Did someone say tea?
+112|6388|S.A. Australia … mp;rss=yes

Seems a little drastic doesnt it?

Why bother killing yourself over the possibility that you might die the next day?  If it were me I'd savour every last moment, not that the LHC will do any damage...
Serious Flex
Fudgepack DeQueef
+3,253|6691|Long Island, New York
Oh ffs. Misinformation over this thing is getting absolutely ridiculous.

As I've said before, we've got a mini, 1 or 2 mile long version of the LHC in my town. Guess what? LI hasn't fallen into a black hole, nor has New York, nor has the USA, nor has the world.
Damn 4chan
Semi Constructive Criticism
+1,431|6118|London, England

If i thought the world would end because of the lhc then I would ride it to the end, im takin that black hole one way to purgatory
+319|6545|Southern California
Its really the only valid solution if you think about it.
Nymphomaniac Treatment Specialist
+302|6828|Florida, United States

There's no logical reason to fear the LHC.  Even if it does create a black hole that kills us all, I for one find comfort in knowing that it will likely be instantaneous and everybody else is going to die too.
I don't come here a lot anymore.

Roc18 wrote:

Damn 4chan
No, not rly. 4chan is harmless now tbh.
The idea of any hi-fi system is to reproduce the source material as faithfully as possible, and to deliberately add distortion to everything you hear (due to amplifier deficiencies) because it sounds 'nice' is simply not high fidelity. If that is what you want to hear then there is no problem with that, but by adding so much additional material (by way of harmonics and intermodulation) you have a tailored sound system, not a hi-fi. - Rod Elliot, ESP

Freezer7Pro wrote:

Roc18 wrote:

Damn 4chan
No, not rly. 4chan is harmless now tbh.
forced memes lulz
has joined the GOP
fail. she still had a month to live.

I'm going to look at this in a positive light and say, "Good for her. That's one less stupid person on this planet to worry about. Plus there's no offspring to worry about either."

And does anyone even realize that today they were just powering it up? The actual test isn't for some time anyway.

Also, I'd much rather die by getting sucked into a blackhole and die instantly, rather than drink pesticide or whatever it was and feel the cringing pain as it burns through my insides.
prince of insufficient light

Poseidon wrote:

Oh ffs. Misinformation over this thing is getting absolutely ridiculous.

As I've said before, we've got a mini, 1 or 2 mile long version of the LHC in my town. Guess what? LI hasn't fallen into a black hole, nor has New York, nor has the USA, nor has the world.
There is a big difference between your mini version and the LHC. If there wasn't quite the difference in the keV being tossed around there wouldn't be a need to build the LHC.
Hector: Ding, ding, ding, ding...
+1,975|6627|6 6 4 oh, I forget

Yay. One idiot less stealing my air.
Did someone say tea?
+112|6388|S.A. Australia

mtb0minime wrote:

And does anyone even realize that today they were just powering it up? The actual test isn't for some time anyway.
I dont think the press ever let the truth get in the way of a good story "Oh its turning on, it must be dangerous"

At least if we get the hysteria over now all the idiots will forget by the time the actual test rolls around, and we can enjoy mini black holes in peace.
Serious Flex
Damn, I... had something for this
+725|6593|Brisbane, Australia

A small part of me almost wants it to happen.

At least I wouldnt need to be futiley (is that even a word o.O) frustrated over stupid people anymore.
I can't help but say its the media s'fault for MAKING A MESS OF 1 IN A BILLION CHANCE TO DIE. Fail.

The kid too is fail, one has to know MASS MEDIA= BULLSHIT.

Fail event is Fail.

Last edited by Ioan92 (2008-09-10 23:27:43)

You'd think, being 16, she'd have a lot of common sense
+1,352|6646|N. Ireland
-sigh- India
+721|6734|the dank(super) side of Oregon
But in deeply religious and superstitious India, fears about the experiment and the minor risks associated with it spread rapidly through the media.

In east India, thousands of people rushed to temples to pray and fast while others savoured their favourite foods in anticipation of the world's end.

"There were a thousand more devotees yesterday as well as today compared to [any] other normal day," Benudhara Sahu, a temple official in Orissa state, told Reuters.

Many women and children rushed to temples and observed fasts as they prayed for deliverance, officials and witnesses said.
Someone get these people a couple nuclear weapons.
+617|6559|NSW, Australia

we all know the only side effects of getting sucked into a black hole is all the colours go negative anyway, so this is a little over the top
Did someone say tea?
+112|6388|S.A. Australia

XxRavenxX wrote:

we all know the only side effects of getting sucked into a black hole is all the colours go negative anyway, so this is a little over the top
Now that would make racism interesting...
Serious Flex

eskimo_sammyjoe wrote:

XxRavenxX wrote:

we all know the only side effects of getting sucked into a black hole is all the colours go negative anyway, so this is a little over the top
Now that would make racism interesting...
Does this mean I can finally be black??? Awww yeayuhhhh! My rap album just found a new release date
Did someone say tea?
+112|6388|S.A. Australia

mtbOminime wrote:

Does this mean I can finally be black??? Awww yeayuhhhh! My rap album just found a new release date
I'll go buy heaps and heaps of diamonds and glue them to my teeth
Serious Flex
Admiral of the Bathtub
+619|6933|Great Brown North

XxRavenxX wrote:

we all know the only side effects of getting sucked into a black AFRICAN AMERICAN hole is all the colours go negative anyway, so this is a little over the top
will that ever get old?  i don't think so

Darwinism at work.

Gotta love Darwin.

NooBesT wrote:

Darwinism at work.

Gotta love Darwin.
Actually, this wasn't Darwinism at work. Check the definition.

I think it's rather sad that the Indian media is so scared. But then, India has quite a few other problems besides their media. You know, women having babies on toilets in a train and not realizing it? Shit like that.

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