
Burwhale the Avenger wrote:

Allright Lowing, I will play your silly game. Lets look at some of the quotes from the man himself.

Quotes from Mohammed

"What actions are most excellent? To gladden the heart of human beings, to feed the hungry, to help the afflicted, to lighten the sorrow of the sorrowful, and to remove the sufferings of the injured"

"Kindness is a mark of faith, and whoever is not kind has no faith"

"Whoever is kind, Allah will be kind to him; therefore be kind to man on the earth. He Who is in heaven will show mercy on you"

"Allah has revealed to me, that you must be humble. No one should boast over one another, and no one should oppress another"

"Verily, Allah is mild and is fond of mildness, and He gives to the mild what He does not give to the harsh."

"You will not enter paradise until you have faith; and you will not complete your faith till you love one another"

I could go on however I would run out of time. If you want to see more please go to http://www.islamfortoday.com . Lowing, I know you wont bother, but the link is there for anyone that wants to learn something about Islam.

As for this

lowing wrote:

In other words, prove to me that the teachings of Islam is NOT violent and intolerant then I will concede. Prove to me that the Prophet Muhammad was not violent and intolerant. and I will concede.
I think I have well and truly shown enough evidence that kindness and tolerance is a part of Mohammeds teachings.
Really? Did he write this BS before or after he beheaded 600 people personally?

Anyway, Catbox already beat me to the rebuttal on this so there is no need to bother with it.

Turquoise wrote:

lowing wrote:

Turquoise wrote:

Most of the problems in countries like the U.K. with fanatical Muslims involve a few clerics that do what they can to rally disaffected youths.  First generation immigrants usually aren't the problem -- it's the 2nd gens.

The children of immigrants often have identity issues that asshole extremists typically exploit.
Sooooooooooo........you are gunna agree with me then?? Or what??
Being selective in immigration is what we should do.  You can't just ban all Muslims from entry.  Filter them.   Only accept the ones that prove to be more moderate.  This means keeping fanatical clerics out.
Gunna need to tell me how we can do this without profiling. It is clear that by actually looking for the people are our enemies, we are profiling and theirfor offensive. Can't have that.

CameronPoe wrote:

lowing wrote:

I really don't give a shit either, I am just sick of hearing how great this religion is and how we need more understanding of it and how we need to welcome it into our midst. and change our society as t onot offend it.
You certainly don't sound like you 'don't give a shit'. Nobody I know, including myself, suggests that society should be changed so as not to offend Islam. That is pure shit-talk right there. As an atheist I say no concessions affecting the secular nature of the enlightened world should be made to any religion. Dancing again in this thread I see: one second your talking about Saudi Arabia, the next you're referring to the west - make up your mind which you wanna talk about goddamit!!!
Like I said before, our world is getting smaller and this religion is finding its way into our society more and more. I am not convinced that exploitation will not be taken advantage of.

I do not want a country who's city skylines are dottted with mosques and foot washing stations, or doctors covered up in burkas. I do not want special laws governing this group instead of the laws of the land....... etc.

Now please stop telling me I am paranoid and shit. I am not. Our landscape has already been affected by the Mexican invasion. Do not tell me that Islam can not or will attempt the same shit. They already have done it in Europe and if you don't give a shit, or you find it a refreshing change, that is fine. I do not want that change here. We are at war with the radical elements of this religion and they have support. With increased immigration, those elements and/or their support have an increased chance of finding their way into our country.

I tie the US and Saudi together because Islam is what is discussed and it is Islam that is growing throughout the world.

sergeriver wrote:

Well, Serge, if you are sleepy why don't you go find a nice anti-US or anti-Israel thread to perk you up? You never seem to be short of words in those threads.
Cowboy from Hell

lowing wrote:

sergeriver wrote:

Well, Serge, if you are sleepy why don't you go find a nice anti-US or anti-Israel thread to perk you up? You never seem to be short of words in those threads.
Show me an anti-American thread opened by me.  You really are obsessed with Islam.  And yes, I'm very sleepy, my kid won't let me sleep.
Flamesuit essential

Another thread about Islam?
Pony Slaystation
+343|6754|Charlie One Alpha

oug wrote:

However, this sudden interest of the western world seems awfully strange and suspicious. I cannot help but think that it has something to do with the USA's recent hostile foreign policy towards Iran, Syria etc. For many years, all kinds of human rights organizations have been trying to mobilize the west with no particular success. Yet, ever since the current administration has begun this propaganda against Iran, all kinds of stories about the brutality of Islam seem to pop up in the news. So my question is, why the sudden interest? Why does lowing care more about what happens to a Saudi woman than a NK woman if not to legitimize the current hostile climate against the Arabs?

If you're waging (or are going to) wage a war on the Middle East, you're going to need your people to hate the fuckers. So you brainwash them to think Muslims are evil. Looks like it worked on Lowing. Poor bastard.

Last edited by LaidBackNinja (2008-02-07 03:59:28)

"If you want a vision of the future, imagine SecuROM slapping your face with its dick -- forever." -George Orwell
I'm back, baby... ( sort of )
+664|6886|Cologne, Germany

lowing wrote:

Turquoise wrote:

lowing wrote:

There ya go. This is what I have been saying......If you follow Christ's teachings you are a Christian........If you do not follow his teachings regardless of what you call yourself you are not a Christian.

If you follow the prophet Muhammad's teachings ( which is that of violence and intolerance) you are follwoing Islam. If you do not follow these teachings, regardless of what you call yourself YOU are not Muslim.

Now once again this religion teaches violence and intolerance. The prophet Muhammad himself lopped off over 600 heads. So, when I talk about Islam it is the teachings and how those teachings are practiced against the rest of us, that I am talking about.

So all of those nice peace loving tolerant PEOPLE out their that call themselves Muslims, find a new name for your religion "cuz Islam is already taken.
Lowing, I appreciate the quoting, but it's not as simple as that.  Like any religion, there can be multiple interpretations while still remaining a part of the central dogma.

I was just saying that Islam is harder to follow in a strict, literalist way than Christianity is.  So yes, there are some inherent hazards in Islam that I think you and I can agree on.  But as long as we only let reformist and more liberal (a.k.a. - West friendly, not necessarily Democrat) Muslims into our country, we're fine.  We just have to be wary of the fanatical ultraconservatives.
I disagree. The increased immigration of "moderate Muslims" into the western civilization increases the likelyhood of increased radical elements and their actions. Of which no one has any control or will have any control.
which brings us to the most important part of your statements. You always say that it is not the peaceful muslims you are after, it is the hateful religion they follow.
But you cannnot seperate the two. The moderate muslims have a right to their religion, too.
Or, in other words, how are we supposed to do away with islam without "removing" those who follow it ? I mean, you can't strip people off their religion, can you ?

You have said repeatedly that you do not advocate killing all muslims, or sending them to camps. But what exactly are you advocating then ?

As far as the immigration issue is concerned, we cannot deny people immigration purely on the basis of their religion. Hundreds of thousands of muslims are living peacefully in europe, most even hold EU citizenships.
Just like people of other faiths, who live in poor countries with little future, muslims want to come to the EU and the US to find a better life for themselves and their families.
Wasn't the US based on that same idea ? "Give me your poor..." etc ?

sergeriver wrote:

lowing wrote:

sergeriver wrote:

Well, Serge, if you are sleepy why don't you go find a nice anti-US or anti-Israel thread to perk you up? You never seem to be short of words in those threads.
Show me an anti-American thread opened by me.  You really are obsessed with Islam.  And yes, I'm very sleepy, my kid won't let me sleep.
Not obsessed Serge. Aware, my obsession comes when I read all of this bullshit as to how there is no "real significant" problem with this religion and then you read article after article to the contrary. You are even in denial this religion is gaining a  stronger foothold in western society and expect changes to that society to accomodate it.  Regardless of the proof of such things. If I am pulling my hair out, it is over this. not the religion, but the denial.

LaidBackNinja wrote:

oug wrote:

However, this sudden interest of the western world seems awfully strange and suspicious. I cannot help but think that it has something to do with the USA's recent hostile foreign policy towards Iran, Syria etc. For many years, all kinds of human rights organizations have been trying to mobilize the west with no particular success. Yet, ever since the current administration has begun this propaganda against Iran, all kinds of stories about the brutality of Islam seem to pop up in the news. So my question is, why the sudden interest? Why does lowing care more about what happens to a Saudi woman than a NK woman if not to legitimize the current hostile climate against the Arabs?
based on behavior over the cartoons, the stonings, the imprisonment for talking to a man, the going to jail for getting rapped and getting a harsher punishment than your attackers, the car bombs, the killing of women and children or using them as shields etc.........you think the "hostle climate" toward this religion is NOT ligitimized?? The reason it is on the front page is becasue this religion is every increasingly gaining strength in the west. We need to be aware......or not?

LaidBackNinja wrote:

oug wrote:

However, this sudden interest of the western world seems awfully strange and suspicious. I cannot help but think that it has something to do with the USA's recent hostile foreign policy towards Iran, Syria etc. For many years, all kinds of human rights organizations have been trying to mobilize the west with no particular success. Yet, ever since the current administration has begun this propaganda against Iran, all kinds of stories about the brutality of Islam seem to pop up in the news. So my question is, why the sudden interest? Why does lowing care more about what happens to a Saudi woman than a NK woman if not to legitimize the current hostile climate against the Arabs?

If you're waging (or are going to) wage a war on the Middle East, you're going to need your people to hate the fuckers. So you brainwash them to think Muslims are evil. Looks like it worked on Lowing. Poor bastard.
Then the stonings, and all I have stated in the above posts are all attempts by my govt. to brainwash me.........ok thanks for the comments no go back to your seat..........next.
I hunt criminals down for a living
Lowing, it's nice to see you still like trolling the internet looking for articles about some extreme behaviour of islamic people in the ME. Good for you. I don't know what you think you're going to change with postings like that, but if it makes you happy, that's fine by me.

OTOH, you might want to realize something disturbing is going on in your own country, while you're making money 'bringing freedom and democracy to Iraq'.  ATG wrote about it in a post on this forum, and I didn't see any reply from you, maybe because the words 'islam' or 'muslim' didn't appear in the title.

Just in case you missed it: http://forums.bf2s.com/viewtopic.php?id=92627.

If I was a US citizen, I would be worried about this, brought on to me by my republican government who has been selling out my country for the last seven years while making a profit.
Cowboy from Hell

lowing wrote:

sergeriver wrote:

lowing wrote:

Well, Serge, if you are sleepy why don't you go find a nice anti-US or anti-Israel thread to perk you up? You never seem to be short of words in those threads.
Show me an anti-American thread opened by me.  You really are obsessed with Islam.  And yes, I'm very sleepy, my kid won't let me sleep.
Not obsessed Serge. Aware, my obsession comes when I read all of this bullshit as to how there is no "real significant" problem with this religion and then you read article after article to the contrary. You are even in denial this religion is gaining a  stronger foothold in western society and expect changes to that society to accomodate it.  Regardless of the proof of such things. If I am pulling my hair out, it is over this. not the religion, but the denial.
Not being obsessed is not living in denial.  While I acknowledge "some" elements within Islam are radicals, I'm not obsessed or/and worried about the "whole" Muslim community, since most of them are normal people.  I'm with you in fighting the extremists, I'm not with you in bashing Islam or any other religion.

lowing wrote:

Like I said before, our world is getting smaller and this religion is finding its way into our society more and more. I am not convinced that exploitation will not be taken advantage of.

I do not want a country who's city skylines are dottted with mosques and foot washing stations, or doctors covered up in burkas. I do not want special laws governing this group instead of the laws of the land....... etc.

Now please stop telling me I am paranoid and shit. I am not. Our landscape has already been affected by the Mexican invasion. Do not tell me that Islam can not or will attempt the same shit. They already have done it in Europe and if you don't give a shit, or you find it a refreshing change, that is fine. I do not want that change here. We are at war with the radical elements of this religion and they have support. With increased immigration, those elements and/or their support have an increased chance of finding their way into our country.

I tie the US and Saudi together because Islam is what is discussed and it is Islam that is growing throughout the world.
Here's a map of the world.


Notice where Mexico is. Now notice where the middle east is. The US isn't in the least bit affected by 'the spread of Islam'. Over 95% of the US is Christian or secular. 96,000 Muslim immigrants became legal citizens of the US in 2006 out of a total of 1.27 million. That's only 7.6% of the total influx and 0.03% of the entire population of the US of which 0.6% in total were Muslims in 2001. A grand total of zero terrorist attacks perpetrated by US Muslim citizens have occurred in the last couple of centuries. The US public, due mainly to terrorism and the Mexican question, are pro 'closed borders' it seems to me and it should only be a matter of time before your government takes action. These cold hard facts thoroughly back up my claim that you are a paranoid Cold War nostalgist who misses a readily definable adversary on which to pin your problems and against which the US can propagate its global hegemony through its spread of 'democracy and freedom' (even if they don't want it or aren't ready for it).

PS You talk about Muslims not speaking out against these things. Why do you not speak out against the US Republican Party and the US Democrat Party and every US President since WWII for staunchly supporting, arming and aiding the Saudi regime? Shouldn't you be on a street corner somewhere with a placard? lol

Last edited by CameronPoe (2008-02-07 04:22:21)


Pierre wrote:

Lowing, it's nice to see you still like trolling the internet looking for articles about some extreme behaviour of islamic people in the ME. Good for you. I don't know what you think you're going to change with postings like that, but if it makes you happy, that's fine by me.

OTOH, you might want to realize something disturbing is going on in your own country, while you're making money 'bringing freedom and democracy to Iraq'.  ATG wrote about it in a post on this forum, and I didn't see any reply from you, maybe because the words 'islam' or 'muslim' didn't appear in the title.

Just in case you missed it: http://forums.bf2s.com/viewtopic.php?id=92627.

If I was a US citizen, I would be worried about this, brought on to me by my republican government who has been selling out my country for the last seven years while making a profit.
I am worried about this, it is the same thing Islam is doing to all of us ( or trying to do) I do not like illegal immigration nor d oI like suicide bombings. What is your point?

As far as me " making Money in Iraq" I will say this.........I have always supported our troops and our efforts in Iraq. Long before I went there. The project I am proudly working on has been proven to us that it has saved American lives. I am getting paid to go over there and work on this project to improve our equipment. getting paid is exactly why I learned my trade. I am not a liberal, I know EARNING a living is grotesque to you, but I am a firm believer in EARNING A LIVING and not getting one handed to me or better yet ASSIGNED to by my socialist govt.
Support fanatic :-)

You clearly are paranoid about this issue lowing but i grant you your right to be so even though it makes me a little sad to see people still having such a narrow view of others
Wait behind the line ..............................................................

B.Schuss wrote:

lowing wrote:

Turquoise wrote:

Lowing, I appreciate the quoting, but it's not as simple as that.  Like any religion, there can be multiple interpretations while still remaining a part of the central dogma.

I was just saying that Islam is harder to follow in a strict, literalist way than Christianity is.  So yes, there are some inherent hazards in Islam that I think you and I can agree on.  But as long as we only let reformist and more liberal (a.k.a. - West friendly, not necessarily Democrat) Muslims into our country, we're fine.  We just have to be wary of the fanatical ultraconservatives.
I disagree. The increased immigration of "moderate Muslims" into the western civilization increases the likelyhood of increased radical elements and their actions. Of which no one has any control or will have any control.
which brings us to the most important part of your statements. You always say that it is not the peaceful muslims you are after, it is the hateful religion they follow.
But you cannnot seperate the two. The moderate muslims have a right to their religion, too.
Or, in other words, how are we supposed to do away with islam without "removing" those who follow it ? I mean, you can't strip people off their religion, can you ?

You have said repeatedly that you do not advocate killing all muslims, or sending them to camps. But what exactly are you advocating then ?

As far as the immigration issue is concerned, we cannot deny people immigration purely on the basis of their religion. Hundreds of thousands of muslims are living peacefully in europe, most even hold EU citizenships.
Just like people of other faiths, who live in poor countries with little future, muslims want to come to the EU and the US to find a better life for themselves and their families.
Wasn't the US based on that same idea ? "Give me your poor..." etc ?
In our country I can not telll the difference between a Christian an athiest or a devil worshipper. Religion is supposed to be personal. Islam is not. It is in your face. It is not just a religion it is a life style and a culture. I do not want this culture permeting my country. I do not want my skyline dotted with mosques, I do not want my doctors wearing burkas, I do not want to see foot washing stations in my public restrooms, I do not want separate laws govering this religion. All of which have articles supporting the fact that this kinda shit is happening. I do not want it to be EXPECTED that our society will change to accomodate this religion or any other. I do not want fear to be the motiviating factor if we do.

It does say give me your poor........It does not say give me your exploiting religion or its fanatics

Varegg wrote:

You clearly are paranoid about this issue lowing but i grant you your right to be so even though it makes me a little sad to see people still having such a narrow view of others
Queue "Somebody's watching me" by Rockwell feat. Michael Jackson.

lowing wrote:

In our country I can not telll the difference between a Christian an athiest or a devil worshipper. Religion is supposed to be personal. Islam is not. It is in your face. It is not just a religion it is a life style and a culture. I do not want this culture permeting my country. I do not want my skyline dotted with mosques, I do not want my doctors wearing burkas, I do not want to see foot washing stations in my public restrooms, I do not want separate laws govering this religion. All of which have articles supporting the fact that this kinda shit is happening. I do not want it to be EXPECTED that our society will change to accomodate this religion or any other. I do not want fear to be the motiviating factor if we do.

It does say give me your poor........It does not say give me your exploiting religion or its fanatics
True proof that you are intensely paranoid over nothing:

"I do not want separate laws govering this religion."

Not one single solitary law affecting the secularity of the US or any European nation has been made for as long as I can remember. Pure fantasy.


PS There have been exactly zero notable incidents of domestic terrorism in the United States in relation to the middle east. So your talk of US Muslim citizens being incompatible with the US and of trying to exploit or whatever it is you think they're doing rings completely hollow. I think you need to reprioritize - read ATG's recent thread for some proper immigration woes.

PPS Finished your placard yet? 1997-2004, US delivered $22.9bn worth of arms to the Sauds despite the majority of the 9/11 bombers having originated there.......

Last edited by CameronPoe (2008-02-07 05:13:47)

I hunt criminals down for a living

lowing wrote:

I am worried about this, it is the same thing Islam is doing to all of us ( or trying to do) I do not like illegal immigration nor d oI like suicide bombings. What is your point?
WTF are you talking about? Is Islam invading the US? Did I miss anything? If I were you I would stop worrying about a hypothetical threat and start worrying about a real one. Get my point now?

lowing wrote:

As far as me " making Money in Iraq" I will say this.........I have always supported our troops and our efforts in Iraq. Long before I went there. The project I am proudly working on has been proven to us that it has saved American lives. I am getting paid to go over there and work on this project to improve our equipment. getting paid is exactly why I learned my trade. I am not a liberal, I know EARNING a living is grotesque to you, but I am a firm believer in EARNING A LIVING and not getting one handed to me or better yet ASSIGNED to by my socialist govt.
LOL. You're so predictable. Had to take the opportunity to take a cheap shot at what Europe - in your eyes - must be: a big collective handing out lots of money to all sorts pf people who are sitting on their ass. Good for you. FYI, I have to earn a living too, as the majority in Europe do. The only difference is that we take care of the ones who can't. In Europe, our society, through our governments, gives a helping hand, not the finger.

My point wasn't about you making money on the war - hell, I like you for being on this forum, so I would love to see some of those billions of dollars being spent on the war in Iraq going your way - my point was that you, as a US citizen and seemingly proud republican, don't worry about the fact that your republican government has been selling out your country for the last seven years while making a profit. Just one example: did you know your government gave the Taliban $ 43 million in 2001, months before 9/11? BUSH'S FAUSTIAN DEAL WITH THE TALIBAN.

Sweet dreams, Lowing, look out for 'the big bad wolf muslim' while your country gets sold.
I'm back, baby... ( sort of )
+664|6886|Cologne, Germany

lowing wrote:

In our country I can not telll the difference between a Christian an athiest or a devil worshipper. Religion is supposed to be personal. Islam is not. It is in your face. It is not just a religion it is a life style and a culture. I do not want this culture permeting my country. I do not want my skyline dotted with mosques, I do not want my doctors wearing burkas, I do not want to see foot washing stations in my public restrooms, I do not want separate laws govering this religion.
well, I don't know about the situation in the US, but here in germany, every religion is very much in your face. Huge churches and cathedrals for the catholics, synagoges for the jewish community, buddhist temples. Let alone german Scientology HQ.
And then, there are processions, easter celebration, churchbells, and so on and so forth.
Of course, religion is a personal thing, but it also has an obvious representative side to it.

And as we know, Christianity is also a lifestyle and a culture for tens of thousands of reborn christians and evangelists across the USA.
Your own president has been known to make religious references, even during official press conferences.

In other words, I don't think islam is any more "in your face" than any of the other monotheistic religions.

gotta go, I'll continue this later. bye
except that Islam has caliphates that are run by a theocracy. when kennedy was president of the us he had to say that decisions made by the pope would not influence decisions made by him.

I think why lowing may be so annoyed by all of this is because modern secular teachings tell us that we should be so tolerant of others to the point that we should overlook any negativities. For example, we are not allowed to frisk every middle eastern with a towel on his head whispering 'alah akbar' coming through our airports, even though every attacker on 9/11 fits that description (ok, maybe not the towel, but you get the point) because it would be considered discrimination.

Sure, I'm tolerant of other people who want to come here and make a living and be peaceful. But that doesn't mean I have to like their religion and have this guilt trip put on me for being "intolerant." You guys almost sound hypocritical with all of the anti-Christian sentiment I see around here.

sergeriver wrote:

I have looked at two threads so far, and these are your responses in both.  Very nice.
Goodbye :)
+399|6525|Somewhere else

lowing wrote:

RoosterCantrell wrote:

No religeon is evil. A religeon it's texts, its structure, alone can harm NO ONE.  It's the people who wield it, and thier interpretations of it.

Lowing, you constantly say that you have Nothing against muslims, just the islamic religeon itself.  But, really, to me, that makes no sense.  The people are what make a religeon bad.

You have to acknowledge the fact that there are many, quite possibly the majority of muslims, that are peaceful good natured people, and its the fringe extremists, do extreme things that grab the headlines.    Stoning a person to death will create headlines, a charity drive, or the like doesn't get much attention.

You can offer up one thousand articles of horrible shit done in the name of Islam, and that is a large chunk of horrible things.  But if you were able to do the impossible, and take every single instance of good or bad something was done in the name of Islam, add them up; I think its pretty safe to say that the horrible things attributed to Islam would be shadowed by the overall good and well intentions of the Many followers of Islam.

TBH, I don't see your point in dragging this up over and over,  in the last thread, not many agreed with you, and you are unwilling to consider any opinion but  the one you currently have, it's just gonna be the same debate over and over.

I have considered everything you said, and I see some valid points, I just disagree with you, and everyone that does, according to you, has thier head in the sand.  Impossible to actually debate with someone like that.  You are unwilling to give an inch to anything anyone says.  Good luck with it anyway i guess .
I can give an inch as soon as what I say is responded to or disproved instead of being dismissed as racist, generalizing, Hitleresque, or any other number of bullshit responses that dances around what is actually posted.

In other words, prove to me that the teachings of Islam is NOT violent and intolerant then I will concede. Prove to me that the Prophet Muhammad was not violent and intolerant. and I will concede.
I see your point.  Muhammed may very well have been preaching violence and intolerance.  What we ARE trying to say, is that many Muslims do not follow that certain aspect of of his teachings.  So you shouldn't say that the Islamic faith is evil or intolerant.  Because a faith is what people make it, and most Muslims do not preach such things.  Just because the "founder" or what have you spoke of those things, anyone has the right to interpret it in thier own way, and many simply do not follow that aspect.

IF that means they are no longer following "true" islam then fine.  But they are still called muslims.  So, yes, what you are saying makes total sense, it's sick and twisted what many do in the name of Islam.  Totally true.  But There is so many more that do not adhere to those tachings who do believe in Islam.  Maybe if they had a different name for the muslims that are just good people, it would be easier to agree with you.

You keep getting told that you are generalizing.  It's just that you are, plain and simple.  There really is no debate in my opinion.

Like I said, I see your point.  Islam had its base in violence, barbarianism, chauvanism, and other things.  Some people still follow that to a T.  But you just can't say "there it is, that's how it started, Muhammed said it".  It's unfair.  Can't religeons evolve, change thier ideas and methods?  I think they can, I think they do.  Just because some of the followers refuse to evolve with it, doesn't mean you can blame the religeon.  Once again, it's not the religeon that causes harm, it's the people who wield the religeous idealogy.

CameronPoe wrote:

lowing wrote:

In our country I can not telll the difference between a Christian an athiest or a devil worshipper. Religion is supposed to be personal. Islam is not. It is in your face. It is not just a religion it is a life style and a culture. I do not want this culture permeting my country. I do not want my skyline dotted with mosques, I do not want my doctors wearing burkas, I do not want to see foot washing stations in my public restrooms, I do not want separate laws govering this religion. All of which have articles supporting the fact that this kinda shit is happening. I do not want it to be EXPECTED that our society will change to accomodate this religion or any other. I do not want fear to be the motiviating factor if we do.

It does say give me your poor........It does not say give me your exploiting religion or its fanatics
True proof that you are intensely paranoid over nothing:

"I do not want separate laws govering this religion."

Not one single solitary law affecting the secularity of the US or any European nation has been made for as long as I can remember. Pure fantasy.


PS There have been exactly zero notable incidents of domestic terrorism in the United States in relation to the middle east. So your talk of US Muslim citizens being incompatible with the US and of trying to exploit or whatever it is you think they're doing rings completely hollow. I think you need to reprioritize - read ATG's recent thread for some proper immigration woes.

PPS Finished your placard yet? 1997-2004, US delivered $22.9bn worth of arms to the Sauds despite the majority of the 9/11 bombers having originated there.......

http://www.eursoc.com/news/fullstory.ph … c_Law.html


http://www.dailymail.co.uk/pages/live/a … news.html?



^^^ hey it is your continent for all I give a shit all of your Irish babies can come out black haired and sporting beard . I just don't want it here.

The mexican invasion is a separate issue. It is also one that needs dealt with.

Last edited by lowing (2008-02-07 15:40:43)

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