^*AlphA*^ wrote:
not me, out of GTA III, VC, SA and IV
IV was the only GTA that I felt "meh" after I played it after a short period of time....
better to have less graphics but with a lot of options then graphics with jack shit to do after like 10 hours of game time.
I agree that there's not a lot to do when you complete the game, but you can find things to do. That's what's so great about the Euphoria engine.
I always call Packie for a bomb, put it under a car and drive it into the Modo or Perseus...walk out, boom. So fun.
Or, drive it into a Burger Shot or Cluckin' Bell with the same thing. Or even better, cause a traffic jam with it, call the police, and then blow it up.
No wanted level and looooooooooooooooooooooooots of explosions.