It would be cool to have a sorta ladder system for BF2.
Here's my idea -
Have a lifetime score, and a "current round" score.
Lifetime is where you reap your awards ( medals, etc ) from.
Round is competition for the year or set time period - eg - your Year-To-Date scores, or round-to-date. It gets "reset" to zero on 1/1/(year) [or the beginning of the next round]- but your full score doesn't.
If you want to participate in the global competition, you rack up the lifetime score - etc - earn your medals and badges.
Stats would show something like this:
Kills - Lifetime: 10,000 Round (x): 3000
K-D Ratio - Lifetime: 1.5 Round (x): 3.5
Accuracy - Lifetime: 20% Round (x): 45%
Hours - Lifetime: 150.0 Round (x): 25.0
So - this could mean that a brand new player that started at the beginning of the tracking period could have their current stats slapped up against someone who's been playing forever. If some person got massive scores with unbelievable ratios within a short period on the tracking period - they'd be up on the top. Even if they only had 20k, 50k, even 100k.
If someone who just -happened- to be playing since day 1 - and -happens- to sit in front of the computer for 6 hours a day for whatever reason ... they'll still have their spots on the lifetime score rankings. If they don't kick some serious ass while playing, they're going to be outperformed in the round scores by whichever players are the highest scoring, most accurate, and most efficient players.
Plus - for veteran players - it's going to be a nice way to track your improvement. If you're getting monster kill ratios now, but were playing for months like a piece of crap ... you're going to see your newfound performance - and have the proof to back it up - without having to start up a new account.
Cool for everyone
It would also be a good place to start off tournaments & prize play if it ever comes up - while keeping everyone's stats - and keeping the playing field level for everyone (who starts playing at the beginning of the round.)
Last edited by KyanWan (2006-02-24 20:44:57)