierre wrote:


Reading about the attrocities in the German concentrationcamps often made me wonder how on earth someone would be able to be guard or executioner in these camps.  How low do you have to be as a human being to treat other human beings like that.

Reading the OP and even several other posts made me understand that there is not much difference, and it can easily happen again.

Harmor, you're sick. Really, look for help. Considering such thoughts and suggesting them on an internet forum are only the beginning, this guy probably started that way too.
Um Temporary Sterilization while on welfare would be like providing birth control -not rounding them up and gassing them like Braddcok mocked.  How would that make Harmor a Nazi?

Your argument Ad Hominem and a slipperly slope.  Both invalid.
I stood in line for four hours. They better give me a Wal-Mart gift card, or something.  - Rodney Booker, Job Fair attendee.
+302|6779|Salt Lake City

Not everyone on welfare is abusing the system, but there are enough that do abuse the system to make people want to take steps to stop the abuse. It isn't uncommon for those that abuse the system to have another child if they think they are in danger of their benefits running out.  It isn't uncommon for these single mothers to have several children, all with different fathers.  Having another child was just a means to an end.  They don't look for work, and don't see welfare as a means of stabilizing their lives while they get back on their feet.  To them welfare is a way of life.  The problem is that these children grow up in this environment and think that is just how it's done.  The girls get pregnant very young and apply for welfare because that's what mom/dad did when they were that age.  It's creating ongoing generations of people that live this way, and it has to stop.

I'm not against the welfare program for those that use it properly.  I am against those that feel ENTITLED to that money and think it's a way of life.

And make no mistake about it.  Children ARE NOTE a right, they are a responsibility, and having children to keep your welfare benefits from running out is not fair to the children, and it isn't fair to people that have to punch a alarm/time clock every day to make a living!
I hunt criminals down for a living

DBBrinson1 wrote:

Pierre wrote:


Reading about the attrocities in the German concentrationcamps often made me wonder how on earth someone would be able to be guard or executioner in these camps.  How low do you have to be as a human being to treat other human beings like that.

Reading the OP and even several other posts made me understand that there is not much difference, and it can easily happen again.

Harmor, you're sick. Really, look for help. Considering such thoughts and suggesting them on an internet forum are only the beginning, this guy probably started that way too.
Um Temporary Sterilization while on welfare would be like providing birth control -not rounding them up and gassing them like Braddcok mocked.  How would that make Harmor a Nazi?

Your argument Ad Hominem and a slipperly slope.  Both invalid.
LOL  'Temporary Sterilization while on welfare is providing birth control' - sounds like something Goebbels would be proud of. Double speak ftw. Eight years of Bush really gets to people.

I don't want to compare Harmor to a Nazi per se, he's just acting like all followers of dictators in history: Nazi Germany, South America, Africa, wherever.  These people apparently see other people as inferior: 'they are different because they are on welfare, so we can do things to them'.

But let's take an exemple: there are a few members on this forum who are having some problems atm, such as SgtHeihn: now suppose he's having a very hard time, his situation gets worse and he has to go on welfare, would you like to tell him to cut his nuts?
I hunt criminals down for a living

Agent_Dung_Bomb wrote:

Not everyone on welfare is abusing the system, but there are enough that do abuse the system to make people want to take steps to stop the abuse. It isn't uncommon for those that abuse the system to have another child if they think they are in danger of their benefits running out.  It isn't uncommon for these single mothers to have several children, all with different fathers.  Having another child was just a means to an end.  They don't look for work, and don't see welfare as a means of stabilizing their lives while they get back on their feet.  To them welfare is a way of life.  The problem is that these children grow up in this environment and think that is just how it's done.  The girls get pregnant very young and apply for welfare because that's what mom/dad did when they were that age.  It's creating ongoing generations of people that live this way, and it has to stop.

I'm not against the welfare program for those that use it properly.  I am against those that feel ENTITLED to that money and think it's a way of life.

And make no mistake about it.  Children ARE NOTE a right, they are a responsibility, and having children to keep your welfare benefits from running out is not fair to the children, and it isn't fair to people that have to punch a alarm/time clock every day to make a living!
I know what you mean. In my country we also have 'generations on welfare', 3 and even 4 generations who have never worked in their life.  But when people - even a tiny minority in this case - are abusing the system, you change the rules so they no longer are able to abuse it. Let them do community work or whatever, cut their welfare if you must, but never dehumanise them.
+302|6779|Salt Lake City

Pierre wrote:

Agent_Dung_Bomb wrote:

Not everyone on welfare is abusing the system, but there are enough that do abuse the system to make people want to take steps to stop the abuse. It isn't uncommon for those that abuse the system to have another child if they think they are in danger of their benefits running out.  It isn't uncommon for these single mothers to have several children, all with different fathers.  Having another child was just a means to an end.  They don't look for work, and don't see welfare as a means of stabilizing their lives while they get back on their feet.  To them welfare is a way of life.  The problem is that these children grow up in this environment and think that is just how it's done.  The girls get pregnant very young and apply for welfare because that's what mom/dad did when they were that age.  It's creating ongoing generations of people that live this way, and it has to stop.

I'm not against the welfare program for those that use it properly.  I am against those that feel ENTITLED to that money and think it's a way of life.

And make no mistake about it.  Children ARE NOTE a right, they are a responsibility, and having children to keep your welfare benefits from running out is not fair to the children, and it isn't fair to people that have to punch a alarm/time clock every day to make a living!
I know what you mean. In my country we also have 'generations on welfare', 3 and even 4 generations who have never worked in their life.  But when people - even a tiny minority in this case - are abusing the system, you change the rules so they no longer are able to abuse it. Let them do community work or whatever, cut their welfare if you must, but never dehumanise them.
And they aren't dehumanizing their children?  They didn't want these kids, they wanted to keep their welfare.  Now you tell me which is worse?
I hunt criminals down for a living

Agent_Dung_Bomb wrote:

And they aren't dehumanizing their children?  They didn't want these kids, they wanted to keep their welfare.  Now you tell me which is worse?
How can you tell they didn't want the kids but had them to stay on welfare?
When the system grants more or better benefits depending on the amount of children, then change the rules.
97% of people who work have to take a drug test to work and make money, and pay taxes. Noone on welfare has to take a drug test and they still collect a paycheck.  I say drug test them before they get my hard earned paycheck
+429|6490|Chicago, IL
No drug tests, No sterilization.

No welfare for people without a legitimate medical reason.

The money can be better spent.
All kiiiiiiiiinds of gainz
You would think the nazi party is alive and kicking with these sort of threads.
Blackbelts are just whitebelts who have never quit.
+429|6490|Chicago, IL

m3thod wrote:

You would think the nazi party is alive and kicking with these sort of threads.
It is in some places (oddly enough, those places that receive the most welfare)

I think the best course of action for this issue would be to remove the tax credit for children born to parents already on welfare, but keep it for children born beforehand.

I say this because some people on unemployment are victims of circumstances, and are not likely to remain on it long term, or have children while in such a financial state.  There are many honest and hard working people on the unemployment system.  It is also true that a lot of people on the system are chronically unemployed, and have children to remain on the system due to either lack of skills or lack of effort.  In these cases, removing the "benefits" of having another child may help ease the burden on the system, and free up the money for other programs  (personally, I think the money would be much better spent in education, college grads rarely end up on the system for very long).
+302|6779|Salt Lake City

m3thod wrote:

You would think the nazi party is alive and kicking with these sort of threads.
I'm not talking about killing them, or permanent sterilization so they couldn't ever had kids.  However, when some one lives their life collecting a check and sitting on their ass, not even attempting to get a job, then they shouldn't be going about life like nothing is wrong.  Benefits running out?  Oh, get knocked up and poop out another kid to extend them.  Want to garnish wages or welfare income from father?  Yeah, good luck figuring out who it is.

Yes, we don't want the kids to suffer, but they do, and in the end they learn a way of life that they shouldn't be learning.  They learn to look for a handout and when that hand starts drawing back they learn how to get more.  It's a continuous cycle.  Try to take the kids and put them in a proper environment, people cry that you are denying human and parental rights.  Want to not increase the output when they have more kids, people cry about the children and human rights.  You just don't want them straining/working the system by getting pregnant while on welfare, they cry about human rights.

Yea. I'm off that bandwagon...  We'd be like Canada then.

I stood in line for four hours. They better give me a Wal-Mart gift card, or something.  - Rodney Booker, Job Fair attendee.
I am all that is MOD!

lilbaily2 wrote:

97% of people who work have to take a drug test to work and make money, and pay taxes. Noone on welfare has to take a drug test and they still collect a paycheck.  I say drug test them before they get my hard earned paycheck
I bet you don't even work.  You obviously have no idea where your taxes go (if you pay any).

DBBrinson1 wrote:

Yea. I'm off that bandwagon...  We'd be like Canada then.

We (U.S.A.) actually had a decent eugenics movement in the early 20th century.  That along with frontal lobotomies went the way of the dodo, which coincidentally is also what the people that advocate this type of stuff are.

Last edited by KEN-JENNINGS (2008-10-09 17:35:10)



We (U.S.A.) actually had a decent eugenics movement in the early 20th century.  That along with frontal lobotomies went the way of the dodo, which coincidentally is also what the people that advocate this type of stuff are.
It's definite control by the government -but only if it is MANDATED.   However, one must apply for welfare.  It isn't some magic list you are automatically placed on with rights guaranteed.  One must show initiative..  Hence fiscal responsibility.  Kids=money.  no/no new money=no more kids.  That equals no more expenses/burdens on an all ready struggling family.  Would you accept an option for a little check box on the application that would entitle HE/SHE to more money if HE/SHE CHOOSES birth control...  Fuck I'm against abortion, but I'm all for stopping unwanted pregnancies.  It's called family planning.  If the individual is willing to let SOMEONE ELSE take care of HIM/HER (foot his/her EXISTENCE) then that individual has no claim of competency for fostering a child, let alone ANOTHER child.  You're logical.  You should get this.
I stood in line for four hours. They better give me a Wal-Mart gift card, or something.  - Rodney Booker, Job Fair attendee.


lilbaily2 wrote:

97% of people who work have to take a drug test to work and make money, and pay taxes. Noone on welfare has to take a drug test and they still collect a paycheck.  I say drug test them before they get my hard earned paycheck
I bet you don't even work.  You obviously have no idea where your taxes go (if you pay any).

DBBrinson1 wrote:

Yea. I'm off that bandwagon...  We'd be like Canada then.

We (U.S.A.) actually had a decent eugenics movement in the early 20th century.  That along with frontal lobotomies went the way of the dodo, which coincidentally is also what the people that advocate this type of stuff are.
TBH I work 12 hour days, 6 days a week on a swing shift....and I manage to go to my drill once a month, so dont say shit about working until you get your facts straight.  You probably work at a McDonalds so stay out of this conversation.  Next time you try and post something useful get your facts straight.
Does anyone know how much one of those sterilisations is? Who pays for cutting the nuts off and glueing them back on afterwards? The people on welfare? - How? The tax payers? - I can hear you crying already. Why not use the money the sterilisation would cost and pay it out in welfare? It probably costs the same, leaves those people their honour - and their balls.
I am all that is MOD!

lilbaily2 wrote:


lilbaily2 wrote:

97% of people who work have to take a drug test to work and make money, and pay taxes. Noone on welfare has to take a drug test and they still collect a paycheck.  I say drug test them before they get my hard earned paycheck
I bet you don't even work.  You obviously have no idea where your taxes go (if you pay any).

DBBrinson1 wrote:

Yea. I'm off that bandwagon...  We'd be like Canada then.

We (U.S.A.) actually had a decent eugenics movement in the early 20th century.  That along with frontal lobotomies went the way of the dodo, which coincidentally is also what the people that advocate this type of stuff are.
TBH I work 12 hour days, 6 days a week on a swing shift....and I manage to go to my drill once a month, so dont say shit about working until you get your facts straight.  You probably work at a McDonalds so stay out of this conversation.  Next time you try and post something useful get your facts straight.
Facts - like saying 97% of people who work have to take a drug test?

Social services account for far less of your tax money than you think.  Most of your hard earned paycheck goes to paying off debt and to defense spending, not drug addicts on welfare.

How about you get your facts straight, buddy.

And no, I don't work at McDonalds.  I work in an air-conditioned office in Irvine, CA.  It's actually quite nice and keeps my brain stimulated.

Last edited by KEN-JENNINGS (2008-10-10 11:01:59)

+2,382|6721|The North, beyond the wall.

m3thod wrote:

You would think the nazi party is alive and kicking with these sort of threads.
Where are the BNP most prominent? The doll dossers ghetto's.

People on welfare are usually the ones that go faaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaar right and vote for the most Nazi-like party they can.

jord wrote:

m3thod wrote:

You would think the nazi party is alive and kicking with these sort of threads.
Where are the BNP most prominent? The doll dossers ghetto's.

People on welfare are usually the ones that go faaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaar right and vote for the most Nazi-like party they can.
What the hell are you on?  Maybe they are far right where you are, but it's the exact opposite in the states.
I stood in line for four hours. They better give me a Wal-Mart gift card, or something.  - Rodney Booker, Job Fair attendee.
I am all that is MOD!

DBBrinson1 wrote:

jord wrote:

m3thod wrote:

You would think the nazi party is alive and kicking with these sort of threads.
Where are the BNP most prominent? The doll dossers ghetto's.

People on welfare are usually the ones that go faaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaar right and vote for the most Nazi-like party they can.
What the hell are you on?  Maybe they are far right where you are, but it's the exact opposite in the states.


I could probably find another set for each state if you want more in depth pictures.

Last edited by KEN-JENNINGS (2008-10-10 11:39:56)



DBBrinson1 wrote:

jord wrote:

Where are the BNP most prominent? The doll dossers ghetto's.

People on welfare are usually the ones that go faaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaar right and vote for the most Nazi-like party they can.
What the hell are you on?  Maybe they are far right where you are, but it's the exact opposite in the states.


I could probably find another set for each state if you want more in depth pictures.
Nice undercut.  However the map it shows a majority vote when a minority is actually what is to be examined.  Your apples to oranges.  Realistically, I have a hunch people on welfare don't care about much about politics (in survival mode) let alone nazi right wing shit.

Last edited by DBBrinson1 (2008-10-10 13:07:19)

I stood in line for four hours. They better give me a Wal-Mart gift card, or something.  - Rodney Booker, Job Fair attendee.

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