God Save the Queen
+628|6495|tropical regions of london
youre not being serious are you?  whats next, the war on baldness?  war on papercuts?  people with beards are being portrayed unfairly by the media.  this is ridiculous.
Proud member of the vast right-wing conspiracy
+1,060|6597|The Land of Scott Walker
I'm quite serious, though you characterized it as a war, not me.  It's simply true that fathers are rarely portrayed positively.
All kiiiiiiiiinds of gainz
i would support the war on papercuts.  Man them fuckers hurt...i got taken down by no less that 2 of the sneaky fuckers just today.

Now a place where i can funnel trillion of dollars of hard earned tax paper money to support my just war! Bring it on Paperaq!
Blackbelts are just whitebelts who have never quit.
O Canada
+1,596|6557|North Carolina
Paperaqsizzers.  Deadly fuckers....

Stingray24 wrote:

I'm quite serious, though you characterized it as a war, not me.  It's simply true that fathers are rarely portrayed positively.
I reckon ye are all blowing Obama's speech way out of proportion and reading things into it that are not there to be quite honest. He was just trying to say that all other social factors should not impact a child's education provided the schooling systems are up to scratch...aint nothing wrong with that.

I do however agree with you that fathers never get as much credit as they deserve and get royally shafted when it comes to custody battles and so on.
Proud member of the vast right-wing conspiracy
+1,060|6597|The Land of Scott Walker
That's what I was going for Braddock, not a poke at Obama.  There's plenty of other reasons to not vote for him.

Stingray24 wrote:

That's what I was going for Braddock, not a poke at Obama.  There's plenty of other reasons to not vote for him.
God Save the Queen
+628|6495|tropical regions of london
I think its bullshit that the media says that a child needs a father in order to be raised right.  Thats my opinion of how fatherhood is portrayed in the media.
Veritas et Scientia
+444|6282|North Tonawanda, NY

ZombieVampire! wrote:

You're going to teach your child Physics?

God Save the Queen wrote:

I think its bullshit that the media says that a child needs a father in order to be raised right.  Thats my opinion of how fatherhood is portrayed in the media.
It's like everything else, different people react differently to different scenarios. I know a girl who was raised with no father at home and she's one of the most well adjusted people I know, another girl I know had the same kind of upbringing and is action packed with issues.
God Save the Queen
+628|6495|tropical regions of london
I was raised by a single, immigrant mother.
O Canada
+1,596|6557|North Carolina
Some people adapt, others don't.  The government can't change that.  Let Darwinism take its course.
Gulf coast redneck hippy
+731|6842|Tampa Bay Florida

(T)eflon(S)hadow wrote:

Touché, I stand corrected, thanks for clearing this up! I'll try to be more discerning in the future That's one of the things I know I can count here in the DS&T... both sides of a topic get to discuss and hopefully the "reader" will see the truth for what it is... most of the tym  

moar karma handouts when available
Dont see that happen too often either...

+1 for having the balls to admit you were wrong.
Proud member of the vast right-wing conspiracy
+1,060|6597|The Land of Scott Walker

God Save the Queen wrote:

I think its bullshit that the media says that a child needs a father in order to be raised right.  Thats my opinion of how fatherhood is portrayed in the media.
Ah so that's where this is rooted.  No one takes any credit away from your mother to give good fathers what is due them.  Props to her and all single mothers.
+51|6606|Peoples Republic of Portland
You can't grow up without a mom and dad. It's science.

Teachers never helped anybody.

Out of context for the win.
He's pumping up the teacher's. He's not taking your kids away chinese style.

Morpheus wrote:

Well, duh... he was at the 80th Convention of the American Federation of Teachers.
Bunch of mediocre losers tbh.

Mason4Assassin444 wrote:

He's pumping up the teacher's. He's not taking your kids away chinese style.
Oh that's what you think. In ten years, we will see all the kids to be state raised.

Mason4Assassin444 wrote:

He's pumping up the teacher's. He's not taking your kids away chinese style.
And I'm sure your crystal ball tells you this, right?

Obama's saying anything to be elected. He even said he'll Get rid of teh N000kes!!!

Sounds like a real genuine person who thinks things through. Then again, he's the next coming of Christ, so he must be able to achieve it!!!!!11!!!!11

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