I concur!
No F35 rape
Agree I was playing with my pwange kit*FW*GenNuisance wrote:
Honestly, the worst thing about the game is that it is ridden with hackers. The last game I played in, I picked up a full/auto silenced 9mm pistol....lol.The majority of hacks seem to be wall hacks and aimbots. It is now to the point that I will put this game on the shelf because it is quickly becoming unplayable on the multilayer end. If you thought PB was bad in BF2, just check out CoD4. It's "HACKMANIA"!
P90 silenced and uav jammer, dead silence so theres no way this guy saw me on the mini map, heard me or saw me in person because I checked my angles suddenly I get shot through the wall with an m4 just randomly, happens to some of my teammates and then me again. This game is ridden with wall hacks and aimbots its sad.
I can't actually say i've seen a BF2 Server that isn't inf. only for a while :\FloppY_ wrote:
A better COD experience?thtthht wrote:
No vehicles.
What's up with that?
Play BF if you want to focus on vehicles... COD is for INF. play
... and its not jsut karkand.
Assault rifles are too accurate/easy/overpowered.
On any map in the game an assault rifle with red-dot (or possibly ACOG) will beat a sniper, if the player is even half-decent. Range means nothing in this game because of the dramatic reduction/elimination of all recoil, deviation and accuracy functions... instead it is like playing laser-tag with lethal rounds :\. Assault rifles - especially the most 'popular' ones - are simply a matter of see, shoot, kill. At any range, and in any situation, the game boils down to seeing an enemy... holding your mouse over it... and holding down your left-click until he's dead. Now, I may have just described the 'basics' of any FPS game, but at least other CoD titles had recoil and spray-deviation and all sorts of other elements to compensate and increase the difficulty!
I know this is 'Modern Warfare', so it seems only proper that all the gun technology should have improved by leaps and bounds. Yet... I can't help but think that this 'Modern Warfare' thing is taken a little too far, with too much of a console-audience based in mind. The recoil/accuracy functions I would say are stolen straight from the Xbox360 version, where the game autoaims for you and doesn't pose much of a problem in the aforementioned areas. Battlefield 2 was modern warfare, and the guns there had deviation and the demanded the necessity of actually aiming. When I play with the M4 / AK47, I dominate... but that gets boring. When I play with anything else, I am in turn dominated by the 'domineering' weapons of the game... and that is also boring. What's there to this game? After the veneer of the ranks system wears off, you're left with a console-port that lacks just about every desirable quality the original 2/2.5 PC games lacked.
I miss being able to, when bored and tired of using semi-autos (e.g. the MP44), to take up a bolt-action or a longer range weapon and still have a fair chance of kicking arse and having an enjoyable time. The Garand, the KAR, the Mosin... hell, even all of the semi-autos in between such as the Gewehr. With the combination of shooting mechanics and better map design (i.e. maps that were still small and close-quarter, but without unnecessary debris and chaff lying about all over the place)- you could actually still come top whilst using a bolt-action rifle against players with sprayfests such as the PPSH. The bolt-actions in Call of Duty 4 are great... they have great power, nice accuracy, and 'feel' wonderful to play with... but they have no opportunities to shine, at all. Even the maps with 'open' elements come up trumps against the M4 Carbine / AK / any LMG with a grip. It's just banal, insipid and lackluster.
On any map in the game an assault rifle with red-dot (or possibly ACOG) will beat a sniper, if the player is even half-decent. Range means nothing in this game because of the dramatic reduction/elimination of all recoil, deviation and accuracy functions... instead it is like playing laser-tag with lethal rounds :\. Assault rifles - especially the most 'popular' ones - are simply a matter of see, shoot, kill. At any range, and in any situation, the game boils down to seeing an enemy... holding your mouse over it... and holding down your left-click until he's dead. Now, I may have just described the 'basics' of any FPS game, but at least other CoD titles had recoil and spray-deviation and all sorts of other elements to compensate and increase the difficulty!
I know this is 'Modern Warfare', so it seems only proper that all the gun technology should have improved by leaps and bounds. Yet... I can't help but think that this 'Modern Warfare' thing is taken a little too far, with too much of a console-audience based in mind. The recoil/accuracy functions I would say are stolen straight from the Xbox360 version, where the game autoaims for you and doesn't pose much of a problem in the aforementioned areas. Battlefield 2 was modern warfare, and the guns there had deviation and the demanded the necessity of actually aiming. When I play with the M4 / AK47, I dominate... but that gets boring. When I play with anything else, I am in turn dominated by the 'domineering' weapons of the game... and that is also boring. What's there to this game? After the veneer of the ranks system wears off, you're left with a console-port that lacks just about every desirable quality the original 2/2.5 PC games lacked.
I miss being able to, when bored and tired of using semi-autos (e.g. the MP44), to take up a bolt-action or a longer range weapon and still have a fair chance of kicking arse and having an enjoyable time. The Garand, the KAR, the Mosin... hell, even all of the semi-autos in between such as the Gewehr. With the combination of shooting mechanics and better map design (i.e. maps that were still small and close-quarter, but without unnecessary debris and chaff lying about all over the place)- you could actually still come top whilst using a bolt-action rifle against players with sprayfests such as the PPSH. The bolt-actions in Call of Duty 4 are great... they have great power, nice accuracy, and 'feel' wonderful to play with... but they have no opportunities to shine, at all. Even the maps with 'open' elements come up trumps against the M4 Carbine / AK / any LMG with a grip. It's just banal, insipid and lackluster.
Last edited by Uzique (17 years, 1 month ago)
libertarian benefit collector - anti-academic super-intellectual. http://mixlr.com/the-little-phrase/
Wall of text is wall of textUzique wrote:
Assault rifles are too accurate/easy/overpowered.
On any map in the game an assault rifle with red-dot (or possibly ACOG) will beat a sniper, if the player is even half-decent. Range means nothing in this game because of the dramatic reduction/elimination of all recoil, deviation and accuracy functions... instead it is like playing laser-tag with lethal rounds :\. Assault rifles - especially the most 'popular' ones - are simply a matter of see, shoot, kill. At any range, and in any situation, the game boils down to seeing an enemy... holding your mouse over it... and holding down your left-click until he's dead. Now, I may have just described the 'basics' of any FPS game, but at least other CoD titles had recoil and spray-deviation and all sorts of other elements to compensate and increase the difficulty!
I know this is 'Modern Warfare', so it seems only proper that all the gun technology should have improved by leaps and bounds. Yet... I can't help but think that this 'Modern Warfare' thing is taken a little too far, with too much of a console-audience based in mind. The recoil/accuracy functions I would say are stolen straight from the Xbox360 version, where the game autoaims for you and doesn't pose much of a problem in the aforementioned areas. Battlefield 2 was modern warfare, and the guns there had deviation and the demanded the necessity of actually aiming. When I play with the M4 / AK47, I dominate... but that gets boring. When I play with anything else, I am in turn dominated by the 'domineering' weapons of the game... and that is also boring. What's there to this game? After the veneer of the ranks system wears off, you're left with a console-port that lacks just about every desirable quality the original 2/2.5 PC games lacked.
I miss being able to, when bored and tired of using semi-autos (e.g. the MP44), to take up a bolt-action or a longer range weapon and still have a fair chance of kicking arse and having an enjoyable time. The Garand, the KAR, the Mosin... hell, even all of the semi-autos in between such as the Gewehr. With the combination of shooting mechanics and better map design (i.e. maps that were still small and close-quarter, but without unnecessary debris and chaff lying about all over the place)- you could actually still come top whilst using a bolt-action rifle against players with sprayfests such as the PPSH. The bolt-actions in Call of Duty 4 are great... they have great power, nice accuracy, and 'feel' wonderful to play with... but they have no opportunities to shine, at all. Even the maps with 'open' elements come up trumps against the M4 Carbine / AK / any LMG with a grip. It's just banal, insipid and lackluster.
Your thoughts, insights, and musings on this matter intrigue me
Whats with the low FPS in cod4?
My comp can handle 100 easily on bf2, but it falls to about 25 in cod4 and 15 when scoped in.
My comp can handle 100 easily on bf2, but it falls to about 25 in cod4 and 15 when scoped in.
I getz none of dem troublez on ma PS3. I gotz teh perrfect frameratez.doompenguin wrote:
Whats with the low FPS in cod4?
My comp can handle 100 easily on bf2, but it falls to about 25 in cod4 and 15 when scoped in.
1. Activision got lazy with air equipment. At least give the Brits the WAH-64 Longbow and give the USMC the F/A-18 in MP air strikes.
2. Failure to acknowledge that the AC-130 in SP is property of the U S A F.
2. Failure to acknowledge that the AC-130 in SP is property of the U S A F.
Ignorant reply is ignorant reply. Think before you click.FloppY_ wrote:
Wall of text is wall of textUzique wrote:
Assault rifles are too accurate/easy/overpowered.
On any map in the game an assault rifle with red-dot (or possibly ACOG) will beat a sniper, if the player is even half-decent. Range means nothing in this game because of the dramatic reduction/elimination of all recoil, deviation and accuracy functions... instead it is like playing laser-tag with lethal rounds :\. Assault rifles - especially the most 'popular' ones - are simply a matter of see, shoot, kill. At any range, and in any situation, the game boils down to seeing an enemy... holding your mouse over it... and holding down your left-click until he's dead. Now, I may have just described the 'basics' of any FPS game, but at least other CoD titles had recoil and spray-deviation and all sorts of other elements to compensate and increase the difficulty!
I know this is 'Modern Warfare', so it seems only proper that all the gun technology should have improved by leaps and bounds. Yet... I can't help but think that this 'Modern Warfare' thing is taken a little too far, with too much of a console-audience based in mind. The recoil/accuracy functions I would say are stolen straight from the Xbox360 version, where the game autoaims for you and doesn't pose much of a problem in the aforementioned areas. Battlefield 2 was modern warfare, and the guns there had deviation and the demanded the necessity of actually aiming. When I play with the M4 / AK47, I dominate... but that gets boring. When I play with anything else, I am in turn dominated by the 'domineering' weapons of the game... and that is also boring. What's there to this game? After the veneer of the ranks system wears off, you're left with a console-port that lacks just about every desirable quality the original 2/2.5 PC games lacked.
I miss being able to, when bored and tired of using semi-autos (e.g. the MP44), to take up a bolt-action or a longer range weapon and still have a fair chance of kicking arse and having an enjoyable time. The Garand, the KAR, the Mosin... hell, even all of the semi-autos in between such as the Gewehr. With the combination of shooting mechanics and better map design (i.e. maps that were still small and close-quarter, but without unnecessary debris and chaff lying about all over the place)- you could actually still come top whilst using a bolt-action rifle against players with sprayfests such as the PPSH. The bolt-actions in Call of Duty 4 are great... they have great power, nice accuracy, and 'feel' wonderful to play with... but they have no opportunities to shine, at all. Even the maps with 'open' elements come up trumps against the M4 Carbine / AK / any LMG with a grip. It's just banal, insipid and lackluster.
U-zique is spot on.
The maps are too small, the servers are too crowded, and most games are too fast paced. Any effort to balancing the weapons is weakened by 'Hardcore' mode. There's no time or no need to aim. It's basically the player with the faster reaction time wins. The first bullet kills. Add to that the 'kill streak bonuses' and the game balance is completely eliminated. Three waves of lethal arty gets you a UAV DethHeli that nobody will bother to shoot down. More kills for the
Quantity of kills over quality of tactics. Rank up to max in 25 hours of game play. It's an arena game, no sandbox play allowed. Break out the gamepad, for this is a game made for the Halo generation of gamers. Thank you Mr. Xbox!
honestly for me the game is great the way it is.
but i believe there should be more prestige levels for xbox.
but i believe there should be more prestige levels for xbox.
Exactly, thats why HC rocks the pants out of anything else...GeoEnvi wrote:
It's basically the player with the faster reaction time wins. The first bullet kills.
And for your other comments: This game is NOT supposed to be "sandbox", and is infact, meant to be an infantry - competition shooter, like CS is..
Your thoughts, insights, and musings on this matter intrigue me
jord wrote:
The requirements to play without lag.
the worst thing about all games are hackers, but besides that it is the best game ever. i dont think there are so many hackers on hardcoremode servers, who knows hackers are just a bunch of pussys that suck at playing the game without haxxx ;P
It is amazing at first, but gets boring soon
everytime i have played its just people camping, and most of the time the person camping will get the first shot off, got boring pretty fastFloppY_ wrote:
Exactly, thats why HC rocks the pants out of anything else...GeoEnvi wrote:
It's basically the player with the faster reaction time wins. The first bullet kills.
In my experience, only S&D is a campfest, but then again, might be because I can shoot them before they even manage to press their mousebuttons.... HC > All imho...weasel_thingo wrote:
everytime i have played its just people camping, and most of the time the person camping will get the first shot off, got boring pretty fastFloppY_ wrote:
Exactly, thats why HC rocks the pants out of anything else...GeoEnvi wrote:
It's basically the player with the faster reaction time wins. The first bullet kills.
Your thoughts, insights, and musings on this matter intrigue me
It's impossible to be a succesful sniper...there are no good spots and most of the time someone either sneaks up behind you or a grenade kills you.
The sniper rifles are pretty much useless..the crappy aim mechanics combined with the fast movement of the enemy make it impossible to hit anyone. There are no large open spaces like in bf2 where you can actually pose a threat as sniper. I could go on and on...... sniping in bf2 is just so much more fun
The sniper rifles are pretty much useless..the crappy aim mechanics combined with the fast movement of the enemy make it impossible to hit anyone. There are no large open spaces like in bf2 where you can actually pose a threat as sniper. I could go on and on...... sniping in bf2 is just so much more fun
Helicopters and air strikes
I'm not saying they should be removed from the game, but there should be a server setting allowing the admins to set the number of kills necessary to get one, or turn them off completely.
Often times, more than half of my deaths in a round are due to AI aircraft, not the enemy soldiers.
I'm not saying they should be removed from the game, but there should be a server setting allowing the admins to set the number of kills necessary to get one, or turn them off completely.
Often times, more than half of my deaths in a round are due to AI aircraft, not the enemy soldiers.
Kill streak should be reset to zero after activating the UAV, Air Strike or Helicopter, when counting towards the three bonuses. This way, it forces the user to decide which bonus he wants to get. Rather than an air strike practically guaranteeing a helicopter.S.Lythberg wrote:
Helicopters and air strikes
I'm not saying they should be removed from the game, but there should be a server setting allowing the admins to set the number of kills necessary to get one, or turn them off completely.
Often times, more than half of my deaths in a round are due to AI aircraft, not the enemy soldiers.
Last edited by Ilocano (16 years, 11 months ago)
It's really hard to mistake their accents for anything else.USAFDude_1988 wrote:
2. Failure to acknowledge that the AC-130 in SP is property of the U S A F.
I think it's stupid that retards must make they'r suckass cheats! Even that i just met a cheater 1 time, I'm still angry! And why is there always folk's that must make hacks and cheats? hmm =/
I agreeIlocano wrote:
Kill streak should be reset to zero after activating the UAV, Air Strike or Helicopter, when counting towards the three bonuses. This way, it forces the user to decide which bonus he wants to get. Rather than an air strike practically guaranteeing a helicopter.S.Lythberg wrote:
Helicopters and air strikes
I'm not saying they should be removed from the game, but there should be a server setting allowing the admins to set the number of kills necessary to get one, or turn them off completely.
Often times, more than half of my deaths in a round are due to AI aircraft, not the enemy soldiers.