GunSlinger OIF II

Schittloaf wrote:

you get it in your final discharge papers when you are done with your obligation.  obviously you havent got them to see.
your right, Im still in boots 7 years after the fact, still serving, not telling people I fill out my IRR time at home and claiming it as service.   Im also under threat of being stop lossed, again.  So Ill end up doing 10 years instead of 8, if it happens.  you claiming 8 years of actual service when in reality you did 2 (on a boat) is an insult to anyone who has actually done the time in uniform.

poop deck
GunSlinger OIF II
chief of the watch, make it so!
Fudgepack DeQueef
+3,253|6825|Long Island, New York

siciliano732 wrote:

1) Because you want a practicing Muslim running our country.

2) Because you fail to see where all his campaign funding is truly coming from.

3) Because Hillary is the closest thing to the Anti-Christ out there.

4) Because your too blind to vote for McCain.

..should I go on?
Are you that fucking ignorant? Really? Practicing muslim, right? That's why he's never been a muslim and belongs to a major church. Right. GTFO. And his campaign money HAS COME FROM THE PEOPLE. Including myself. I donated 100 dollars of money that I worked for to his campaign and not once have I even thought about regretting it. If you're really going to try and be a conspiracy theorist about that, why don't you go take a seat with Alex Jones and all of the other 9/11 Conspiracy Theorist nutjobs.

Ohhhh, wait. I remember you! You're the one who said I probably got all the money for my new computer from "mommy and daddy" and stereotyped me just because I live on long island, even though I live in a 3 room ranch with my mom who recieves child support and disability payments for her back and which, and I payed for the ENTIRE computer by selling some of my most prized possessions (sports memrobilia) to get it.

It's people like you, .Sup, Schittloaf and other uneducated dolts that should be banned from this D&ST. I wish there was a way for mods to do it. Either that, or just go chug some anti-freeze. Either works. You're just a troll. An uneducated troll. That's all.

siciliano732 wrote:

GunSlinger OIF II wrote:

practicing muslim.  wow.
how easily you forget 9/11/01.  Yea, you know the people who blew the hell outta my buildings.  Shut up faggot.  Go ahead vote for him, and the US will continue to be a laughing stock, our debt will continue to grow, and more Muslims will invade this country.  I for one will sit back and laugh at all the ignorant people (democrats) who will then pass the blame onto someone else and point fingers. Pathetic.  Go ahead, vote for him, you have a vote...waste it.
Wow, insulting a veteran! Congratulations, you've further nullified any argument you will attempt to make. You know, I'm pretty sure under Clinton (who was a democrat, OH NOEZ!) our economy was doing juuuuuust fine. More muslims will invade this country? Sure. And they'll live happy lives, leading normal lifes. My stepmom's a muslim (and married to a jew - my dad), and I don't see her strapping bombs to her waist and blowing shit up.

The US is a laughing stock BECAUSE OF OUR PRESIDENT. He can't speak for shit, seems to be nearing senility and he's led this country into a war that's opposed by the majority of the country.

Last edited by Poseidon (2008-03-10 12:10:50)

not fulla schit

GunSlinger OIF II wrote:

Schittloaf wrote:

you get it in your final discharge papers when you are done with your obligation.  obviously you haven't got them to see.
your right, I'm still in boots 7 years after the fact, still serving, not telling people I fill out my IRR time at home and claiming it as service.   I'm also under threat of being stop lossed, again.  So Ill end up doing 10 years instead of 8, if it happens.  you claiming 8 years of actual service when in reality you did 2 (on a boat) is an insult to anyone who has actually done the time in uniform.
EXCUSE ME ! I was defending our nation while you were still eating boogers and popping zits in middle school. stfu do you
really think your service is any more heroic than anyone Else's . you sir are a doushebag. Plus I had intentions of making a career out of the military but due to Democrats in the Whitehouse made life as a military service person poor. you wouldn't know really what that feels like since you have been under Republican President . your commander in chief supports you. Clinton did not. See how much you want to stay in if Democrats sit in the Whitehouse especially when they cut your benefits your entitled to .
I am all that is MOD!

logitech487 wrote:

I like to hear some good reasons that make sense
We need another Hussein in power.
Gulf coast redneck hippy
+731|6978|Tampa Bay Florida
silicano = failure
GunSlinger OIF II

Schittloaf wrote:

stfu do you really think your service is any more heroic than anyone Else's .
no, not at all.

My fault for being 8 years old when you were on a boat in support of desert storm.   Good thing I joined as early as it was legally possible when I was 17. Does that meet your seal of approval?
not fulla schit
delayed entry program.  good for you .. at least you wanted to serve. some of the other fella's in here are not even of voting age nor could they join the military . i think everyone should join and do their part even if its only for a couple years .  be able to really know what the world is like . not the left sided news channels description of it. as far as a test to vote i took that test it was 8 weeks long . with another 3 months after that . working 12 on /12 off or 16 on/8 off . and yes back the compared to hours worked and wage received people at McDonald's made more money then I did. i believe it was 9,000 -11,000 a year.  and for you moderate independents quit wasting your votes . wanna see an independent look at the past Governor of Minnesota Jesse Ventura . what a joke. we live in a red and blue nation. funny how even in bf2 its red and blue.
Fudgepack DeQueef
+3,253|6825|Long Island, New York

Schittloaf wrote:

delayed entry program.  good for you .. at least you wanted to serve. some of the other fella's in here are not even of voting age nor could they join the military . i think everyone should join and do their part even if its only for a couple years .  be able to really know what the world is like . not the left sided news channels description of it. as far as a test to vote i took that test it was 8 weeks long . with another 3 months after that . working 12 on /12 off or 16 on/8 off . and yes back the compared to hours worked and wage received people at McDonald's made more money then I did. i believe it was 9,000 -11,000 a year.  and for you moderate independents quit wasting your votes . wanna see an independent look at the past Governor of Minnesota Jesse Ventura . what a joke. we live in a red and blue nation. funny how even in bf2 its red and blue.
Tell me - how am I wasting my vote by being a moderate independent? It doesn't mean I vote strictly for an Independent candidate. I'd vote for either a republican or democrat, but I'm affiliated with neither.

Again - you're uneducated about something and yet try to talk about it.

Typical white person.
+389|7048|San Antonio, Texas

Poseidon wrote:

Schittloaf wrote:

delayed entry program.  good for you .. at least you wanted to serve. some of the other fella's in here are not even of voting age nor could they join the military . i think everyone should join and do their part even if its only for a couple years .  be able to really know what the world is like . not the left sided news channels description of it. as far as a test to vote i took that test it was 8 weeks long . with another 3 months after that . working 12 on /12 off or 16 on/8 off . and yes back the compared to hours worked and wage received people at McDonald's made more money then I did. i believe it was 9,000 -11,000 a year.  and for you moderate independents quit wasting your votes . wanna see an independent look at the past Governor of Minnesota Jesse Ventura . what a joke. we live in a red and blue nation. funny how even in bf2 its red and blue.
Tell me - how am I wasting my vote by being a moderate independent? It doesn't mean I vote strictly for an Independent candidate. I'd vote for either a republican or democrat, but I'm affiliated with neither.

Again - you're uneducated about something and yet try to talk about it.

He's talking about moderate independents voting for independents.
not fulla schit
Bullshit if you dont.
UR father's brother's nephew's former roommate
+652|6830|Texas - Bigger than France
It's not up to me to prove you are a veteran.  If you are, respect.  If you aren't, well, maybe you should be a little more civil or at least rise above childish arguments.
Phorum Phantom
Vote Nader?
not fulla schit

Pug wrote:

It's not up to me to prove you are a veteran.  If you are, respect.  If you aren't, well, maybe you should be a little more civil or at least rise above childish arguments.
Pug are you 18 ? if your not ask your dad. he will tell you . you need to registar for the draft every male 18 has to.
UR father's brother's nephew's former roommate
+652|6830|Texas - Bigger than France

Schittloaf wrote:

Pug wrote:

It's not up to me to prove you are a veteran.  If you are, respect.  If you aren't, well, maybe you should be a little more civil or at least rise above childish arguments.
Pug are you 18 ? if your not ask your dad. he will tell you . you need to registar for the draft every male 18 has to.
Fudgepack DeQueef
+3,253|6825|Long Island, New York

Schittloaf wrote:

Bullshit if you dont.
Can you just leave already? You've proven yourself to be uncapable of debate.

And no, not bullshit. But, you can hide yourself in the corner, wrapped up in the fetal position all you want believing what you want - you're wrong. Again.

I think that's the main theme of this thread - You're wrong.
+108|7031|In the hills

Schittloaf wrote:


oh I'm so sorry i spelled Osama Bin Laden wrong.. just like democrats have to find something small to point out .. I'm sorry i was typing fast. ill fix it. 

Racist? no  . Trust Islamic presidential candidates ...NO 

Muslim - no he is covering that up by going to the Gay and Lesbian friendly church , well at least while he is trying to get votes.
I'm fairly conservative, and you are just a fucking retard...
be nice
+2,646|6741|The Twilight Zone
Black people never had a president before.
+572|6947|BC, Canada
yes it has left the original question and become, "I wonder what he will spout out next..."
who's worst though, the intellectually stunted, or the one that tries to debate with him.
+1,106|6577|Noo Yawk, Noo Yawk

Schittloaf wrote:

lol then why post .  put another shrimp on the barbie mate!!
I lol'd
Fudgepack DeQueef
+3,253|6825|Long Island, New York

Nicholas Langdon wrote:

yes it has left the original question and become, "I wonder what he will spout out next..."
who's worst though, the intellectually stunted, or the one that tries to debate with him.
Or the one that agrees with him... *cough*sniper3*cough*
R.I.P. Neda
+456|7117|Grapevine, TX
lolwut? I dunno I cant help to derail, I have nothing to add  but a lil humor.

Dear Abby,
My husband is a liar and a cheat. He has cheated on me
from the beginning, and, when I confront him, he denies everything.
What's worse, everyone knows that he cheats on me. It is so humiliating.

Also, since he lost his job seven years ago, he hasn't even looked
for a new one. All he does all day is smoke cigars, cruise around
and shoot the bull with his buddies, while I have to work to pay the
bills. Since our daughter went away to college he doesn't even
pretend to like me, and even hints that I may be a lesbian. What should I

Signed: Clueless

Dear Clueless:

Grow up and dump him. Good grief woman! You don't
need him anymore! You're a Senator from New York running for
President of the United States . Act like one.
not fulla schit

Poseidon wrote:

Schittloaf wrote:

Bullshit if you dont.
Can you just leave already? You've proven yourself to be uncapable of debate.

And no, not bullshit. But, you can hide yourself in the corner, wrapped up in the fetal position all you want believing what you want - you're wrong. Again.

I think that's the main theme of this thread - You're wrong.
i can debate however i believe the name of the thread should be Poseidon needs to study hard at school . then go see a armed services recruiter so he can stop acting like a baby you are the one in the fetal position wondering how a person who disagrees with your adolescent knowledge of how to read news clippings and believe other peoples opinions. but don't take my word for it go out in the real world and learn for yourself . if your in the middle you need to do your homework. start out first by reading both parties platform because no matter what the candidate says if they are democrat or republican they have to stick to the platform of their party. they will be held to support it.  second after that you may judge by character of said candidate and see if you would hire them to run the country.
+1,106|6577|Noo Yawk, Noo Yawk

Schittloaf wrote:

Poseidon wrote:

Schittloaf wrote:

Bullshit if you dont.
Can you just leave already? You've proven yourself to be uncapable of debate.

And no, not bullshit. But, you can hide yourself in the corner, wrapped up in the fetal position all you want believing what you want - you're wrong. Again.

I think that's the main theme of this thread - You're wrong.
i can debate however i believe the name of the thread should be Poseidon needs to study hard at school . then go see a armed services recruiter so he can stop acting like a baby you are the one in the fetal position wondering how a person who disagrees with your adolescent knowledge of how to read news clippings and believe other peoples opinions. but don't take my word for it go out in the real world and learn for yourself . if your in the middle you need to do your homework. start out first by reading both parties platform because no matter what the candidate says if they are democrat or republican they have to stick to the platform of their party. they will be held to support it.  second after that you may judge by character of said candidate and see if you would hire them to run the country.
he's gonna join the USAF

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