Fudgepack DeQueef
+3,253|6691|Long Island, New York
Well, E3's this week, and I'm predicting a few things.

2) HL2: Ep 3 announced (although Valve denied it...I still think they'll show some of it)
3) Portal 2 announced
4) Guitar Hero: World Tour and Rock Band 2 shown off
5) Bungie has a new title coming out for most likely PC
6) Tom Clancy's EndWar and HAWX shown off
7) Far Cry 2 shown off
8) BioShock 2 announced
9) New Xbox 360 model
10) GTAIV DLC shown off

Any predictions of releases/announcements from you guys?
Eat, Lift, Grow, Repeat....
+564|6813|The darkside of Denver
That about sums up everything i can think of as well... well done!
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Crysis 2 demo has terrible fps. Oh wait, you want E3 predictions.

Umm, Crysis: Warhead lacks anything worth buying.
Ingame footage of OFP 2 please please plesase..
+252|6857|Sextupling in Empire

TheAussieReaper wrote:

Crysis 2 demo has terrible fps. Oh wait, you want E3 predictions.
I just read an article the other day that said crytek had done an overhaul on their engine. It's supposed to run on high with good frames with just an 8800gt. *crosses fingers*

Bethesda will have Fallout 3 on display at E3. Hopefully we'll see some good gameplay from that title.
Madness has now come over me
+20|6590|Brisbane, Australia

csmag wrote:

Ingame footage of OFP 2 please please plesase..
A New Pokemon Game!!!

Volatile wrote:

TheAussieReaper wrote:

Crysis 2 demo has terrible fps. Oh wait, you want E3 predictions.
I just read an article the other day that said crytek had done an overhaul on their engine. It's supposed to run on high with good frames with just an 8800gt. *crosses fingers*

Bethesda will have Fallout 3 on display at E3. Hopefully we'll see some good gameplay from that title.
So are they going to give people who bought Crysis this godlike overhaul, or dangle Warhead in front of their noses like a wallet-taunting carrot? I could just imagine: "Yeah, we know the last game you bought from us runs like shit and that we should make amends...and we are! For only $39.99!"

Last edited by unnamednewbie13 (2008-07-11 21:52:53)

Im high
+152|6793|Montréal, Québec
I'll shit brick if there is footage/realease date/image/mention of BF3...

And what is GTA IV  >(DLC)< ?
Fudgepack DeQueef
+3,253|6691|Long Island, New York

seb--morin wrote:

I'll shit brick if there is footage/realease date/image/mention of BF3...

And what is GTA IV  >(DLC)< ?
It's only for the 360 (at the moment...could change, but MS payed a shitload to have it 360-only) and is coming Q4 '08-Q1-'09. That's all we know, really.
Yeah, I'd love to hear either BF3 announced, or any DLC news on GTA:IV for PS3...
Official Battlefield fanboy
+240|6301|San Antonio, Texas

Poseidon wrote:

Is one week enough time to do spiritual dances? Might as well get started now . . .

Battlefield 3 would be really .
Bioshock 2
say that 2 my face fucker not online
I reckon another form of BF will be announced, may not be battlefield THREE though.

Diablo 3 will probably have some cool new screenies and class features shown.

Lich King has had enough already, halo wars or halo chronicles might be shown from bungie.
Fudgepack DeQueef
+3,253|6691|Long Island, New York

Acreta wrote:

I reckon another form of BF will be announced, may not be battlefield THREE though.
Well, they've got 4 games in production. Battlefield Heroes, a game for the Korean market, a "secret" game, and another console game. The Korean market game wouldn't get a lot of news. They just released a console game, so another so soon wouldn't be likely. BF:H we know about...so it has to be BF3, imo. If at all, that is.
Add "teek22" on your PS3 fools!
+133|6534|Bromley, London

You forgot about God of War 3. I really do think something will be shown about it!

Poseidon wrote:

9) New Xbox 360 model
Fudgepack DeQueef
+3,253|6691|Long Island, New York

kptk92 wrote:

Poseidon wrote:

9) New Xbox 360 model
Well with the price drop to the 20gig, I have a feeling a 60 gig (possibly with a Blu-Ray player) 360 will be coming out. It's been rumored for a long ass time.

Some people are speculating a new, slimmer PS3, so I'd wait until after E3 to buy yours, Kerry.

Poseidon wrote:

kptk92 wrote:

Poseidon wrote:

9) New Xbox 360 model
Well with the price drop to the 20gig, I have a feeling a 60 gig (possibly with a Blu-Ray player) 360 will be coming out. It's been rumored for a long ass time.

Some people are speculating a new, slimmer PS3, so I'd wait until after E3 to buy yours, Kerry.
ur not my mum
Deeds, not words.
+311|6758|Greenwood, IN
I was thinking the new 65nm CPU and GPU model and or the model with both of them combined.
Fudgepack DeQueef
+3,253|6691|Long Island, New York

kptk92 wrote:

Poseidon wrote:

kptk92 wrote:

Well with the price drop to the 20gig, I have a feeling a 60 gig (possibly with a Blu-Ray player) 360 will be coming out. It's been rumored for a long ass time.

Some people are speculating a new, slimmer PS3, so I'd wait until after E3 to buy yours, Kerry.
ur not my mum
Fine, waste your money, see if I care!

Last edited by Poseidon (2008-07-12 03:18:38)

Cowboy from Hell

Poseidon wrote:

Well, E3's this week, and I'm predicting a few things.

2) HL2: Ep 3 announced (although Valve denied it...I still think they'll show some of it) YES
3) Portal 2 announced YES
4) Guitar Hero: World Tour and Rock Band 2 shown off YES
5) Bungie has a new title coming out for most likely PC YES
6) Tom Clancy's EndWar and HAWX shown off YES
7) Far Cry 2 shown off YES
8) BioShock 2 announced YES
9) New Xbox 360 model NO
10) GTAIV DLC shown off YES

Any predictions of releases/announcements from you guys?
Cowboy from Hell

Poseidon wrote:

kptk92 wrote:

Poseidon wrote:

9) New Xbox 360 model
Well with the price drop to the 20gig, I have a feeling a 60 gig (possibly with a Blu-Ray player) 360 will be coming out. It's been rumored for a long ass time.

Some people are speculating a new, slimmer PS3, so I'd wait until after E3 to buy yours, Kerry.
There's no way they can make that thing slimmer, so go buy yours Kerry.
Fudgepack DeQueef
+3,253|6691|Long Island, New York

sergeriver wrote:

Poseidon wrote:

Well, E3's this week, and I'm predicting a few things.

2) HL2: Ep 3 announced (although Valve denied it...I still think they'll show some of it) YES
3) Portal 2 announced YES
4) Guitar Hero: World Tour and Rock Band 2 shown off YES
5) Bungie has a new title coming out for most likely PC YES
6) Tom Clancy's EndWar and HAWX shown off YES
7) Far Cry 2 shown off YES
8) BioShock 2 announced YES
9) New Xbox 360 model NO
10) GTAIV DLC shown off YES

Any predictions of releases/announcements from you guys?
...Any reasoning behind your "no" answers?
Fudgepack DeQueef
+3,253|6691|Long Island, New York

sergeriver wrote:

Poseidon wrote:

kptk92 wrote:

Well with the price drop to the 20gig, I have a feeling a 60 gig (possibly with a Blu-Ray player) 360 will be coming out. It's been rumored for a long ass time.

Some people are speculating a new, slimmer PS3, so I'd wait until after E3 to buy yours, Kerry.
There's no way they can make that thing slimmer, so go buy yours Kerry.
As I said - there's rumors everywhere. It doesn't hurt to wait another week.

Last edited by Poseidon (2008-07-12 04:46:54)

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