Lol, my mates mum got him some 50% Smirnoff Blue Label Vodka when she went overseas...Zefar wrote:
I dunno if I'm gonna like Vodka. XDmcminty wrote:
Then just drink good quality vodka.Zefar wrote:
I have never been drunk even thou I have been drinking now and then for 2-3 years. Like 4-5 Cider every other weekend.
The closest thou was when I felt pretty soft/smooth.
Just don't like the idea of having a huge hangover in the morning and then have to puke up most of it to.
But seriously, in all my being drunk, I've only thrown up once. Too much vodka from the bottle, too quickly.
Hangover was not *that* bad. Most of it comes from dehydration, so in between shots or whatever, just have a little bit of water. That stops it pretty well. Also don't get smashed on an empty stomach...
Well I'll get drunk when I get it and hopefully I won't end up in a ditch. So far I only really like the taste of Cider while beer, wine, vodka and most other alcohol products taste rather bad. Don't actually see how people can like beer but people around the world eat a lot of spiders...*shrudder*
I also drink from 4.5% ones and 7% ones without a problem. I tried like 12% but it was a bit to strong and didn't taste that good either.
When our (social) group has parties/night of getting drunk, we usually end up just having shots of vodka (or tequila, but I hate that stuff straight). That time I threw up... too much straight from the bottle.
Lol, if your friends are worth anything as friends, then you won't end up in a ditch (that is if one is drinking with friends. It's sad if you are by yourself...).