/banCyrax-Sektor wrote:
I forgot.
+ twice at home, so that makes it thrice!heggs wrote:
Yes, twice. Once at work and once at home.
Yes | 58% | 58% - 73 | ||||
No | 41% | 41% - 51 | ||||
Total: 124 |
/banCyrax-Sektor wrote:
I forgot.
+ twice at home, so that makes it thrice!heggs wrote:
Yes, twice. Once at work and once at home.
maybe if you have a shitty computer/internet connection. firefox is fast as hell on my compJenspm wrote:
It's faster.Eye-GiZzLe wrote:
tell me how it is better than firefox, and i guarantee there will be twice as many reasons why firefox is better.Funky_Finny wrote:
I noticed a great difference from FireFox 2 to Opera.VicktorVauhn wrote:
Not trying to play into the war and say one is better then the other but I don't see how opera is faster?
I click a link and the page opens as fast as my computer can get the data. I have a good connection now, and the page opens as close to as instantly as I can detect...
I didn't do any pledges or anything special, but I did download it (and at a decent speed) from the official page.
Funky_Finny wrote:
I will notice a great difference from Opera to FF3.VicktorVauhn wrote:
Not trying to play into the war and say one is better then the other but I don't see how opera is faster?
I click a link and the page opens as fast as my computer can get the data. I have a good connection now, and the page opens as close to as instantly as I can detect...
I didn't do any pledges or anything special, but I did download it (and at a decent speed) from the official page.
nasa night launch ftwS.Lythberg wrote:
yes, but now my theme wont work...
Same, i used the Cyclene Green theme.S.Lythberg wrote:
yes, but now my theme wont work...
https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/1865commandochristian wrote:
Yep, downloaded it, and it loads much quicker when starting it. I <3 FF3! My only gripe is with the makers of the ad block add-on, I wish they'd hurry up and make it compatible, I'm getting sick and tired of looking at ads again, and it's only been 3 days! :S
Last edited by bf2gammer (16 years, 9 months ago)
CAEKbf2gammer wrote:
The official Mozilla Blog reports that there were over eight million downloads of Mozilla Firefox 3 in the twenty-four hours after release, despite the widespread server availability problems. The Spread Firefox Download Day 2008 page has an interactive map showing the numbers of downloads in different countries and Mozilla Corporation CEO John Lilly has a weblog post with more statistics from Firefox 3's first twenty-four hours.
Once the exact figure has been determined and verified by Mozilla's own judges and officials from Guinness World Records, Firefox 3 will be declared the holder of the world record for the most software downloads in twenty-four hours (since the record doesn't exist yet, there's no real doubt that it will be awarded to Firefox 3). The Download Day FAQ has more details about the specifics of the record attempt.
http://john.jubjubs.net/2008/06/18/fire … -24-hours/
The Blog of Metrics, run by the metrics and analytics team at Mozilla, reports that Firefox 3 had a market share of around four percent at the end of Download Day, based on hour-by-hour tracking of Firefox 3's market share by Net Applications (it was around 0.96 percent when Net Applications began tracking). By comparison, it took Firefox 2 a month to reach 3.62 percent.
They got a Cake!
IE Sends Mozilla a New Cake for Firefox 3
June 17, 2008 at 4:17 pm
Filed Under Humor, Mozilla, Technology
80133 people have read this post.
Sean from Microsoft came by just a few minutes ago to drop off a cake for the Internet Explorer team. As people may recall, the IE team sent Mozilla a cake after Firefox 2 shipped and it seems that they wanted to continue the tradition.
Sean and I used to work together and I happened to be the one that saw him as he came in so he presented the cake to me and John Lilly and we then took it around to staff. I think people found it amusing and the “E” portion of the Firefox 2 cake, which is preserved in our freezer to this day, was pulled out for comparison. I must say, the new cake is much nicer (and much less brown) than the old one.
Here are a couple of photos from Rob:
Me with the Cake
http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3122/258 … e4.jpg?v=0
Last edited by Mek-Stizzle (16 years, 9 months ago)