
Takeda wrote:

I'm sorry to tell you man that your country as a hole is sick. Do you look at the news? Every day people inocent people die in the world because of direct or indirect action of america. Women, Children, Old man, black, white, muslin, christian.
Like who? 

Takeda wrote:

I'm sorry if you and other people in america are honest, good americans, but when the majority of americans vote twice for bush and now vote for McCain(endorsed by Bush) you are backing what america stands for now.
Why don't you go back in time with the information you have now, and tell everyone whats going to happen, so that they elect Kerry, and then the real fun starts.

Takeda wrote:

America can say it represents freedom. Bush can say americans don't torture. Condoliza Rice can say it wants peace in the middle east.
My friends, actions talk lauder than words and u should know better.
Your right, I have an idea.  To prove our good will, us Americans will treat you to a stay in Guantanamo Bay Resort, free of charge.

Takeda wrote:

8years ago the world looked at america with admiration, as a beacon of light in the world. After 9/11 the world wanted to help you. But when you turned your backs to the terrorists and invaded 2countries the world began to turn their back on you too.
Sorry for removing the Taliban and Saddam Hussein from power at the expense of OUR soldiers and OUR capital.


jsnipy wrote:

Takeda wrote:

Are most americans on crack?
It appears to be marijuana.

ontopic: How many Americans do you know?
It could be funny but it isn't.

Don't know many americans, just some mormons that sometimes knock at my door.

I talked to them in some ocasions looked like nice people we just discussed stuff i tryed not to talk about religion cause i don't believe in their but it was kind of hard cause they're mormons!

CloakedStarship wrote:

Takeda wrote:

I'm sorry to tell you man that your country as a hole is sick. Do you look at the news? Every day people inocent people die in the world because of direct or indirect action of america. Women, Children, Old man, black, white, muslin, christian.
Like who? 

Takeda wrote:

I'm sorry if you and other people in america are honest, good americans, but when the majority of americans vote twice for bush and now vote for McCain(endorsed by Bush) you are backing what america stands for now.
Why don't you go back in time with the information you have now, and tell everyone whats going to happen, so that they elect Kerry, and then the real fun starts.

Takeda wrote:

America can say it represents freedom. Bush can say americans don't torture. Condoliza Rice can say it wants peace in the middle east.
My friends, actions talk lauder than words and u should know better.
Your right, I have an idea.  To prove our good will, us Americans will treat you to a stay in Guantanamo Bay Resort, free of charge.

Takeda wrote:

8years ago the world looked at america with admiration, as a beacon of light in the world. After 9/11 the world wanted to help you. But when you turned your backs to the terrorists and invaded 2countries the world began to turn their back on you too.
Sorry for removing the Taliban and Saddam Hussein from power at the expense of OUR soldiers and OUR capital.

Ok this looks like the twilight zone again...

Just a few days ago US fired rockets at a african state that killed women and children, dude i could post 1000x examples.

Well if Bush didn't stole the elections america would probably be better cause Bush is now the worst president in US history with the worst aproval rating ever.

Ok so you would send me to 1 of the torture camps we can see we're you stand so voting McCain is right for you. Just 1 thing when you get into 100year wars don't drag honest people to it with a draft cause america military is over it's head. Send children if u have and other relatives.

Saddam was no threath to any country and the murders of his era are pale in comparison to the american ocupation now, many more people die or have left the country. Neither the taliban or saddam attacked the US ever.

In what planet do you live man? Not in my planet i'm sure. I bet it's the US media planet.

Last edited by Takeda (2008-03-07 04:58:16)

Oh yes, all I do is watch Fox News when I'm not working. /sarcasm

And please post some of your "examples."  I want links, until then, all I know is some guy from portugal says we're firing rockets into Africa.  And if your so concerned about people dieing from rockets, why don't you go join the Israel/Pakistan threads.

1st of all, Kerry was 04.  I remind you that at the time when our country invaded Afghanistan, President Bush had astronomical approval ratings.  Iraq was a mistake, but at the time had good public backing, during the time when we were all under the misconception that Iraq had WMD's.  I'm sure you know the story.  Blah blah blah, years of occupation later, now we're here.

Murders in Iraq?  Are we just going around shooting everybody now?

You are just walking, talking, Anti-American propaganda.  So forgive us all if we don't agree with you.

Takeda wrote:

I'm from Portugal. And yes this country is fucked up. I'm not saying stuff are perfect were i live and i express this with my vote and inform other people.
Well if Portugal is fucked up, then worry about Portugal.  Simple concept really.  Or is it because your country really does not mean shit to the rest of the world and you have penis envy?
GunSlinger OIF II
"what happens in the USA effects my blah blah blah blah"

for the LONGEST time, Portugal was considered the shit hole of europe too.  Lets talk about portugal.   Why was it so poor?   How did it get that way? Whats wrong with them?

Last edited by GunSlinger OIF II (2008-03-07 11:13:18)


GunSlinger OIF II wrote:

"what happens in the USA effects my blah blah blah blah"
oh ya i forgot....
+51|6760|Peoples Republic of Portland
< jumps into Chevi Tahoe and drives to walmart to buy a 9 gallon jug of pickles. I'll probably flip off some atheist liberals on the way too.
+877|6267|Washington DC

liquix wrote:

< jumps into Chevi Tahoe and drives to walmart to buy a 9 gallon jug of pickles. I'll probably flip off some atheist liberals on the way too.
if you're getting pickles, get Vlasic Bread and Butter Chips... best damn pickles this side of the endoplasmic reticulum

GunSlinger OIF II wrote:

"what happens in the USA effects my blah blah blah blah"

for the LONGEST time, Portugal was considered the shit hole of europe too.  Lets talk about portugal.   Why was it so poor?   How did it get that way? Whats wrong with them?
Sure you can talk about Portugal if you know anything about it.

It's confirmed even from CNN, americans are on drugs. The explanation is great, you take a dump in the toilet with residues of medication and then you drink that water again. Premeditated or dump residues, either way it's a fucked up thought. … index.html

I stoped drinkin canalized water years ago, thank god. Fluoride, medications, they're killing you and they might be doing this in europe too.

I'm gonna start posting sources so less informed people don't think i'm making stuff up.

Takeda wrote:

GunSlinger OIF II wrote:

"what happens in the USA effects my blah blah blah blah"

for the LONGEST time, Portugal was considered the shit hole of europe too.  Lets talk about portugal.   Why was it so poor?   How did it get that way? Whats wrong with them?
Sure you can talk about Portugal if you know anything about it.
By your logic to know Portugal one would only have to look at news articles and wikipedia.

jsnipy wrote:

Takeda wrote:

GunSlinger OIF II wrote:

"what happens in the USA effects my blah blah blah blah"

for the LONGEST time, Portugal was considered the shit hole of europe too.  Lets talk about portugal.   Why was it so poor?   How did it get that way? Whats wrong with them?
Sure you can talk about Portugal if you know anything about it.
By your logic to know Portugal one would only have to look at news articles and wikipedia.
No, by my logic one would only have to look at new articles etc to know stuff about Portugal.

Last edited by Takeda (2008-03-10 06:50:02)

GunSlinger OIF II

Takeda wrote:

jsnipy wrote:

Takeda wrote:

Sure you can talk about Portugal if you know anything about it.
By your logic to know Portugal one would only have to look at news articles and wikipedia.
No, by my logic one would only have to look at new articles etc to know stuff about Portugal.
thats exactly what he said, retard.  and what the hell does what we have in our water have ANYTHING to do with with this thread, your posts, or how much portugal sucks.  BTW

"Contamination is not confined to the United States. More than 100 different pharmaceuticals have been detected in lakes, rivers, reservoirs and streams throughout the world. Studies have detected pharmaceuticals in waters throughout Asia, Australia, Canada and Europe - even in Swiss lakes and the North Sea."

Last edited by GunSlinger OIF II (2008-03-10 07:00:46)

+51|6760|Peoples Republic of Portland
SO, how's about our friend Takeda suggests a solution for once? I would very much like for you to toss some scraps of enlightenment down from your ivory tower. Since our country is apparently the worst thing since no-lube anal, and all we can do is shoot babies, firebomb muslims, and fund some jews, how about we all just close our f'in doors to the outside world. It would be interesting to see what would happen, who would you complain about then I wonder.

I honestly don't know how to fix this crap except cast my vote to whichever representatives I think can lead us to out. I can be conservative with my spending, as I always have been, I can use public transporation, keep my house freezing ass cold to conserve energy, use efficient lighting, and be a F'in industrial designer. I somehow doubt that you, Takeda, are putting forth the efforts that I am to bettering the planet and reducing your impact. It has been said by many that one cannot change the world, one can only change them self.

Last edited by liquix (2008-03-10 07:08:00)


liquix wrote:

SO, how's about our friend Takeda suggests a solution for once? I would very much like for you to toss some scraps of enlightenment down from your ivory tower. Since our country is apparently the worst thing since no-lube anal, and all we can do is shoot babies, firebomb muslims, and fund some jews, how about we all just close our f'in doors to the outside world. It would be interesting to see what would happen, who would you complain about then I wonder.

I honestly don't know how to fix this crap except cast my vote to whichever representatives I think can lead us to out. I can be conservative with my spending, as I always have been, I can use public transporation, keep my house freezing ass cold to conserve energy, use efficient lighting, and be a F'in industrial designer. I somehow doubt that you, Takeda, are putting forth the efforts that I am to bettering the planet and reducing your impact. It has been said by many that one cannot change the world, one can only change them self.
I don't live in an ivory tower. Things are fucked up everywhere. Some places more than others.

You got one of the solutions there, vote for someone that will change things to the better. The problem is that people vote without even bothering checking out what your candidate stands for. What he voted for etc. They believe what the media tells them.

Solution? Join the revolution. If you don't wanna do that and don't wanna get fucked in the next months i've told it before and will tell it again.

You should have done it months ago but you can still do this now.

Well i'm not driving a SUV like many americans. I go to the university by foot, that is 3KM away from my home. I go minimum 12KM a day by foot ok. I save money, get some health and reduce carbon emitions. And yes i got a car! I could talk about many other exemples but this isn't about that.

I like to come here and talk to you guys because i like to think of all of us like people that live on this planet. Not american, portuguese, arab etc.

You want to take my warnings seriouslly that's ok. If you don't that's ok too. Don't need to call me names and insult me GunSlinger or whatever.
O' HAL naw!
+470|6884|Columbus, OH
I think, if the U.S. economy takes a nose dive, it will still fare better then Soviets when their economy crashed at the end of the Cold War.
+632|6921|do not disturb

Jim Cramer can be a complete idiot sometimes. I remember when he advised people to hold on to overvalued stocks like Google and they all dropped in value.

We don't know if the deal will go through with JP Morgan and Bear Sterns. If enough share holders block it, it will fail and JP Morgan will be screwed as well. They hold a lot of subprime CDOs. But if it goes through, a lot of people are going to get sued.

This angers me so much how a few elite can get us into such a terrible mess. Ben Bernanke is trying a clever way of working this deal out but it is not enough to stop what is to come.

Sad when good men choose to do nothing and be stupid.

Last edited by Phrozenbot (2008-03-19 13:32:33)

+51|6760|Peoples Republic of Portland

Phrozenbot wrote:

Jim Cramer can be a complete idiot sometimes. I remember when he advised people to hold on to overvalued stocks like Google and they all dropped in value.

We don't know if the deal will go through with JP Morgan and Bear Sterns. If enough share holders block it, it will fail and JP Morgan will be screwed as well. They hold a lot of subprime CDOs. But if it goes through, a lot of people are going to get sued.

This angers me so much how a few elite can get us into such a terrible mess. Ben Bernanke is trying a clever way of working this deal out but it is not enough to stop what is to come.

Sad when good men choose to do nothing and be stupid.
The idea of the elite putting the rest of "us" into such a terrible mess is a difficult scenario. If the thousands of people who overextended themselves on mortgages which they could never afford at any other time had considered the rickety debt structure in which they build their lives, perhaps we would be in a different situation today. It is the fault of both parties, in m opinion.

I simply do not understand how debt became the norm, and I think right now a lot of people are feeling the pain of the smoke and mirrors that large scale lending created.
+632|6921|do not disturb

Hi Liquix,

You are right, people should not have been borrowing beyond their means, but it never would have happened if the Fed did not have interest rates so low for so long. This allowed banks plenty of cheap credit to lend. Not only that, but Washington harped on bankers for turning down minorities for loans, so these banks gave out these loans to everyone with a pulse, if not less.

There are a lot of people in our society that believe we are untouchable from anything, with the exceptions of terrorists maybe. We have the strongest military, the strongest economy, a prime example of what democracy should be etc. No one believes our economy could crash and we could have another great depression, if not worse. So people borrow huge sums of money and banks are more than eager to provide for our insatiable love for credit.

Not many people understands how a depression would take them to the wall if they had too much debt, or how commerce could be severely restricted, or how many people would lose their jobs, or how wars could result from such a mess. History has a great way of showing us how not to repeat the same mistakes many people have made in the past, but if it is ignored, it is almost like history is forgotten and even never happened in the first place.

Austrian economics teaches that capital is production. In 2003, more people worked in retail than factories here in the US, and the number of people working in manufacturing is lower than 60 years ago. Sorry our economy just don't have the 'umpfff' it use to have. It is too much based on credit. That will soon change.

Last edited by Phrozenbot (2008-03-19 22:14:54)

I play at night... mostly
+47|6853|the best galaxy
The best "NO bullshit" video on the net, I say.

Found this:

Very very surprising, and also this:

Worst is Yet to Come for Banking
Meredith Whitney, the Oppenheimer & Co. analyst who called Wall Street's mortgage market meltdown last fall, now says the worst is yet to come for the global financial industry. "What's ahead is much more severe than what we've seen so far," Whitney told Fortune magazine. She submits that banks are facing dramatically larger credit losses than they have reported so far and thinks the economy is about to sink into an "early 1980s-style recession," that will "devastate 10 percent of the population," which became financially overextended during the housing boom.
Why am i not surprised about all the recent events.

Well maybe because i told you so months ago but there were always a gunslinger a true american sheep to tell me that everything was ok and that i was wrong calling me names in the process.

Well it was gameover long ago, the elite won, fascist regime in america is near. They caused this economic meltdown and will take more power to the goverment with the reason of fixing it. Anyone with a mind of their own should know that they never fix anything just fuck it up more and now at the expense of the american taxpayer money. Americans will be supporting big companies for life, slavery is on.

GG america the rest of the world will be next.
your so right Takeda... i'm moving to Portugal this
Love is the answer

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