+5,233|6563|Global Command
Okay, lets just get this out of the way. Think of me as a hypocrite.  Bigot.  Whatever.

Unless you have tried to run a business ( how many fucking times have I typed that into a post here ) you simply cannot understand the illegal alien issue. There is a secondary system in place; many of them have a ITIN number. They get tax returns.

That is about where their involvement with our society ends, unless you count the drain on social services like from schools, roads and hospitals.

These guys  ( ASIDE* i have ALWAYS been a color blind employer. You gotta get it through your head, it is not my job to verify that these fuckers have a valid id and ss number, that is the job of the state and federal government; they have to provide me a social security number. Where they got it, whether or not it is from a dead person is not my job to figure out! The person whom this thread is about made over 50k working for me last year, he has two kids, but claims five on his taxes. TAXES!!!  He is an illegal alien. He gets 90% of his with-holdings back when he files his ITIN tax return. Get that straight; the FEDERAL GOVERNMENT KNOWS HE IS AN ILLEGAL ALIEN AND THEY DON'T FUCKING CARE, ALL OF THIS SHIT ABOUT IMMIGRATION REFORM IS JUST THAT; SHIT ) drive without drivers licenses, but they can get insurance. They don't have U.S. I.D. but they can open a bank account. Who the fuck do the politicians think they are kidding? The second system is already in place and America, you may not realize it but you are living in a hispanic part of the world, and unless you speak spanish or have a service that caters to them YOU ARE FUCKED.

Okay, so my best, longest term employee, the one who makes 50k+ a year.

We have long known that these guys have the ability to cause us harm, but we ( my business associate and I ) always figured that the 800-1200 per week in pay would be enough to kep them loyal.

So here we are, in the middle of a fucking complete economic meltdown in Southern California. We are slow. We are in debt.

Our service trucks have the company logo painted on them. A few weeks ago it occurred to me how long it had been since we got the call " hello, I saw your men working on so and so street and we'd like an estimate. " I just figured it was part of the overall downturn in business I and many of my peers are facing.

But, today, I was in his ( my ) work truck, looking for an invoice for a small job we had done. I found this;

Obviously, it's a stack of business cards. Notice that there is no contractors license listed ( as required by law ).

Aguillon is a illegal alien that bought a gutter machine. He pesters my guys to work for him on the weekends, and because he has none of the insurance and overhead, he can pay them better than I. In cash.

So while he has been on salary for me, he has been passing out business cards to what should be my customers, only they are not mine.

I have always trusted him. Now I review my supply bill. Hmm. Caulking, screws, nails. All above last years average. My upstairs stock room, half empty.

Gordo, as far as Illegal alien Mexicans goes, has been a good man. A friend. He has had my complete trust and this is how it is repaid.

I have been wondering why I feel roont ( ruined ).   It's not just a down turn in the economy, it's that these fuckers are stealing my supplies out one door and my customers out the other. It's the end. For the rest of this year I do business for cash only, I aint paying shit for taxes. I can't. Myself and a dozen other small-medium sized businesses are all in the same position at the same time, what the fuck is going on?!?

I said it as yerded and got in trouble, but I'm saying it again now with all sincerity.

If you want to stop this, if you want to help save our country you stop illegal immigration tomorrow by shooting the motherfuckers at the border as they try to cross. You hang the politicians who have let it get so fucking bad that a Ford driving, tobacco chewing redneck like me has to hire these bastards to expand at all. Or go join the underground economy, as I now must do to survive.
My company grossed 35k under one million last year.

I am Roont.

O Canada
+1,596|6439|North Carolina
Annexation my friend.  Annexation.

We should finish what we started back when Antonio Lopez de Santa Anna was being a pain in the ass.
Man, I'm sorry.  I still can't get over how idiotic people sound when they say that our economy is greatly benifited by illegal immigrants.  This is just more proof that it is BS.
The very model of a modern major general
+794|6719|United States of America
Isn't there any way you can get him arrested? You know he is an illegal immigrant. Surely there must be some course of legal action that can be pursued (not lawyers, moreso lawmen). In addition, if they truly are stealing your equipment, all you need is a video camera for proof and that usually results in an arrest.
Did you fire his ass?  Since he's illegal, you can't take the guy to court can you?  Did he sign some sort of non-compete clause when you hired him?

EDIT:  Plus what he is doing is a form of embasselment. (sp)

Last edited by trippy982 (2008-02-06 20:29:32)

Got loooollllll ?
+853|6673|Montreal, Qc, Canada
Damn! Suck to be you srsly :S

Fire him now. And work with Americans only on the future. You know they are not illegal immigrants at least!

GL with all this story tho!

Edit: **If you call the police or wtv, they wont do nothing about that? like arrest him or ship him back to his country?**

Last edited by Andoura (2008-02-06 20:30:44)

prince of insufficient light
It's hard to express my agreement, respect, and anger in words. You can turn things around.
+5,233|6563|Global Command

DesertFox- wrote:

Isn't there any way you can get him arrested? You know he is an illegal immigrant. Surely there must be some course of legal action that can be pursued (not lawyers, moreso lawmen). In addition, if they truly are stealing your equipment, all you need is a video camera for proof and that usually results in an arrest.
The damage is done.

He will get docked two weeks pay ( which is how far behind on payroll I am ) and fired.

There are more bad things I am finding out by the hour about what these guys have done.

Gordo said it best,  " dez waitbacks, they no coming here to work de strawberries forever, you know. Dey work de fields de first year, then the worka de restarants, then the starta one company. "
O Canada
+1,596|6439|North Carolina
The desert is a very suitable place to bury bodies.

Andoura wrote:

Damn! Suck to be you srsly :S

Fire him now. And work with Americans only on the future. You know they are not illegal immigrants at least!

GL with all this story tho!

Edit: **If you call the police or wtv, they wont do nothing about that? like arrest him or ship him back to his country?**
The poliece are basically unable to do anything about the illegal immigration problem, short of catching illegals for serious crimes.  One of my friends is a cop, and he says that the border patrol won't even bother to pick them up a couple miles away from the border.  There is such a steady stream of illegals, it would be a waste of time.
I got Mug 222 at Gritty's!!!!
+216|6674|Your moms bedroom
take him to court. fuck him. take everything he has so he can go back to picking stawberries
16 more years
+877|6559|South Florida
Wow ATG, that dudes a fucking rat. You should've beat him down.
Just speaks to the character of illegals.
You could've had him on a 100k salary and he would've done the same.

The least they could do is show a little respect while they rape our system.
It's too bad the government is too politically correct (I.E. PUSSY) to do anything.
15 more years! 15 more years!
+39|6671|OREEGONE, USA
That sucks bro.  It's not much better up here in Oregon.  I see at least 2 of those cards under my door every week.  Whether it be for lawn care, home repair, or some other form of manual labor.  Most only accept cash or check and very few offer up a valid license.

Last edited by millhous (2008-02-06 20:41:28)

ATG, I will tell you something about friendship and business: they don't mix. Why? because there's mixed interest involved, if you over pay him (which is a no no) they will abuse of your kindness, but also, if you aren't friendly they'll do shitty work and always complain about everything. It's better if they complain because if they shit the work they have to do you will cut their moneys short and that puts the discipline needed.

Just my 2 cents.
Sgt. Sergio Bennet 3rd
+169|6780|Mexico City
Sorry for what happened to you, but you can´t generalize it to only illegal mexicans. You could have had the same treatment from your own countrymen. people like that are in all races and social circles.
Sue his ass off....
prince of insufficient light

Sgt. Sergio Bennet 3rd wrote:

Sorry for what happened to you, but you can´t generalize it to only illegal mexicans. You could have had the same treatment from your own countrymen. people like that are in all races and social circles.
Sue his ass off....
Kinda contradicting yourself in the same post. The problem with this, as I don't think many people are seeing, is partially that there is no downside for them. How do you sue someone who isn't a citizen? Law enforcement doesn't even care.
+5,233|6563|Global Command
I will inform him tomorrow A.M. that he is fired.

I will also inform him about the fact that he can get his two weeks pay in hell for all I care. I will also confiscate all of his tools and, and....


i am sick.


I offered my guys a group health plan. It was a co pay thing, they paid half and I paid half. They all looked at me with stupid blinking eyes and said " but the doctor, it's free, no? "

I had to sign them up anyway and paid the premiums for three months so THAT I AND MY FAMILY COULD AFFORD TO BUY INTO A SMALL EMPLOYEE GROUP PLAN and then they all dropped out the next month.

Now, I have joined the god cursed rank of the unfuckinginsured because everything has went to shit.

Oh , make no mistake, I'll rebound. I've hit rockmotherfuckingbottom ( looks around nervously at walls of new house, heh ). I'll fight dirty. I will ass rape every lawyer or government employee i EVER do business with. I will cash the customers checks instead of depositing them and doing payroll taxes. HOW MANY ARE LIKE ME,   AND ME,  call them and ask them how business is, get the owner on the phone and ask them why everything has gone to shit. These are my friends, peers and rivals  AND THE SAME MOTHERFUCKING THING IS HAPPENING AT THE SAME MOTHERFUCKING TIME TO ALL OF US!!!!!!!!!!!!   What is going on?

How can this not be a concerted effort to destroy small American businesses? Who they hell is giving the orders and  WHERE DO I GO TO KILL THEM?
O Canada
+1,596|6439|North Carolina
This is the kind of stuff that makes me wish Lou Dobbs was running for president.
Thats why no matter how racist this sounds. You cannot give them anybit of power! I'm not gonna say much more than that.

Other than this is what happens if we let the left run things.

EDIT: You've got me inspired to write why i hate the left. But it'll just be 50% ramblings, And 50% cursing.

Last edited by David.P (2008-02-06 21:07:48)

I got Mug 222 at Gritty's!!!!
+216|6674|Your moms bedroom
If you could spread the word that the people need to have license numbers to do gutter business, and if in fact everyone hiring people to do gutter work hate illegals as much as you do, maybe they will start checking for license numbers and these fucks wont get nearly the business they normally would. take out small ads, bug you local tv station/paper with your story, get in touch with your fellow contractors and see whats going on.

I in fact did not know you needed to be licensed to do work like that, but i live in Maine
Typical white person.
+389|6794|San Antonio, Texas
I'm sorry if this sounds cocky, it's not really supposed to be, but if you knew he was an illegal, why the hell did you hire him?

David.P wrote:

Thats why no matter how racist this sounds. You cannot give them anybit of power! I'm not gonna say much more than that.

Other than this is what happens if we let the left run things.
Welfare, tax returns... Don't know how the fuck the tax returns thing happened, but it's bullshit! What else is next?...

Last edited by {M5}Sniper3 (2008-02-06 21:09:23)

+5,233|6563|Global Command
Democrats in california are obsessed with the hispanic vote; stupid fuckers. Whos the mayor of L.A.? State assembly speaker?

Mexicans and current or former illegal alien activists.

You stupid fucking democrats think they will be loyal to the party. The laugh is on you because unless that party is headed by a Mexican it will not get the hispanic vote.

O fucking Discordia!
+5,233|6563|Global Command

Locoloki wrote:

If you could spread the word that the people need to have license numbers to do gutter business, and if in fact everyone hiring people to do gutter work hate illegals as much as you do, maybe they will start checking for license numbers and these fucks wont get nearly the business they normally would. take out small ads, bug you local tv station/paper with your story, get in touch with your fellow contractors and see whats going on.

I in fact did not know you needed to be licensed to do work like that, but i live in Maine
The problem is so widespread you can't imagine.

ALL businesses in So. Cal employee illegal aliens and the politicians have their babies asses wiped by hispanic nannies and their trees cut by illegal tree trimmers.

Typical white person.
+389|6794|San Antonio, Texas

ATG wrote:

Democrats in california are obsessed with the hispanic vote; stupid fuckers. Whos the mayor of L.A.? State assembly speaker?

Mexicans and current or former illegal alien activists.

You stupid fucking democrats think they will be loyal to the party. The laugh is on you because unless that party is headed by a Mexican it will not get the hispanic vote.

O fucking Discordia!
But, but, they are soooo nice to them, they give them welfare, tax returns, medicare, and soon to be UHC... This county is going to hell in a hand basket...

ATG wrote:

ALL businesses in So. Cal employee illegal aliens and the politicians have their babies asses wiped by hispanic nannies and their trees cut by illegal tree trimmers.

Well, the problem was sort of self-generated because people keep on hiring them.

Last edited by {M5}Sniper3 (2008-02-06 21:13:25)

+5,233|6563|Global Command

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