Like who?Takeda wrote:
I'm sorry to tell you man that your country as a hole is sick. Do you look at the news? Every day people inocent people die in the world because of direct or indirect action of america. Women, Children, Old man, black, white, muslin, christian.
Why don't you go back in time with the information you have now, and tell everyone whats going to happen, so that they elect Kerry, and then the real fun starts.Takeda wrote:
I'm sorry if you and other people in america are honest, good americans, but when the majority of americans vote twice for bush and now vote for McCain(endorsed by Bush) you are backing what america stands for now.
Your right, I have an idea. To prove our good will, us Americans will treat you to a stay in Guantanamo Bay Resort, free of charge.Takeda wrote:
America can say it represents freedom. Bush can say americans don't torture. Condoliza Rice can say it wants peace in the middle east.
My friends, actions talk lauder than words and u should know better.
Sorry for removing the Taliban and Saddam Hussein from power at the expense of OUR soldiers and OUR capital.Takeda wrote:
8years ago the world looked at america with admiration, as a beacon of light in the world. After 9/11 the world wanted to help you. But when you turned your backs to the terrorists and invaded 2countries the world began to turn their back on you too.