Ecilop Murof
+167|5997|loves Stimey <3 |
[19:12] Moist.Aapje :]: lol kk
[19:12] Moist.Aapje :]: hmm
[19:12] Moist.Aapje :]: so...
[19:12] Moist.Aapje :]: i'm alone for two weeks now
[19:12] tI. Raphi: fap
[19:12] tI. Raphi: fap
[19:12] Moist.Aapje :]: well just me and my cat lol
[19:12] tI. Raphi: fap
[19:12] tI. Raphi: fap
[19:12] Moist.Aapje :]: FUCK
[19:12] Moist.Aapje :]: FUCK
[19:12] Moist.Aapje :]: FUCK
[19:12] tI. Raphi: rape your cat
[19:13] Moist.Aapje :]: but i don't have a gf!
[19:13] tI. Raphi: thats it
[19:13] Moist.Aapje :]: OMFG
[19:13] Moist.Aapje :]: WTF
[19:13] tI. Raphi: THATS IT!
[19:13] Moist.Aapje :]: LMFAO
i understand completly
Ecilop Murof
+167|5997|loves Stimey <3 |

kptk92 wrote:

i understand completly
Nice quote
+786|6337|Ontario | Canada
Stimey: omg u like dick
Raphi (I like dick lolo): i do
Raphi (I like dick lolo): I FUCKING DO

On steam

[00:28] <The room title is now "Parker">
[00:28] <Your current permission level for this room is "Power User">
[00:29] Mok (mechstizzle): oh lawd
[00:29] Parker (parker082): oh noes
[00:29] Surgeons (surgeonbond): fucksake
[00:29] Jord (jord12): haha
[00:29] SamTheMan (samtheman53): wat is dis
[00:29] Surgeons (surgeonbond): Owen is shit
[00:29] Surgeons (surgeonbond): ur defense sucks
[00:29] Mok (mechstizzle): Stoke got pwned
[00:29] SamTheMan (samtheman53): ronaldos a cunt
[00:29] Parker (parker082): none of this shit now
[00:29] Surgeons (surgeonbond): agreed
[00:29] Mok (mechstizzle): ok ok
[00:29] Surgeons (surgeonbond): ronaldo is a wanker but he scores goals
[00:29] Mok (mechstizzle): parker is our guest
[00:29] SamTheMan (samtheman53): they owned him on mock the week
[00:29] Mok (mechstizzle): and as our guest
[00:29] Mok (mechstizzle): we must not exclude him
[00:29] Mok (mechstizzle): JORD
[00:29] Parker (parker082): i will eat your soul
[00:29] Surgeons (surgeonbond): do i look like I give a shit
[00:29] Mok (mechstizzle): he wil eat our souls
[00:29] Jord (jord12): wtf
[00:29] Parker (parker082): pagan islanders
[00:29] Jord (jord12): mek
[00:29] Surgeons (surgeonbond): k
[00:30] Jord (jord12): wat
[00:30] Surgeons (surgeonbond): lets not exclude parker
[00:30] Mok (mechstizzle): i am proud of my pagan beleife
[00:30] Surgeons (surgeonbond): Chewing tobacco is good amirite?
[00:30] Jord (jord12): i dont no shit about football either tbh
[00:30] SamTheMan (samtheman53): I WAS A TEENAGE STEVE MCQUEEN
[00:30] Parker (parker082): wat
[00:30] Surgeons (surgeonbond): man that hog roast last week was good
[00:30] Jord (jord12): kevin KEEGAN
[00:30] Parker (parker082): fuck you oliver
[00:30] Surgeons (surgeonbond): best moonshine I've ever had there
[00:30] Jord (jord12): spitroast
[00:30] Jord (jord12): ??
[00:30] Mok (mechstizzle): i really want some moonshine
[00:30] Surgeons (surgeonbond): I like swampboat thingys
[00:30] Mok (mechstizzle): 8 X
[00:30] SamTheMan (samtheman53): can i have admin jord
[00:30] Surgeons (surgeonbond): banjo's r dead good
[00:30] Jord (jord12): no samual
[00:30] Jord (jord12): no
[00:30] SamTheMan (samtheman53): plz
[00:30] Parker (parker082): no
[00:30] Surgeons (surgeonbond): i luv louisiana
[00:30] Surgeons (surgeonbond): :p
[00:30] Jord (jord12): i dont fucking have it to give u cunt
[00:31] Surgeons (surgeonbond): <3 you Derek
[00:31] Mok (mechstizzle): seriously, the deep south must be fun, I have family in Dallas but that's not really deep south
[00:31] SamTheMan (samtheman53): fuck u jord
[00:31] Jord (jord12): ill smack you sam
[00:31] Parker (parker082): im not in the fucking south
[00:31] Parker (parker082): im in the midwest
[00:31] Surgeons (surgeonbond): Mek is related to fucking yanks?
[00:31] Jord (jord12): you fucking cunt
[00:31] Surgeons (surgeonbond): >
[00:31] Mok (mechstizzle): yes
[00:31] SamTheMan (samtheman53): after everythin ifve done for u today u prick
[00:31] Surgeons (surgeonbond): ffs
[00:31] Mok (mechstizzle): I have family in dallas
[00:31] Mok (mechstizzle): and
[00:31] Jord (jord12): ill smack you square in the face
[00:31] Mok (mechstizzle): joizy
[00:31] Surgeons (surgeonbond): fuck.
[00:31] Surgeons (surgeonbond): sake
[00:31] SamTheMan (samtheman53): lent u my rs acc
[00:31] Surgeons (surgeonbond): mek
[00:31] Surgeons (surgeonbond): u
[00:31] Surgeons (surgeonbond): suk
[00:31] Surgeons (surgeonbond): tbf
[00:31] Mok (mechstizzle): I also have family in NZ
[00:31] Jord (jord12): sam i havent got admin here
[00:31] Jord (jord12): i cant give it you
[00:31] Parker (parker082): ha ha
[00:31] Surgeons (surgeonbond): ur a bigger sheep shagger than me then
[00:31] Mok (mechstizzle): and India, and all over the fucking world
[00:31] Jord (jord12): 2nd time now....
[00:31] SamTheMan (samtheman53): WHOS IN CHARGE THEN
[00:31] Parker (parker082): me
[00:31] Jord (jord12): PARKER
[00:32] Surgeons (surgeonbond): NZ has like 12 times more sheep than humans mek
[00:32] Jord (jord12): fuckin ell
[00:32] SamTheMan (samtheman53): PARKER
[00:32] Parker (parker082): good luck
[00:32] Surgeons (surgeonbond): also ur a paki too
[00:32] SamTheMan (samtheman53): GIVE ME ADMIN
[00:32] Surgeons (surgeonbond): fucking hell
[00:32] Surgeons (surgeonbond): mok
[00:32] Mok (mechstizzle): fuck you
[00:32] Parker (parker082): no
[00:32] Mok (mechstizzle): surgeons
[00:32] Surgeons (surgeonbond): i h8 u now
[00:32] Jord (jord12): sam say sorry to me
[00:32] Mok (mechstizzle): surgeons
[00:32] SamTheMan (samtheman53): soz
[00:32] Mok (mechstizzle): you call me a paki
[00:32] Mok (mechstizzle): i'll
[00:32] SamTheMan (samtheman53): <3
[00:32] Mok (mechstizzle): fucking
[00:32] Mok (mechstizzle): kill
[00:32] Mok (mechstizzle): you
[00:32] Jord (jord12): nice one sam
[00:32] Surgeons (surgeonbond): mek
[00:32] Mok (mechstizzle): surgeons
[00:32] Parker (parker082): paki
[00:32] Surgeons (surgeonbond): ur a fucking yank/paki/kiwi/faggot
[00:32] SamTheMan (samtheman53): [Removed by Mod]
[00:32] Jord (jord12): leave muslims alone please i am one
[00:32] Surgeons (surgeonbond): lolz
[00:32] Mok (mechstizzle): INDIA does not = PAKISTAN
[00:32] Parker (parker082): liar
[00:32] Surgeons (surgeonbond): yes it does
[00:32] Surgeons (surgeonbond): u absolute mangina
[00:32] Surgeons (surgeonbond): lol mangina
[00:32] Mok (mechstizzle): that's like saying WALES = ENGLAND
[00:32] SamTheMan (samtheman53): [Removed by Mod]
[00:32] Surgeons (surgeonbond): no
[00:33] Jord (jord12): both have nuke anyway so who cares
[00:33] Surgeons (surgeonbond): We don't have anything in common
[00:33] Mok (mechstizzle): neither do they
[00:33] Mok (mechstizzle): one is Muslim
[00:33] Mok (mechstizzle): the other isnt
[00:33] Parker (parker082): brb phone
[00:33] Surgeons (surgeonbond): pakis and indian pakis both exclusively eat curry
[00:33] SamTheMan (samtheman53): kk
[00:33] Mok (mechstizzle): surgeons
[00:33] Surgeons (surgeonbond):  /thread
[00:33] Mok (mechstizzle): you're a wankstain
[00:33] Surgeons (surgeonbond): :p
[00:33] Mok (mechstizzle): >
[00:33] Surgeons (surgeonbond): ITT: Mok reveals his true ethnicity is paki
[00:33] SamTheMan (samtheman53): pwnt
[00:34] Mok (mechstizzle): wankers
[00:34] Surgeons (surgeonbond): :p
[00:34] Jord (jord12): surgeons go fix a pc please
[00:34] Jord (jord12): go mek
[00:34] Surgeons (surgeonbond): inb4 ragequit for 5 days
[00:34] Jord (jord12): im with you
[00:34] Mok (mechstizzle): to be called a paki is the worst insult ever
[00:34] Surgeons (surgeonbond): i sez'd
[00:34] Surgeons (surgeonbond): inb4 ragequit for 5 days
[00:34] SamTheMan (samtheman53): de de
[00:34] SamTheMan (samtheman53): de de dedede
[00:34] Mok (mechstizzle): i'd rather be called a gay lesbian disabled wanking faggot fucking bastard twat etc.
[00:34] SamTheMan (samtheman53): de de dede dedede
[00:34] Surgeons (surgeonbond): lolz
[00:34] Jord (jord12): fuck him up mek
[00:34] Parker (parker082): back
[00:34] Jord (jord12): southern style
[00:34] Parker (parker082): fucking god
[00:34] Jord (jord12): handbags and all
[00:34] Mok (mechstizzle): innit
[00:34] Surgeons (surgeonbond): mek ur such a gay lesbian disabled wanking faggot fucking bastard twat
[00:35] Mok (mechstizzle): fu
[00:35] SamTheMan (samtheman53): lold
[00:35] Surgeons (surgeonbond): infact
[00:35] Jord (jord12): who me?
[00:35] Surgeons (surgeonbond): no
[00:35] Surgeons (surgeonbond): ur a pake
[00:35] Surgeons (surgeonbond): paki
[00:35] Jord (jord12): ill fucking kill you
[00:35] Surgeons (surgeonbond): pake? lolz
[00:35] Surgeons (surgeonbond): jord fu
[00:35] Parker (parker082): lol pake
[00:35] Mok (mechstizzle): surgeons
[00:35] Surgeons (surgeonbond): mok
[00:35] Mok (mechstizzle): your best friend is a muslim
[00:35] Jord (jord12): no i was saying mek
[00:35] Surgeons (surgeonbond): no
[00:35] Jord (jord12): but ill kill the pair of ye cunts
[00:35] Surgeons (surgeonbond): he's ginger actually
[00:35] SamTheMan (samtheman53): wot game should i dl
[00:35] Parker (parker082): ye?
[00:35] Mok (mechstizzle): i have no muslim friends
[00:35] Surgeons (surgeonbond):
[00:35] Mok (mechstizzle): at all
[00:35] Mok (mechstizzle): well i do
[00:35] Jord (jord12): no freiends at all more like
[00:35] Jord (jord12): hahahaha
[00:35] Surgeons (surgeonbond): you have no friends?
[00:35] SamTheMan (samtheman53): pwnt
[00:35] Surgeons (surgeonbond): (mok)
[00:35] Jord (jord12): lmao
[00:36] Surgeons (surgeonbond): everyone in England is muslim
[00:36] Mok (mechstizzle): we have converted them into non muislims
[00:36] Surgeons (surgeonbond): so you must have none
[00:36] SamTheMan (samtheman53): OI
[00:36] Parker (parker082): everyone in wales likes cock
[00:36] Surgeons (surgeonbond): no
[00:36] Parker (parker082): yes
[00:36] SamTheMan (samtheman53): wotch it dick face
[00:36] Jord (jord12): look at parker going for it
[00:36] Surgeons (surgeonbond): Everyone in Wales is fucking LEGION, excpet for the gays in Swansea
[00:36] Jord (jord12): this would be funny irl
[00:36] Surgeons (surgeonbond): lol sif I was gonna go to uni there
[00:36] SamTheMan (samtheman53): wot game should i dl
[00:36] Surgeons (surgeonbond): with all the gypsys
[00:36] Jord (jord12): cause you know surge would be sat in the corner all quiet and shy
[00:36] Surgeons (surgeonbond): lolz fucking travellers
[00:36] Jord (jord12): then id BREAK him
[00:36] Parker (parker082): lol you guys have gypsies
[00:36] Surgeons (surgeonbond): n
[00:36] Surgeons (surgeonbond): Jord
[00:36] SamTheMan (samtheman53): wot game should i dl
[00:37] Mok (mechstizzle): surgeons is the biggest faggot irl, he has no friends
[00:37] Surgeons (surgeonbond): i'd fucking shank the lot of yoiu
[00:37] Parker (parker082): snap!
[00:37] Surgeons (surgeonbond): >
[00:37] SamTheMan (samtheman53): wot game should i dl
[00:37] Surgeons (surgeonbond): fuck you sam
[00:37] Jord (jord12): sex and the city
[00:37] Surgeons (surgeonbond): go wank off a horse >
[00:37] SamTheMan (samtheman53): go for it fag
[00:37] Parker (parker082): fucking lego star wars, now stop
[00:37] Mok (mechstizzle): BF2
[00:37] SamTheMan (samtheman53): youd like to fuck me wouldnt u
[00:37] Surgeons (surgeonbond): since when did this turn into D&ST btw
[00:37] SamTheMan (samtheman53): u big fag
[00:37] Surgeons (surgeonbond): why are we all slagging each other off
[00:37] Mok (mechstizzle): i wish my comp could still run bf2
[00:37] Mok (mechstizzle): imagine playing bf2 whilst totally waste
[00:37] SamTheMan (samtheman53): lol fag
[00:37] Mok (mechstizzle): d
[00:37] Mok (mechstizzle): wasted
[00:37] Jord (jord12): will someone just send me some fucking weed please
[00:37] Mok (mechstizzle): *
[00:37] Parker (parker082): i loath bf2
[00:37] SamTheMan (samtheman53): wot game should i dl
[00:37] Surgeons (surgeonbond): Guys
[00:37] Jord (jord12): PR IS MINT
[00:38] SamTheMan (samtheman53): ye?
[00:38] Parker (parker082): im not sending you weed
[00:38] Mok (mechstizzle): i need some weed too
[00:38] Surgeons (surgeonbond): lets stop the slagging off of each other
[00:38] Surgeons (surgeonbond): im serialk
[00:38] Mok (mechstizzle): ok
[00:38] SamTheMan (samtheman53): kk
[00:38] Surgeons (surgeonbond): serial
[00:38] Parker (parker082): pr is the suck
[00:38] SamTheMan (samtheman53): we are all bestest friends
[00:38] Jord (jord12): ya fucking what parker?
[00:38] Surgeons (surgeonbond): Lets all say a nice thing about each other
[00:38] Jord (jord12): bellend
[00:38] Jord (jord12): thats a nice thing
[00:38] SamTheMan (samtheman53): you look nice today oli
[00:38] Parker (parker082): phone again
[00:38] Jord (jord12): yeah i bet
[00:38] Jord (jord12): its me
[00:38] Jord (jord12): ring ring
[00:38] Jord (jord12): OH HAI THRE
[00:38] SamTheMan (samtheman53): you look nice today oli
[00:38] Surgeons (surgeonbond): I like Sam he is dead gud, Mok is very nice too, Parker has nice beard he is very good, Jord has lovely eyes
[00:39] Surgeons (surgeonbond): thankyou sam
[00:39] SamTheMan (samtheman53): ye
[00:39] Surgeons (surgeonbond): I like ur t-shirt
[00:39] SamTheMan (samtheman53): i agreee
[00:39] Surgeons (surgeonbond): its well gud
[00:39] SamTheMan (samtheman53): need piss
[00:39] SamTheMan (samtheman53): brb
[00:39] Surgeons (surgeonbond): fine
[00:39] Surgeons (surgeonbond): leave me
[00:39] Mok (mechstizzle): parker is clearly the queen of this chat room
[00:39] Surgeons (surgeonbond): fuckers
[00:39] Surgeons (surgeonbond): >
[00:39] Surgeons (surgeonbond): mek
[00:39] Parker (parker082): no, im  a pimp
[00:39] Mok (mechstizzle): wat
[00:39] Surgeons (surgeonbond): lets all get along now
[00:39] Mok (mechstizzle): ok
[00:39] Jord (jord12): queer
[00:39] Mok (mechstizzle): parker is the motherfucking pimp daddy of this shyt
[00:39] Parker (parker082): im talking to tjhis chick that wants me to shave
[00:39] Parker (parker082):
[00:39] Surgeons (surgeonbond): more compliments needed up in this bitch
[00:39] Mok (mechstizzle): shave WHAT
[00:39] Jord (jord12): you should...
[00:40] Surgeons (surgeonbond): ur penis
[00:40] Surgeons (surgeonbond): D:
[00:40] Jord (jord12): meks penis
[00:40] Mok (mechstizzle):
[00:40] Mok (mechstizzle): D:*
[00:40] Mok (mechstizzle): D:*
[00:40] Surgeons (surgeonbond): mek has no penis
[00:40] Mok (mechstizzle): wait
[00:40] Mok (mechstizzle): yeah
[00:40] Jord (jord12): i no
[00:40] Mok (mechstizzle): fy
[00:40] Surgeons (surgeonbond): LOL
[00:40] Mok (mechstizzle): fu*
[00:40] SamTheMan (samtheman53): back
[00:40] Surgeons (surgeonbond): mek said yes
[00:40] Mok (mechstizzle): lol
[00:40] SamTheMan (samtheman53): what did i miss
[00:40] Mok (mechstizzle): no wait
[00:40] Mok (mechstizzle): lmfao
[00:40] Surgeons (surgeonbond): mek has no penis sam
[00:40] Surgeons (surgeonbond): he sed so
[00:40] Mok (mechstizzle): you can't take advantage of me
[00:40] Mok (mechstizzle): in my state
[00:40] Mok (mechstizzle): FU
[00:40] Mok (mechstizzle): parker
[00:40] Mok (mechstizzle): help me out
[00:40] Mok (mechstizzle): jord
[00:40] Mok (mechstizzle): oh
[00:40] Jord (jord12): meks pissed off half a blue wicked
[00:40] Mok (mechstizzle): i see how it is
[00:40] Surgeons (surgeonbond): lo
[00:40] Mok (mechstizzle): I SEE HOW IT IS
[00:41] Surgeons (surgeonbond): fu guys
[00:41] Surgeons (surgeonbond): inb4 5 day ragequit
[00:41] SamTheMan (samtheman53): even me oli?
[00:41] Surgeons (surgeonbond): wo
[00:41] Surgeons (surgeonbond): t
[00:41] Surgeons (surgeonbond): no
[00:41] SamTheMan (samtheman53): yay
[00:41] Mok (mechstizzle): i ragequit against you surgeons
[00:41] Surgeons (surgeonbond): i was impersonating mok
[00:41] Mok (mechstizzle): because
[00:41] Mok (mechstizzle): you went
[00:41] Mok (mechstizzle): to fucking
[00:41] SamTheMan (samtheman53): o i c
[00:41] Mok (mechstizzle): bernadictus
[00:41] Mok (mechstizzle): of all the frucking mods
[00:41] Mok (mechstizzle): you went to bern
[00:41] SamTheMan (samtheman53): lol'd
[00:41] Mok (mechstizzle): i mean for fuck sake
[00:41] Jord (jord12):
[00:41] Jord (jord12): :@(
[00:41] Mok (mechstizzle): everyone here agees that bern is the biggest motherfucker on the planet
[00:42] Mok (mechstizzle): yet you
[00:42] Mok (mechstizzle): went to him
[00:42] Surgeons (surgeonbond): QQ MORE
[00:42] Jord (jord12): johnny vegas fair funny buy dvd 10 dolla plz
[00:42] Mok (mechstizzle): i will cry more
[00:42] Mok (mechstizzle): >
[00:42] Mok (mechstizzle): parker
[00:42] Jord (jord12): mek are you pissed?
[00:42] Mok (mechstizzle): no
[00:42] Mok (mechstizzle): well
[00:42] Surgeons (surgeonbond): yes
[00:42] Mok (mechstizzle): pissed as in
[00:42] Mok (mechstizzle): drinking too much
[00:42] Mok (mechstizzle): abit
[00:42] Jord (jord12): ok
[00:42] Mok (mechstizzle): but pissed as in angry
[00:42] Surgeons (surgeonbond): he's only had 1 and a half blue wk'd too
[00:42] Mok (mechstizzle): not at lal
[00:42] Surgeons (surgeonbond): wot a pussy
[00:42] Mok (mechstizzle): all*
[00:43] Mok (mechstizzle): parker
[00:43] Jord (jord12): mek lend us some money
[00:43] Mok (mechstizzle): no
[00:43] Surgeons (surgeonbond): mok lend us some money
[00:43] Jord (jord12): please just a tenner
[00:43] Mok (mechstizzle): no i said
[00:43] Surgeons (surgeonbond): mok
[00:43] Mok (mechstizzle): surgeons
[00:43] Surgeons (surgeonbond): please
[00:43] Jord (jord12): tight fucker
[00:43] Mok (mechstizzle): you give it to him
[00:43] Surgeons (surgeonbond): just a fiver or something
[00:43] Mok (mechstizzle): ffs you have a job
[00:43] Surgeons (surgeonbond): ffs u have a student loan and shit
[00:43] Mok (mechstizzle): i don't want to feed his addiction
[00:43] Surgeons (surgeonbond): me neither
[00:43] Jord (jord12): fuck u
[00:43] Jord (jord12): both
[00:43] Surgeons (surgeonbond): lend us a fiver mok please
[00:43] Mok (mechstizzle): fine
[00:43] * Surgeons (surgeonbond) thanks mok
[00:44] Mok (mechstizzle): i'll need to set up paypal first
[00:44] Mok (mechstizzle): PARKER
[00:44] Jord (jord12): mek are you lending me the same?
[00:44] Surgeons (surgeonbond): no
[00:44] Mok (mechstizzle): no you're a crack 'ead
[00:44] Jord (jord12): dont suge
[00:44] Surgeons (surgeonbond): wot
[00:44] Surgeons (surgeonbond):
[00:44] Jord (jord12): mek im not
[00:44] Surgeons (surgeonbond): don't suge what (((
[00:44] Jord (jord12): i was just talking about shrooms
[00:44] Jord (jord12): i dont take them
[00:44] SamTheMan (samtheman53): mok rhymes with cock lmfao
[00:44] Mok (mechstizzle): This black guy asked me for some money in south london, clearly a crack head
[00:44] Mok (mechstizzle): funny as fuck
[00:44] Mok (mechstizzle): he was shaking too
[00:44] SamTheMan (samtheman53): did u get stabbed
[00:44] Jord (jord12): u didnt give him any
[00:44] Mok (mechstizzle): nope
[00:44] Jord (jord12): i bet
[00:44] Jord (jord12): surprise surprise
[00:45] Mok (mechstizzle): i gave him fuck all
[00:45] Parker (parker082): oh my god
[00:45] Jord (jord12): mek just lend it me please
[00:45] Mok (mechstizzle): i was with my mate
[00:45] Mok (mechstizzle): parker
[00:45] Parker (parker082): the hotter the girl, the more bullshit i will put up with...but jesus fucking christ man
[00:45] Parker (parker082): yes
[00:45] Mok (mechstizzle): where were you
[00:45] Parker (parker082): talking to this girl
[00:45] Surgeons (surgeonbond): lies
[00:45] SamTheMan (samtheman53): ye right
[00:45] Surgeons (surgeonbond): he was making moonshine
[00:45] Parker (parker082): hush oliver
[00:45] Surgeons (surgeonbond): no
[00:46] Surgeons (surgeonbond): DON'T HUSH ME
[00:46] Surgeons (surgeonbond): >
[00:46] Jord (jord12): first name basis
[00:46] Jord (jord12): mek
[00:46] Jord (jord12): whats ur name
[00:46] SamTheMan (samtheman53): achmed
[00:46] Jord (jord12): ok you can be called Fat Bastard
[00:46] Jord (jord12): Fat, lend us a fiver
[00:46] Surgeons (surgeonbond): mok is too afraid of telling us his irl name
[00:46] Jord (jord12): tell him Oliver
[00:46] Surgeons (surgeonbond): Ok Jordan
[00:46] Parker (parker082): FAGS
[00:46] Surgeons (surgeonbond): Derek, will you and Samuel lend a hand
[00:46] SamTheMan (samtheman53): whats parkers
[00:46] Mok (mechstizzle): parker
[00:46] Jord (jord12): no derald
[00:46] SamTheMan (samtheman53): ah
[00:47] Surgeons (surgeonbond): Derek u absolute nerd
[00:47] SamTheMan (samtheman53): oh
[00:47] SamTheMan (samtheman53): derek
[00:47] SamTheMan (samtheman53): j
[00:47] SamTheMan (samtheman53): k
[00:47] SamTheMan (samtheman53): k
[00:47] SamTheMan (samtheman53): kk
[00:47] SamTheMan (samtheman53): shit
[00:47] SamTheMan (samtheman53): kkk
[00:47] SamTheMan (samtheman53): there
[00:47] Parker (parker082): you can just call me pimp though
[00:47] Mok (mechstizzle): ok
[00:47] Surgeons (surgeonbond): no
[00:47] Parker (parker082): yez!
[00:47] Parker (parker082): er yes
[00:47] Mok (mechstizzle): parker, is she demanding you shave your face
[00:47] Mok (mechstizzle): or
[00:47] Mok (mechstizzle): down there
[00:47] Jord (jord12): im gonna go poo
[00:47] Parker (parker082): face
[00:47] Parker (parker082):
[00:47] Surgeons (surgeonbond): I bet mek has a paki name
[00:47] Mok (mechstizzle): oh
[00:47] Mok (mechstizzle): fuck you
[00:47] Parker (parker082): lol
[00:47] Mok (mechstizzle): but yeah
[00:47] Surgeons (surgeonbond): like tikiz al bin shef or something
[00:48] Mok (mechstizzle): ACHMED ALI BIN ABDUL
[00:48] Mok (mechstizzle): SHAZAD
[00:48] Surgeons (surgeonbond): i'd lol if mek was black irl
[00:48] Surgeons (surgeonbond): like a real paki
[00:48] Mok (mechstizzle): fu
[00:48] Parker (parker082): lol
[00:48] Surgeons (surgeonbond): m3th's name is Shazad lmfao
[00:48] Mok (mechstizzle): i know
[00:48] SamTheMan (samtheman53): lmfao
[00:48] Surgeons (surgeonbond): and mek
[00:48] Mok (mechstizzle): what
[00:48] Surgeons (surgeonbond): I have no reason to believe you are whit
[00:48] SamTheMan (samtheman53): theres a shazad at college
[00:48] Surgeons (surgeonbond): white
[00:48] Surgeons (surgeonbond): you could be a paki afaik
[00:48] Surgeons (surgeonbond): and you jord
[00:49] Parker (parker082): oliver is a dick
[00:49] Surgeons (surgeonbond): and you sam
[00:49] SamTheMan (samtheman53): im nt m8
[00:49] Surgeons (surgeonbond): fucking hell
[00:49] Surgeons (surgeonbond): pics
[00:49] Surgeons (surgeonbond): now
[00:49] Parker (parker082): fag!
[00:49] Mok (mechstizzle): my dad looks white, i look half caste like a mexican
[00:49] Surgeons (surgeonbond): Only me and Parker are safe
[00:49] Surgeons (surgeonbond): amirite derek
[00:49] Parker (parker082): no
[00:49] Surgeons (surgeonbond):
[00:49] Surgeons (surgeonbond): soz
[00:49] Parker (parker082): you are gay
[00:49] Surgeons (surgeonbond):
[00:49] Mok (mechstizzle): i can get away with being a mexican, a persian, everything
[00:49] Mok (mechstizzle): it's all awesome
[00:49] Surgeons (surgeonbond): mek
[00:49] Surgeons (surgeonbond): u
[00:49] Mok (mechstizzle): what
[00:49] Surgeons (surgeonbond): paki
[00:49] Surgeons (surgeonbond): lolz
[00:49] Mok (mechstizzle): fuck off
[00:49] Mok (mechstizzle): >
[00:49] Parker (parker082): lol
[00:49] Mok (mechstizzle): i really can't take being called that
[00:50] Surgeons (surgeonbond): I'm never going to lety you forget this btw
[00:50] Mok (mechstizzle): i only said this cos i'm abit fucking waste
[00:50] Mok (mechstizzle): ds
[00:50] Surgeons (surgeonbond): i'll need full proof
[00:50] Surgeons (surgeonbond): like
[00:50] Mok (mechstizzle): no
[00:50] Surgeons (surgeonbond): pics
[00:50] Mok (mechstizzle): no
[00:50] Surgeons (surgeonbond): timestamoed and shit
[00:50] Surgeons (surgeonbond): timestamped
[00:50] Mok (mechstizzle): i'll timestamp
[00:50] Mok (mechstizzle): your
[00:50] Mok (mechstizzle): mum
[00:50] SamTheMan (samtheman53): post pics mek omg!!!!
[00:50] Mok (mechstizzle): parker
[00:50] Parker (parker082): snap!
[00:50] Surgeons (surgeonbond): fine be a paki all your life then
[00:50] Mok (mechstizzle): help me out here
[00:50] Parker (parker082): mek
[00:50] Surgeons (surgeonbond): u absolute berkshire
[00:51] Parker (parker082): oliver, quit being a tool
[00:51] Surgeons (surgeonbond): parker, don't back him up, he's from pakistan
[00:51] Surgeons (surgeonbond): fuck sake
[00:51] Mok (mechstizzle): your mum is from pakistan
[00:51] Parker (parker082): and your from wales
[00:51] Surgeons (surgeonbond): wales > pakistan
[00:51] Mok (mechstizzle): lol
[00:51] Parker (parker082): maybe on a good day
[00:51] Surgeons (surgeonbond): and im not even joking
[00:51] SamTheMan (samtheman53): thats true
[00:51] Mok (mechstizzle): obviously
[00:51] Surgeons (surgeonbond): we don't have any tali-fucking-ban
[00:51] Surgeons (surgeonbond): or pakis
[00:51] Surgeons (surgeonbond): therefore we win
[00:51] Mok (mechstizzle): pakistan is a fucked up place, hope it gets fucked over
[00:51] SamTheMan (samtheman53): north england = wales > south england > pakistan
[00:51] Parker (parker082): oh god, here we go again brb
[00:52] Surgeons (surgeonbond): north england will only be = wales whn I move to lancashire in october sams
[00:52] Mok (mechstizzle): my family hates musslims/pakistan more than parkers deep south rednecks
[00:52] SamTheMan (samtheman53): k
[00:52] Surgeons (surgeonbond): mek
[00:52] Surgeons (surgeonbond): they hate you then?
[00:52] SamTheMan (samtheman53): but its still pretty good rite oli?
[00:52] Surgeons (surgeonbond): thats harsh
[00:52] Mok (mechstizzle): surgeons
[00:52] Surgeons (surgeonbond): tbh
[00:52] Mok (mechstizzle): they hate your mum
[00:52] Surgeons (surgeonbond): mek
[00:52] Surgeons (surgeonbond): least she ain't a paki
[00:52] Surgeons (surgeonbond): D:
[00:52] Surgeons (surgeonbond): infact
[00:52] Mok (mechstizzle): no, she is, why else would she whore around
[00:52] Mok (mechstizzle): oh snap
[00:52] Mok (mechstizzle): surgeons
[00:52] Mok (mechstizzle): sorr
[00:52] Mok (mechstizzle): yy
[00:52] Surgeons (surgeonbond): I've heard a rumour mek
[00:52] Mok (mechstizzle):
[00:52] Surgeons (surgeonbond): that
[00:52] Surgeons (surgeonbond): ur a double paki
[00:52] Surgeons (surgeonbond): D:
[00:53] Mok (mechstizzle): D:
[00:53] SamTheMan (samtheman53): lold
[00:53] Surgeons (surgeonbond): mek
[00:53] Surgeons (surgeonbond):
[00:53] Surgeons (surgeonbond): sorry
[00:53] Mok (mechstizzle): surgons
[00:53] Surgeons (surgeonbond): MEK
[00:53] Mok (mechstizzle): im sorry too
[00:53] Surgeons (surgeonbond): sprry
[00:53] Mok (mechstizzle): SORRY I SAID
[00:53] Mok (mechstizzle): best friends
[00:53] Jord (jord12): im back i fucking hate diarea looks like meks skin colour
[00:53] Surgeons (surgeonbond): sprry? lulz
[00:53] Surgeons (surgeonbond): sorry
[00:53] Surgeons (surgeonbond): ZINGGGGGGGGGGGG
[00:53] Mok (mechstizzle): parker
[00:53] Mok (mechstizzle): PARKER
[00:53] Jord (jord12): !
[00:53] Parker (parker082): wat!
[00:53] Mok (mechstizzle): he's gone to talk to some girl
[00:53] Jord (jord12):
[00:53] Mok (mechstizzle): there he is
[00:53] Surgeons (surgeonbond): hi parker
[00:53] Parker (parker082): im on the phone
[00:53] Mok (mechstizzle): oh
[00:53] Surgeons (surgeonbond): jord just called mek a paki lol
[00:53] SamTheMan (samtheman53): ye right
[00:53] Parker (parker082): wat do you want
[00:54] Mok (mechstizzle): jord, i'd kick his arse
[00:54] Surgeons (surgeonbond): ur babies
[00:54] Jord (jord12): mok
[00:54] Mok (mechstizzle): what
[00:54] Jord (jord12): you wouldnt do shit
[00:54] Mok (mechstizzle): wat*
[00:54] Jord (jord12): stfu
[00:54] Mok (mechstizzle):
[00:54] Jord (jord12): your cruisin for a bruisin
[00:54] Mok (mechstizzle): jord i thoguht i was your best friend
[00:54] SamTheMan (samtheman53): mek would prob be carryin knife
[00:54] Jord (jord12):
[00:54] Surgeons (surgeonbond): jord would just distract you with puppadums then kick you in your paki nuts mek
[00:54] Jord (jord12): u r mek
[00:54] Mok (mechstizzle): lol
[00:54] Jord (jord12): mek i love u
[00:54] Surgeons (surgeonbond): i have to admit i lol'd when writing that
[00:55] Surgeons (surgeonbond): god help us if a irl paki was in here
[00:55] Surgeons (surgeonbond): (SAMTHEMAN)
[00:55] Surgeons (surgeonbond): D:
[00:55] Mok (mechstizzle): m3thod
[00:55] SamTheMan (samtheman53): OI
[00:55] Mok (mechstizzle): is an
[00:55] Mok (mechstizzle): irl paki
[00:55] SamTheMan (samtheman53): HOW DARE U
[00:55] Surgeons (surgeonbond): nah
[00:55] Mok (mechstizzle): but he isn't muslim
[00:55] Surgeons (surgeonbond): he's an irl resident of bradford
[00:55] Mok (mechstizzle): or a real one
[00:55] Mok (mechstizzle): oh yeah
[00:55] Mok (mechstizzle): i get you
[00:55] Mok (mechstizzle): as in a real real one
[00:55] SamTheMan (samtheman53): BRADFORD!
[00:55] Surgeons (surgeonbond): (muslim)
[00:55] Surgeons (surgeonbond): D:
[00:55] Mok (mechstizzle): from fucking islamabad
[00:55] Mok (mechstizzle): or someshit
[00:55] Parker (parker082): im seriously getting ready to tell this chick to fuck off
[00:55] SamTheMan (samtheman53): :'(
[00:55] Surgeons (surgeonbond): that owns a corner shop
[00:55] Surgeons (surgeonbond): btw
[00:55] Surgeons (surgeonbond): u guys know teek
[00:55] SamTheMan (samtheman53): ye
[00:55] Parker (parker082): this is getting old..quick
[00:55] Surgeons (surgeonbond): he's indian
[00:55] SamTheMan (samtheman53): hes a paki
[00:55] Surgeons (surgeonbond): and shit
[00:56] Surgeons (surgeonbond): his mum and dad own a corner shop
[00:56] SamTheMan (samtheman53): lmao
[00:56] Mok (mechstizzle): my cousin owns a corner shop, an off licence, and he took a bullet in iraq for the UK, so yeah
[00:56] Surgeons (surgeonbond): like stereotypical pakis lol
[00:56] Surgeons (surgeonbond): mek
[00:56] Mok (mechstizzle): wat
[00:56] Surgeons (surgeonbond): im not dissing all the other corner shop owners
[00:56] Mok (mechstizzle): inorite
[00:56] Parker (parker082): im going to grill some chicken in a little bit
[00:56] Mok (mechstizzle): i just thoguht i'd sayt that
[00:56] Surgeons (surgeonbond): but most paki/indians own corner shops
[00:56] Mok (mechstizzle): yes
[00:56] Mok (mechstizzle): it's true
[00:56] Surgeons (surgeonbond): by chicken parker means gator
[00:57] Parker (parker082): no, i mean chicken breats
[00:57] Surgeons (surgeonbond): btw why are we brits fighting amongst each other
[00:57] Parker (parker082): breasts
[00:57] Parker (parker082): thats why you lost the war!
[00:57] Jord (jord12): why cant pakis play football, because they build a shop on every fucking corner
[00:57] Mok (mechstizzle): lol
[00:57] Surgeons (surgeonbond): we should gang up on the fucking redneck and his fetish for gators and moonshine
[00:57] Parker (parker082): get sum
[00:57] Mok (mechstizzle): but i want to try moonshine
[00:57] Mok (mechstizzle): I WANT TO TRY IT
[00:57] Surgeons (surgeonbond): no
[00:57] Surgeons (surgeonbond): u
[00:57] Surgeons (surgeonbond): don't
[00:57] Parker (parker082): mek, it will drop you
[00:57] Surgeons (surgeonbond): u'll turn redneck too
[00:57] Mok (mechstizzle): i don't care
[00:57] Surgeons (surgeonbond): u'll start playing  bano
[00:57] Surgeons (surgeonbond): banho
[00:57] Parker (parker082): bano?
[00:57] Surgeons (surgeonbond): banjo
[00:57] Parker (parker082): banho?
[00:57] Surgeons (surgeonbond): fu redneck
[00:58] Surgeons (surgeonbond): gb2 ur swamp
[00:58] Mok (mechstizzle): i already have family in dallas with texan accents and act like them and shit
[00:58] SamTheMan (samtheman53): lold
[00:58] Surgeons (surgeonbond): mek
[00:58] Mok (mechstizzle): wat
[00:58] Surgeons (surgeonbond): u'll start chewing tobacco like parker
[00:58] Surgeons (surgeonbond): and have bbq'd gator
[00:58] Mok (mechstizzle): chewing tobaco isn't just a USA thing
[00:58] Surgeons (surgeonbond): and hog roast once a month
[00:58] Mok (mechstizzle): my uncles do it too
[00:58] Surgeons (surgeonbond): rednecks
[00:58] Parker (parker082): talk all the shit you want
[00:58] Mok (mechstizzle): i already told you that they're more of a redneck than redneck
[00:58] Surgeons (surgeonbond): i bet they play banjos too
[00:58] Parker (parker082): i am a gangster
[00:59] Surgeons (surgeonbond): lol
[00:59] Surgeons (surgeonbond): w/e
[00:59] Mok (mechstizzle): lol parlker
[00:59] Mok (mechstizzle): parker*
[00:59] Jord (jord12): im rivial gang
[00:59] Mok (mechstizzle): you still on the phone
[00:59] Jord (jord12): and ur on ma turnfs
[00:59] Mok (mechstizzle): JORD GTFO
[00:59] Parker (parker082): no
[00:59] Mok (mechstizzle): of my turf
[00:59] Surgeons (surgeonbond): Parker said ur homie from Wales said hi
[00:59] Surgeons (surgeonbond): say*
[00:59] Jord (jord12): mek i thought we were mates
[00:59] Parker (parker082): no
[00:59] Mok (mechstizzle): ok
[00:59] Surgeons (surgeonbond): fu
[00:59] Mok (mechstizzle): jord has a point
[00:59] Surgeons (surgeonbond): last time I  back you up on bf2s >
[00:59] Jord (jord12): no mek its over
[01:00] Parker (parker082): she would be like..."why are you talking to fish?", or some stupid shit like that, that would just piss me off more
[01:00] Jord (jord12): whats on now on freeview?
[01:00] Surgeons (surgeonbond): Parker is she blond
[01:00] SamTheMan (samtheman53): duno mite watch outpost again
[01:00] Surgeons (surgeonbond): blonde*
[01:00] Parker (parker082): kinda
[01:00] Parker (parker082): might as well be though
[01:00] Mok (mechstizzle): jord
[01:00] Mok (mechstizzle):
[01:00] Jord (jord12): i wanna go bed and watch tv but if theres newt on
[01:00] Mok (mechstizzle): im sorry
[01:00] Surgeons (surgeonbond): knock her up then falcon punch her for being so stupid then
[01:00] Parker (parker082): … 706f8d.jpg
[01:00] Jord (jord12): its k mek
[01:00] Jord (jord12): find out whats on
[01:00] Mok (mechstizzle): parker
[01:00] Mok (mechstizzle): you will
[01:00] Mok (mechstizzle): do whatever she says
[01:00] Surgeons (surgeonbond): pretty fit tbh
[01:01] Surgeons (surgeonbond): nice job
[01:01] Mok (mechstizzle): parker
[01:01] Mok (mechstizzle): you hear me
[01:01] Mok (mechstizzle): you do
[01:01] Mok (mechstizzle): whatever she says
[01:01] Mok (mechstizzle): and just get in there
[01:01] Parker (parker082): i know right...thats why im putting up with the bullshit
[01:01] SamTheMan (samtheman53): im gonna fap to that
[01:01] Parker (parker082): fuck you man
[01:01] Surgeons (surgeonbond): I already have
[01:01] Mok (mechstizzle): lmfao
[01:01] Parker (parker082):
[01:01] Surgeons (surgeonbond): as has mek and jord
[01:01] SamTheMan (samtheman53): im done now
[01:01] Parker (parker082):
[01:01] Surgeons (surgeonbond): lolz
[01:01] Surgeons (surgeonbond): <3 parker
[01:01] Jord (jord12): im not fapping ill shit all over
[01:01] Jord (jord12): well not shit
[01:01] Parker (parker082): lol
[01:01] Surgeons (surgeonbond): dum redneck gets worked up so easily
[01:01] Parker (parker082): wat
[01:01] Jord (jord12): brown leakage
[01:01] SamTheMan (samtheman53): got cum on my BLACK trousers tho
[01:01] SamTheMan (samtheman53): DAMN IT
[01:02] Mok (mechstizzle): that's what you get for posting pics
[01:02] Mok (mechstizzle): of your gal
[01:02] Jord (jord12): cant get a boner
[01:02] Jord (jord12): wat
[01:02] SamTheMan (samtheman53): lol
[01:02] SamTheMan (samtheman53): thisll help
[01:02] SamTheMan (samtheman53): … 706f8d.jpg
[01:02] Parker (parker082): shes not my gal
[01:02] Mok (mechstizzle): she should be
[01:02] Parker (parker082): we shall see
[01:02] Mok (mechstizzle): if it isn't too soon
[01:02] Jord (jord12): no i cba getting one
[01:02] Parker (parker082): but i am going to hit it
[01:03] Parker (parker082): bet your ass on that
[01:03] Mok (mechstizzle): damn straight
[01:03] Parker (parker082):
[01:03] SamTheMan (samtheman53): sounds gd
[01:03] Surgeons (surgeonbond): parker go drive Lady Penelope Creighton-Ward
[01:03] SamTheMan (samtheman53): make vid
[01:03] Surgeons (surgeonbond): around tbh
[01:03] Surgeons (surgeonbond): u dum chauffeur
[01:03] Parker (parker082): wat
[01:04] Jord (jord12): dont parkers mint at swimming he could join navy seals
[01:04] Parker (parker082): i understood like every third word
[01:04] Surgeons (surgeonbond): … %22_Parker
[01:04] Surgeons (surgeonbond): u were in thunderbirds
[01:04] Parker (parker082): wat
[01:04] Surgeons (surgeonbond): the chauffeur guy
[01:04] Parker (parker082): gtfo
[01:04] Surgeons (surgeonbond): lolz
[01:04] Parker (parker082): you like cock
[01:04] Mok (mechstizzle): should i
[01:04] Surgeons (surgeonbond): ur a chauffeur
[01:04] Mok (mechstizzle): get some more drinks
[01:04] Jord (jord12): yeah
[01:05] Jord (jord12): post some to me
[01:05] Jord (jord12): mek
[01:05] Mok (mechstizzle): parker, shall i drink more
[01:05] Jord (jord12): or just lend us a fiver on paypal
[01:05] Surgeons (surgeonbond): Parker is employed by Lady Penelope Creighton-Ward as her butler in Creighton-Ward Mansion and as her chauffeur driving a modified pink Rolls-Royce called FAB1.
[01:05] Parker (parker082): YOU CANT MAIL DRUGS!!!!!
[01:05] Surgeons (surgeonbond): ahahaha
[01:05] Mok (mechstizzle): surgeons
[01:05] Parker (parker082): of course mek
[01:05] Surgeons (surgeonbond): u drive a pink rolls royce
[01:05] Mok (mechstizzle): ok
[01:05] Surgeons (surgeonbond): called
[01:05] Surgeons (surgeonbond): FAB1
[01:05] Surgeons (surgeonbond): LOL
[01:05] Mok (mechstizzle): brb
[01:05] Surgeons (surgeonbond): u absolute gay
[01:05] Parker (parker082): god dammit....wait, a rolls?
[01:05] Jord (jord12): parker beer aint drugs u turd
[01:05] Surgeons (surgeonbond): driving a modified pink Rolls-Royce
[01:05] Mok (mechstizzle): im getting fucked wasted here now, brb taking a fucking piss
[01:05] Parker (parker082): sweet
[01:06] Surgeons (surgeonbond): pink Rolls-Royce
[01:06] Jord (jord12): sam
[01:06] Jord (jord12): samtheman
[01:06] Surgeons (surgeonbond): pink Rolls-Royce
[01:06] Surgeons (surgeonbond): pink
[01:06] Surgeons (surgeonbond): u gay
[01:06] Parker (parker082): ya, that would rock
[01:06] Parker (parker082): i could pull it off man
[01:06] Jord (jord12): shit
[01:06] <Poseidon (poseidon417) (Power User) has entered the room>
[01:06] Parker (parker082): dude, i make knives, carry a gun and sport a pirate pink car is going to slow me down
[01:07] Surgeons (surgeonbond): Parker is from London and speaks with a strong cockney accent.
[01:07] Surgeons (surgeonbond): lolz
[01:07] Surgeons (surgeonbond): u faggot
[01:07] Parker (parker082): "too  much jew!"
[01:07] Parker (parker082): cock?
[01:07] Poseidon (poseidon417): never too much jew
[01:07] Jord (jord12): there is
[01:07] Jord (jord12): parker
[01:07] Parker (parker082): wat
[01:07] Jord (jord12): man the admin
[01:07] Poseidon (poseidon417): … osen10.jpg
[01:07] Jord (jord12): full steam
[01:07] Poseidon (poseidon417): see?
[01:07] Poseidon (poseidon417): never too much jew
[01:08] Parker (parker082): lol wat
[01:08] Parker (parker082): what do you want me to do jord?
[01:08] SamTheMan (samtheman53): 2 yanks
[01:08] Mok (mechstizzle): SEIDON
[01:08] SamTheMan (samtheman53): now what
[01:08] Mok (mechstizzle): SYDON
[01:08] Jord (jord12): admins, give them me
[01:08] Poseidon (poseidon417): BERKSTIZZLE
[01:08] SamTheMan (samtheman53): no me
[01:08] Parker (parker082): no
[01:08] Parker (parker082): no
[01:08] Jord (jord12): derek ive been here before anyone, you can still keep them u dingle
[01:08] Jord (jord12): i need to clean up my mistake
[01:09] Mok (mechstizzle): SYDON, go get some drinks
[01:09] Poseidon (poseidon417): k
[01:09] Poseidon (poseidon417): brb
[01:09] * Poseidon (poseidon417) berbs
[01:09] Jord (jord12): oh you bellend parker
[01:09] * Poseidon (poseidon417) is back kz
[01:09] Poseidon (poseidon417): ok i got some everclear
[01:09] Poseidon (poseidon417): anyone who takes a shot gets Jenna haze's pussy
[01:10] Poseidon (poseidon417): you all went to google jenna haze didn't you
[01:10] Poseidon (poseidon417): faggots
[01:10] Mok (mechstizzle): who is jenna haze
[01:10] Poseidon (poseidon417): google
[01:10] Jord (jord12): cba
[01:10] Poseidon (poseidon417): faggot
[01:10] Jord (jord12): google is american
[01:10] Jord (jord12): so its bad
[01:10] Jord (jord12): id ont use it
[01:11] Jord (jord12): rammunation told me not to
[01:11] Poseidon (poseidon417): oh ok
[01:11] Mok (mechstizzle): nice
[01:11] Mok (mechstizzle): Sydon, you got everclear?
[01:11] Poseidon (poseidon417): not with me
[01:11] <Surgeons (surgeonbond) is now a member of group Group Admin>
[01:11] <Jord (jord12) is now a member of group Group Admin>
[01:11] <Mok (mechstizzle) is now a member of group Group Admin>
[01:11] <Poseidon (poseidon417) has been permanently removed from this room>
[01:11] <Poseidon (poseidon417) has left the room>
[01:11] Surgeons (surgeonbond): nice
[01:11] Surgeons (surgeonbond): jord/
[01:11] Surgeons (surgeonbond): jord?
[01:11] Jord (jord12): yeah
[01:11] Surgeons (surgeonbond): gg
[01:11] Surgeons (surgeonbond):
[01:12] Mok (mechstizzle): very
[01:12] Jord (jord12):
[01:12] Mok (mechstizzle): evil
[01:12] Mok (mechstizzle): PARKER
[01:12] <SamTheMan (samtheman53) is now a member of group Group Admin>
[01:12] Mok (mechstizzle): as long as we don't lose parker
[01:12] Mok (mechstizzle): PARKER
[01:12] Parker (parker082): now why did you make me do taht?
[01:12] Surgeons (surgeonbond): cos
[01:12] Surgeons (surgeonbond): its moar cosy
[01:12] Surgeons (surgeonbond): and
[01:12] Surgeons (surgeonbond): we can be racist again
[01:12] Parker (parker082): you guys dont like him?
[01:12] Surgeons (surgeonbond):
[01:12] Surgeons (surgeonbond): he's k
[01:12] Jord (jord12): meh
[01:12] Parker (parker082): wat
[01:12] Surgeons (surgeonbond): but he is a minority
[01:12] Parker (parker082): y\
[01:12] Surgeons (surgeonbond): and all
[01:12] Surgeons (surgeonbond): and a yank
[01:13] Jord (jord12): yeah
[01:13] Jord (jord12): fucking yank
[01:13] SamTheMan (samtheman53): aup
[01:13] Parker (parker082): hey fuck you...we won the war, get over it
[01:13] Surgeons (surgeonbond): parker is like one of the only decent yanks I know
[01:13] Surgeons (surgeonbond): and im not even being racist
[01:13] Mok (mechstizzle): surgeons not being racist
[01:13] Parker (parker082): oh come on now
[01:13] Mok (mechstizzle): holy sheeeeeit
[01:13] Surgeons (surgeonbond): u and heggs
[01:13] Surgeons (surgeonbond):
[01:13] Parker (parker082): wat about ig?
[01:14] SamTheMan (samtheman53): i no 3 decent yanks
[01:14] Surgeons (surgeonbond): don;t really talk to him
[01:14] SamTheMan (samtheman53): 2 are in here
[01:14] Jord (jord12): hahaha
[01:14] Surgeons (surgeonbond): mek and parker amirite
[01:14] <!   ig (ig882000) (Power User) has entered the room>
[01:14] SamTheMan (samtheman53): LOLOLOLL
[01:14] SamTheMan (samtheman53): YAY
[01:14] SamTheMan (samtheman53): now all 3 are here
[01:14] !   ig (ig882000): vagtastic
[01:14] <!   ig (ig882000) is now a member of group Peon (Mute)>
[01:14] SamTheMan (samtheman53): pwnt
[01:14] Surgeons (surgeonbond): lulz mute
[01:14] Parker (parker082): hey
[01:14] <!   ig (ig882000) is now a member of group Normal>
[01:14] <!   ig (ig882000) is now a member of group Group Admin>
[01:14] Parker (parker082): ha
[01:14] Jord (jord12): dicks
[01:14] Surgeons (surgeonbond): sorry i g
[01:14] Mok (mechstizzle): ig
[01:14] Surgeons (surgeonbond):
[01:14] Mok (mechstizzle): this is the cool one
[01:15] Mok (mechstizzle): where we're al ldrunk, well i ma
[01:15] Surgeons (surgeonbond): wheres i g btw
[01:15] Mok (mechstizzle): am**
[01:15] <(★Hurricane★) (executionerstyle) (Power User) has entered the room>
[01:15] <(★Hurricane★) (executionerstyle) has been permanently removed from this room>
[01:15] <(★Hurricane★) (executionerstyle) has left the room>
[01:15] !   ig (ig882000): wat
[01:15] Jord (jord12): lolollololol
[01:15] Surgeons (surgeonbond): where
[01:15] Surgeons (surgeonbond): is
[01:15] Surgeons (surgeonbond): i g
[01:15] Jord (jord12): hahahaaha
[01:15] !   ig (ig882000): i dunno
[01:15] Parker (parker082): he is here dumb ass
[01:15] Surgeons (surgeonbond): no
[01:15] Surgeons (surgeonbond): i can see an ig
[01:15] Surgeons (surgeonbond): no i g
[01:15] Surgeons (surgeonbond): though
[01:15] Surgeons (surgeonbond): where is i g
[01:15] Mok (mechstizzle): ok for the record
[01:15] Surgeons (surgeonbond): >
[01:15] Mok (mechstizzle): who here
[01:15] Mok (mechstizzle): is either
[01:15] Mok (mechstizzle): high
[01:15] Mok (mechstizzle): or drunk
[01:15] Surgeons (surgeonbond): semi-drunk
[01:15] Mok (mechstizzle): im' quite slightly drunk
[01:16] Surgeons (surgeonbond): im fair sober though
[01:16] Jord (jord12): im not even high
[01:16] Mok (mechstizzle): damn yousd guys
[01:16] Parker (parker082): i am
[01:16] Surgeons (surgeonbond): im not even kidding
[01:16] Mok (mechstizzle): good
[01:16] !   ig (ig882000): trying to get drunk
[01:16] <(★Hurricane★) (executionerstyle) (Power User) has entered the room>
[01:16] !   ig (ig882000): i just popped a football
[01:16] <(★Hurricane★) (executionerstyle) has been permanently removed from this room>
[01:16] <(★Hurricane★) (executionerstyle) has left the room>
[01:16] Jord (jord12): lol
[01:16] !   ig (ig882000): so that should help
[01:16] Parker (parker082): im about to grill some chicken
[01:16] Parker (parker082): not gators faggot
[01:17] Jord (jord12): send me some in the post derek plz im starving
[01:17] Jord (jord12): you know how poor i am
[01:17] !   ig (ig882000): chicken beer and watermelon plz
[01:17] Parker (parker082): you cant send drugs.....or bbq in the mail
[01:17] Surgeons (surgeonbond): hf derek
[01:17] Jord (jord12): you can send anything
[01:17] !   ig (ig882000): not internationally
[01:17] Jord (jord12): man a boat u pussy and deliver it by yourself
[01:17] Surgeons (surgeonbond): see
[01:17] Parker (parker082): ig, tell jord you cant send dope in the mail overseas
[01:17] Surgeons (surgeonbond): jord didn't believe me
[01:17] !   ig (ig882000): lol
[01:17] Surgeons (surgeonbond): what a fucking helmet
[01:17] !   ig (ig882000): i already told him
[01:18] Parker (parker082): see jordan
[01:18] Surgeons (surgeonbond): tell him again
[01:18] Surgeons (surgeonbond): >
[01:18] !   ig (ig882000): no u
[01:18] Mok (mechstizzle): ok everyone has to go now and get a nice hard drink.......please
[01:18] Surgeons (surgeonbond): fuck sake i g
[01:18] Jord (jord12): STFU i was taliing about CHIKEN then
[01:18] Parker (parker082): you cannot mail drugs overseas
[01:18] Surgeons (surgeonbond): thanks Derek
[01:18] !   ig (ig882000): [Removed by Mod]
[01:18] Parker (parker082): well im not sending you any of that either
[01:18] Jord (jord12): nig
[01:18] Surgeons (surgeonbond): lol
[01:18] Jord (jord12): please
[01:18] Surgeons (surgeonbond): btw
[01:18] Mok (mechstizzle): i really would kll for some KFC
[01:18] Surgeons (surgeonbond): ig
[01:18] Surgeons (surgeonbond): we found out
[01:18] Surgeons (surgeonbond): that
[01:18] Surgeons (surgeonbond): mek
[01:18] Mok (mechstizzle): a nice big bucket of popcorn chicken
[01:18] Surgeons (surgeonbond): is
[01:18] Mok (mechstizzle): GOD DAMN
[01:18] Surgeons (surgeonbond): a
[01:18] Surgeons (surgeonbond): paki
[01:18] !   ig (ig882000): do they have kfc there?
[01:18] Mok (mechstizzle): I NEED IT
[01:18] Surgeons (surgeonbond): lolz
[01:18] Mok (mechstizzle): surgeons, fu
[01:18] Jord (jord12): derek you stingy twat
[01:18] Surgeons (surgeonbond): yes ig we have kfc
[01:18] Jord (jord12): ill fucking go apeshit on you
[01:18] Jord (jord12): ill be like
[01:18] Surgeons (surgeonbond): also meks a paki lewl
[01:18] Jord (jord12): gimme kfc
[01:18] Parker (parker082): they dont have kfc over there...lies and slander!
[01:18] Mok (mechstizzle): your mum
[01:18] Mok (mechstizzle): is a paki
[01:18] Jord (jord12): like a nig dog on crack
[01:19] !   ig (ig882000): fuck man i went over my limit on rapidshare now i cant finish this movie i was downloading
[01:19] Surgeons (surgeonbond): ur nan is an irl palo
[01:19] Surgeons (surgeonbond): palo?
[01:19] Surgeons (surgeonbond): paki
[01:19] Mok (mechstizzle): rapidshjare has gone downhill
[01:19] !   ig (ig882000): 5gb per day
[01:19] Surgeons (surgeonbond): err
[01:19] Surgeons (surgeonbond): isn't it like 50 gb for 5 days now
[01:19] !   ig (ig882000): idk
[01:19] SamTheMan (samtheman53): hi
[01:19] Mok (mechstizzle): sam
[01:19] Mok (mechstizzle): sup
[01:19] !   ig (ig882000): i was downloading belly in blu ray
[01:19] Surgeons (surgeonbond): 30Gb ig
[01:19] <Poseidon (poseidon417) (Power User) has entered the room>
[01:19] <Miggle (migueldiaz) (Power User) has entered the room>
[01:19] <NooBesT (noobest1) (Power User) has entered the room>
[01:19] <[OPT] ĦũŁķŠŧÊř08 (hulkster44) (Power User) has entered the room>
[01:19] <DoctaStrangelove (doctastrangelove1964) (Power User) has entered the room>
[01:19] <-2d-Trentnorris (casey19) (Power User) has entered the room>
[01:19] Mok (mechstizzle): wtf
[01:19] <[Best]BVBPOWER (bvbpower) (Power User) has entered the room>
[01:19] <Miggle (migueldiaz) has been permanently removed from this room>
[01:19] <Miggle (migueldiaz) has left the room>
[01:19] <-2d-Trentnorris (casey19) has left the room>
[01:19] <[Best]BVBPOWER (bvbpower) has been permanently removed from this room>
[01:19] <[Best]BVBPOWER (bvbpower) has left the room>
[01:19] <[OPT] ĦũŁķŠŧÊř08 (hulkster44) has been permanently removed from this room>
[01:19] <[OPT] ĦũŁķŠŧÊř08 (hulkster44) has left the room>
[01:19] <Krazed (krazedlunatick) (Power User) has entered the room>
[01:19] <Krazed (krazedlunatick) has been permanently removed from this room>
[01:19] <Krazed (krazedlunatick) has left the room>
[01:19] <DoctaStrangelove (doctastrangelove1964) has been permanently removed from this room>
[01:19] <DoctaStrangelove (doctastrangelove1964) has left the room>
[01:19] Parker (parker082): fucking right belly
[01:19] <Poseidon (poseidon417) has left the room>
[01:19] Mok (mechstizzle): holy shit
[01:19] <NooBesT (noobest1) has been permanently removed from this room>
[01:19] <NooBesT (noobest1) has left the room>
[01:20] Parker (parker082): wtf is going on
[01:20] Jord (jord12): fucking tards
[01:20] Surgeons (surgeonbond): stop
[01:20] !   ig (ig882000): lol
[01:20] Mok (mechstizzle): i bet that was surgeosn
[01:20] Surgeons (surgeonbond): inviting
[01:20] SamTheMan (samtheman53): omg
[01:20] Surgeons (surgeonbond): [Removed by Mod]
[01:20] Surgeons (surgeonbond): serial
[01:20] Mok (mechstizzle): i don't have ant of them on my list
[01:20] Surgeons (surgeonbond): me neither
[01:20] Surgeons (surgeonbond): they wer eblue
[01:20] <GCFC (sockerboy09) (Power User) has entered the room>
[01:20] Surgeons (surgeonbond): u guise r whit
[01:20] !   ig (ig882000): lies
[01:20] <GCFC (sockerboy09) has been permanently removed from this room>
[01:20] <GCFC (sockerboy09) has left the room>
[01:20] Surgeons (surgeonbond): white
[01:20] <Kmarion (StormSurge) (tampastorm11) (Power User) has entered the room>
[01:20] <Kmarion (StormSurge) (tampastorm11) has been permanently removed from this room>
[01:20] <Kmarion (StormSurge) (tampastorm11) has left the room>
[01:20] Mok (mechstizzle): holy shit
[01:20] Mok (mechstizzle): NO
[01:20] Mok (mechstizzle): NOT KEZ
[01:20] Parker (parker082): wtf man
[01:20] Mok (mechstizzle): FUCK
[01:20] Surgeons (surgeonbond): lool
[01:20] !   ig (ig882000): YOU JUST BANNED A MOD!
[01:20] Mok (mechstizzle): WHY BAN KAMZRION
[01:20] SamTheMan (samtheman53): GOOD
[01:20] Parker (parker082): its on now
[01:20] Surgeons (surgeonbond): whoever banned a mod is gonna get an awm
[01:20] SamTheMan (samtheman53): ALL MODS R FAGS
[01:20] Mok (mechstizzle): he will kill us
[01:20] Mok (mechstizzle): and he is awesome
[01:20] Jord (jord12): lmfao
[01:20] SamTheMan (samtheman53): oh
[01:21] Parker (parker082): no, kmarion is the shit
[01:21] SamTheMan (samtheman53): adam aint
[01:21] Surgeons (surgeonbond): jord u have kmarion as a friend?
[01:21] Jord (jord12): no
[01:21] Parker (parker082): i do
[01:21] Mok (mechstizzle): Kmarion would have totally awesomed this place
[01:21] !   ig (ig882000): i do
[01:21] Mok (mechstizzle): i don't have him on my list
[01:21] Surgeons (surgeonbond): PARKER STOP INVINT ING PEOPEL OR MAYBE IT WA SIG >
[01:21] Parker (parker082): agreed mek
[01:21] !   ig (ig882000): hes a cool ass dude
[01:21] <KoalA (blackkoala) (Power User) has entered the room>
[01:21] <KoalA (blackkoala) has been permanently removed from this room>
[01:21] <KoalA (blackkoala) has left the room>
[01:21] Mok (mechstizzle): no
[01:21] Mok (mechstizzle): who is that
[01:21] Mok (mechstizzle): bring back kez
[01:21] Parker (parker082): i dont have him on my list though
[01:21] Surgeons (surgeonbond): me neither
[01:21] Surgeons (surgeonbond): fu ig
[01:21] !   ig (ig882000): o_0
[01:21] Surgeons (surgeonbond): and ur yank contacts
[01:21] Surgeons (surgeonbond): >
[01:21] Mok (mechstizzle): srsly someone bring back kamarion
[01:21] !   ig (ig882000): i dont even know how to do that lol
[01:21] Mok (mechstizzle): someone
[01:22] Surgeons (surgeonbond): LIES >
[01:22] Parker (parker082): hey, enough of that berkshire
[01:22] Jord (jord12): this is cosy
[01:22] <|uSx| €ßüG122™ (ebug9) (Power User) has entered the room>
[01:22] Mok (mechstizzle): NO
[01:22] <|uSx| €ßüG122™ (ebug9) has been permanently removed from this room>
[01:22] <|uSx| €ßüG122™ (ebug9) has left the room>
[01:22] SamTheMan (samtheman53): my xfire comes up in game but i cant type i have to alt tab
[01:22] Mok (mechstizzle): WHO WAS THAT
[01:22] Parker (parker082): wtf
[01:22] SamTheMan (samtheman53): HALP
[01:22] Surgeons (surgeonbond): yay i kicke done
[01:22] Mok (mechstizzle): NO RANDOMS
[01:22] Surgeons (surgeonbond):
[01:22] !   ig (ig882000): ban sam
[01:22] Mok (mechstizzle): sam
[01:22] Mok (mechstizzle): stop being racist
[01:22] Parker (parker082): yes
[01:22] Mok (mechstizzle): ok
[01:22] Surgeons (surgeonbond): next person that gets invited gets the copy-asta
[01:22] Mok (mechstizzle): someone bring back sam
[01:22] Surgeons (surgeonbond): copy-pasta
[01:22] Surgeons (surgeonbond): FUCK OFF U DAM RANDOM
[01:22] Mok (mechstizzle): i mean
[01:22] Surgeons (surgeonbond):
[01:22] Mok (mechstizzle): kmarion*
[01:23] Jord (jord12): mek
[01:23] Mok (mechstizzle): shit
[01:23] Mok (mechstizzle): i'm getting wasted now
[01:23] Parker (parker082): kmar
[01:23] Surgeons (surgeonbond): sam is here mek
[01:23] Jord (jord12): lend us a fiver mek
[01:23] Surgeons (surgeonbond): u nerd
[01:23] Mok (mechstizzle): i need to set up paypakl
[01:23] Mok (mechstizzle): pal*
[01:23] Mok (mechstizzle): lol
[01:23] Jord (jord12): lol
[01:23] Jord (jord12): do it
[01:23] Surgeons (surgeonbond): paypakl is dead goos
[01:23] Surgeons (surgeonbond): good
[01:23] Surgeons (surgeonbond):
[01:23] <jsnipy (jsnipy) (Power User) has entered the room>
[01:23] <jsnipy (jsnipy) has been permanently removed from this room>
[01:23] <jsnipy (jsnipy) has left the room>
[01:23] Surgeons (surgeonbond): i couldn't do that to jsnipy
[01:23] Surgeons (surgeonbond):
[01:23] Mok (mechstizzle): seriously i actually would lend you a fiverf if i had paypal
[01:23] Surgeons (surgeonbond): me too
[01:23] Mok (mechstizzle): bring back kmation
[01:24] Jord (jord12): nice one
[01:24] Mok (mechstizzle): kmarion
[01:24] Surgeons (surgeonbond): fiverf's are plentiful
[01:24] Parker (parker082): i wouldnt
[01:24] Surgeons (surgeonbond): mek
[01:24] Mok (mechstizzle): that's 10$
[01:24] Surgeons (surgeonbond): u dumass
[01:24] Mok (mechstizzle): $10
[01:24] Mok (mechstizzle): is too much for parker
[01:24] Parker (parker082): nope
[01:24] Surgeons (surgeonbond): ten books parker
[01:24] Parker (parker082): none for you
[01:24] Mok (mechstizzle): he has to deal with various girls
[01:24] Parker (parker082): scavenger
[01:24] Parker (parker082): ()
[01:24] Jord (jord12): all parkers money is going into pussy magnets atm
[01:24] Mok (mechstizzle): i know
[01:24] Mok (mechstizzle): what a waste
[01:24] Mok (mechstizzle): parker get a PS3
[01:25] Jord (jord12): and that ddrug that knocks you unconscious
[01:25] Parker (parker082): no wai
[01:25] Mok (mechstizzle): ok iy isn't a waste
[01:25] Surgeons (surgeonbond): chloroform jord
[01:25] Surgeons (surgeonbond):
[01:25] Jord (jord12): yeah
[01:25] Surgeons (surgeonbond): i r smrtz
[01:25] Mok (mechstizzle): who is ddrinking
[01:25] Mok (mechstizzle): right now
[01:25] Surgeons (surgeonbond): me
[01:25] Surgeons (surgeonbond):
[01:25] Mok (mechstizzle): good
[01:25] Mok (mechstizzle): who else
[01:25] Surgeons (surgeonbond): on 4th can of bow
[01:25] Mok (mechstizzle): PAERKER
[01:25] Surgeons (surgeonbond):
[01:25] Mok (mechstizzle): 4th
[01:25] Mok (mechstizzle): nice
[01:25] Parker (parker082): smoking
[01:25] Surgeons (surgeonbond): PARKER
[01:25] Parker (parker082): i am
[01:25] Surgeons (surgeonbond): PARKER
[01:25] Surgeons (surgeonbond): PARKER
[01:25] Surgeons (surgeonbond): PARKER
[01:25] Mok (mechstizzle): I NEED A CIG/WEED
[01:25] Surgeons (surgeonbond): PARKER
[01:25] Jord (jord12):
[01:25] Jord (jord12): ryans a bellend
[01:25] Surgeons (surgeonbond): PARKER
[01:26] Parker (parker082): WAT
[01:26] Surgeons (surgeonbond): PARKER
[01:26] Surgeons (surgeonbond): PARKER
[01:26] Parker (parker082): wat the fuck do you fucking want
[01:26] Surgeons (surgeonbond): hi
[01:26] Jord (jord12): lmao
[01:26] Surgeons (surgeonbond): m8
[01:26] Parker (parker082): go fuck yourself
[01:26] Surgeons (surgeonbond):
[01:26] Surgeons (surgeonbond): soz
[01:26] Mok (mechstizzle): someone add kmarion
[01:26] Mok (mechstizzle): please
[01:26] Jord (jord12): parker is scared by the high pressure conversation
[01:26] Jord (jord12): too many people for derek
[01:26] Surgeons (surgeonbond): i don't have hgim on my list mek
[01:26] Mok (mechstizzle): ig
[01:26] Mok (mechstizzle): IG
[01:26] Surgeons (surgeonbond): iG
[01:27] Surgeons (surgeonbond): IG
[01:27] Mok (mechstizzle): it aint gonna work
[01:27] !   ig (ig882000): si
[01:27] Mok (mechstizzle): ig
[01:27] Surgeons (surgeonbond): IG
[01:27] Mok (mechstizzle): are you drinking
[01:27] Parker (parker082): lol
[01:27] Mok (mechstizzle): or
[01:27] Jord (jord12): ig
[01:27] Jord (jord12): ig
[01:27] Jord (jord12): ig
[01:27] Mok (mechstizzle): geting stoned
[01:27] Jord (jord12): ig
[01:27] Mok (mechstizzle): ?
[01:27] Jord (jord12): ig
[01:27] Surgeons (surgeonbond): gi
[01:27] Surgeons (surgeonbond): gi
[01:27] Jord (jord12): ig
[01:27] Surgeons (surgeonbond): gig
[01:27] Surgeons (surgeonbond): gi
[01:27] Surgeons (surgeonbond): gig
[01:27] !   ig (ig882000): beer
[01:27] Surgeons (surgeonbond): ig
[01:27] Jord (jord12): ig
[01:27] Surgeons (surgeonbond): ig
[01:27] Surgeons (surgeonbond): gi
[01:27] Jord (jord12): gi
[01:27] Surgeons (surgeonbond): gig
[01:27] Surgeons (surgeonbond): gi
[01:27] Surgeons (surgeonbond): gi
[01:27] Jord (jord12): gig
[01:27] !   ig (ig882000): xanax
[01:27] Surgeons (surgeonbond): gi
[01:27] Surgeons (surgeonbond): ig
[01:27] Jord (jord12): ig
[01:27] Surgeons (surgeonbond): i
[01:27] Mok (mechstizzle): SHUT UP
[01:27] Jord (jord12): ig
[01:27] Surgeons (surgeonbond): g
[01:27] !   ig (ig882000): weed
[01:27] Surgeons (surgeonbond): i
[01:27] Mok (mechstizzle): WAIT
[01:27] Jord (jord12): ig
[01:27] Surgeons (surgeonbond): gi
[01:27] Mok (mechstizzle): STOP
[01:27] Surgeons (surgeonbond): gi
[01:27] Jord (jord12): ig
[01:27] Parker (parker082): stop it oliver
[01:27] Jord (jord12): ig
[01:27] Mok (mechstizzle): STOP
[01:27] Jord (jord12): ig
[01:27] Surgeons (surgeonbond): soz
[01:27] Mok (mechstizzle): ig
[01:27] Jord (jord12): ig,,,
[01:27] Jord (jord12): ig.
[01:27] Surgeons (surgeonbond): its not me
[01:27] Mok (mechstizzle): is doing weed
[01:27] <! deluLOL (ligaliz3) (Power User) has entered the room>
[01:27] Mok (mechstizzle): good enough
[01:27] Mok (mechstizzle): GTFO
[01:27] <! deluLOL (ligaliz3) has been permanently removed from this room>
[01:27] <! deluLOL (ligaliz3) has left the room>
[01:27] Jord (jord12): who got him
[01:27] Surgeons (surgeonbond): BNANNED
[01:27] Jord (jord12): i was close
[01:27] Surgeons (surgeonbond): mE!
[01:27] Surgeons (surgeonbond): I DID
[01:27] Mok (mechstizzle): ig is doing weed
[01:27] Surgeons (surgeonbond):
[01:27] Jord (jord12): ok surgeones
[01:27] Mok (mechstizzle): so that's good
[01:27] Jord (jord12): s
[01:27] Mok (mechstizzle): now
[01:27] Mok (mechstizzle): surgeons is drinking
[01:27] Jord (jord12): rape
[01:27] Mok (mechstizzle): JORD
[01:27] Mok (mechstizzle): JORD
[01:27] Jord (jord12): rape
[01:28] Jord (jord12): what
[01:28] Mok (mechstizzle): fucking get something
[01:28] Parker (parker082): lol
[01:28] Surgeons (surgeonbond): jord
[01:28] Surgeons (surgeonbond): JORD
[01:28] Mok (mechstizzle): parker
[01:28] Jord (jord12): WHAT FFS
[01:28] Parker (parker082): yes
[01:28] Surgeons (surgeonbond): get ur fucking netto cider out
[01:28] Mok (mechstizzle): you have to drink something
[01:28] Jord (jord12): no
[01:28] Surgeons (surgeonbond): parker is drinking whiskey
[01:28] Jord (jord12): i dont have any i went partying last nite
[01:28] Mok (mechstizzle): ok
[01:28] Parker (parker082): going to grill real soon
[01:28] !   ig (ig882000): i better get fucking laid tonight or im gonna kill every one of you
[01:28] Surgeons (surgeonbond): like an irl hobo
[01:28] Mok (mechstizzle): so we're all drinking here
[01:28] Mok (mechstizzle): or on weed
[01:28] Parker (parker082): ha ha ig

[01:28] Parker (parker082): good luck man
[01:28] Surgeons (surgeonbond): better start killing us now then ig
[01:28] Surgeons (surgeonbond):
[01:28] Jord (jord12): mek im not on anything
[01:28] Surgeons (surgeonbond): zinggggggggg
[01:28] Parker (parker082): im right in the middle of the chse
[01:28] !   ig (ig882000): nah i could call my booty call but i get tired of the same old shit you know
[01:28] Surgeons (surgeonbond): ig couldn't score in a whore house
[01:28] Mok (mechstizzle): i want to get so fuckjed that i wouldn't even be able to get to my room
[01:29] !   ig (ig882000): its all about that new pussy
[01:29] Parker (parker082): i hear you
[01:29] !   ig (ig882000): which is why ill be single forever lol
[01:29] Mok (mechstizzle): sa,e
[01:29] Mok (mechstizzle): same*
[01:29] Parker (parker082): i probably will be now
[01:29] Mok (mechstizzle): well not really
[01:29] <Ryan (derish14) (Power User) has entered the room>
[01:29] Mok (mechstizzle): RYAN
[01:29] <Ryan (derish14) has been permanently removed from this room>
[01:29] <Ryan (derish14) has left the room>
[01:29] Surgeons (surgeonbond): ig is Skopry-Chan's second account
[01:29] Mok (mechstizzle): oh well
[01:29] Surgeons (surgeonbond): lel
[01:29] Surgeons (surgeonbond): sorry ig
[01:29] !   ig (ig882000): wot
[01:29] Surgeons (surgeonbond): too far :*
[01:29] Surgeons (surgeonbond):
[01:29] Jord (jord12): ig got burned
[01:29] Mok (mechstizzle): someone add fucking KMARION
[01:29] Surgeons (surgeonbond): I DON@T HAVE HIMMON MY LIST
[01:29] !   ig (ig882000): i would if i knew how
[01:29] Jord (jord12): poker hacks didnt save you then did they
[01:29] Surgeons (surgeonbond): FUCK SAKE
[01:29] Parker (parker082): lol
[01:30] Mok (mechstizzle): i added him but he's not accepting me
[01:30] Parker (parker082): [19:29] Ryan: WTF R U DOIN
[19:29] Ryan: add me back to teh chat rooms now
[19:29] Parker: its someone in this room
[19:29] Parker: i dont know who is doing it
[01:30] Mok (mechstizzle): he ahtes me
[01:30] Surgeons (surgeonbond): parker its
[01:30] Surgeons (surgeonbond): jord
[01:30] Surgeons (surgeonbond): lolz
[01:30] Parker (parker082): no, its mek
[01:30] Surgeons (surgeonbond): no more yanks btw
[01:30] SamTheMan (samtheman53): HI
[01:30] Surgeons (surgeonbond): pls
[01:30] !   ig (ig882000): jordan ima tell ur mum
[01:30] Jord (jord12): of course it was me fuck ryan
[01:30] Surgeons (surgeonbond): hi sam
[01:30] Mok (mechstizzle): ok, we're the only brits online
[01:30] SamTheMan (samtheman53): I INVTED KMARION THE FIRST TIME
[01:30] SamTheMan (samtheman53): HES NOT COMING BACK
[01:30] Mok (mechstizzle): all the other brits are fucking sleeping
[01:30] Mok (mechstizzle): like faggots
[01:30] Mok (mechstizzle): embarrasment to the UK
[01:30] Surgeons (surgeonbond): even F'Ted
[01:30] Surgeons (surgeonbond): D:
[01:30] Surgeons (surgeonbond): fg
[01:30] Mok (mechstizzle): ted
[01:30] Surgeons (surgeonbond): fag
[01:30] Mok (mechstizzle): BRING TED
[01:30] <The room title is now "Parker is a dum rednek">
[01:30] Parker (parker082): i invited him a while ago
[01:31] Surgeons (surgeonbond): lol
[01:31] SamTheMan (samtheman53): IS ZOMBIE MASTER GOOD?
[01:31] Surgeons (surgeonbond): no
[01:31] <The room title is now "JORD JORD JORD ENGLAND">
[01:31] !   ig (ig882000): i need to come to europe man
[01:31] Mok (mechstizzle): he's [layig
[01:31] Surgeons (surgeonbond): stfu
[01:31] Mok (mechstizzle): EVE
[01:31] !   ig (ig882000): give me some money hos
[01:31] Parker (parker082): that bags better looking chicks than you will ever see
[01:31] <The room title is now "FUCK OFF U DAM RANDOM">
[01:31] <Brandon (advent8600) (Power User) has entered the room>
[01:31] <The room title is now "Parker is a dum rednek">
[01:31] <Brandon (advent8600) has been permanently removed from this room>
[01:31] <Brandon (advent8600) has left the room>
[01:31] <The room title is now "Parker is a dum rednek">
[01:31] Mok (mechstizzle): damn straight
[01:31] Mok (mechstizzle): wait
[01:31] Surgeons (surgeonbond): y u say raja
[01:31] Mok (mechstizzle): damn yous guys
[01:31] Surgeons (surgeonbond): u fucking paki
[01:32] Mok (mechstizzle): surgeons
[01:32] Mok (mechstizzle): whats the welsh word
[01:32] Mok (mechstizzle): for
[01:32] Mok (mechstizzle): king
[01:32] Jord (jord12): meka re you a muslim?
[01:32] Surgeons (surgeonbond): idfk
[01:32] Mok (mechstizzle): no
[01:32] Mok (mechstizzle): I'm not a fucking muslim
[01:32] Mok (mechstizzle): for the 100000000000th time
[01:32] Surgeons (surgeonbond): wtf you think I am
[01:32] Jord (jord12): are you white?
[01:32] Surgeons (surgeonbond): fluent in welsh
[01:32] Surgeons (surgeonbond): or some shit
[01:32] Jord (jord12): mek
[01:32] Jord (jord12): whats ur skin colour
[01:32] !   ig (ig882000): mek post a pic fag
[01:32] Surgeons (surgeonbond): i can only speak like 4 sentences
[01:32] Surgeons (surgeonbond): ig
[01:32] Surgeons (surgeonbond): I have reason to believe mek is a paki
[01:32] Jord (jord12): mek
[01:32] !   ig (ig882000): lmao
[01:32] Mok (mechstizzle): lol
[01:32] Mok (mechstizzle): my sister calls
[01:32] Surgeons (surgeonbond): honestly
[01:32] Mok (mechstizzle): she doesn't have keyes
[01:32] Surgeons (surgeonbond): mek
[01:32] Mok (mechstizzle): so now I HAVE to be awake
[01:32] Surgeons (surgeonbond): STOP CHANGING SUBJECT
[01:32] Jord (jord12): mek u avoiding it
[01:32] !   ig (ig882000): pics of your sister too
[01:32] Surgeons (surgeonbond): u fggt
[01:33] Surgeons (surgeonbond): no ig
[01:33] Mok (mechstizzle): she's probably fucking drink aswell
[01:33] Surgeons (surgeonbond): she's fugly
[01:33] Mok (mechstizzle): drunk
[01:33] Surgeons (surgeonbond): face like a malnourished horse
[01:33] !   ig (ig882000): lulz
[01:33] Jord (jord12): who cares good is she black?
[01:33] Surgeons (surgeonbond): like winehouse
[01:33] Surgeons (surgeonbond): lulz
[01:33] Parker (parker082): oh snap!
[01:33] Mok (mechstizzle): stop bullyimg me
[01:33] Surgeons (surgeonbond): sorry
[01:33] !   ig (ig882000): u gon git band
[01:33] Surgeons (surgeonbond): u dum paki
[01:33] Mok (mechstizzle): faggots
[01:33] Surgeons (surgeonbond): D:
[01:33] Jord (jord12): paki
[01:33] Mok (mechstizzle): i'm less of a paki than you are surgeons
[01:33] Mok (mechstizzle): and jord
[01:33] Mok (mechstizzle): and SAM
[01:33] !   ig (ig882000): mek man dont u have a pipe to hit resin out of?
[01:33] Parker (parker082): oh shit
[01:33] SamTheMan (samtheman53): FU
[01:33] Surgeons (surgeonbond): mek jord told me to call you a triple paki
[01:33] Surgeons (surgeonbond): D:
[01:33] Mok (mechstizzle): Sam
[01:33] Mok (mechstizzle): sorry
[01:33] Mok (mechstizzle): not you
[01:34] Jord (jord12): fuck you surgeon
[01:34] Surgeons (surgeonbond): i sez'd
[01:34] Surgeons (surgeonbond): D:
[01:34] Mok (mechstizzle): ok
[01:34] Mok (mechstizzle): what is going on
[01:34] Jord (jord12): ill break your legs u fat fucking CUNT
[01:34] Mok (mechstizzle): im so fucking pissed
[01:34] Mok (mechstizzle): that
[01:34] Surgeons (surgeonbond): :
[01:34] Mok (mechstizzle): fuck
[01:34] Surgeons (surgeonbond):
[01:34] Parker (parker082): wow
[01:34] Mok (mechstizzle): seriousl
[01:34] Mok (mechstizzle): y
[01:34] SamTheMan (samtheman53): IG HAS A CUNT
[01:34] Mok (mechstizzle): fuck
[01:34] Mok (mechstizzle): DRINK MORE PEOPLE
[01:34] Surgeons (surgeonbond): needs moar pimpjimmy tbh
[01:34] Jord (jord12): stfu surge
[01:34] Mok (mechstizzle): why am I, outdrinking a fucking welshman
[01:34] Surgeons (surgeonbond): honestly
[01:34] Jord (jord12): before i fuckin make you
[01:34] Mok (mechstizzle): what does this say
[01:34] Surgeons (surgeonbond): mok
[01:34] Surgeons (surgeonbond): because
[01:34] Mok (mechstizzle): I can outdrink you all
[01:34] Surgeons (surgeonbond): maybe
[01:34] Surgeons (surgeonbond): lols
[01:34] Surgeons (surgeonbond): no
[01:34] Surgeons (surgeonbond): no chance
[01:34] Parker (parker082): yes you can
[01:34] Mok (mechstizzle): seriously
[01:34] Mok (mechstizzle): i can
[01:34] Mok (mechstizzle): easily
[01:34] SamTheMan (samtheman53): I HOPE MY MUM COOKS STEAK FOR TOMORROWS TEA
[01:34] Parker (parker082): i have no tolerance for booze
[01:34] Jord (jord12): surgeon im gonna smack you in ur tuits
[01:35] Surgeons (surgeonbond): i'll drink you under the fucking pool table
[01:35] Mok (mechstizzle): you don't even have a chanve surgeons
[01:35] Surgeons (surgeonbond): yes I do
[01:35] !   ig (ig882000): i dont really drink to get drunk
[01:35] Mok (mechstizzle): next week
[01:35] Mok (mechstizzle): we'll do it
[01:35] Mok (mechstizzle): honestly
[01:35] Mok (mechstizzle): i can beat you
[01:35] !   ig (ig882000): i just drink like 6 or 7 beers
[01:35] Surgeons (surgeonbond): i'll tempt you with puppadums and get jord to kick you in your paki nuts
[01:35] Mok (mechstizzle): i've beaten a scottish person
[01:35] Surgeons (surgeonbond): Zingggggg
[01:35] !   ig (ig882000): if im tryin to get fucked up i eat pills
[01:35] Jord (jord12): you wont get me to do shit surgeon u couldnt order a fucking asian about
[01:35] Surgeons (surgeonbond):
[01:36] Mok (mechstizzle): i hate being calleds asian
[01:36] Mok (mechstizzle): i'm not a part of those faggots
[01:36] !   ig (ig882000): so r u azn
[01:36] Mok (mechstizzle): i don't want to be associated with them
[01:36] !   ig (ig882000): dont lie
[01:36] Mok (mechstizzle): ig it's different here
[01:36] Parker (parker082): wat
[01:36] Mok (mechstizzle): im not azn
[01:36] Mok (mechstizzle): well
[01:36] Parker (parker082): celestials?
[01:36] Surgeons (surgeonbond): mek i'll tempt you with puppadums and get jord to kick you in your paki nuts
[01:36] Jord (jord12): oh so our like tibetan mek?
[01:36] Mok (mechstizzle): no
[01:36] <vital.ѕịi <3 (00hotmonkey00) (Power User) has entered the room>
[01:36] Mok (mechstizzle): i aint a gurkha
[01:36] <vital.ѕịi <3 (00hotmonkey00) has been permanently removed from this room>
[01:36] <vital.ѕịi <3 (00hotmonkey00) has left the room>
[01:36] Mok (mechstizzle): i know a few though
[01:36] Surgeons (surgeonbond): yay i got one
[01:36] Surgeons (surgeonbond):
[01:36] Mok (mechstizzle): my uncle knows a few
[01:36] Jord (jord12): that was mine
[01:37] Mok (mechstizzle): i helped install some TV's at a gurkha resteraunt
[01:37] Mok (mechstizzle): awesome
[01:37] Mok (mechstizzle): anyways
[01:37] Mok (mechstizzle): oi
[01:37] SamTheMan (samtheman53): LOL
[01:37] Surgeons (surgeonbond): stfu about drinking
[01:37] SamTheMan (samtheman53): INSTALLING TV
[01:37] SamTheMan (samtheman53): SOUNDS HARD
[01:37] SamTheMan (samtheman53): FAG
[01:37] Mok (mechstizzle): it was my
[01:37] !   ig (ig882000): dirka dirka
[01:37] Mok (mechstizzle): fucking
[01:37] Surgeons (surgeonbond): like plugging it in
[01:37] Mok (mechstizzle): summer
[01:37] Jord (jord12): gonna let dog out
[01:37] Mok (mechstizzle): job
[01:37] !   ig (ig882000): muhammed jihad
[01:37] Mok (mechstizzle): i was only 17
[01:37] Mok (mechstizzle): ug
[01:37] Mok (mechstizzle): ih
[01:37] Surgeons (surgeonbond): what did you do
[01:37] Mok (mechstizzle): ig
[01:37] Mok (mechstizzle): IG
[01:37] SamTheMan (samtheman53): EH
[01:37] Mok (mechstizzle): FUCK YOU
[01:37] Surgeons (surgeonbond): plug it into the wall?
[01:37] SamTheMan (samtheman53): BET U CANT DO THAT
[01:38] Jord (jord12): sfd
[01:38] Jord (jord12): sfd
[01:38] Jord (jord12): sfd
[01:38] Surgeons (surgeonbond): neither can u sam
[01:38] SamTheMan (samtheman53): I NO
[01:38] Surgeons (surgeonbond): go make more coffee
[01:38] !   ig (ig882000): hit this shit nigggggggaaaaaaa
[01:38] Parker (parker082): you cant either sam
[01:38] SamTheMan (samtheman53): STEVE CAN THOUGH
[01:38] SamTheMan (samtheman53): AND I MIX HIS CEMENT
[01:38] Surgeons (surgeonbond): go make the tea u dam tealady
[01:38] Surgeons (surgeonbond): sam is a tealady
[01:38] Mok (mechstizzle): at least i can outdrink you all, except maybe parker
[01:38] Surgeons (surgeonbond): rl
[01:38] Parker (parker082): oh shit!
you mix cement?
[01:38] Surgeons (surgeonbond): irl
[01:38] SamTheMan (samtheman53): I ONLY DID IT ONCE
[01:38] !   ig (ig882000): ill bring the crumpets
[01:38] Mok (mechstizzle): SAM, YOU AREN'T EVEN DRINKING
[01:38] SamTheMan (samtheman53): FAG
[01:38] Mok (mechstizzle): i'm 100% more english than sam
[01:38] SamTheMan (samtheman53): FUCK U MEK
[01:38] Parker (parker082): lol ig
[01:38] Surgeons (surgeonbond): mek im not being funny but no, i'll tempt you with puppadums and get jord to kick you in your paki nuts
[01:38] SamTheMan (samtheman53): U CUNT
[01:38] Mok (mechstizzle): lol
[01:38] Mok (mechstizzle): sam
[01:38] Mok (mechstizzle): sorry
[01:38] Mok (mechstizzle):
[01:38] !   ig (ig882000): what is your record number of beers you have drank in one day/night mek?
[01:38] SamTheMan (samtheman53): PAKI SOUTHERNER
[01:38] Mok (mechstizzle): i don't know, can't remember
[01:39] SamTheMan (samtheman53): OOOOOOOOOOOO
[01:39] Mok (mechstizzle): but i've drank fuckloads
[01:39] Mok (mechstizzle): OOOOOOO
[01:39] SamTheMan (samtheman53): HE MUST OF DRANK SO MANY
[01:39] Surgeons (surgeonbond): me neither, too pissed to remember how many, but a lot
[01:39] Mok (mechstizzle): BARE DRINKS
[01:39] !   ig (ig882000): how much do you weigh
[01:39] SamTheMan (samtheman53): CUS HE CANT REMEMBER
[01:39] SamTheMan (samtheman53): AKA
[01:39] Mok (mechstizzle): 160lbs
[01:39] SamTheMan (samtheman53): ONE
[01:39] Mok (mechstizzle): lol
[01:39] Mok (mechstizzle): igh
[01:39] SamTheMan (samtheman53): LOL POUNDS
[01:39] Mok (mechstizzle): what about you
[01:39] Surgeons (surgeonbond): one blue wkd*
[01:39] SamTheMan (samtheman53): USE STONE FAG
[01:39] Surgeons (surgeonbond): get it right sam
[01:39] Mok (mechstizzle): 11 ST
[01:39] Mok (mechstizzle): more or less
[01:39] Parker (parker082): hes talking to americans
[01:39] Mok (mechstizzle): fuck
[01:39] Mok (mechstizzle): i have the courtesu to know what units to use for yanks
[01:40] !   ig (ig882000): lol
[01:40] Mok (mechstizzle): ig
[01:40] Surgeons (surgeonbond): don't be courteous to those things mek
[01:40] Mok (mechstizzle): how much
[01:40] Mok (mechstizzle): do
[01:40] Mok (mechstizzle): you
[01:40] Mok (mechstizzle): weigh
[01:40] !   ig (ig882000): 135
[01:40] Mok (mechstizzle): wtf
[01:40] Mok (mechstizzle): lmfao
[01:40] Mok (mechstizzle): even srugonsn
[01:40] Parker (parker082): thats how much i weigh ig
[01:40] Mok (mechstizzle): fucking weighs more than you
[01:40] Mok (mechstizzle): wow
[01:40] Jord (jord12): i weight like 8 stone
[01:40] Mok (mechstizzle): you guys should be 200lbs
[01:40] Parker (parker082): lol
[01:40] Surgeons (surgeonbond): fair does and im skinny as fuck
[01:40] !   ig (ig882000): how tall r u parker
[01:40] Parker (parker082): 5'7 lol
[01:40] Mok (mechstizzle): parker is like 5.6
[01:40] !   ig (ig882000): dude i cant gain weight man ive tried
[01:40] !   ig (ig882000): i eat like a madman
[01:40] Parker (parker082): i know it man
[01:40] Mok (mechstizzle): i'm 5'10
[01:41] Mok (mechstizzle): i have a fair amount of musle
[01:41] Mok (mechstizzle): muscle
[01:41] Parker (parker082): i eat and work out all the time, but shit doesnt change
[01:41] !   ig (ig882000): im 5 9
[01:41] !   ig (ig882000): maybe 5 10
[01:41] !   ig (ig882000): same with me parker
[01:41] Surgeons (surgeonbond): hmm same here
[01:41] !   ig (ig882000): it will catch up with us sooner or later
[01:41] Surgeons (surgeonbond): cept for the working out regularly shit
[01:41] Parker (parker082): yep...i fear that day lol
[01:41] Mok (mechstizzle): surgeons is a skinny lanky mofro
[01:41] Surgeons (surgeonbond): i'll just stick to booze and fatty foods
[01:41] Jord (jord12): i am
[01:41] !   ig (ig882000): shit at least im not going bald
[01:41] Surgeons (surgeonbond): I am mek
[01:41] Mok (mechstizzle):
[01:41] Mok (mechstizzle): i wish i was 6ft
[01:42] Surgeons (surgeonbond): my amrs are like twigs (forearms) ((
[01:42] Mok (mechstizzle): 5'10 is still too short for my lifkings
[01:42] Parker (parker082): most of the chicks i date are taller than me though lol
[01:42] <SAS|. VAXxy (kovaxmetal) (Power User) has entered the room>
[01:42] !   ig (ig882000): lol
[01:42] Mok (mechstizzle): GTFO
[01:42] Surgeons (surgeonbond): GTFO
[01:42] <SAS|. VAXxy (kovaxmetal) has been permanently removed from this room>
[01:42] <SAS|. VAXxy (kovaxmetal) has left the room>
[01:42] Mok (mechstizzle): fuck
[01:42] Surgeons (surgeonbond): LOL
[01:42] Mok (mechstizzle):
[01:42] Parker (parker082): like 5'10 and shit
[01:42] Surgeons (surgeonbond): mek
[01:42] !   ig (ig882000): all the chicks i mess with are like 5 2
[01:42] Surgeons (surgeonbond): we
[01:42] Surgeons (surgeonbond): rock
[01:42] !   ig (ig882000): i like em small
[01:42] Jord (jord12): i like em dead
[01:42] Parker (parker082): the chick im fuckin with right now is 5'2
[01:42] Mok (mechstizzle): most of the chicks i know are shorter than me
[01:42] !   ig (ig882000): lmao
[01:42] Surgeons (surgeonbond): trap
[01:42] Mok (mechstizzle): it's hard to find a chick taller than 5'9
[01:42] Surgeons (surgeonbond): parker mek said she's a ladyboy
[01:42] Surgeons (surgeonbond): D:
[01:43] Parker (parker082): wat
[01:43] Surgeons (surgeonbond): im not even kidding
[01:43] !   ig (ig882000): mek and surgeons u guys live in london?
[01:43] Mok (mechstizzle): yeas
[01:43] Surgeons (surgeonbond): Fuck no
[01:43] Mok (mechstizzle): well
[01:43] Parker (parker082): i dont know what that means
[01:43] Mok (mechstizzle): ui d
[01:43] Mok (mechstizzle): i do
[01:43] Surgeons (surgeonbond): FUCK THAT
[01:43] Surgeons (surgeonbond): ig
[01:43] Mok (mechstizzle): i needd more drink
[01:43] Mok (mechstizzle): brb
[01:43] Parker (parker082): surge lives in wales
[01:43] Mok (mechstizzle): MOR E DRINK
[01:43] Parker (parker082): englands ass
[01:43] Parker (parker082): lol
[01:43] Surgeons (surgeonbond): I live in the land that is so badass it has motherfucking dragons on it;s flag
[01:43] Jord (jord12): look at derek using his 4th grade geog skills
[01:43] Surgeons (surgeonbond): don't get anymore hardcore than that shit
[01:43] <CanadianLoser (canadianloser) (Power User) has entered the room>
[01:43] Parker (parker082): those arent dragons dumbshit
[01:43] Jord (jord12): i dont even no when 4th grade is btw
[01:43] Surgeons (surgeonbond): GTFO
[01:44] <CanadianLoser (canadianloser) has been permanently removed from this room>
[01:44] <CanadianLoser (canadianloser) has left the room>
[01:44] Parker (parker082): no
[01:44] Parker (parker082): wtf
[01:44] Surgeons (surgeonbond): parker
[01:44] Parker (parker082): no
[01:44] Surgeons (surgeonbond): are you an actually retard
[01:44] Parker (parker082):  they arent
[01:44] Surgeons (surgeonbond): irl
[01:44] Mok (mechstizzle): now
[01:44] Parker (parker082): they are griffins
[01:44] Mok (mechstizzle): im getting
[01:44] Mok (mechstizzle): HAMMERED
[01:44] Surgeons (surgeonbond): actual*
[01:44] Parker (parker082): no
[01:44] Parker (parker082): not dragons
[01:44] Surgeons (surgeonbond): thought so
[01:44] Surgeons (surgeonbond): too retarded to recognise he's a retard
[01:44] Surgeons (surgeonbond): D:
[01:44] Mok (mechstizzle): YOU GUYS gotta catch up
[01:44] Surgeons (surgeonbond): soz
[01:44] Surgeons (surgeonbond): mek
[01:44] Jord (jord12): canada has a weed leaf on its flag
[01:44] Surgeons (surgeonbond): im runniog out
[01:44] !   ig (ig882000): mek what are you drinking?
[01:44] Parker (parker082): no it doesnt
[01:44] Jord (jord12): lol
[01:45] Surgeons (surgeonbond): canada has a maple leaf or w/e the fuck it is
[01:45] Mok (mechstizzle): teachers, 43% whisky, having half glasses of it
[01:45] Surgeons (surgeonbond): mek
[01:45] Jord (jord12): flags ive been looking at have
[01:45] Surgeons (surgeonbond): i sezd
[01:45] Parker (parker082): a quarter glass of booze
[01:45] !   ig (ig882000): just straight whiskey?
[01:45] Surgeons (surgeonbond): im running out
[01:45] !   ig (ig882000): not even ice?
[01:45] Mok (mechstizzle): had about 4 of them, and had a quarter of a bottle of southern comfort, aswell as some vodka
[01:45] Mok (mechstizzle): no ice
[01:45] Surgeons (surgeonbond): MEK
[01:45] Surgeons (surgeonbond): ME
[01:45] !   ig (ig882000): lol
[01:45] Surgeons (surgeonbond): MEK
[01:45] !   ig (ig882000): fuck man
[01:45] Surgeons (surgeonbond): >
[01:45] Mok (mechstizzle): wat
[01:45] Parker (parker082): jesus mek
[01:45] Mok (mechstizzle): WAT
[01:45] Surgeons (surgeonbond): i
[01:45] Surgeons (surgeonbond): sez;d
[01:45] Parker (parker082): you are getting down
[01:45] Surgeons (surgeonbond): i runningout booze
[01:45] Mok (mechstizzle): I KNOW
[01:45] Surgeons (surgeonbond):
[01:45] Jord (jord12): thats nothing
[01:45] Surgeons (surgeonbond): >(
[01:45] Mok (mechstizzle): jord
[01:45] Mok (mechstizzle): it's quite abit
[01:45] Jord (jord12): ye
[01:45] !   ig (ig882000): i cant just drink it straught like that unless its shots
[01:46] Parker (parker082): go buy some more
[01:46] Parker (parker082): yes shots
[01:46] Surgeons (surgeonbond): infact
[01:46] Mok (mechstizzle): i'm drinking with coke
[01:46] Parker (parker082): shots of whiskey
[01:46] Surgeons (surgeonbond): im hngru
[01:46] !   ig (ig882000): oh
[01:46] Surgeons (surgeonbond): and tired
[01:46] !   ig (ig882000): pussy
[01:46] Mok (mechstizzle):
[01:46] !   ig (ig882000): lol
[01:46] Surgeons (surgeonbond): mok
[01:46] Parker (parker082): sand in the vagina
[01:46] Surgeons (surgeonbond): goodnight
[01:46] Mok (mechstizzle): wat
[01:46] Surgeons (surgeonbond): parker
[01:46] Jord (jord12): night
[01:46] Mok (mechstizzle): what?
[01:46] Mok (mechstizzle): no
[01:46] Surgeons (surgeonbond): fuck u
[01:46] Parker (parker082): wat
[01:46] Mok (mechstizzle): surgeons
[01:46] Surgeons (surgeonbond): wat
[01:46] Parker (parker082): fag
[01:46] Mok (mechstizzle): stay awayke
[01:46] Surgeons (surgeonbond): in tirde
[01:46] Surgeons (surgeonbond): and hungry
[01:46] Jord (jord12): img oing soon too
[01:46] Mok (mechstizzle): no
[01:46] SamTheMan (samtheman53): SERVER USES DIFFERENT CLASS TABLES
[01:46] SamTheMan (samtheman53): WTF
[01:46] Parker (parker082): oh brb
[01:46] Mok (mechstizzle): seriousl
[01:46] Mok (mechstizzle): surgeons
[01:46] Mok (mechstizzle): seriously stay awake
[01:46] Surgeons (surgeonbond): and readu to see sams team get fucking battered tomorrow
[01:46] Jord (jord12): fuck it might go now
[01:46] Surgeons (surgeonbond): today*
[01:46] Surgeons (surgeonbond): nite jord
[01:46] Mok (mechstizzle): you guys
[01:46] Mok (mechstizzle): suck
[01:47] SamTheMan (samtheman53): u suck
[01:47] Jord (jord12): nite surge
[01:47] Surgeons (surgeonbond): IM STAYING MEK
[01:47] Mok (mechstizzle): parker
[01:47] Mok (mechstizzle): do something
[01:47] SamTheMan (samtheman53): stupid southeren
[01:47] Mok (mechstizzle): nice
[01:47] Surgeons (surgeonbond): ILL BRB THOIHGH
[01:47] Mok (mechstizzle): GOOD
[01:47] Surgeons (surgeonbond): LOLL
[01:47] Parker (parker082): phone
[01:47] Mok (mechstizzle): ok
[01:47] SamTheMan (samtheman53): ye right
[01:47] Mok (mechstizzle): as long as the status quo remains the same
[01:47] <The room title is now "Nite jord I love you <3 <3 <3">
[01:47] Surgeons (surgeonbond):
[01:47] Surgeons (surgeonbond): i r kind
[01:47] <The room title is now "NOBODY IS LEAVING">
[01:47] <The room title is now "MEK IS AN IRL PAKI LEWL">
[01:48] Surgeons (surgeonbond): Zingggg
[01:48] <The room title is now "FU SURGEONS">
[01:48] <The room title is now "no u">
[01:48] Mok (mechstizzle): sam
[01:48] Mok (mechstizzle): SAM
[01:48] Surgeons (surgeonbond): that was actually me not  ig
[01:48] <The room title is now "HEY GUYS ITS SAM">
[01:48] SamTheMan (samtheman53): HAHAHAH
[01:48] <The room title is now "i'll tempt you with puppadums and get jord to kick you in your paki nuts">
[01:48] <The room title is now "ig wrote wat">
[01:48] <The room title is now "HEY GUYS ITS SAM">
[01:48] <The room title is now "i'll tempt you with puppadums and get jord to kick you in your paki nuts">
[01:48] !   ig (ig882000): the fuck is a pappadum u berks
[01:48] Mok (mechstizzle): hey
[01:48] Surgeons (surgeonbond): lewl
[01:48] <Poseidon (poseidon417) (Power User) has entered the room>
[01:48] Surgeons (surgeonbond): them things pakis eat with curry
[01:48] <NooBesT (noobest1) (Power User) has entered the room>
[01:48] <Poseidon (poseidon417) has been permanently removed from this room>
[01:48] <Poseidon (poseidon417) has left the room>
[01:48] <|uSx| €ßüG122™ (ebug9) (Power User) has entered the room>
[01:48] Mok (mechstizzle): why can't we be racist towards the americans
[01:48] Parker (parker082): oh shit son
[01:48] <NooBesT (noobest1) has been permanently removed from this room>
[01:48] <NooBesT (noobest1) has left the room>
[01:48] <|uSx| €ßüG122™ (ebug9) has been permanently removed from this room>
[01:48] <|uSx| €ßüG122™ (ebug9) has left the room>
[01:48] Mok (mechstizzle): BRING BACK KMARION
[01:48] <<<۞>> SlayerEire™ (camroc5) (Group Admin) has entered the room>
[01:48] !   ig (ig882000): lel
[01:48] Mok (mechstizzle): KMARION
[01:48] <jsnipy (jsnipy) (Power User) has entered the room>
[01:48] <CanadianLoser (canadianloser) (Power User) has entered the room>
[01:48] Mok (mechstizzle): KMARION
[01:48] <jsnipy (jsnipy) has been permanently removed from this room>
[01:48] <jsnipy (jsnipy) has left the room>
[01:48] Parker (parker082): it might be going down tonight
[01:48] <CanadianLoser (canadianloser) has been permanently removed from this room>
[01:49] <CanadianLoser (canadianloser) has left the room>
[01:49] !   ig (ig882000): do it to it
[01:49] Surgeons (surgeonbond): who
[01:49] Surgeons (surgeonbond): admin'd the mick
[01:49] Jord (jord12): fuckin hell
[01:49] Jord (jord12): surgeon
[01:49] Mok (mechstizzle): keep kmarion
[01:49] Surgeons (surgeonbond): IT WANS:T ME
[01:49] Parker (parker082): ok, listen faggots
[01:49] Jord (jord12): yeah rite
[01:49] Mok (mechstizzle): who is slayer
[01:49] Mok (mechstizzle): WHO IS SLAYER EIRE
[01:49] Surgeons (surgeonbond): idfk
[01:49] SamTheMan (samtheman53): fuck off slayer
[01:49] Jord (jord12): hahaha
[01:49] <Kmarion (StormSurge) (tampastorm11) (Power User) has entered the room>
[01:49] Mok (mechstizzle): that isn't Slayer
[01:49] Surgeons (surgeonbond): SLAYER EIRE
[01:49] <<۞>> SlayerEire™ (camroc5): stfu
[01:49] Mok (mechstizzle): kmarion
[01:49] <Kmarion (StormSurge) (tampastorm11) has been permanently removed from this room>
[01:49] <Kmarion (StormSurge) (tampastorm11) has left the room>
[01:49] Mok (mechstizzle): kmarion
[01:49] Mok (mechstizzle): FUCK SAKE
[01:49] Mok (mechstizzle): FUCK OFF
[01:49] Mok (mechstizzle): NO
[01:49] SamTheMan (samtheman53): LOL
[01:49] Surgeons (surgeonbond): WHICH
[01:49] <<۞>> SlayerEire™ (camroc5): what what what
[01:50] Parker (parker082): what the fuck man
[01:50] Surgeons (surgeonbond): KICKED KERRY
[01:50] Surgeons (surgeonbond): jord
[01:50] Surgeons (surgeonbond): ffs
[01:50] Jord (jord12): what
[01:50] Surgeons (surgeonbond): >
[01:50] Surgeons (surgeonbond): don't kick kmar
[01:50] Jord (jord12): wtf
[01:50] Parker (parker082): stop kicking kmarion dammit
[01:50] Jord (jord12): i didnt
[01:50] Surgeons (surgeonbond): SAM
[01:50] Surgeons (surgeonbond): >
[01:50] Parker (parker082): who the fuck is camroc?
[01:50] Jord (jord12): wat
[01:50] SamTheMan (samtheman53): WAT
[01:50] Mok (mechstizzle): [01:50] Mok: damn these guys
[01:50] Kmarion (StormSurge): I'm off to the store anyways
[01:50] Mok (mechstizzle): [01:50] Mok: damn these guys
[01:50] Kmarion (StormSurge): I'm off to the store anyways
[01:50] Mok (mechstizzle): [01:50] Mok: damn these guys
[01:50] Kmarion (StormSurge): I'm off to the store anyways
[01:50] Surgeons (surgeonbond): u added him
[01:50] Surgeons (surgeonbond): also
[01:50] Parker (parker082): gj asshats
[01:50] Surgeons (surgeonbond): photoshopped
[01:50] SamTheMan (samtheman53): DO U GUYS THINK MY MUM WILL COOK STEAK TOMOROW?
[01:50] Jord (jord12): wat
[01:50] Mok (mechstizzle): he's going to the store
[01:51] Surgeons (surgeonbond): brb food
[01:51] Mok (mechstizzle): hopefully
[01:51] Mok (mechstizzle): to get BOOZE
[01:51] Parker (parker082): cock steak?
[01:51] Surgeons (surgeonbond): yes
[01:51] <<<۞>> SlayerEire™ (camroc5) has left the room>
[01:51] Mok (mechstizzle): no
[01:51] Jord (jord12): lmao
[01:51] Mok (mechstizzle): BOOZE
[01:51] SamTheMan (samtheman53): DO U GUYS THINK MY MUM WILL COOK STEAK TOMOROW?
[01:51] SamTheMan (samtheman53): DO U GUYS THINK MY MUM WILL COOK STEAK TOMOROW?
[01:51] Mok (mechstizzle): not cocks teak
[01:51] SamTheMan (samtheman53): DO U GUYS THINK MY MUM WILL COOK STEAK TOMOROW?
[01:51] SamTheMan (samtheman53): DO U GUYS THINK MY MUM WILL COOK STEAK TOMOROW?
[01:51] SamTheMan (samtheman53): DO U GUYS THINK MY MUM WILL COOK STEAK TOMOROW?
[01:51] Mok (mechstizzle): NOT COCK STEAK
[01:51] Surgeons (surgeonbond): IM NAILING SAMS MUM ALONG WITH HALF OF CHEADLE
[01:51] Jord (jord12): no
[01:51] Jord (jord12): no
[01:51] Jord (jord12): no
[01:51] Jord (jord12): no
[01:51] Jord (jord12): no
[01:51] Jord (jord12): no
[01:51] Jord (jord12): no
[01:51] SamTheMan (samtheman53): LOL
[01:51] Mok (mechstizzle): surgeons
[01:51] Mok (mechstizzle): invite
[01:51] Mok (mechstizzle): teek
[01:51] Surgeons (surgeonbond): u live in cheadle rite sams#?
[01:51] Parker (parker082): i could care less
[01:51] Mok (mechstizzle): lol
[01:51] Mok (mechstizzle): surgeons
[01:51] Surgeons (surgeonbond): teek sin;t ionline
[01:51] Surgeons (surgeonbond): shut up
[01:51] Surgeons (surgeonbond): im getting food
[01:51] Mok (mechstizzle): ok
[01:51] Surgeons (surgeonbond): brb
[01:52] Parker (parker082): dammit...i need to shave
[01:52] <The room title is now "this topic is now about parker - mek">
[01:52] Mok (mechstizzle): so parker
[01:52] Mok (mechstizzle): i think you should shave
[01:52] Mok (mechstizzle): tbh
[01:52] Parker (parker082): i dont want to
[01:52] Parker (parker082): ill never go without a beard again
[01:52] Mok (mechstizzle): but, beards grow back
[01:52] Jord (jord12): i think you shpuld lighten p park
[01:52] Parker (parker082): ive said it
[01:52] Parker (parker082): never again
[01:52] Mok (mechstizzle): really?#
[01:52] Parker (parker082): ya
[01:52] Jord (jord12): lighten up
[01:53] Parker (parker082): you lighten the fuck up, ill eat your soul!
[01:53] Mok (mechstizzle): damn, in this day and age where muslims have made beards = terrorism
[01:53] Jord (jord12):
[01:53] Mok (mechstizzle): i think you should get rid of it
[01:53] Jord (jord12): you make me cry dereald
[01:53] Jord (jord12): ruined my night
[01:53] Mok (mechstizzle): gs was telling me he's gtowing a bear
[01:53] Parker (parker082): but, i scare people, and thats kind of the point
[01:53] SamTheMan (samtheman53): DOWNLOAD ZOMBIE MASTeR AND PLAY WITH ME
[01:53] SamTheMan (samtheman53): ALSO
[01:53] SamTheMan (samtheman53): DO U GUYS THINK MY MUM WILL COOK STEAK TOMOROW?
[01:53] Mok (mechstizzle): dyes
[01:53] !   ig (ig882000): nope
[01:53] Jord (jord12): mek
[01:53] Mok (mechstizzle): yes shje well
[01:53] Jord (jord12): wat
[01:53] <[OPT] ĦũŁķŠŧÊř08 (hulkster44) (Power User) has entered the room>
[01:53] Jord (jord12): mek
[01:53] Jord (jord12): wat
[01:53] <[OPT] ĦũŁķŠŧÊř08 (hulkster44) has been permanently removed from this room>
[01:53] <[OPT] ĦũŁķŠŧÊř08 (hulkster44) has left the room>
[01:53] !   ig (ig882000): isnt steak in england like not steak
[01:54] Parker (parker082): no its not
[01:54] Mok (mechstizzle): i've never had steak
[01:54] Jord (jord12): its steak
[01:54] Parker (parker082): its bullshit steak ig
[01:54] Jord (jord12): ive had it both america and here
[01:54] !   ig (ig882000): yeah lol
[01:54] Jord (jord12): its the same
[01:54] !   ig (ig882000): lies jord
[01:54] Jord (jord12): you twats
[01:54] Parker (parker082): no its not
[01:54] Jord (jord12): it fucking is
[01:54] Parker (parker082): nope
[01:54] Parker (parker082): ous is better
[01:54] !   ig (ig882000): filet mignon
[01:54] Jord (jord12): you dont no shit derek
[01:54] SamTheMan (samtheman53): LOL
[01:54] !   ig (ig882000): try it fgt
[01:54] SamTheMan (samtheman53): AMERICAN STEAK HAS AIDS IN IT
[01:54] Parker (parker082): its know, and yes i do
[01:54] Jord (jord12): you havent been outta fucking redneck land derek
[01:54] Parker (parker082): i grill almost every day
[01:54] !   ig (ig882000): dude i live in the redneck land not him lol
[01:54] Mok (mechstizzle): i eat mainly fish and chikin
[01:55] Parker (parker082): lol
[01:55] Jord (jord12): i eat steak
[01:55] Jord (jord12): sirloin
[01:55] Jord (jord12): fillet
[01:55] !   ig (ig882000): well there are redneckes everywhere but still
[01:55] Jord (jord12): whatever
[01:55] Parker (parker082): not real steak
[01:55] <DeathUnlimited (duhax) (Moderator) has entered the room>
[01:55] Jord (jord12): stfu
[01:55] Parker (parker082): not like our steak
[01:55] Mok (mechstizzle): maybe the odd pork
[01:55] <DeathUnlimited (duhax) has been permanently removed from this room>
[01:55] <DeathUnlimited (duhax) has left the room>
[01:55] Jord (jord12): yours is making you all fat
[01:55] Parker (parker082): not me
[01:55] Jord (jord12): so im sure its a good thing
[01:55] Parker (parker082): or ig lol
[01:55] !   ig (ig882000): lol me and parker are smaller than you mofuckasssss
[01:55] Jord (jord12): people that are on the internets arent fat
[01:55] Parker (parker082): lol
[01:55] SamTheMan (samtheman53):
01:55 - [KNTL] SamTheMan : oh shit lmao
01:55 - [KNTL] SamTheMan : this is mint
01:55 - [KNTL] SamTheMan : ppl r survivors
01:55 - [KNTL] SamTheMan : thne one guy is zombie master
01:55 - [KNTL] SamTheMan : and for that guy
01:55 - [KNTL] SamTheMan : its like an rts
[01:55] <[NER-HQ]Durge (jamesbell) (Moderator) has entered the room>
[01:55] <[NER-HQ]Durge (jamesbell) has been permanently removed from this room>
[01:55] <[NER-HQ]Durge (jamesbell) has left the room>
[01:56] SamTheMan (samtheman53): he controls shit load of zombies
[01:56] Mok (mechstizzle): wow
[01:56] Mok (mechstizzle): i am really
[01:56] Mok (mechstizzle): quite
[01:56] Mok (mechstizzle): fucke
[01:56] Mok (mechstizzle): d
[01:56] Jord (jord12): parker youve really upset me now
[01:56] Parker (parker082): y
[01:56] !   ig (ig882000): is ur ankle still messed up?
[01:56] Parker (parker082): what did i do?
[01:56] Jord (jord12): saying we aint got steak
[01:56] Parker (parker082): you dont
[01:56] !   ig (ig882000): LOL
[01:56] Parker (parker082): not like ours
[01:56] Jord (jord12): derek
[01:56] Mok (mechstizzle): i feel sorry for my liver
[01:56] Jord (jord12): all i gotta say is
[01:56] Parker (parker082): jordan
[01:56] Parker (parker082): im listening
[01:56] Jord (jord12): NIG , PLEASE!!!!!!!!!1
[01:56] !   ig (ig882000): mek did u fix ur ankle
[01:56] Mok (mechstizzle): nope
[01:56] Mok (mechstizzle): it's still hurting abit
[01:56] Mok (mechstizzle): give it a few days
[01:57] !   ig (ig882000): you should have gone to the doc when i told u
[01:57] Mok (mechstizzle): it's not sweollen anymore
[01:57] Jord (jord12): docotors are for fags
[01:57] !   ig (ig882000): or do they not hand out pks there?
[01:57] Jord (jord12): i thought u wer cool ig
[01:57] Jord (jord12): fag
[01:57] Mok (mechstizzle): i didn't need to go doctor
[01:57] Parker (parker082): docs dont workt he same over there
[01:57] Jord (jord12): yes
[01:57] Jord (jord12): MAN MAN MAN
[01:57] Mok (mechstizzle): it's easy, apply ice
[01:57] Jord (jord12): ROAR
[01:57] Surgeons (surgeonbond): rite
[01:57] Mok (mechstizzle): keep it still
[01:57] Surgeons (surgeonbond): bak
[01:57] !   ig (ig882000): oh
[01:57] Mok (mechstizzle): rest
[01:57] Mok (mechstizzle): SURGEONS
[01:57] Surgeons (surgeonbond): hi
[01:57] Surgeons (surgeonbond): ite
[01:57] Mok (mechstizzle): HELLO
[01:57] Surgeons (surgeonbond): hi
[01:57] Surgeons (surgeonbond): i got
[01:57] Surgeons (surgeonbond): a
[01:57] Surgeons (surgeonbond): cheese butty
[01:57] Mok (mechstizzle): BEER?
[01:57] Jord (jord12): u staying surge?
[01:57] Mok (mechstizzle): F/T
[01:57] Surgeons (surgeonbond): smokey bacon crisps
[01:58] Surgeons (surgeonbond): a tofee crisp
[01:58] Surgeons (surgeonbond): and 3 more cans bow
[01:58] Mok (mechstizzle): everyone go now and get an alcoholic drink
[01:58] Surgeons (surgeonbond): all out of bow
[01:58] Parker (parker082): wtf is all of that stuff you just said?
[01:58] Surgeons (surgeonbond):
[01:58] Parker (parker082): lol
[01:58] Surgeons (surgeonbond): potato chips
[01:58] Parker (parker082): k
[01:58] Mok (mechstizzle): seriously why am i outdrinking you guys
[01:58] Surgeons (surgeonbond): a sandwich
[01:58] !   ig (ig882000): i was about to anyway mek lol
[01:58] Parker (parker082): k
[01:58] Mok (mechstizzle): ig
[01:58] Surgeons (surgeonbond): and a chocolate bar
[01:58] Mok (mechstizzle): ig knows what i'm talking about
[01:58] Parker (parker082): i see
[01:58] Jord (jord12): right fuck it im off
[01:58] Jord (jord12): cya
[01:58] Surgeons (surgeonbond): nite
[01:58] Parker (parker082): later jord
[01:58] Mok (mechstizzle): ig, have you heard of collie budz
[01:58] Surgeons (surgeonbond): <3 u jord
[01:58] <Jord (jord12) has left the room>
[01:59] Surgeons (surgeonbond): ig
[01:59] Mok (mechstizzle): fuck
[01:59] Mok (mechstizzle): we've lost jord
[01:59] Surgeons (surgeonbond): he's some wanabee white reggae singer
[01:59] Surgeons (surgeonbond): who is shit
[01:59] !   ig (ig882000): lol
[01:59] Mok (mechstizzle): he's awesome
[01:59] Parker (parker082): wat
[01:59] Surgeons (surgeonbond): he suks
[01:59] !   ig (ig882000): wait what
[01:59] !   ig (ig882000): collie budzz
[01:59] Surgeons (surgeonbond): sucks
[01:59] !   ig (ig882000): yes ive heard that one song
[01:59] Mok (mechstizzle):
[01:59] Surgeons (surgeonbond): it sucks
[01:59] Parker (parker082): oliver is just being a pissy little bitch tonight
[01:59] Surgeons (surgeonbond): rite
[01:59] Surgeons (surgeonbond): hey, fuck you man
[02:00] Parker (parker082): rite
[02:00] Surgeons (surgeonbond): ur a pissy little bitch
[02:00] SamTheMan (samtheman53): zombie master is good
[02:00] Surgeons (surgeonbond): srlsy
[02:00] Parker (parker082): maybe
[02:00] Mok (mechstizzle): take me to dat place, i wanna be girl
[02:00] !   ig (ig882000): what is zomboe master
[02:00] Parker (parker082): but im gonna get some ass
[02:00] Parker (parker082): enough with zombie master
[02:00] !   ig (ig882000): do it
[02:00] Surgeons (surgeonbond): ladyboy parker
[02:00] Parker (parker082): i will.....hopefully
[02:00] Surgeons (surgeonbond): she's a
[02:00] SamTheMan (samtheman53): get it oli
[02:00] Parker (parker082): what the fuck does that mean?
[02:00] Mok (mechstizzle): ur my evertin' i need in dese world
[02:00] Surgeons (surgeonbond): she's a ladyboy parker
[02:00] Parker (parker082): what is that oliver?
[02:00] Mok (mechstizzle): ig
[02:01] Surgeons (surgeonbond): u know
[02:01] Mok (mechstizzle): IG
[02:01] !   ig (ig882000): i got a ps3 lets play
[02:01] Mok (mechstizzle): what dreink
[02:01] Parker (parker082): no i dont
[02:01] Mok (mechstizzle): are you drinking
[02:01] Surgeons (surgeonbond): one of them thai prostitutes
[02:01] Mok (mechstizzle): IG WHAT DRINK
[02:01] Surgeons (surgeonbond): chick with a dick
[02:01] Surgeons (surgeonbond): etc
[02:01] !   ig (ig882000): beer
[02:01] Parker (parker082): lol
[02:01] !   ig (ig882000): st pauli girl
[02:01] Parker (parker082): no shes not a prostiture
[02:01] Surgeons (surgeonbond): no
[02:01] Surgeons (surgeonbond): she has a penis though
[02:01] Mok (mechstizzle): SAN
[02:01] Mok (mechstizzle): SAM
[02:01] Mok (mechstizzle): SAM
[02:01] Parker (parker082): lol wat
[02:01] Parker (parker082): no
[02:01] Surgeons (surgeonbond): joking
[02:01] Surgeons (surgeonbond):
[02:01] Surgeons (surgeonbond): <3 u really
[02:01] Parker (parker082): i know
[02:01] Mok (mechstizzle): 2am
[02:01] Mok (mechstizzle): fuck yeah
[02:01] Surgeons (surgeonbond): I <3 you too Oliver
[02:01] Surgeons (surgeonbond): thanks parker
[02:01] Mok (mechstizzle): aint event ired
[02:02] Mok (mechstizzle): tired*
[02:02] Surgeons (surgeonbond): you ungrateful little hwore
[02:02] Parker (parker082): 20:02
[02:02] Surgeons (surgeonbond): 2:02
[02:02] Surgeons (surgeonbond): u cunt
[02:02] Parker (parker082): hwore?
[02:02] <DoctaStrangelove (doctastrangelove1964) (Power User) has entered the room>
[02:02] Surgeons (surgeonbond): fu
[02:02] Surgeons (surgeonbond): hai docta
[02:02] <DoctaStrangelove (doctastrangelove1964) has been permanently removed from this room>
[02:02] <DoctaStrangelove (doctastrangelove1964) has left the room>
[02:02] Surgeons (surgeonbond): JORD!
[02:02] Parker (parker082): wtf
[02:02] Surgeons (surgeonbond): >
[02:03] Parker (parker082): ok, im going to the grill. later guys
[02:03] <Parker (parker082) has left the room>
[02:03] Surgeons (surgeonbond): no
[02:03] Surgeons (surgeonbond):
[02:04] !   ig (ig882000): fack
[02:04] <GCFC (sockerboy09) (Power User) has entered the room>
[02:04] Mok (mechstizzle): GTYFO
[02:04] Surgeons (surgeonbond): ffs
[02:04] Mok (mechstizzle): SOCKERBOUY
[02:04] Surgeons (surgeonbond): too many randies
[02:04] Mok (mechstizzle): WHO R U
[02:04] GCFC (sockerboy09): lol
[02:04] <GCFC (sockerboy09) has been permanently removed from this room>
[02:04] <GCFC (sockerboy09) has left the room>
[02:04] Mok (mechstizzle): PARKER
[02:04] Mok (mechstizzle): PARKER
[02:04] Mok (mechstizzle): PARKER
[02:04] Surgeons (surgeonbond): NO LOLS 4 U
[02:04] Mok (mechstizzle): BRING BACK PARKER
[02:04] Surgeons (surgeonbond): parker left:(
[02:04] Surgeons (surgeonbond): hes not responding on xfire either
[02:05] Mok (mechstizzle): yup
[02:05] Mok (mechstizzle): omff
[02:05] Mok (mechstizzle): g
[02:05] Mok (mechstizzle): wtf
[02:05] Surgeons (surgeonbond): just u me and ig
[02:05] Mok (mechstizzle): IG
[02:05] Mok (mechstizzle): IG
[02:05] Mok (mechstizzle): IG
[02:05] Surgeons (surgeonbond): smas is ingame
[02:05] Surgeons (surgeonbond):
[02:05] !   ig (ig882000): o shi
[02:05] Surgeons (surgeonbond): IG
[02:05] Surgeons (surgeonbond): hi
[02:05] Mok (mechstizzle): ig
[02:05] Mok (mechstizzle): you there
[02:05] !   ig (ig882000): yeah im watchin tv
[02:05] Surgeons (surgeonbond): >
[02:05] Mok (mechstizzle): getd rink
[02:05] Mok (mechstizzle): drunk
[02:05] Surgeons (surgeonbond): wheres u decditaction
[02:05] !   ig (ig882000): im workin on it
[02:05] Mok (mechstizzle): surgoens
[02:05] Mok (mechstizzle): have you really
[02:05] Surgeons (surgeonbond): mastubrting moar like
[02:05] Mok (mechstizzle): ran out
[02:06] !   ig (ig882000): iim just hopin that the girls come through
[02:06] Surgeons (surgeonbond): well
[02:06] Mok (mechstizzle): HAVE YOU REALLY RAN OUT
[02:06] Surgeons (surgeonbond): got 1 morec can after this
[02:06] Surgeons (surgeonbond): then im broke till tomorrow
[02:06] Mok (mechstizzle): DRINK THAT CAN
[02:06] Surgeons (surgeonbond): 2 big c pack bers cider for 16 quid
[02:06] !   ig (ig882000): we cantg buy alcoholon sundays lolllllll
[02:06] Mok (mechstizzle): DRINK IT IN UNDER 1 MINUTE
[02:06] Surgeons (surgeonbond): errrrryes u can ig
[02:06] !   ig (ig882000): fucking fail
[02:06] Surgeons (surgeonbond): u nigger
[02:06] Mok (mechstizzle): surgeons
[02:06] !   ig (ig882000): no im serious
[02:06] Surgeons (surgeonbond): so
[02:06] Surgeons (surgeonbond): z
[02:06] Mok (mechstizzle): i can beat you
[02:06] Mok (mechstizzle): easily
[02:06] Surgeons (surgeonbond): we can
[02:06] !   ig (ig882000): not in georgia
[02:06] Mok (mechstizzle): fuck sake
[02:06] Surgeons (surgeonbond): over jhere
[02:07] Surgeons (surgeonbond): u suk
[02:07] !   ig (ig882000): well u can in restaurants and bars
[02:07] Mok (mechstizzle): i can beat ig
[02:07] Mok (mechstizzle): MAYBE
[02:07] !   ig (ig882000): but not stores
[02:07] Surgeons (surgeonbond): i dont carec lolol
[02:07] !   ig (ig882000): fuuuuuu
[02:07] Surgeons (surgeonbond):
[02:07] Surgeons (surgeonbond): soz
[02:07] !   ig (ig882000): go fuck a nigger
[02:07] Surgeons (surgeonbond): i was joking ijg
[02:07] !   ig (ig882000):
[02:07] Mok (mechstizzle): SAM
[02:07] Mok (mechstizzle): SAM
[02:07] Mok (mechstizzle): SAM
[02:07] Surgeons (surgeonbond): SAMMS}
[02:07] Mok (mechstizzle): fuck sake what is SAM doing?
[02:07] Surgeons (surgeonbond): SAM
[02:07] Mok (mechstizzle): surgeons
[02:07] Surgeons (surgeonbond): ingame aifkin
[02:07] Mok (mechstizzle): drink that last can
[02:07] Mok (mechstizzle): ffs
[02:07] Surgeons (surgeonbond): hi
[02:07] !   ig (ig882000): hes beatin his willy
[02:08] Surgeons (surgeonbond): i am omn it not
[02:08] Surgeons (surgeonbond): ffs
[02:08] Mok (mechstizzle): ok
[02:08] Mok (mechstizzle): good
[02:08] Surgeons (surgeonbond): weaitng crisdps
[02:08] Mok (mechstizzle): drink it fastr
[02:08] Mok (mechstizzle): surgeons
[02:08] Surgeons (surgeonbond): wa
[02:08] Mok (mechstizzle): WHAT IS R-NICK doing
[02:08] Surgeons (surgeonbond): ffs
[02:08] !   ig (ig882000): fuck i need to eat something
[02:08] Surgeons (surgeonbond): IDKFKX
[02:08] Mok (mechstizzle): munchies
[02:08] Mok (mechstizzle): LOL
[02:08] Mok (mechstizzle): i need some weed
[02:08] Mok (mechstizzle): Uni life has corrupted me
[02:08] Mok (mechstizzle):
[02:08] SamTheMan (samtheman53): back
[02:08] Mok (mechstizzle): sam
[02:08] Surgeons (surgeonbond): hi
[02:08] Mok (mechstizzle): please
[02:08] !   ig (ig882000): lol
[02:08] Mok (mechstizzle): get drunk
[02:08] SamTheMan (samtheman53): hi
[02:08] SamTheMan (samtheman53): k
[02:08] SamTheMan (samtheman53): no u LOOOOLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL
[02:08] Mok (mechstizzle): this is peer pressure
[02:09] Mok (mechstizzle): you get drunk
[02:09] Mok (mechstizzle): or
[02:09] Mok (mechstizzle): you're not poipular
[02:09] SamTheMan (samtheman53): or what blud
[02:09] SamTheMan (samtheman53): u goin do
[02:09] SamTheMan (samtheman53): eh
[02:09] Mok (mechstizzle):
[02:09] SamTheMan (samtheman53): pussyhole
[02:09] Surgeons (surgeonbond): sam fails btw mek
[02:09] Mok (mechstizzle): get DRUNK
[02:09] Mok (mechstizzle): i know
[02:09] Surgeons (surgeonbond): he drinks budwiesr
[02:09] Mok (mechstizzle): what a mooj
[02:09] Mok (mechstizzle): HE ISN'T DRINKING COS HE'S A MUSLIM
[02:09] Surgeons (surgeonbond): he drinks bud
[02:09] SamTheMan (samtheman53): better than fizzy apple juice fag
[02:09] Surgeons (surgeonbond): like a yankfag
[02:09] Mok (mechstizzle): i ain't drinking cider
[02:09] Surgeons (surgeonbond): errr
[02:09] SamTheMan (samtheman53): not u fag
[02:09] Mok (mechstizzle): surgeons, surgeons knows what he';s doing
[02:09] SamTheMan (samtheman53): other fag
[02:09] Surgeons (surgeonbond): storngobw is for hard lids like me
[02:09] SamTheMan (samtheman53): fags
[02:09] SamTheMan (samtheman53): k
[02:10] Mok (mechstizzle): don't diss surgeons
[02:10] SamTheMan (samtheman53): bud
[02:10] Mok (mechstizzle): or IG
[02:10] SamTheMan (samtheman53): weise
[02:10] SamTheMan (samtheman53): er
[02:10] !   ig (ig882000): lmao owned
[02:10] SamTheMan (samtheman53): doesnt the old advert make u lol
[02:10] Surgeons (surgeonbond): no
[02:10] !   ig (ig882000): ciderrrrrrrr
[02:10] Surgeons (surgeonbond): ig
[02:10] !   ig (ig882000): yes
[02:10] SamTheMan (samtheman53): ig budweiser or cider?
[02:10] Surgeons (surgeonbond): cllad hard cider ofver there for u
[02:10] Mok (mechstizzle): sam if you don't drink you're a muslim it's that simple
[02:10] Surgeons (surgeonbond): lol mek
[02:10] SamTheMan (samtheman53): i am drinkin
[02:10] Mok (mechstizzle): GOOD
[02:10] Surgeons (surgeonbond): muslim
[02:10] !   ig (ig882000): ive never had that cider so i cant say
[02:10] SamTheMan (samtheman53): coke
[02:10] !   ig (ig882000): but i like the tAste of beer
[02:10] Surgeons (surgeonbond): ig try it hard cider go gt some
[02:11] Surgeons (surgeonbond): now
[02:11] Mok (mechstizzle): shall we
[02:11] Mok (mechstizzle): invite some other people
[02:11] Surgeons (surgeonbond): no
[02:11] Mok (mechstizzle): then
[02:11] !   ig (ig882000): i cant drive
[02:11] Mok (mechstizzle): ok
[02:11] Surgeons (surgeonbond): bi
[02:11] Mok (mechstizzle): IG
[02:11] Surgeons (surgeonbond): no
[02:11] Mok (mechstizzle): wtf
[02:11] Mok (mechstizzle): IG
[02:11] !   ig (ig882000): too many drinks
[02:11] Surgeons (surgeonbond): ig lol
[02:11] Mok (mechstizzle): do you have a licence
[02:11] Surgeons (surgeonbond): eve i can drive
[02:11] !   ig (ig882000): yea
[02:11] Mok (mechstizzle): ok
[02:11] Surgeons (surgeonbond): o
[02:11] Surgeons (surgeonbond): nvm
[02:11] Mok (mechstizzle): good rnough
[02:11] Surgeons (surgeonbond):
[02:11] Mok (mechstizzle): I'd drive if i had a care
[02:11] !   ig (ig882000): but i already got one dui
[02:11] Mok (mechstizzle): care
[02:11] Mok (mechstizzle): I HAVE A LICENCE
[02:11] !   ig (ig882000): no doing it again
[02:11] Mok (mechstizzle): BUT NO CAR
[02:11] Mok (mechstizzle): LOL
[02:11] Surgeons (surgeonbond): I DONT HAVE A LICENCE OR A CAR LOL
[02:11] Mok (mechstizzle): i'd kill some poor faggot if
[02:11] Mok (mechstizzle): i drove
[02:11] !   ig (ig882000): fail
[02:11] Mok (mechstizzle): inorite
[02:12] Mok (mechstizzle): i wouldn't driver
[02:12] Surgeons (surgeonbond): got my test on 29th amiritye
[02:12] Mok (mechstizzle): im liying
[02:12] Mok (mechstizzle): surgeons will fail his tst
[02:12] <cF* Alquinite/Bartimaeus (chipy2) (Moderator) has entered the room>
[02:12] Mok (mechstizzle): because he's gonna beDRUNK
[02:12] Mok (mechstizzle): GRDFO
[02:12] <cF* Alquinite/Bartimaeus (chipy2) has been permanently removed from this room>
[02:12] <cF* Alquinite/Bartimaeus (chipy2) has left the room>
[02:12] Surgeons (surgeonbond): BANNED
[02:12] Surgeons (surgeonbond): LOLOL
[02:12] Mok (mechstizzle): LO
[02:12] Surgeons (surgeonbond): I WIN
[02:12] Mok (mechstizzle): L
[02:12] Mok (mechstizzle): ig
[02:12] Mok (mechstizzle): IG
[02:12] Surgeons (surgeonbond): IG
[02:12] Mok (mechstizzle): IG
[02:12] Surgeons (surgeonbond): IG
[02:12] Mok (mechstizzle): IG
[02:12] Surgeons (surgeonbond): IG
[02:12] Mok (mechstizzle): I
[02:12] !   ig (ig882000): wat
[02:12] Surgeons (surgeonbond): IG
[02:12] Mok (mechstizzle): G
[02:12] Surgeons (surgeonbond): IG
[02:12] Surgeons (surgeonbond): hi m8
[02:12] Mok (mechstizzle): go drink more
[02:12] Mok (mechstizzle): also
[02:12] Mok (mechstizzle): hi
[02:12] Mok (mechstizzle): m8
[02:12] !   ig (ig882000): hai2u
[02:12] Surgeons (surgeonbond): I CUT MY FIBGE RIT IS HIRTING
[02:13] Mok (mechstizzle): wtf is wrong with parge
[02:13] Surgeons (surgeonbond): FINGER
[02:13] !   ig (ig882000): im drinkin u motherfuckersssssssssss
[02:13] Mok (mechstizzle): tparker
[02:13] Mok (mechstizzle): INVITE SOMEONE
[02:13] Surgeons (surgeonbond): hes grliiign alligator
[02:13] Mok (mechstizzle): SOMEONE FUN
[02:13] !   ig (ig882000): lol
[02:13] Mok (mechstizzle): ig is fun enough amirite
[02:13] Mok (mechstizzle): i just need some weed
[02:13] Mok (mechstizzle): or at least a fucking cig
[02:13] Surgeons (surgeonbond): not drunk enought  tbfh
[02:13] Mok (mechstizzle): I NEED A FUCKING CIG
[02:14] !   ig (ig882000): fuck ur cigs
[02:14] Surgeons (surgeonbond): i need zleeps
[02:14] Mok (mechstizzle): no
[02:14] Mok (mechstizzle): fuck sleep
[02:14] Surgeons (surgeonbond): nite
[02:14] Mok (mechstizzle): no
[02:14] Mok (mechstizzle): USROGNE
[02:14] Mok (mechstizzle): SURGONS
[02:14] Surgeons (surgeonbond): by
[02:14] !   ig (ig882000): bai
[02:14] Mok (mechstizzle): no
[02:14] Mok (mechstizzle): ig
[02:14] Surgeons (surgeonbond): bye
[02:14] Mok (mechstizzle): do smething
[02:14] Mok (mechstizzle): ok
[02:14] Mok (mechstizzle): fine
[02:14] Mok (mechstizzle): bhe
[02:14] Mok (mechstizzle): bue
[02:14] Mok (mechstizzle): bye
[02:14] Surgeons (surgeonbond): NOT RE ELLAY
[02:14] Surgeons (surgeonbond): lol
[02:14] Mok (mechstizzle): yes
[02:14] Mok (mechstizzle): YES
[02:14] !   ig (ig882000): failllllllll
[02:14] Mok (mechstizzle): STAY
[02:14] Mok (mechstizzle): THANK YOU
[02:14] Mok (mechstizzle): :d
[02:14] Mok (mechstizzle):
[02:14] Mok (mechstizzle):
[02:14] Mok (mechstizzle):
[02:14] Surgeons (surgeonbond): i;y mek
[02:14] Mok (mechstizzle): surgeons
[02:14] Surgeons (surgeonbond): ily
[02:14] Mok (mechstizzle): you're wesome
[02:14] Mok (mechstizzle): you're like e
[02:14] Mok (mechstizzle): me
[02:14] Surgeons (surgeonbond): i knwi
[02:14] Surgeons (surgeonbond): i know
[02:15] Mok (mechstizzle): srsly, it'sn werid
[02:15] Mok (mechstizzle): how we're so similar
[02:15] Mok (mechstizzle): sort of
[02:15] Surgeons (surgeonbond): we should hav sezx
[02:15] Mok (mechstizzle): maybne
[02:15] Mok (mechstizzle): NO
[02:15] !   ig (ig882000): need another beer brb gaiz
[02:15] Surgeons (surgeonbond): D:
[02:15] Mok (mechstizzle): I WANT TO BANG A WELSH GIRL THOUGH
[02:15] Mok (mechstizzle): your sister
[02:15] Mok (mechstizzle): surgeons
[02:15] Surgeons (surgeonbond): i coudl be a welsh girl f4 u
[02:15] Mok (mechstizzle): ihg
[02:15] Mok (mechstizzle): ih
[02:15] Mok (mechstizzle): igh
[02:15] Mok (mechstizzle): ig*
[02:15] Mok (mechstizzle): ffs
[02:15] Surgeons (surgeonbond): id un have sister
[02:15] Surgeons (surgeonbond): ig odes
[02:15] Mok (mechstizzle): dang
[02:15] Mok (mechstizzle): ig
[02:15] Mok (mechstizzle): IG
[02:15] Surgeons (surgeonbond): IG
[02:16] Mok (mechstizzle): how's your sister
[02:16] Mok (mechstizzle): IG
[02:16] Surgeons (surgeonbond): hots
[02:16] Mok (mechstizzle): innit
[02:16] Mok (mechstizzle): i'd do her
[02:16] Mok (mechstizzle): and her mates
[02:16] Surgeons (surgeonbond): me 2
[02:16] Mok (mechstizzle): IG
[02:16] Surgeons (surgeonbond): never sven seen her thougfh lolx
[02:16] Mok (mechstizzle): lol
[02:16] !   ig (ig882000): back
[02:16] !   ig (ig882000): ban
[02:16] Mok (mechstizzle): she's bound to be fucable
[02:16] Surgeons (surgeonbond): ig pics of ssister
[02:16] Surgeons (surgeonbond): now
[02:16] Surgeons (surgeonbond): im not even jokgihng
[02:16] !   ig (ig882000): only if mek and sam post a pic
[02:16] Mok (mechstizzle): ig alreadt fucks his sisters friends
[02:16] Surgeons (surgeonbond): MEK
[02:16] Mok (mechstizzle): WAT
[02:16] Surgeons (surgeonbond): MEK
[02:16] Surgeons (surgeonbond): MEk
[02:16] Mok (mechstizzle): no
[02:16] Surgeons (surgeonbond): POST PISC
[02:17] Surgeons (surgeonbond): PICS
[02:17] Mok (mechstizzle): post ur mum
[02:17] Mok (mechstizzle): plx0
[02:17] !   ig (ig882000): kk
[02:17] Surgeons (surgeonbond): igs ssoster is gotta be fit thoug
[02:17] Surgeons (surgeonbond): do
[02:17] Surgeons (surgeonbond): it
[02:17] Surgeons (surgeonbond): u
[02:17] Surgeons (surgeonbond): dam
[02:17] Surgeons (surgeonbond): cocklblockrer
[02:17] Mok (mechstizzle): ig you fucked your sister friend
[02:17] Mok (mechstizzle): SHE WAS MY AGET
[02:17] Mok (mechstizzle): AND YOU FUCKED HER
[02:17] !   ig (ig882000): lol
[02:17] Surgeons (surgeonbond): kewl me too
[02:17] Mok (mechstizzle): sa,e
[02:17] Mok (mechstizzle): same
[02:17] !   ig (ig882000): dont hate
[02:17] Mok (mechstizzle): suirgons have you finished that cn
[02:17] Mok (mechstizzle): an
[02:17] Mok (mechstizzle): can
[02:18] Surgeons (surgeonbond): i fucked me
[02:18] Surgeons (surgeonbond): k
[02:18] Surgeons (surgeonbond): yes
[02:18] Mok (mechstizzle): ok
[02:18] Surgeons (surgeonbond): ageds agoi
[02:18] Mok (mechstizzle): what else
[02:18] Mok (mechstizzle): do you have
[02:18] Mok (mechstizzle): also where is r-fag
[02:18] Surgeons (surgeonbond): idkf
[02:18] Surgeons (surgeonbond): idfk
[02:18] Mok (mechstizzle): he's ffline
[02:18] Surgeons (surgeonbond): is he eben onlinr
[02:18] Mok (mechstizzle): ok
[02:18] Mok (mechstizzle): ok
[02:18] Surgeons (surgeonbond): he like in ht enext rom to me losl
[02:18] Mok (mechstizzle): go get some booze from that cabinet
[02:18] !   ig (ig882000): im bout to pop this other xanax
[02:18] Surgeons (surgeonbond): no
[02:18] Mok (mechstizzle): pl0x
[02:18] Mok (mechstizzle): ok
[02:18] Mok (mechstizzle): ok
[02:18] !   ig (ig882000): then ill be fuckeddddd
[02:18] Mok (mechstizzle): dnt
[02:19] Mok (mechstizzle): ig go get some harsh booze
[02:19] Surgeons (surgeonbond): bt
[02:19] Surgeons (surgeonbond): i got £20 for exams
[02:19] Surgeons (surgeonbond): lol
[02:19] Mok (mechstizzle): ;p;
[02:19] !   ig (ig882000): all we have is wine and beer
[02:19] Surgeons (surgeonbond): i r winrar
[02:19] Mok (mechstizzle): lol
[02:19] Mok (mechstizzle): *
[02:19] Surgeons (surgeonbond): bcd lujolz
[02:19] !   ig (ig882000): and pills and weed
[02:19] Mok (mechstizzle): ig ho are you living ith
[02:19] Mok (mechstizzle): wih
[02:19] Surgeons (surgeonbond): and i haven t even got asny from dads side yet
[02:19] Mok (mechstizzle): with
[02:19] !   ig (ig882000): my mum
[02:19] Mok (mechstizzle): oh
[02:19] Mok (mechstizzle): is she
[02:19] Mok (mechstizzle): you know
[02:19] Surgeons (surgeonbond): hto
[02:19] Surgeons (surgeonbond): hot
[02:19] !   ig (ig882000): she smokes weed with me
[02:19] !   ig (ig882000): and no
[02:19] Mok (mechstizzle): SERIOUSLY
[02:19] Mok (mechstizzle): DOES SHE
[02:19] Mok (mechstizzle): ?
[02:19] !   ig (ig882000): yea lol
[02:19] Mok (mechstizzle): OMFG
[02:19] Mok (mechstizzle): FUKCING
[02:19] Mok (mechstizzle): AWESOME
[02:19] Mok (mechstizzle): WOW
[02:19] !   ig (ig882000): haha
[02:20] Mok (mechstizzle): surgeons
[02:20] Mok (mechstizzle): isn't that fucking the best thing ever
[02:20] !   ig (ig882000): shes cool as hell
[02:21] Mok (mechstizzle): Ook so we've all stopped drinking
[02:21] Mok (mechstizzle): ?
[02:21] !   ig (ig882000): wake up
[02:21] !   ig (ig882000): lol
[02:21] Surgeons (surgeonbond): mwk what
[02:21] Mok (mechstizzle): i've stopped drinking
[02:21] Surgeons (surgeonbond): smae
[02:21] Mok (mechstizzle): i'm fucked enough
[02:21] Surgeons (surgeonbond): here
[02:22] !   ig (ig882000): dont yack
[02:23] SamTheMan (samtheman53): back
[02:23] Mok (mechstizzle): nah
[02:23] Mok (mechstizzle): nowheere close to yakicng
[02:23] Surgeons (surgeonbond): hi sam#
[02:23] Mok (mechstizzle): if i have a straight shot of vodka
[02:23] Mok (mechstizzle): i will yack
[02:23] SamTheMan (samtheman53): hey mate
[02:23] Mok (mechstizzle): SAM
[02:23] Mok (mechstizzle): SAM
[02:24] SamTheMan (samtheman53): MEK
[02:24] Mok (mechstizzle): sam
[02:24] SamTheMan (samtheman53): mek
[02:24] Mok (mechstizzle): what are yo dirnking
[02:24] SamTheMan (samtheman53): bud feg end
[02:24] Mok (mechstizzle): that's weak as surgeons mum
[02:24] Surgeons (surgeonbond): it id sam
[02:24] Surgeons (surgeonbond): bud suks
[02:24] Mok (mechstizzle): srsly
[02:24] Surgeons (surgeonbond): srly
[02:24] Mok (mechstizzle): although it's higher than magners
[02:24] Mok (mechstizzle): IG
[02:24] Mok (mechstizzle): IG
[02:24] Mok (mechstizzle): IG
[02:24] Mok (mechstizzle): shit
[02:24] Mok (mechstizzle): surgeons
[02:24] Mok (mechstizzle): invite someone
[02:24] Mok (mechstizzle): fun
[02:24] Surgeons (surgeonbond): Bulmers>bow>magners
[02:25] Mok (mechstizzle): bulers = magners
[02:25] Surgeons (surgeonbond): kkk
[02:25] Surgeons (surgeonbond): k
[02:25] Surgeons (surgeonbond): kk
[02:25] Surgeons (surgeonbond): k
[02:25] Surgeons (surgeonbond): k
[02:25] Surgeons (surgeonbond): k
[02:25] Surgeons (surgeonbond): k
[02:25] Surgeons (surgeonbond): k
[02:25] Surgeons (surgeonbond): k
[02:25] Surgeons (surgeonbond): k
[02:25] Surgeons (surgeonbond): no
[02:25] SamTheMan (samtheman53): kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk
[02:25] Surgeons (surgeonbond): bulmers != magners
[02:25] Surgeons (surgeonbond): bulmers = irish magners
[02:25] !   ig (ig882000): sry chief had to piss
[02:25] Mok (mechstizzle): brb
[02:25] Mok (mechstizzle): toilet
[02:25] Surgeons (surgeonbond): magners = irish bbuolllmers
[02:25] Mok (mechstizzle): ONE SECOND
[02:25] Mok (mechstizzle): BRB
[02:25] Mok (mechstizzle): TOILET
[02:25] !   ig (ig882000): ban
[02:25] Mok (mechstizzle): dont' go offline
[02:25] !   ig (ig882000): i wont
[02:25] Surgeons (surgeonbond): invited heggs
[02:26] <[Best]BVBPOWER (bvbpower) (Power User) has entered the room>
[02:26] <[Best]BVBPOWER (bvbpower) has left the room>
[02:27] Mok (mechstizzle): HEGGS
[02:27] Mok (mechstizzle): im backm
[02:27] !   ig (ig882000): i invited slutter
[02:27] !   ig (ig882000): but that nigger is playing wow
[02:27] Mok (mechstizzle): no yoy didnt
[02:27] Mok (mechstizzle): fck sake
[02:27] Mok (mechstizzle): he's playing WOW
[02:27] !   ig (ig882000): yeah lol
[02:27] Surgeons (surgeonbond): @_@@@@@@@@@@
[02:27] Surgeons (surgeonbond): :SUTRTESz
[02:27] SamTheMan (samtheman53): LOOOLLLLLLLLLLLLLL
[02:28] Mok (mechstizzle): i mean shit
[02:28] Mok (mechstizzle): what a faggot
[02:28] !   ig (ig882000): i told him to an hero
[02:28] SamTheMan (samtheman53): j
[02:28] SamTheMan (samtheman53): k
[02:28] SamTheMan (samtheman53): then what did u say
[02:29] !   ig (ig882000): no response
Fudgepack DeQueef
+3,253|6755|Long Island, New York
tell jord I said to fist himself

ololol @ my small segments

you're gonna get b& for posting that

Last edited by Poseidon (2008-08-16 18:37:57)

( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

^ longest no spam post on bf2s?

[02:29] Surgeons (surgeonbond): nweway
[02:29] Surgeons (surgeonbond): gud nighte
[02:29] Surgeons (surgeonbond): mok
[02:29] Surgeons (surgeonbond): mok
[02:29] Surgeons (surgeonbond): \moke
[02:29] Surgeons (surgeonbond): \mok
[02:29] Surgeons (surgeonbond): MOK
[02:29] Mok (mechstizzle): wat
[02:29] Mok (mechstizzle): NO
[02:30] Mok (mechstizzle): NO
[02:30] <Mutantsteak (mutantsteak) (Moderator) has entered the room>
[02:30] Mok (mechstizzle): NO
[02:30] Surgeons (surgeonbond): nite
[02:30] Mok (mechstizzle): surgeons
[02:30] Mok (mechstizzle): NO
[02:30] <Mutantsteak (mutantsteak) has been permanently removed from this room>
[02:30] <Mutantsteak (mutantsteak) has left the room>
[02:30] Surgeons (surgeonbond): MO
[02:30] Surgeons (surgeonbond): GP
[02:30] SamTheMan (samtheman53): lold
[02:30] Surgeons (surgeonbond): GO
[02:30] Surgeons (surgeonbond): mpl
[02:30] Surgeons (surgeonbond): keep drinking
[02:30] Surgeons (surgeonbond): plz
[02:30] Surgeons (surgeonbond): nite sam and igg
[02:30] Surgeons (surgeonbond): mok
[02:30] Mok (mechstizzle): surgone
[02:30] Surgeons (surgeonbond): stay sezy
[02:30] Mok (mechstizzle): fuck
[02:31] Surgeons (surgeonbond): sext
[02:31] Surgeons (surgeonbond): sexy
[02:31] Mok (mechstizzle): sorugens
[02:31] !   ig (ig882000): no
[02:31] Mok (mechstizzle): SURGEONS
[02:31] Surgeons (surgeonbond): WHAT
[02:31] Mok (mechstizzle): STAY
[02:31] Surgeons (surgeonbond): NO
[02:31] Mok (mechstizzle): YOU FUCKING TRIPLE NIGGER
[02:31] Surgeons (surgeonbond): D:
[02:31] Mok (mechstizzle): D:
[02:31] !   ig (ig882000): @_@_@_@_@_@_@_@_@_@@_@_
[02:31] SamTheMan (samtheman53):
[02:31] Mok (mechstizzle): don't go to bern
[02:31] !   ig (ig882000): bern
[02:31] Surgeons (surgeonbond): I WONt
[02:31] !   ig (ig882000): should be
[02:31] !   ig (ig882000): banned
[02:31] !   ig (ig882000): from the internet
[02:31] Mok (mechstizzle):
[02:31] Surgeons (surgeonbond): IM GOING TO BED N OW BYW GUYS
[02:31] Mok (mechstizzle): NO
[02:31] Mok (mechstizzle): NO
[02:31] !   ig (ig882000): adios
[02:31] <SAS-Lt.Phoenix (ltphoenix75) (Moderator) has entered the room>
[02:31] !   ig (ig882000): amiga
[02:31] Surgeons (surgeonbond): ((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((
[02:31] Mok (mechstizzle): YOU'RTE NOT EVEN DRUNK
[02:31] Mok (mechstizzle): fuck
[02:31] <SAS-Lt.Phoenix (ltphoenix75) has been permanently removed from this room>
[02:31] <SAS-Lt.Phoenix (ltphoenix75) has left the room>
[02:31] Mok (mechstizzle): ok
[02:31] Mok (mechstizzle): surgeons
[02:31] Mok (mechstizzle): fuck off then
[02:31] Mok (mechstizzle):
[02:31] Mok (mechstizzle): bue
[02:31] Surgeons (surgeonbond): im tupsyn lol
[02:31] Mok (mechstizzle): buye
[02:31] Mok (mechstizzle): bye
[02:31] Surgeons (surgeonbond): anuywgauw
[02:31] Mok (mechstizzle):
[02:31] Surgeons (surgeonbond): bue
[02:32] <Surgeons (surgeonbond) has left the room>
[02:32] Mok (mechstizzle): l8z
[02:32] Mok (mechstizzle): WANKER
[02:32] Mok (mechstizzle): FUCKING DICK HEAD
[02:32] !   ig (ig882000): lol
[02:32] Mok (mechstizzle): I'L KILL YOU
[02:32] Mok (mechstizzle): IN YUOR SLEEP
[02:32] Mok (mechstizzle): ok
[02:32] !   ig (ig882000): nothx
[02:32] !   ig (ig882000): plz
[02:32] <Mutantsteak (mutantsteak) (Moderator) has entered the room>
[02:32] Mok (mechstizzle): no noy you
[02:32] <Mutantsteak (mutantsteak) is now a member of group Group Admin>
[02:32] Mok (mechstizzle): STEAK
[02:32] SamTheMan (samtheman53): LOL
[02:32] Mok (mechstizzle): MUTANT
[02:32] SamTheMan (samtheman53): I MADE HIM ADMIN
[02:32] Mok (mechstizzle): NICE
[02:32] Mutantsteak (mutantsteak): LOL
[02:32] SamTheMan (samtheman53): NOW U CANT KICK HIM
[02:32] Mok (mechstizzle): MUTANT
[02:32] Mutantsteak (mutantsteak): WOO
[02:32] Mok (mechstizzle): ARE YOU DRUNK
[02:32] Mok (mechstizzle): MUTANT
[02:32] Mutantsteak (mutantsteak): NO
[02:32] Mok (mechstizzle): FUCK
[02:32] Mok (mechstizzle): GO GETDR INK
[02:32] Mutantsteak (mutantsteak): SHIT
[02:32] Mutantsteak (mutantsteak): IGHT
[02:32] Mok (mechstizzle): IT'S 2.30AM HERE
[02:32] !   ig (ig882000): mutant do it plz
[02:32] SamTheMan (samtheman53): mutant bedweiser or cider?
[02:33] Mok (mechstizzle): SAM IS FUCKING WASTED
[02:33] Mutantsteak (mutantsteak): IM EATIN CHACKERS
[02:33] Mutantsteak (mutantsteak): DOES THAT COUNT
[02:33] Mok (mechstizzle): WOAH
[02:33] Mok (mechstizzle): YES
[02:33] Mok (mechstizzle): IT
[02:33] Mok (mechstizzle): DOES
[02:33] SamTheMan (samtheman53): NOT
[02:33] Mutantsteak (mutantsteak): IM HARDCORE SON
[02:33] SamTheMan (samtheman53): lolpwnt
[02:33] !   ig (ig882000): mutant have u ever been drunk?
[02:33] Mutantsteak (mutantsteak): YES
[02:33] Mok (mechstizzle): Mutant, how old are you
[02:33] SamTheMan (samtheman53): mutant budweiser or cider?
[02:33] !   ig (ig882000): 16
[02:33] Mutantsteak (mutantsteak): cider?
[02:33] Mutantsteak (mutantsteak): damn bro
[02:33] SamTheMan (samtheman53): wots ig
[02:33] SamTheMan (samtheman53): like 20 sumat
[02:34] !   ig (ig882000): 22
[02:34] Mok (mechstizzle): IG is like 22
[02:34] Mok (mechstizzle): im 19
[02:34] Mok (mechstizzle): Mutant is like fucking , 50
[02:34] SamTheMan (samtheman53): sound
[02:34] SamTheMan (samtheman53): whered oli go
[02:34] Mok (mechstizzle): Sam is 12
[02:34] !   ig (ig882000): mint tbf
[02:34] SamTheMan (samtheman53): HAHAHAHHAHAHAHAAHHA
[02:34] Mok (mechstizzle): surgeons fucked off
[02:34] SamTheMan (samtheman53): 17!!!
[02:34] Mok (mechstizzle): Sam os 156
[02:34] Mok (mechstizzle): 17*
[02:34] !   ig (ig882000): do u guys like that mint sauce guy
[02:34] Mok (mechstizzle): he's ok
[02:34] SamTheMan (samtheman53): no
[02:34] Mutantsteak (mutantsteak): yeah
[02:34] Mok (mechstizzle): mutant steak
[02:35] !   ig (ig882000): lol
[02:35] Mok (mechstizzle): how old are you
[02:35] Mutantsteak (mutantsteak): 16
[02:35] Mok (mechstizzle): ok
[02:35] Mutantsteak (mutantsteak): pay attention
[02:35] !   ig (ig882000): i knew itttt
[02:35] Mok (mechstizzle): are you going to get drunk
[02:35] Mutantsteak (mutantsteak): not today
[02:35] Mok (mechstizzle): dang
[02:35] !   ig (ig882000): has haffet benn drunk
[02:35] Mutantsteak (mutantsteak): i need to get up tomorrow
[02:35] Mutantsteak (mutantsteak): i dont think so
[02:35] Mutantsteak (mutantsteak): but i dunno
[02:36] !   ig (ig882000): thought u wer like best friends
[02:36] Mutantsteak (mutantsteak): yeah
[02:36] Mutantsteak (mutantsteak): we dont hang out too much
[02:36] Mutantsteak (mutantsteak): tho
[02:36] !   ig (ig882000): oh
[02:37] Mok (mechstizzle): rite
[02:37] Mutantsteak (mutantsteak): get drunk with people you dont like, so you can push em down the stairs and not care
[02:37] Mok (mechstizzle): yues
[02:37] !   ig (ig882000): lolz
[02:38] SamTheMan (samtheman53): am fucked yo
[02:38] SamTheMan (samtheman53): im off
[02:38] SamTheMan (samtheman53): <3
[02:38] Mok (mechstizzle): esiy
[02:38] !   ig (ig882000): peacebrotha
[02:38] Mok (mechstizzle): wait
[02:38] Mok (mechstizzle): sam
[02:38] SamTheMan (samtheman53): wat
[02:38] Mok (mechstizzle): l9z
[02:38] SamTheMan (samtheman53): k
[02:38] Mok (mechstizzle): l8z
[02:38] SamTheMan (samtheman53): wait 4 wat
[02:39] !   ig (ig882000): wat
[02:39] SamTheMan (samtheman53): wait 4 wat
[02:39] SamTheMan (samtheman53): !b ig
[02:39] !   ig (ig882000): lel
[02:39] SamTheMan (samtheman53): 882000
[02:39] SamTheMan (samtheman53): lol
[02:39] SamTheMan (samtheman53): 53 is better
[02:39] !   ig (ig882000): not my name tbh
[02:39] Mok (mechstizzle): DONT BANM IG
[02:39] Mok (mechstizzle): FFS
[02:39] SamTheMan (samtheman53): I WS JK
[02:39] SamTheMan (samtheman53): OMG
[02:39] Mok (mechstizzle): sam stop being racist
[02:39] SamTheMan (samtheman53): wait 4 wat
[02:39] Mok (mechstizzle): srsly
[02:39] SamTheMan (samtheman53): kk
[02:39] Mutantsteak (mutantsteak): <3
[02:39] SamTheMan (samtheman53): k
[02:39] SamTheMan (samtheman53): LOL
[02:39] !   ig (ig882000): i need another beer
[02:39] SamTheMan (samtheman53): KKK
[02:39] SamTheMan (samtheman53): !!!!!!!!!!!!
[02:39] Mok (mechstizzle): D:
[02:39] SamTheMan (samtheman53): BURN THE NIGGERS
[02:39] Mutantsteak (mutantsteak): i love it here
[02:40] SamTheMan (samtheman53): jk ofc
[02:40] Mutantsteak (mutantsteak): no youre not
[02:40] SamTheMan (samtheman53): am
[02:40] SamTheMan (samtheman53): i cba to go actaully
[02:40] !   ig (ig882000): well fack
[02:40] !   ig (ig882000): i only have 4 left

[02:41] Mutantsteak (mutantsteak): drink em all
[02:41] Mutantsteak (mutantsteak): now
[02:41] SamTheMan (samtheman53): YA LOL
[02:41] !   ig (ig882000): im on my 8th
[02:41] Mok (mechstizzle): fuck sake my sister doesn't have keyes she said she'll be here half an hour ago but now it's been an horu
[02:41] Mutantsteak (mutantsteak): you could be on your 12th
[02:41] !   ig (ig882000): indeed
[02:41] SamTheMan (samtheman53): pics of her naked
[02:41] SamTheMan (samtheman53): plz
[02:41] Mok (mechstizzle): no sam
[02:41] Mutantsteak (mutantsteak): do it
[02:41] SamTheMan (samtheman53): plz
[02:41] Mutantsteak (mutantsteak): plz
[02:41] SamTheMan (samtheman53): how about none nude
[02:41] Mok (mechstizzle): Steak you have to get drunk
[02:42] SamTheMan (samtheman53): DEDE
[02:42] SamTheMan (samtheman53): DE DEE DEDEDE
[02:42] Mutantsteak (mutantsteak): im gettin 3 hours of sleep tonight as it is
[02:42] SamTheMan (samtheman53): DEDE DEDE DEDEDE
[02:42] Mok (mechstizzle): shit, i need to sort this shit out now
[02:42] Mutantsteak (mutantsteak): i need to get up tomorrow
[02:42] SamTheMan (samtheman53): THE GREAT ESCAPE
[02:42] !   ig (ig882000): ppics of ur gf steak
[02:42] Mok (mechstizzle): brb
[02:42] Mutantsteak (mutantsteak): no way
[02:42] !   ig (ig882000): lol
[02:43] Mutantsteak (mutantsteak): i have one of her with the awsm face
[02:43] Mutantsteak (mutantsteak): unintentional
[02:43] SamTheMan (samtheman53): speaking of steak
[02:43] SamTheMan (samtheman53): DO U GUYS THINK MY MUM WILL COOK STEAK TOMOROW?
[02:43] Mutantsteak (mutantsteak): HELL YE
[02:43] !   ig (ig882000): yesh
[02:43] SamTheMan (samtheman53): YES!
[02:43] SamTheMan (samtheman53): get in
[02:43] Mutantsteak (mutantsteak): aw im goin over
[02:43] SamTheMan (samtheman53): what should i have with it
[02:43] Mutantsteak (mutantsteak): i need steak
[02:43] SamTheMan (samtheman53): chips and egg
[02:43] SamTheMan (samtheman53): or gravy and other shit
[02:44] !   ig (ig882000): lolllll
[02:44] !   ig (ig882000): i duno
[02:44] Mutantsteak (mutantsteak): gravy
[02:44] Mutantsteak (mutantsteak): and another steak
[02:44] !   ig (ig882000): mansauce
[02:44] Mutantsteak (mutantsteak): mmm
[02:44] SamTheMan (samtheman53): mmmmmmm
[02:44] Mok (mechstizzle): ok
[02:44] SamTheMan (samtheman53): k
[02:44] Mok (mechstizzle): everyone is back
[02:44] !   ig (ig882000): thx
[02:44] Mok (mechstizzle): now
[02:44] SamTheMan (samtheman53): black?
[02:45] Mok (mechstizzle): bAKC
[02:45] SamTheMan (samtheman53): im not
[02:45] Mok (mechstizzle): BACK
[02:45] Mutantsteak (mutantsteak): black
[02:45] Mok (mechstizzle): BACK
[02:45] Mutantsteak (mutantsteak): white?
[02:45] SamTheMan (samtheman53): yellow
[02:45] Mok (mechstizzle): im going bed
[02:45] Mutantsteak (mutantsteak):
[02:45] SamTheMan (samtheman53): fa
[02:45] SamTheMan (samtheman53): g
[02:45] Mutantsteak (mutantsteak): i agree
[02:45] Mok (mechstizzle): sam
[02:45] Mok (mechstizzle): you're not even wastred
[02:45] Mok (mechstizzle): i gtg
[02:45] Mok (mechstizzle): >
[02:45] Mok (mechstizzle): IUG
[02:45] Mok (mechstizzle): GO GET SOME SEX
[02:45] SamTheMan (samtheman53): i dun care
[02:45] Mok (mechstizzle): IG
[02:45] Mok (mechstizzle): IG
[02:45] SamTheMan (samtheman53): u dont HVAE to go at all
[02:45] !   ig (ig882000): ima doit
[02:45] Mok (mechstizzle): l8z
[02:45] SamTheMan (samtheman53): WTF R U GOIN DO ON A SUNDAY
[02:45] !   ig (ig882000): peace
[02:45] <Mok (mechstizzle) has left the room>
[02:45] SamTheMan (samtheman53): fag
[02:45] Mutantsteak (mutantsteak): i agree
[02:46] Mutantsteak (mutantsteak): who is that CMCR dave kid
[02:46] SamTheMan (samtheman53): im the only brit
[02:46] !   ig (ig882000): lol
[02:46] SamTheMan (samtheman53): u guys wana fight huh
[02:46] SamTheMan (samtheman53): bring it
[02:46] !   ig (ig882000): fuck yeah
[02:46] SamTheMan (samtheman53): i aint scred
[02:46] !   ig (ig882000): we got nukes and shit
[02:46] SamTheMan (samtheman53): k
[02:46] SamTheMan (samtheman53): sas
[02:46] Mutantsteak (mutantsteak): fuck we do
[02:46] SamTheMan (samtheman53):  /thread
[02:46] !   ig (ig882000): lol
[02:46] SamTheMan (samtheman53): lol
[02:46] SamTheMan (samtheman53): i kid i kid
[02:46] !   ig (ig882000): i am black
[02:46] SamTheMan (samtheman53): u guys r my favourite yanks
[02:46] Mutantsteak (mutantsteak): <3
[02:46] !   ig (ig882000): yanks are from the north like mutant
[02:46] !   ig (ig882000): fuckin yanks
[02:46] Mutantsteak (mutantsteak): fuck
[02:47] SamTheMan (samtheman53): lold
[02:47] SamTheMan (samtheman53): 10 mins then im off
[02:47] Mutantsteak (mutantsteak): fair
[02:47] Mutantsteak (mutantsteak): i still want to know who is that CMCR dave kid is
[02:47] SamTheMan (samtheman53): itll b 3am and i wana get up 2moz
[02:47] Mutantsteak (mutantsteak): and why hes such a flamer
[02:47] SamTheMan (samtheman53): who
[02:47] !   ig (ig882000): yeah i need to go get ready for these hos
[02:47] SamTheMan (samtheman53): link
[02:47] Mutantsteak (mutantsteak): … 2#p2250422
[02:47] Mutantsteak (mutantsteak): the cowbell gay
[02:47] SamTheMan (samtheman53): ta blud
[02:47] !   ig (ig882000): hes old
[02:47] Mutantsteak (mutantsteak): he always posts that dumb B) face
[02:48] SamTheMan (samtheman53): … 9#p2250479
[02:48] SamTheMan (samtheman53): owned his ass
[02:48] Mutantsteak (mutantsteak): lol
[02:48] Mutantsteak (mutantsteak): you told him
[02:48] SamTheMan (samtheman53): damn straight
[02:48] !   ig (ig882000): i told u keke
[02:48] Mutantsteak (mutantsteak): why is this thread about parker
[02:48] Mutantsteak (mutantsteak): now
[02:49] !   ig (ig882000): not a thread tbf
[02:49] Mutantsteak (mutantsteak): topic
[02:49] Mutantsteak (mutantsteak): idc
[02:49] <The room title is now "sam steak and ig">
[02:49] !   ig (ig882000): i have a wart on my finger
[02:49] SamTheMan (samtheman53): there
[02:49] SamTheMan (samtheman53): shoot it off
[02:49] !   ig (ig882000): shit
[02:49] SamTheMan (samtheman53): with a gun
[02:49] SamTheMan (samtheman53): irl
[02:49] Mutantsteak (mutantsteak): do it
[02:49] Mutantsteak (mutantsteak): no
[02:49] Mutantsteak (mutantsteak): big knife
[02:49] Mutantsteak (mutantsteak): cut the shit
[02:49] Mutantsteak (mutantsteak): o
[02:50] !   ig (ig882000): no
[02:50] Mutantsteak (mutantsteak): quiznos sandwich cutter
[02:50] !   ig (ig882000): its going aaway
[02:50] Mutantsteak (mutantsteak): thatll work
[02:50] !   ig (ig882000): mmm
Semi Constructive Criticism
+1,431|6182|London, England

!   ig (ig882000): mmm
Mutantsteak (mutantsteak):
Mutantsteak (mutantsteak): thatll help
!   ig (ig882000): id hit it
Mutantsteak (mutantsteak): hit a finger
Mutantsteak (mutantsteak): me too
!   ig (ig882000): my pepe is small
!   ig (ig882000): so itd be easy
SamTheMan (samtheman53): lold
Mutantsteak (mutantsteak): lol
!   ig (ig882000): fackfackfack
SamTheMan (samtheman53): wat is it ig
Mutantsteak (mutantsteak): he realized his pepe was small

[02:50] Mutantsteak (mutantsteak):
[02:50] Mutantsteak (mutantsteak): thatll help
[02:50] !   ig (ig882000): id hit it
[02:50] Mutantsteak (mutantsteak): hit a finger
[02:50] Mutantsteak (mutantsteak): me too
[02:51] !   ig (ig882000): my pepe is small
[02:51] !   ig (ig882000): so itd be easy
[02:51] SamTheMan (samtheman53): lold
[02:51] Mutantsteak (mutantsteak): lol
[02:51] !   ig (ig882000): fackfackfack
[02:51] SamTheMan (samtheman53): wat is it ig
[02:51] Mutantsteak (mutantsteak): he realized his pepe was small
[02:52] !   ig (ig882000): it needs to hurry up and be 11
[02:52] SamTheMan (samtheman53): Big Mouthfuls - Ashlynn Brooke.wmv
[02:52] SamTheMan (samtheman53): wat
[02:52] !   ig (ig882000): watttttttttttt
[02:52] Mutantsteak (mutantsteak): watttttttttttttttt
[02:52] SamTheMan (samtheman53): y 11
[02:52] SamTheMan (samtheman53): ?
[02:52] !   ig (ig882000): holy fuck shes hot
[02:52] SamTheMan (samtheman53): ye lol
[02:52] SamTheMan (samtheman53): i just banged her
[02:52] !   ig (ig882000): so i can go get some ppontang niger
[02:52] SamTheMan (samtheman53): in my mind
[02:53] SamTheMan (samtheman53): sound
[02:54] !   ig (ig882000): … ht=ashlynn
[02:54] SamTheMan (samtheman53): nice 1
[02:54] SamTheMan (samtheman53): i got diff 1
[02:54] SamTheMan (samtheman53): but ill get that too
[02:54] !   ig (ig882000): my fucking rapidshare is so gay
[02:54] SamTheMan (samtheman53): y
[02:54] !   ig (ig882000): i cant dl anymore today
[02:54] !   ig (ig882000): 5gb per day
[02:55] !   ig (ig882000): and i downloaded a bunch of movies already
[02:55] Mutantsteak (mutantsteak): premium
[02:55] SamTheMan (samtheman53):
[02:55] !   ig (ig882000): yeah i have premium lol
[02:55] SamTheMan (samtheman53): lold
[02:55] Mutantsteak (mutantsteak): orly
[02:55] SamTheMan (samtheman53): ya
[02:55] !   ig (ig882000): yea wtf
[02:55] Mutantsteak (mutantsteak): lol
[02:55] SamTheMan (samtheman53): 5 mins
[02:55] !   ig (ig882000): u can go dude lol
[02:56] SamTheMan (samtheman53): no way
[02:56] !   ig (ig882000): im bout to go in a  min
[02:56] Mutantsteak (mutantsteak): sam i was going to say wtf did you post so much xifre shit
[02:56] SamTheMan (samtheman53): duno
[02:56] SamTheMan (samtheman53): show every1 how cool we are
[02:57] SamTheMan (samtheman53): 4 mins
[02:57] Mutantsteak (mutantsteak): lol
[02:57] Mutantsteak (mutantsteak): delete that shit me saying CDMR dave is gay
[02:57] SamTheMan (samtheman53): LOL
[02:57] SamTheMan (samtheman53): y
[02:57] !   ig (ig882000): lolllllll
[02:57] !   ig (ig882000): someone willl actually read all that
[02:57] SamTheMan (samtheman53): prob
[02:57] SamTheMan (samtheman53): 3 mins
[02:58] SamTheMan (samtheman53): 2
[02:58] Mutantsteak (mutantsteak): i wont
[02:58] SamTheMan (samtheman53): go on
[02:59] SamTheMan (samtheman53): 1 min
[02:59] !   ig (ig882000): penis
[02:59] Mutantsteak (mutantsteak): post the part about all the porn
[02:59] Mutantsteak (mutantsteak): do it
[02:59] SamTheMan (samtheman53): looooooolllll
[02:59] SamTheMan (samtheman53): i will
[02:59] Mutantsteak (mutantsteak): links and all
[02:59] SamTheMan (samtheman53): ya
[02:59] SamTheMan (samtheman53): defo
[03:00] SamTheMan (samtheman53): <1min
[03:00] SamTheMan (samtheman53): omg
[03:00] SamTheMan (samtheman53): its 3
[03:00] SamTheMan (samtheman53): bye guys
[03:00] SamTheMan (samtheman53): xxx
[03:00] !   ig (ig882000): peace nig
[03:00] SamTheMan (samtheman53): cya
[03:00] !   ig (ig882000): im leavin too
[03:00] SamTheMan (samtheman53): kkk
[03:00] SamTheMan (samtheman53): ta ra
[03:00] Mutantsteak (mutantsteak):
[03:00] !   ig (ig882000): latersss
[03:00] Mutantsteak (mutantsteak): bye cuties
[03:00] SamTheMan (samtheman53): byeeeeee
[03:00] !   ig (ig882000): mutant go get drunk and bang ur gf
[03:00] Mutantsteak (mutantsteak): tomorrow
[03:00] Mutantsteak (mutantsteak): i plan on it
[03:00] !   ig (ig882000): thx
[03:00] SamTheMan (samtheman53): sounds kewl
[03:00] !   ig (ig882000): later
[03:00] Mutantsteak (mutantsteak): for you
[03:00] SamTheMan (samtheman53): bye
[03:00] !   ig (ig882000): lol
[03:00] Mutantsteak (mutantsteak): later
[03:00] <!   ig (ig882000) has left the room>
[03:01] Mutantsteak (mutantsteak): <3
[03:01] SamTheMan (samtheman53): <3
[03:01] Mutantsteak (mutantsteak): bye bye sammy
[03:01] SamTheMan (samtheman53): cya
[03:01] SamTheMan (samtheman53):
[03:01] <Mutantsteak (mutantsteak) has left the room>
i g

Semi Constructive Criticism
+1,431|6182|London, England

Llol i didnt think hed actually post that shit, someone edit that
Mass Media Casualty

There needs to be some serious restrictions in this thread.

This is a thread to post funny IRC/xfire/whatever quotes; most of you are using this to post your incedibly boring nonsensicle long-as-Hell chats. I can understand if you think it's funny but trust me - it's clearly one of those "you had to be there" type things.

If you post, post something actually funny. Use your judgement to determine what that is. I'll tell you now though, it's not your thousand-line chats with one "word" on every line.
[Blinking eyes thing]
Should have ducked
+394|6704|Ham Lake, MN (Fucking Cold)
I agree with TY, I like short, to the point convos. I won't read through a book just to get a punch line.
Mint Sauce
Frighteningly average
Sam, you realise you were chatting in one convo from 00:28 till 03:01, dude thats awsm.
Ecilop Murof
+167|5997|loves Stimey <3 |
12:13 - PAP Happy: okay
12:13 - PAP Happy: now
12:13 - PAP Happy: i'm just too tired
12:13 - PAP Happy: START..... SHUTDOWN
12:13 - PAP Happy: OH NO
12:14 - PAP Happy:
12:14 - PAP Happy: aaawdawdawdaw
PAP Happy ist Offline.
[02:00] Poseidon: what time is it
[02:01] Kptk92 : 02:01
[02:02] Poseidon: wrong
[02:02] Kptk92 : 02:02
[02:02] Kptk92 : WAIT
[02:02] Kptk92 : ITS
[02:02] Poseidon: wrong
[02:02] Kptk92 : WAIT
[02:02] Kptk92 : WAIT
[02:02] Poseidon: wrong
[02:02] Kptk92 : 21:02
[02:02] Kptk92 : ?
[02:03] Poseidon: wrong
[02:03] Kptk92 : 20:02
[02:03] Poseidon: think man
[02:03] Kptk92 : wats ur time zone
[02:03] Poseidon: THINK OUTSIDE OF THE BOX
[02:03] Poseidon: and EST
[02:03] Poseidon: but that's not it
[02:03] Kptk92 : wat time is it
[02:03] Kptk92 : hmmm
[02:03] Kptk92 : ITS KERRY TIME
[02:03] Poseidon: wrong
[02:03] Poseidon: but close
[02:04] Poseidon: the middle word is wrong
[02:04] Kptk92 : Chico?
[02:04] Poseidon: no
[02:04] Poseidon: it begins with an r
[02:04] Kptk92 : Alex
[02:04] Kptk92 : Runescape
[02:04] Kptk92 : wat watr
[02:04] Kptk92 : Rage
[02:04] Poseidon: SO CLOSE
[02:04] Kptk92 : clue me
[02:04] Poseidon: it's rage
[02:04] Poseidon: just change one lette
[02:04] Poseidon: r
[02:05] Kptk92 : rage
[02:05] Kptk92 : ragequit
[02:05] Poseidon: NO
[02:05] Poseidon: FUCKING HELL KERRY
[02:05] Poseidon: THINK
[02:05] Kptk92 : race
[02:05] Poseidon: NO
[02:05] Kptk92 : lulz
[02:05] Kptk92 : okay
[02:05] Kptk92 : erm
[02:05] Kptk92 : rate
[02:05] Poseidon: closer
[02:05] Kptk92 : rege
[02:05] Kptk92 : wat wat
[02:05] Kptk92 : rabe
[02:05] Kptk92 : rave
[02:05] Kptk92 : rave
[02:05] Kptk92 : RAVE
[02:06] Poseidon: go through the alphabet you schmuck
[02:06] Kptk92 : raae
[02:06] Kptk92 : rabe
[02:06] Kptk92 : race
[02:06] Kptk92 : rade
[02:06] Kptk92 : raee
[02:06] Kptk92 : rafe
[02:06] Kptk92 : rage
[02:06] Kptk92 : rahe
[02:06] Kptk92 : raie
[02:06] Kptk92 : raje
[02:06] Kptk92 : rake
[02:06] Kptk92 : RAKE
[02:06] Kptk92 : rale
[02:06] Kptk92 : rame
[02:06] Kptk92 : rane
[02:07] Kptk92 : raoe
[02:07] Kptk92 : rape
[02:07] Poseidon: WE HAVE A FUCKING WINNER
[02:07] Kptk92 : RAPE
[02:07] Kptk92 : RAPe
[02:07] Kptk92 : LOLL
[02:07] Kptk92 : RPAE
[02:07] Kptk92 : RPAPRPEPA
[02:07] Kptk92 : RAPE
[02:07] Poseidon: YOU. ARE. FUCKING. RETARD.
[02:07] Poseidon: wow
[02:07] Kptk92 : RAPE
[02:07] Poseidon: wait
[02:07] Poseidon: RETARDED.
[02:07] Poseidon: YEAH, THERE WE GO.
[02:07] Kptk92 : ITS RAPE TIME
[02:07] Kptk92 : DO I WIN PRISE
[02:07] Poseidon: yeah
[02:07] Poseidon: bend over
[02:07] Poseidon: i've got david.p here
[02:07] Kptk92 : WAT
[02:07] Poseidon: i told you
[02:07] Poseidon: IT'S RAPE TIME
Fudgepack DeQueef
+3,253|6755|Long Island, New York
^^^ I can't believe it took you that fucking long
^^^ I can't believe you would say such a thing
Fudgepack DeQueef
+3,253|6755|Long Island, New York

kptk92 wrote:

^^^ I can't believe you would say such a thing
^^^ I can't believe it's not butter

but yeah, yor dum
Deeds, not words.
+311|6823|Greenwood, IN

#bf2s wrote:

(14:47:39) (@kylef) i have the photo, naturn
(14:47:46) (+Naturn) I know
(14:47:47) (+Naturn) LOL
(14:47:51) (@kylef) it's epic
(14:47:55) (+Naturn) Not really
(14:48:05) (+Naturn) I'm not bald.
(14:48:08) (+Naturn) It kind of don't work.
(14:48:49) (@kylef) … naturn.png
(14:48:50) (@kylef) there.
(14:48:53) (@kylef) took a while to find
(14:48:55) (@kylef) i'm sorry naturn
(14:48:58) (@kylef) i must be an e-bully
(14:49:09) (+Naturn) you think yoru bullying me?
(14:49:14) (+Naturn) What because I don't fire back?
(14:49:23) (@kylef) stfu
(14:49:24) (+Naturn) Did you ever think i might think its acually funny.
(14:49:31) (@kylef) not really
(14:49:33) (@kylef) but stop
(14:49:37) (+Naturn) stop what?
(14:49:38) (@kylef) you're hurting my e-status
(14:49:42) (+Naturn) HAHAHAHA
+1,352|6711|N. Ireland

Naturn wrote:

#bf2s wrote:

(14:47:39) (@kylef) i have the photo, naturn
(14:47:46) (+Naturn) I know
(14:47:47) (+Naturn) LOL
(14:47:51) (@kylef) it's epic
(14:47:55) (+Naturn) Not really
(14:48:05) (+Naturn) I'm not bald.
(14:48:08) (+Naturn) It kind of don't work.
(14:48:49) (@kylef) … naturn.png
(14:48:50) (@kylef) there.
(14:48:53) (@kylef) took a while to find
(14:48:55) (@kylef) i'm sorry naturn
(14:48:58) (@kylef) i must be an e-bully
(14:49:09) (+Naturn) you think yoru bullying me?
(14:49:14) (+Naturn) What because I don't fire back?
(14:49:23) (@kylef) stfu
(14:49:24) (+Naturn) Did you ever think i might think its acually funny.
(14:49:31) (@kylef) not really
(14:49:33) (@kylef) but stop
(14:49:37) (+Naturn) stop what?
(14:49:38) (@kylef) you're hurting my e-status
(14:49:42) (+Naturn) HAHAHAHA

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