
Seriously, the truly irritating bits of this patch (for me) are:

1. Erratic, zig-zagging AA missiles orbiting heat sources and doing instant 180's that, for obvious reasons, contribute very little to realism. I have absolutely no idea how some of these major quirks slipped by EA's QA.
2. The fact that AA is so erratically, zig-zaggingly accurate absolutely kills the majority of classic dogfighting and surface-to-air streams of bullets you experience while flying. Maybe they should just replace the guns with more missile launchers, for all I see people blasting away now.
3. The blackhawk minigun now feels like it's shooting hordes of BB's, which kinda kills the power rush you got from the 1.12 blackhawk. Maybe they should just replace the damn thing with an AH-60 for the next patch, let people experience the pain, then move back to the regular old UH-60 with its normal miniguns. On the other hand, it is no longer the absolute dominator it was in 1.12 (with a chopper-load of medics, engineers, supports  and at least one C4-chucking passenger), and will likely remain the way it is now for 'balance' sake...but it won't stop me from feeling that one sweep of that monster over an infantryman should be enough to take him out faster than a PKM. As a matter of fact, the only change aircraft needed were a reduction of hitpoints of hellicopters vs armor. The two/three-shot tank vs chopper kills were a bit ridiculous.
4. EA keeps tweaking things in BF2 to cater to the loudest complainers, so I guess that's the only way to get things done, huh. When people see "experience may change during online play," they usually don't expect (or want) devs to root through the code to come up with Blizzard-like nerfs, to the exclusion of bug fixes.

And finally...

5. People who say that nobody has any right to protest changes made to their game, and that if they do then they're a "noob."


I haven't uninstalled the game or stopped playing in protest, but I'm sure that at least the top two issues listed in my post here will be among the addressed for 1.21, or whatever the heck they're going to call it.

Last edited by unnamednewbie13 (2006-02-21 05:39:11)


kingkong777 wrote:

this patch made this game more realistic
sure some bugs weren't sorted (eg. red glitch)
but the features (less heli hp, AA better etc.) make this a GOOD patch
BS  the Blackhawk is as usefull as it was in BF Vietnam,   you can no longer use the Bh and expect to earn points, kills, etc.   All because of the patch.  I miss the game before all of EAs tweaks

Crypto_420 wrote:

BS  the Blackhawk is as usefull as it was in BF Vietnam,   you can no longer use the Bh and expect to earn points, kills, etc.   All because of the patch.  I miss the game before all of EAs tweaks
I have gotten 50 - 60 pts riding in a BH since the patch.  You have to have a good crew is all who know how to work together to keep the thing flying.

I have no problem with the BH the way it is now.  I slightly miss the effectiveness of the old 1.12 miniguns, but not that much to complain about it. 

Adapt and Overcome otherwise your dead.
I only have 2 complaints:

1. Tone the PKM back down a little bit.

2. Turn the option back on where you can explode claymores and AT-Mines. Friendlies should blow up claymores like it used to be. Nothings more frustrating then having a ton of snipers throwing claymores all through the palace in warlord with help from the support guys. Its now impossible to take flags inside of buildings.
+12|6898|Perth, Western Australia
Get rid of teamkilling mines, make it possible to destroy your own and the enemies.

Either that or just make it possible to nade a mine again and keep it as a teamkilling/enemy killing thing.
Say Hello to My 11-87

sHaDy6 wrote:

trigger, THANK YOU!!!!!!! i think the patch was the best so far. the game is fair and you need some skill.
Yes it is in theory... Maybe.  So many bugs it cant get that label.

And not being able to throw med packs, ammo, mines, c4, and throwing nades onto roofs accurately makes the patch FTL.  Fixing bunny hopping, FTW.  I now kill more people with my 11-87 than ever, and I was a big bunny hopper for defensive purposes because everyone else was.
Say Hello to My 11-87

DSRTurtle wrote:

Crypto_420 wrote:

BS  the Blackhawk is as usefull as it was in BF Vietnam,   you can no longer use the Bh and expect to earn points, kills, etc.   All because of the patch.  I miss the game before all of EAs tweaks
I have gotten 50 - 60 pts riding in a BH since the patch.  You have to have a good crew is all who know how to work together to keep the thing flying.

I have no problem with the BH the way it is now.  I slightly miss the effectiveness of the old 1.12 miniguns, but not that much to complain about it. 

Adapt and Overcome otherwise your dead.
Nothing like getting 150-200 points before the patches

Sigarms357 wrote:

Nothing like getting 150-200 points before the patches
You can get that many you just have to work a little harder.  The 50 - 60 I get is riding along.  Not shooting the miniguns.  I have seen guys get 120 easy that way.  Just takes some teamwork to make it work right.
+0|6785|United Kingdom
At the end of the day there is always a simple solution...

If everyone hates the new patch that's released after 1.2, why doesn't everyone simply refuse to play it and host servers that are running the 1.12 or retail versions of the game?

I suppose that could be a last resort.

As for the people who are stating that they would prefer certain elements of the game to reflect real life, I am not so sure. A chopper or plane being destroyed with one missile is fair enough in real life, but in a video game where your primary methods of interaction are a mouse and keyboard, im not convinced. I think it would make for a difficult gameplay experience.

The things I'd like to see changed are: (besides obvious bugs)

- The PKM and its sisters a bit "too" accurate. Sure have them accurate but when they are a even match for a sniper rifle, then I think something has to be altered.

- C4, now I am no special ops man, but the option to throw C4 even a slight distance would be useful with taking out armoured vehicles.

- The machine gun's mounted on the sides of transport helicopters could do with being upgraded, not as powerful as they where before, but not as weak as they are now. Im sure there is a middle ground.

- The air assets need the same doing to them as the point above, just improve them ever so slightly.

- And, the final point would be to sort the missles out, so that a certain amount of piloting skill will allow you to evade them.

Anyway thats my two-pence worth.
You still can.

The most heavily trafficked server ONE.SE has not been upgraded yet and there are a lot of us still playing the version (1.12) we feel is far better than the current (1.2)!

Man I tried the new patch and it’s more or less a different game! The small arms I feel are much more balanced in 1.12.

The Teams are made up of more than Snipers and Support and you don’t have to Zigzag between the Claymores and if you go prone to rev someone you can get up this week and don’t have to wait for the next or to get killed!

And due to that there are much more Medics the game has another flow in it self or what you say in English? At least the teams are more evenly balanced and it’s more fun than the PKM duels and the World Championship in nades tossing and Claymore setting that occurs at the beginning off every Karkand round in version 1.2!

There should be a choice (read to versions)!
+0|6785|United Kingdom
Is it possible to install the 1.12 patch over the 1.2 version of the game?
+51|6871|Twente, The Netherlands

Sluggit wrote:

You still can.

The most heavily trafficked server ONE.SE has not been upgraded yet and there are a lot of us still playing the version (1.12) we feel is far better than the current (1.2)!

Man I tried the new patch and it’s more or less a different game! The small arms I feel are much more balanced in 1.12.

The Teams are made up of more than Snipers and Support and you don’t have to Zigzag between the Claymores and if you go prone to rev someone you can get up this week and don’t have to wait for the next or to get killed!

And due to that there are much more Medics the game has another flow in it self or what you say in English? At least the teams are more evenly balanced and it’s more fun than the PKM duels and the World Championship in nades tossing and Claymore setting that occurs at the beginning off every Karkand round in version 1.2!

There should be a choice (read to versions)!
I was a dumbass to patch to 1.2 the first day it came out.
1.2 has changed some tactics for dealing with armoured vehciles as spec ops.  There are a lot more people playing sniper in 1.2 than before.  I don't think the accuracy of the support guns need to be changed.   That damned L96A1 kills people just fine. 

What needs to be fixed are things that everyone can see is wrong.  The server crashing when you fire a tow from a HMMV in special forces on night maps.  The never ending flares.  AA missles that fly in circles.  Having to jump 3/4 times before you can move after spawning.  the red/blue nametag issue.  Other than those types of things.  I am really enjoying 1.2 from the stand point of being a grunt on the ground again.  Yeah, I have gotten up in the air too. 

I think the AA strength is now balanced the way it should have been to start with.  It was totally ridiculus to have a lock on J10 on wake only to have your missles hit the blackhawk or cobra that just left the carrier. and you get punished for teamkills that never should have happened in the first place.
I dont get it, so it was ok to complain before the patch but after they change some core mechanics of the games complaining is suddenly taboo? That seems a tad hypocritical to me.

If things were so bad to begin with the game wouldnt have been as widely played as it was, and 1.2 is defaniatly a new game in terms of how it changed things.
Seriously, the complaining has gotten old. I think the best part about all of this is that the people who are displeased with it all keep on playin. This past week BF2 reached a milestone of over 50,000 players on at once. This was AFTER the 1.2 patch. With all the complaining I thought the numbers were gonna drop. I like to think of it as someone looking into a light that is hurting their eyes, but they keep on doing it. They keep on bitching about how it hurts, but still they look directly into it. Idiots. I have no problem with the patch. Yes, it can be frustrating when you are mostly killed by pkms. Oh well, that just means it's time to adjust. Although it looks like there will never be a day where everyone is content, I will be waiting for one.

I have never complained about game play and the tactics people used.  I have only complained about bugs and some things that people do that fall under the area of common sense.  Bunny Hopping, Nube Toobing, Dolphin Diving don't bother me.  I don't care.  When I kill you while you do it, it just proves I'm better.  I only got a handful of kills with the grenade launcher. 

My complaints about 1.2 are things that were issues in 1.12 and not fixed in 1.2 with regards to obvious bugs i.e. the red/blue nametag issue
+244|6835|arica harbour
will you people stop complaning of patch this and patch that. I play games for a while to know that a patch is not going to fix all your problems. Take World of Warcraft, every tuesday they release a patch and there are still a crap load of bugs not to mention that the game is almost 2 years old.

is it me or is it that this game in the last 2 months is full of crybabies.  wahhah ... wahhh. someone needs to give you a baby bottle rather than a rifle... someone needs to give you dipers rather than body armor.

" working alone, locking my team, not using at all tanks, apcs, and jets and i still make more kills than the average person.  "

i am elusive
i am invisible
i am unstopable
i see everyone comming
they cant see me...to bad for them because they have to respawn
i am the elite spec ops.....professionalx2324

specialistx2324 wrote:

will you people stop complaning of patch this and patch that. I play games for a while to know that a patch is not going to fix all your problems. Take World of Warcraft, every tuesday they release a patch and there are still a crap load of bugs not to mention that the game is almost 2 years old.

is it me or is it that this game in the last 2 months is full of crybabies.  wahhah ... wahhh. someone needs to give you a baby bottle rather than a rifle... someone needs to give you dipers rather than body armor.
I spent $60 or what ever it was on Battlefied 2 and Special Forces.  I have every right to complain about things that effect game play, i.e. getting hit with a teamkill because of a programming glitch. 

I may not like how I get killed when playing the game and get pissed and complain to my friends/teammates, but I continue to play and don't whine about it in here. 

People like you who say people shouldn't complain about anything especially about programming flaws in the game annoy me.
The oldest chav in the world
+2,423|6820|Cardiff, Capital of Wales
I agree with Trigger but am not kissing his ass.   I can only talk from my view and experience. Im not a pilot and never have been, what stats I do have regarding "air" are done by my step son when plays. However, it used to be annoying getting that bloody whistling noise everytime I was capping a flag only to be blown to bits by a bomb. It dosen't happen as much now and when I jump in AA it works better, excellent. For me personally, im grateful for that, it makes my £50 better value.  My biggest problem with programming is "AT missiles going through vehicles", well by the sounds thats soon to be sorted.

Did anybody use to play "Joint Op's", didnt a lot of people leave the game due to alck of listening from nova? I personally put mine away because BF2 was released and is by far a better product. Not that I was unhappy with how the game played.

The best way to moan or compalin is to put the game back in the box and move on to something else.  I've said this now a number of times and I'll use an example (outside of the game) to help explain myself.  If for eg, you didnt like Macdonald's, would you write and tell them/others, or simply go next door to Burger King instead?  Surley it's that simple? If you don't like it, don't play it. That is until your happy with changes made to suit you. If you do take this advice, put your BF2 on ebay and whatever you get for it put towards your next gaming purchase.

I'd say the majority of players are happy with the patch. I say that just off what has been written in forums on the subject. I haven't counted and if I was a gambler thats where my money would go.

Sorry for any offence caused as mentioned Im happy with the game and I'm not/was a pilot.
+0|6801|New Brunswick Canada
I agree completely with the author of this post. It seems to me that the ones complaining the most are high rank / high score holders who have found ways to capitialize on "flaws" in the game or the game has become a lifestyle for them. Geez it is onlya game designed to entertain and amuse us in our spare time. If it stresses you out quite playing ...like Trigger said ..you will not be missed by many.

On the other hand we have paid EA/DICE a fair price for a game to entertain us and they have an obligation to provide us with a playable game. The patch should fix known troubles and not creat new ones. Detailed testing is a base requirement.

A patch is to me an admission of errors in teh original design and in my opinion all patches should include a "gift " to the supporters of thier product... a new map to play, different weapons, new uniform looks, etc.. should always be included in a patch, not sold as an addon.

Have fun play fair ...make it  TIME WELL WASTED.

Last edited by majorhavoccdn (2006-02-24 06:10:50)

The oldest chav in the world
+2,423|6820|Cardiff, Capital of Wales
Good point about "Gifts" never thought of a patch as being an admission to error but your right, thats what it is along with a fix for the error. My online gaming experience isn't as much as others but Im willing to accpet for eg 10 patches over the next 12 months as I feel once they have it right only new graphics in years ahead will beat the game.
First man on Mars
+9|6836|England, GBR
1.20 patch is the best.

I'm begging and praying that bunny hoppers dont return.

Moonraker_x29 wrote:

1.20 patch is the best.

I'm begging and praying that bunny hoppers dont return.
On that I agree with you.  However, it was so much fun to kill them while they where hopping and shooting.
bad touch

i have come to terms with everything BUT AA, its still scary. im fine with the accurace, but dont make ONE missile take away 70% health
strykker boo hoo.

It still takes 2 missles to kill most aircraft so get over it.

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