+3|6746|Coeur D' Alene, ID

Defiance wrote:

sparklet wrote:

i got outsniped by a PKM

i was sniper and i got snipered by a PKM

PKM = accrate plus power
I was talking on teamspeak when i had the same moment, except i was the PKM'er.

And I quote [myself], "When a PKM can take out a sniper faster then the sniper can take out the support guy, somethings not right"
There are so many variables to this though....player skill, range, cover for each individual, slope of the terrain, health of each person, position of impact from the round, even the hardware each player is using can effect this....there is to much to say, you would have to have a much broader range of data and test each weapon in side by side comparison.

I have been playing support a lot more in the past couple of weeks, I noticed a definite increase in accuracy, but a sniper will kill me all day long...they have the advantage of the scope compared to iron sights, they are covered better...however, the support guy has armor where the sniper does not.  In shorter range, the sheer number of bullets the support guy can unleash compared to a sniper will beat that sniper out everytime.
+-2|6736|England, UK
My solution for the air power in the next patch(hopefully not wishfull thinking)?

1. The AA. Needs to be made slightly less effective than it is now plus sort the oil tower bug.
2. Keep the 8 missiles on the attack helicopters.
3. TV range set to 600m to help counter new patch AA. Would be happy though if its kept at its new range of 450m.
4. Set the hit points on the all helicopters at between new patch setting and patch v1.12 settings. The .50 calibre MG's on jeeps etc can take down a helicopter to quickly. Transport helicopters full of troops need more protection.
5. Jets. Keep the current hit point settings as long as the new AA is reduced slightly. Making pilots land for big repairs is good thing, a new challange for some and will help reduce constant flag bombing. The improved AA has reduced carrier rapings, which is a good thing.

IMHO, this is balance.
I've just installed the new patch and I've been punted down to private, lost all my unlocks and all my medals.  Has anyone else had this problem?  If so could you get it resolved?

fuzzyballs44 wrote:

Defiance wrote:

sparklet wrote:

i got outsniped by a PKM

i was sniper and i got snipered by a PKM

PKM = accrate plus power
I was talking on teamspeak when i had the same moment, except i was the PKM'er.

And I quote [myself], "When a PKM can take out a sniper faster then the sniper can take out the support guy, somethings not right"
There are so many variables to this though....player skill, range, cover for each individual, slope of the terrain, health of each person, position of impact from the round, even the hardware each player is using can effect this....there is to much to say, you would have to have a much broader range of data and test each weapon in side by side comparison.

I have been playing support a lot more in the past couple of weeks, I noticed a definite increase in accuracy, but a sniper will kill me all day long...they have the advantage of the scope compared to iron sights, they are covered better...however, the support guy has armor where the sniper does not.  In shorter range, the sheer number of bullets the support guy can unleash compared to a sniper will beat that sniper out everytime.
since the patch I've out sniped a dozen snipers or more with the PKM and I mean snipe one or two bullets per burst, and usually the first bullet does it

fun yes .... but somthing isint right

the_skajaquada wrote:

fuzzyballs44 wrote:

Defiance wrote:

I was talking on teamspeak when i had the same moment, except i was the PKM'er.

And I quote [myself], "When a PKM can take out a sniper faster then the sniper can take out the support guy, somethings not right"
There are so many variables to this though....player skill, range, cover for each individual, slope of the terrain, health of each person, position of impact from the round, even the hardware each player is using can effect this....there is to much to say, you would have to have a much broader range of data and test each weapon in side by side comparison.

I have been playing support a lot more in the past couple of weeks, I noticed a definite increase in accuracy, but a sniper will kill me all day long...they have the advantage of the scope compared to iron sights, they are covered better...however, the support guy has armor where the sniper does not.  In shorter range, the sheer number of bullets the support guy can unleash compared to a sniper will beat that sniper out everytime.
since the patch I've out sniped a dozen snipers or more with the PKM and I mean snipe one or two bullets per burst, and usually the first bullet does it

fun yes .... but somthing isint right
I completely agree, the PKM has been killing me without me even hearing a bullet.  (on my fat ass gaming headphones) which means they got the first bullet to hit me right where it smarts . This only happened once in a blue moon before patch. Dont get me wrong though im not bitching, Just pick that BAD ASS NEW SNIPER RIFLE
+31|6794|Vienna, Austria

(TMC)Gonzo wrote:

the_skajaquada wrote:

fuzzyballs44 wrote:

There are so many variables to this though....player skill, range, cover for each individual, slope of the terrain, health of each person, position of impact from the round, even the hardware each player is using can effect this....there is to much to say, you would have to have a much broader range of data and test each weapon in side by side comparison.

I have been playing support a lot more in the past couple of weeks, I noticed a definite increase in accuracy, but a sniper will kill me all day long...they have the advantage of the scope compared to iron sights, they are covered better...however, the support guy has armor where the sniper does not.  In shorter range, the sheer number of bullets the support guy can unleash compared to a sniper will beat that sniper out everytime.
since the patch I've out sniped a dozen snipers or more with the PKM and I mean snipe one or two bullets per burst, and usually the first bullet does it

fun yes .... but somthing isint right
I completely agree, the PKM has been killing me without me even hearing a bullet.  (on my fat ass gaming headphones) which means they got the first bullet to hit me right where it smarts . This only happened once in a blue moon before patch. Dont get me wrong though im not bitching, Just pick that BAD ASS NEW SNIPER RIFLE
The fact that you don't hear the bullets is a bug of 1.2
Btw I think the PKM isn't overpowered... it's a machinegun... it's the ruler of infantry battle in RL too. The problem is it's high weight and lack of mobility... you can still take it out if you do it right in this patch.
Mass Media Casualty

I played 1.2 today - I was surprised that my iCafe had it installed, well, on three of the computers at least.

I spent my unlocks today too, after all, I was waiting for the new weaponry. Got the L96A1, and I have to say I'm pleased. It's a nice little gun, not much to look at, definatly not as mean looking as the M95, or even any of the other rifles, but for presision placing shots, this is a great gun. I also ended my boycott of the DAO-12, and I have to say, It's a quite suitable gun.

(For those who wish to know what the crosshairs look like on the new rifle, They are similar to the M24, except while with the M24 the verticle/horizontal lines on the crosshairs extend for the whole zoomed scope, the L96A1 has only a center point where these lines are used. The lines themselves are hair-thin.)

On to the patch. Honestly, I can't see what the Hell all those Patch-haters are on about. DICE have done a fine job, and I failed to see one glitch - mind you, I'm not one to keep an eye out for them.
The AA hasn't been improoved to ridiculous proportions, it's perfect - how AA is meant to be. It's still a challenging task, I think they did the right thing by weakening the missiles, and it's satisfying to know that you can actually use the AA effectivly now.

Accuracy of small arms. I can't see a problem here either. I tried going support and tried the accuracy of LMGs. They're also perfect. No longer are close/mid ranged targets certain death. They're perfect, and how they should have always been. Sniper rifles as wel I guess.
Actually, to tell the truth, I didn't have a very good Sniping game today. I was panicked and didn't place my shots in my usual precision way. I didn't take my time - I was a mess. However, this was a fault of my own. I wasn't calm, and I had just played a game of COD, because the three working BF2 computers were taken by other people, one of whom was playing fucking WoW and wouldn't get off, so hanceforth, I was kind of in a different rut. CoD and BF2 are different games.

Overall, good patch. Thanks for my new Sniper Rifle, and for making me feel a bit more confident whilst on the ground, where I spend 95% of my time.

(Oh, so not hearing bullets is a bug. I was wondering about that.)
[Blinking eyes thing]
Steam: http://steamcommunity.com/id/tzyon
liquid fluoride thorium reactor
+874|6711|Canberra, AUS

MrHibs wrote:

I've just installed the new patch and I've been punted down to private, lost all my unlocks and all my medals.  Has anyone else had this problem?  If so could you get it resolved?
This has nothing to do with the patch. This stats big has been round since the game was released.
The paradox is only a conflict between reality and your feeling what reality ought to be.
~ Richard Feynman
Hi all

I guess every moan shuld revert to real world stats, AA missile never needed to hit a plane to kill it,proximity fuse,really helpful on RL.

A .50 cal bullet is 12.5mm wide and powerful enough tu get a BH down pretty easy,if u hit it in correct spot,in RL of course...

Attached GL are created to give supression fire,wich means that u are not really watching ur grenades fall on target,u just expect them to do...

And... as someone said,a plane is not intended to whistand ani kind of shooting (anybody who knows what im talking about will tell u in right) of course not a single AA hit, in RL of course again.

The new patch is not fully of mi approval,it is a step forward altough,and we have to take it as it is,moan wont help,get new tactics

THX all,we see us on the battlefield
The graphic for the SCAR-H (assault class) of the US-NavySeals in BFHQ is gone now. Bug? Feature? Or issit just me?


A comment on the Claymores... Not being able to "defuse" (remove via grenade, C4, etc.) a Claymore is questionable... No?

Oh, don't get me wrong, I've been milking it... If I set a Claymore somewhere reasonable, if I do not get killed, or set too many others elsewhere, it is almost a guaranteed kill. If you see that someone has sealed an alleyway with Claymores on each end, there is nothing you can do about it (without a attentive medic nearby).

It's true that we (most of us) adapt to what's given to us (and milk it). However, since there's also a need to maintain reasonable-ness, hearing how some people contrast BF2 to Unreal, it seems unacceptable (logically) that Claymores are indestructible until tripped.

I've heard the rationale of having vehicular mines be indestructible be for the purpose of giving engineers a greater role; tank-peeps 'd want to have an engineer alongside. Along that line, we'd (really) want to have a medic in every squad, as well as a fall guy; the latter will jump in and ignite the Claymore(s) and take one for the team (he'd be revived thereafter).

It just seems *more unreasonable, to me, that, the only way about Claymores is to have someone be blown up by it.


* Some have said that having med-packs that heals near instantly is unreasonable. Some have gone as far as to say that having an unlimited supply of med-packs, ammo, is unreasonable. There are various aspects of unrealisticness in the game, aforementioned; to me, given the dynamics of the BF2-world (pseudo-realistic modern-combat setting with some unrealisticness necessary to improve the gaming experience) thus far, having Claymores be the way they are right now, is unacceptable.
Ok so I like the new patch... mostly:

UAV - nice implementation of visible UAV, but you get no points for shooting down the enemies'
AA - great improvement, not just with AA but also jet missiles.  Visual could be a little smoother though.  Seriously it looks like it's going mach 40 out of that launcher, and you can't even see it.
Atk Choppers - 8 missiles isnt so bad, but tv missile wasnt that big of a problem before. the reduced range and control really makes it useless now unless the pilot is great.  Weakness to AA is understandable, but now it can be shot down in 5 seconds by a jeep mg? come on, EA, weapon effectiveness.
Trans Choppers - Seems fine, except the BH range and damage SUCKS now, so u that means no more dominating with it at Mashtur
Jets - Improved missile tracking makes dogfighting much more intense.  nice.
Assault Kit - Grenade launcher delay timer makes the assault kit more balanced with the others now.
Jumping - nice how people cant jump/shoot you anymore.  removes the stupid C4 throwers (would you really lob a brick of high explosive in real life?) and bunny hopper/shooters.  I still see people able to bunny hop away from a fight they cant win (ie sniper vs support)
Mines/Claymores - FINALLY i can use claymores and mines without having a 20% chance of killing an enemy, and a 79% chance of killing a friendly and him/her punishing me for it! (1% chance i kill myself )
New Sniper - seems kind of unbalanced.  mostly 1 shot 1 kill.  i'd like to try it, but i just got my last unlock about 2 weeks ago, and according to my 'historical rate' my next unlock (@ Master Gun. Sgt.) won't be for another 100 days or something (im only at 26,836 of 50,000)
Other - I still see some problems with the AT kit, such as it hitting a vehicle, but doing no damage.  same with tank rounds as well.  Also, there are still alot of invisible walls around some of the more remote terrain (trees and rocks.  its annoying when i try to dive into a little rocky alcove and realize im stuck in the open because of an invisible wall encompasing the entire boulder.  And i still get a ridiculous amount of lag when anyone uses a gas grenade nearby (even with the mask on)

ComradeWho wrote:

General_CoLin_Tassi wrote:

fuzzyballs44 wrote:


Check that site...actually is slamming EA about the patch in his sig.  I'll give him credit on his Karkand skills and time, but look at his jet stats....28000 kills and 2000 deaths...10:1 kill/death ratio!!!  That is crazy....the patch was necessary in something like that.  You cannot contribute that to all skill.  That is what I'm talking about when I say 5% are going to ruin it for the majority!
Yep, true mate. Tubers and bunny hoppers were annoying problems in BF2 and are now well sorted (I think)with the new patch. A debate has now begun on the new patch as it has caused some new annoying problems, hasn't fixed a couple of bugs and has gone too far in some area's.
see fellers, when you decide to mix with the balance set forth in the initial game release you are getting into a big can of worms, because community griping always produces poorly designed patches hastily released which create more problems than they fix
anybody remember then they patched AA to make it less effective due to whining? ohhh yeah, gee, that worked out well.
it was really senseless to mess with the nade launcher.. calling it "nube tubing" because it's effective and easy to use is ridiculous - it's the assault class, it's supposed to own your little ass at close range 9 out of 10 times with ease. that's the whole point of it - it goes and clears out things - that is it's strength and role - that's why they called it assault.. ahhh.. ohhh.. oooo!!! wow makes so much sense, maybe too much huh? appearantly it did. well now that class is effectively useless, nobody plays with it and as a result infantry combat is dramatically different. we have half snipers, half support - and that's basically it. spec ops no longer is the most powerful tool against tanks (hey who cares about balance when we can make some pathetic old vets who never saw c4 used that way feel more like they're back with the MEU).. and as for anti - tank, why? so you can get sniped with your slow movement or mowed down before you get close enough to use your DAO against the guy with the monster PKM.. and why even be medic when you can get the uber kills and the team points of the support class that gets a point every time a team mate changes a clip. as for assault - like we said, why? nade launcher is no longer the strongest close range weapon (of course it should be but it isn't now, idiots), so why be that class? you can't get as many kills with it and it has no team point bonuses like medic or support.. so that leaves us with sniper and support as i already said and if you'be played then you know first hand for yourself.. which means that the two strongest and most played classes are the ones that stay static from a distance and kill people who wander into their crosshaids - you know what this sounds like? sounds like a patch that was made to cater to all the crappy players who just wanted to log on for half an hour and kill something, because that's what we've got know - a game based on getting the effortless kill. if you're not one of these classes or armor then you are just a poor sucker wandering around the map trying to get to/from a flag waiting to come into the crosshairs of one of the thousands of mediocre players who have just been given a gift from the gaming gods..
nicely said. bring back bunnyhopping and dolphin diving.
Wow, I have spent a good deal of time reading this.  It amazes me how the tide has turned.  No hard feelings to anyone ranting as it is your right, but I thought reality should speak out here.

After months of being beatin into submission from base raping helos...and to all the helo pilots who did it - TV Station ring a bell????......I say this.....WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA, WWWWAAAAAAAA.
Gotta love MrBrain......his flares don't seem to work.. Well, for 6 months our AA didn’t work.  It’s you turn  Something to consider, when your locked on from AA and your target shoots flairs, then the AA comes next...you chances are slim.  All that low and slow flying would make ANY pilot a sitting duck and now it's a fact. 

And to Mr. GLOBAL_WIDECAT1111, another frustrated pilot it seems.  Boooooo Hoooooooo. Maybe time re-think you gaming approach?  Sorry,  I won't miss helo pilots like you for sure.

Bottom line is folks, 1.2 is a good improvement.  Yes, it introduced some new bugs...welcome to the world of software development.

Finally, I and the majority have endured six months of being whacked by aircraft with absolutely little to nothing to answer back with.  So forgive me to those I have offended, but sorry, it's our time now ))

Finally, thanks EA-DICE

Oh, and I forgot.  To all the Bunny Hoppers who are upset they can no longer jump twice their own body height and for those Dolphin Divers (that one defies logic)...Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa Waaaaaaa

Last edited by TheRealOmegaMan (2006-02-21 13:51:04)

Repairs on request
+28|6841|Alkmaar, the Netherlands
Thank you mr. Realomegaman, beautiful written, excactly my opinion on this patch, we're more 'save' on the ground now.

TheRealOmegaMan wrote:

Wow, I have spent a good deal of time reading this.  It amazes me how the tide has turned.  No hard feelings to anyone ranting as it is your right, but I thought reality should speak out here.

After months of being beatin into submission from base raping helos...and to all the helo pilots who did it - TV Station ring a bell????......I say this.....WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA, WWWWAAAAAAAA.
Gotta love MrBrain......his flares don't seem to work.. Well, for 6 months our AA didn’t work.  It’s you turn  Something to consider, when your locked on from AA and your target shoots flairs, then the AA comes next...you chances are slim.  All that low and slow flying would make ANY pilot a sitting duck and now it's a fact. 

And to Mr. GLOBAL_WIDECAT1111, another frustrated pilot it seems.  Boooooo Hoooooooo. Maybe time re-think you gaming approach?  Sorry,  I won't miss helo pilots like you for sure.

Bottom line is folks, 1.2 is a good improvement.  Yes, it introduced some new bugs...welcome to the world of software development.

Finally, I and the majority have endured six months of being whacked by aircraft with absolutely little to nothing to answer back with.  So forgive me to those I have offended, but sorry, it's our time now ))

Finally, thanks EA-DICE

Oh, and I forgot.  To all the Bunny Hoppers who are upset they can no longer jump twice their own body height and for those Dolphin Divers (that one defies logic)...Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa Waaaaaaa
OMG, no **** ? thats how a noob looks , when he get a chance to kill a pro for the first time in life. Your k/D< 1 . omg it would be a shame for me show stats like that, this simply proves that you a newbie happy coz others stoped pwing you. dont worry, my spm and kd didint change a bit coz of the patch, they are rising as they were before. Good guys will allways rape guys like you, no stinger in the world can save your ass. Get used to it.
The new sniper kit is how sniping is meant to be.  This rifle outplays all the others hands down.  The only big issue I see with this patch is that the game seems to move a lot slower, its less responsive, hopefully in the 1.21 patch they'll correct those issues.  Also, the medic unlock G36E is still a better sniper rifle. =/
Ok now plz tell me how this is normal ?! http://www.secretsofbattlefield.com/Insaneaa.wmv
Well I hate rants but reading through a bunch of these posts sort of made me sick enough to the point where I have a RANT of my own.

I keep hearing all the cry babies and they are generally the same type of people. Post patch pre patch now they need another patch, they screwed this up now, be it; AA, Jets, PMK, Sniper rifle, Blackhawk, heli, C4, claymores...

I look at it this way everytime EA releases a patch it's like a new game to me.

The major issue has always been people with little skill complaining about the people with alot of skill.

Before people were complaining about being owned by (INSERT WHATEVER YOU WISH HERE, JET, HELI) because their (INSERT WHATEVER HERE, SNIPER RIFLE, AA, FLARES) wasn't working correctly. Therefore it's EA's fault but not their own.

Getting raped by the heli, stay off the F'in roof and spawn somewhere else!!! IF there are no flags left it's your own bloddy fault and you deserve to be raped.


Those stupid jets are way over powered and EA can't get the AA to work correctly. But here is another reason why I got killed an not the other guy. If only my PMK were more accurate I could have shot the guy at range before he jumped in the jet. I shot 50 rounds at him, he still jumped in the plane and later bombed me. Stupid PMK OVER powered jet, underpowered AA.

Now its....

Everytime I turn a corner some noob with a PMK snipes me from 200 yards away like it was no issue. Yet I fire back at him with my FN2000 and it's not accurate enough. EA how can the PMK be more accurate than the assult rifle. Then once I finally get to the flag a claymore goes off!!!

Well here is what really happens with all of these patches...

The best players choose the best equipment to play with ALWAYS.

Where before, the jet was really quite difficult to shoot down, now the PMK kills faster if used correctly. Good snipers actually use claymores now and don't have to worry about the teammates. Also the free kills and flag defeneds are racking up nicely now.


So people adjust... Now I don't spend much time in jets, why? Quite simple even though the jet's post patch are actually better... (SHOCK!!!) ... since you can now easily kill helis with the missle lock (Improved AA goes both ways guys!!!). So what am I doing instead??? Support b/c the PMK is more accurate and there is almost always someone sitting in the aa, sniper is alot more fun as well. I can plant the damn things everywhere and never have to worry about teamkills.

My point is EA will never balance out all the kits nor should they. In addition skilled players will always find the advantage. It's not that the jets are much worse than before, it's just the PMK which I didn't use much is now at an advantage. Your being killed more by the PMK less by the J-10.

So here is the deal...

Create a different in game advantage and a skilled player will find it, thus a different whine is born.

Keep the patches coming EA, but not too soon I need a few more hours as support and sniper.
i have only played the 'old patch' for about 7 or 8 hours.

the planes and choppers where easier to use before the new patch, thats all.

personally, the great minds at EA should have left them alone, upgraded the aa guns and missiles, and stopped listening to the whingers that bitch about the smallest things.  Can't please ALL the people ALL the time.

the two guys that play on my team at my place laugh that no one wants to get into the planes because now it requires more skill.

on another topic:  please tell me why we can't jump and shoot?  can't you do it in real life?  why not BF2  (yeah yeah whinger!lol)
No, its becuase they now require no skill. I love reading all this posts saying CRY MORE when it was becuase of all of YOUR crying that the changes were made.

Vets hate the patch becuase its dumbed the game way way down. Where as others like the patch becuase it makes the game "easier" for them.
+0|6779|Vienna- Austria
PKM? jep its more accurate.. still depends on skill thou.. yesterday on Mash.. Hotel. Taking flag.. saw an MEC guys... hmm spraying at me and i thought this is my end.. .. still ok he hit me once .. but couldnt manage ti kill me.. most peeps dont think of releasing the trigger and just spray.. PKM OWNS with 3-4 shots little pause and same again.. for sure..

and well i think its good give every one a bit more : OMG THERE IS A SUPPORT GUY.. KILL HIM. i like that ..

a good squad CAN now turn the tide and even make a difference in that game.. well jep it could before also.. but now it really makes fun to play support sometimes. also i didnt get in the first place why the made the MG so dam inaccurate.. i Rl they got long barrels and if u fire em in short burts THEY ARE ACCURATE AS HELL.

i think its good to have a weapon vs everything if u get sniped down.. who u call? counter sniper or Support.. before that u could just pray that hes a damned poor sniper to get him down with the scar or the g36c whilst u take ur 3 shots.

whch annoys me. is the RED BUG. really. and tanks seem to have dif hit points meaning the US tank is stronger seemingly. AA... well... hm ... making AA stronger OK.. but also making choppers cheaper NOT OK:

thast not the right thing to do.. if u make the AA stronger why u have to make choppers weaker ??.. o Blackhawk i udnerstand that a bit.. but THEY COULD JUST MAKE BETTER WEAPONS IN TEH OTHER CHOPPERS.. instead of powering that thing so damned down that u couldnt hit the hover damn when u where 2 metres away from it
just nothing

BerkuT_gru wrote:

Ok now plz tell me how this is normal ?! http://www.secretsofbattlefield.com/Insaneaa.wmv
It's just glitchy is all.
I like it, the games better as far as I can see. The game actually takes some thought now. Now you cant go running out in front of a tank chucking c4 at it, which is extremely un-realistic and should never be in any game whether its a simulator or an arcade style FPS. Tanks are supposed to be feared in war games, in Bf2 they (before patch v1.2) were simply a bump in the road for most ppl, now there feared and should be feared, and you cant go running our in front of 1 b-hopping like a chicken with its head cut off around it.

I also like how you cant hide your hitboxes like you used to able to. Popping up and down behind a wall or rock, in rapid succession. Since prone takes a while to enter, and return to standing.

The game finally gives those who can actually aim a gun the chance at shineing, before patch v1.2 I was doing very well, now the patch only made me better, as I have lots of experience in point and shoot style games, (i.e Americas Army).

However, like with every patch we've recieved from EA, there comes the negatives. EA messed with some things that didnt need tweaking or fixing, such as the support kit, before v1.2 alot of people complained about the support kit and not being able to hit anything, well my friends, a heavy machine gun was never meant to nail anything at 200 meters...its purely a suppression fire weapon, thats why its named support, now it has the accuracy of an M16A2 or aK-101, which is ridiculous, i've watched guys with the RPK or SAW spawn kill without being contested. You fire 6 shots into them only to have them turn around and 1 shot me. Support needs to be towned down immensely.

The same bugs that were supposed to be fixed still exist, I see the "red name tag" glitch alot especially on karkand and sharqi. When I shoot a AT missle or throw a ammo pack or med pack, 2 will come out of 1 throw...I could go on and on.

Patch v1.2 recieves a 8/10 for me.
Death StatPadder
+228|6805|Human Meat Shield
scroll, scroll, scroll.... I like it, you can still bunny-hop, sort of dolphin dive (looks slo-mo) increase/decreased shit. Same game to me. Nothing changed but the Ranks in my opinion.
The Forum Alien
+89|6842|The planet Tophet
im downloading it now XD it took to long and i finaly had a free day

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