Uzique wrote:
weasel_thingo wrote:
Poseidon wrote:
Failtroll is fail.
Portal is 2 hours of gameplay that is all repetitive, and the worst "boss" fight ever, if you found the game challenging you have a fucking serious mental disorder and with it being a puzzle game that kinda makes it shit.
Half Life is too fucking linear (also like portal it is repetitive and only worth a few hours of gameplay)
and TF2 is just shit, takes shit all skill and I can't really be fucked explaining how terrible it is, as it won't change your mind as you enjoy it, so there is no hope left for you.
Portal was widely acclaimed because it was different, and entertaining. Sorry the boss fight wasn't hard enough for you, but I'm pretty sure it wasn't the actual
point of the game. After all, a game sucessively leading up to a final boss fight would have been far too predictable and
linear- wouldn't it? Portal is a great hype-machine / trivia experience that adds a lot (of speculation) to the back story of the expansive Half Life universe... that's chiefly why it was such a success to the community. Half Life has been commented on as being linear, but it is a great game in all of it's linearity- the puzzles and bursts of combat give a good impetus that leads the player through the fantastic storyline. I'm not a Half Life fanboy by any means- but please direct me to games that have such a good storyline that aren't predictable or cliché; I'll play them with equal eagerness and enjoyment.
Your criticism of Team Fortress 2 as taking "Shit all skill" (Nice alliterature and sibillance there for effect! Perhaps you are an intelligent poster after all. /sarcasm) just shows how flawed and lulz-worthy your opinion is. TF2 was voted the
Multiplayer FPS of the year, and it is the best team-based FPS out nowadays. Public play and clanmatches alike work on the basic principles of cooperation and teamwork being the key to success and victory. The major draw of the online community to TF2 is the fact that personal skill means so little in matches... if you want the trite and boring experience of being thrashed by a 'team' because one of their players is high-skill, go back to Call of Duty 4 or Unreal Tournament.
Yes Portal was different, doesn't really matter though, basically the only challenge they could think of was;
| ___x
| |
You being the "o" and you have to get to the x, all you have to do is put a portal high on the wall behind you and one on the ground, you either just jump through the one on the ground and if you dont get enough length you land in it again. At first it was ok, didn't take any thinking though as they told you that you had to do it, then the next level was pretty much the same thing and then again. Like i said Portal is a puzzle game, puzzle games are supposed to be challenging or atleast make you think a bit, and Portal failed to do that. It wasn't hard, it got old quickly, it has little to no replay value, because of this it wasn't very entertaining. Also I don't have a problem with Portal being linear as it had more of an excuse to be linear, half life however doesn't.
Half Life I will admit can be good can be bad depending on you opinion, it doesn't have too many flaws apart from stuff that is just opinion, and I for one dislike it. Also not really relevant to the game being good or bad, but ffs couldn't they make more than 5 character models? It's just retarded seeing 10+ zombies coming at you all looking exactly the same wearing the same stuff.
TF2 taking no skill;
No headshots.
Running doesn't decrease accuracy.
Crouching doesn't increase accuracy.
Critical hits in an FPS. (I don't see how people can really defend crits, the only thing critical hits can do is make people who would lose win, as the people who win will win anyway)
Firing fully automatic doesn't decrease accuracy, the first shot is just as accurate as the 200th.
No aiming/ironsights etc.
No friendly fire. (I know that this would affect a few classes, but IMO they shouldn't have removed it and just implemented something to make it work. I would have liked to play Spy which is more about skill and trying to blend in with your enemies or whatever, right now it doesn't matter how legit you look people are going to spam half of their ammunition into you as there is no consequence for it, making spy at times being about luck)
Because of this most classes are just constantly spamming.
There is more, but like I said before, you wont change your mind, so I don't see the point in trying to prove a point to you.
I don't have much of a problem with skilled players standing out, as they should as they are skilled. A skilled player should be able to kill a bad player nearly all the time, the bad player will eventually learn how to play better, in TF2 you won't be getting much better as just spamming all the time works quite well ( there are a few other basics, but all in all it's an easy game to master). Also other games can take just as much team work as TF2, just because good players can actually be good at the game doesn't mean there is no team play... And I never minded getting thrashed by a "team" in other games, I actually found the challenge fun and because of this I got better, now I am usually one of the ones who is the "team", when there is a better player I still enjoy the challenge. In BF2 I didn't mind it when my team was stuck to one base and was being base raped (unless this was the carrier and we couldn't take off) It was annoying at times, but I liked trying to break away from the base and then spamming squad invites, and when I was playing with a friend or a good player this is where real team work came in, more than what I have ever seen happen in TF2. In TF2 at times all you need is a demoman/soldier to wipe their defence usually with a medic (healing as a medic isn't that skillfull either) anyways then you just cap or whatever.