Pizza Hut or Domino's? I like pizza hut better, Better toppings, Sauce, Crust, And the pizza doesn't dry out after a few hours in the fridge. But sadly the only pizza hut close to me on queens blvd, Does not deliver nor do they have stuffed crust pizza. So i'm stuck with domino's for now.
Pizza Hut or Domino's?
Pizza Hut | 33% | 33% - 25 | ||||
Domino's | 25% | 25% - 19 | ||||
Both | 9% | 9% - 7 | ||||
Neither/Other | 32% | 32% - 24 | ||||
Total: 75 |
Little places own them, but dominoes is better then Pizza hut, the crispness of the pizza is great.
Pizza Hut ftw
Pizza hut is better, but it's like $50 against $30 at Domino's.
Any pizza is great pizza.
Pizza hut is better, but is overpriced as well.PBAsydney wrote:
Pizza hut is better, but it's like $50 against $30 at Domino's.
I can go to Streets of New York(restaurant, but you can do pick-up) and get a vastly superior pizza for the same price as pizza hut.
Eww neither we got a great local pizza place here that makes huge slices for like 2-3 bucks.
new york style, not that fast cooked shit
Pizza Hut is better, but they both suck because it's mass-produced cookie cutter pizza.

Dominoes for the excellent taste
Pizza hut, cos its cheaper
Pizza hut, cos its cheaper
That shit is disgusting. Pizza Hut is good but Domino's is more affordable.GunSlinger OIF II wrote:
what no papa johns?
where I am at dominos and pizza hut cost the same.
Gotta vote neithe/other. The small chains around here make some great pizza for less, but id eat those two any days over the horrible creation that is Dolly's pizza...worst ive ever had.
Neither, both fail, the mom & pops NYC slice ftw
Both suck. ANY local pizza place beats either, any day.
I love Chicago Style pizza.
I love Chicago Style pizza.
local wins... Amore's
Hell's Pizza for the win.
But out of those two... erm, Pizza Hutt I guess even though Pizza night generally consists of Domino's as it's cheaper.
But out of those two... erm, Pizza Hutt I guess even though Pizza night generally consists of Domino's as it's cheaper.
[Blinking eyes thing]
I prefer locally-owned joints over them. To be specific, Main Street Pizza in the U.P. of Michigan, and in SoCal, Ball Park Pizza (somewhere in O.C., near San Clemente)
pizza pizza, or local owned places.
Agree. Except it's hard to find a good pizza joint that hasn't watered down the cheese and over sauced the pizza.jsnipy wrote:
Neither, both fail, the mom & pops NYC slice ftw
Last edited by David.P (2008-02-10 19:37:34)
well, seeing as I live 5 minutes from "the best pizza in America"...
You crazy?Darkhelmet wrote:
Any pizza is great pizza.
I'll eat Pizza Hut and Dominos, but theres nothing I prefer more than the local New York pizza establishments. They (most of them anyway) make pizza right, and are sold by the slice, not by the pie. When I moved to Florida, I was shocked at how my only pizza options were Pizza Hut and Dominos. That shit gets disgusting after a while.
i voted pizza hut, as they have this fit arse chick that always delivers my food, plus as the hut is only about a mile away food get here fast and freeeeesh