I'm surprised nobody mentioned Flecco yet.
That's an easy one. He was moving to a place that wouldn't have a PC or an internet connection: http://forums.bf2s.com/viewtopic.php?pi … 5#p1715095Poseidon wrote:
I'm surprised nobody mentioned Flecco yet.
http://forums.bf2s.com/viewtopic.php?pi … 3#p1674533
wtf australia needs to learn to have internetsOrangeHound wrote:
That's an easy one. He was moving to a place that wouldn't have a PC or an internet connection: http://forums.bf2s.com/viewtopic.php?pi … 5#p1715095Poseidon wrote:
I'm surprised nobody mentioned Flecco yet.
http://forums.bf2s.com/viewtopic.php?pi … 3#p1674533
Where's USMarine? Tetrino just told me he ragequit, any idea why?
ragequit, a new addition to the lexicon. Me likes it.HurricaИe wrote:
wtf australia needs to learn to have internetsOrangeHound wrote:
That's an easy one. He was moving to a place that wouldn't have a PC or an internet connection: http://forums.bf2s.com/viewtopic.php?pi … 5#p1715095Poseidon wrote:
I'm surprised nobody mentioned Flecco yet.
http://forums.bf2s.com/viewtopic.php?pi … 3#p1674533
Where's USMarine? Tetrino just told me he ragequit, any idea why?
I hope he comes back. He is probably on another forum trying to fit in. After a few weeks of nobody noticing or responding to him, like they do here he will begin to miss this place.
Beeng... I always remember his christmas picture sig, or was it his "wife".
Whatever happened to Cyborg-Ninja?
whaeva happen to krauser98Magpie wrote:
Last edited by Magpie (2008-03-19 00:38:53)
I just noticed usmarine was gone today... Where'd he go?
a better place Im sure. Not that I blame him.
Yeah someone needs to update this thread, allot of people who should be on there up aren't.
Self-imposed exileThaReaper wrote:
I just noticed usmarine was gone today... Where'd he go?
last post: 3 hours, 7 minutes agoDesertFox- wrote:
Whatever happened to Cyborg-Ninja?
nothing apparently.
Miggle wrote:
Miggle wrote:
Miggle wrote:

this thread reminds me of America's most wanted
tell me again how the fuck you are supposed to tell who is illegal and who isnt yerded. I sure loved your first fucking answer. Call me a whiner? How many threads have you started whining about all the beaners in your back yard? or the one the that illegally hired that you ripped you off? why the hell are you even adding your two cents here? why the fuck are you even bringing up illegal immigration? who the fuck are you?
for the record, fuck mexico and everyone of their citizens. next time you make judgement on my love of country, think about all the times you call for violent overthrow. "bullets ballot box" yada yada.
for the record, fuck mexico and everyone of their citizens. next time you make judgement on my love of country, think about all the times you call for violent overthrow. "bullets ballot box" yada yada.
Last edited by GunSlinger OIF II (2008-03-20 16:42:52)
I'm trying to figure out what the hell your problem is because I love you.GunSlinger OIF II wrote:
tell me again how the fuck you are supposed to tell who is illegal and who isnt yerded. I sure loved your first fucking answer. Call me a whiner? How many threads have you started whining about all the beaners in your back yard? or the one the that illegally hired that you ripped you off? why the hell are you even adding your two cents here? why the fuck are you even bringing up illegal immigration? who the fuck are you?
for the record, fuck mexico and everyone of their citizens. next time you make judgement on my love of country, think about all the times you call for violent overthrow. "bullets ballot box" yada yada.
Deal with it.
I have no doubt you love this country. The idea that is this country, anyway.GunSlinger OIF II wrote:
tell me again how the fuck you are supposed to tell who is illegal and who isnt yerded. I sure loved your first fucking answer. Call me a whiner? How many threads have you started whining about all the beaners in your back yard? or the one the that illegally hired that you ripped you off? why the hell are you even adding your two cents here? why the fuck are you even bringing up illegal immigration? who the fuck are you?
for the record, fuck mexico and everyone of their citizens. next time you make judgement on my love of country, think about all the times you call for violent overthrow. "bullets ballot box" yada yada.
Overthrow? Your god damned right. We need to take all the assholes who have sold us out, who have left our borders open, who have sent your brothers to die in some far away shithole that had nothing to do with 9-11, and do to them what they did to the Davidians.
They are so entrenched in power that nothing else will work. Nothing.
Oh Boy! lets elect a radical retarded hate America half black guy, or the fuckhead who offers another 100 years of futility in Iraq. Or better yet, lets return to the Clinton era because we all know a blowjob is not sex. Things are going so well with our country.
Where the fuck is Sarrk?
Guys, PM's or a new thread please...this is such a de-railment.
I know fucking karate
where is communistchipmunk ever since everybody started using the communist sings in their sigs he dissapeared...
New name is just ig.jsnipy wrote:
I'm still here. I'm just harder to spot because I lost my totally awesome sigblademaster wrote:
where is communistchipmunk ever since everybody started using the communist sings in their sigs he dissapeared...
I read more than I post these days though