iz me!

I've recently had a few people ask how I made my sexy table in the BF2s CD Trip, and I've also seen people ask on other threads.....

So heres a small little Tutorial, that should hopefully explain how to do it better...........

The BB Code wrote:

There are 4 (8 if you include the corresponding closing tags) bits of BBCode that you need to know when creating a table.


[table] and [/table]
[tr] and [/tr]
[td] and [/td] 
[th] and [/th]
mmmk.... some random letters stuck together..... fear not!

[ table] and [ /table]

         These 2 tags need to be put at the start and end of the table- like the [ quote] and [ / quote] tags go around a quote- these go around a table.

[ tr] and [ /tr]
     Remember: tr = table row
         These 2 tags define the start and end of a table row.

[ td] and [ /td]

         These 2 tags define the start and end of a cell

[ th] and [ /th]
     Remember: th = table header
         These 2 tags are the same as the [ td] tags, but they give the cell a funky background- to make it stand out as a title

How a Table is made up wrote:

Thats all these is to it. Now how to put it all together, so it makes sense.

Lets look at how a table works.

     You have a table.
          You have a row
               There are multiple cells in the row.
          You finish the row
          You make a new row.
               There are multiple cells in that row.
          You finish the row.
     You finish the table.
So lets make a table......


[table]                  <--- Start of the Table
[tr]                                 <---- Start of a Row
[th]Name[/th]                             <--- Cell in a Row
[th]Number[/th]                           <--- Cell in a Row
[/tr]                                <---- End of a Row
[tr]                                  <---- Start a New Row
[td]Titch[/td]                              <--- Cell in a Row
[td]1[/td]                                   <--- Cell in a Row
[/tr]                                 <--- End of a Row
[tr]                                  <--- Start of a new Row
[td]DeathUnlimited[/td]                      <--- Cell in a Row
[td]2[/td]                                   <--- Cell in a Row
[/tr]                                 <--- End the Row
[/table]                <---- Finish the Table
Which produces


Note: Don't try and "tab" out the table using spaces to make it look nice, and so you can understand it better- many browsers take the spaces into account, and then you end up with a tablew 4 pages down the topic.


See... its easy!

I hope this helps, and that how i've explained it makes sense- its quite complicated, but once you get your head round it, its easy.


aLeX wrote:

Actually, I request it is noted that the tut was enspired by me. Thanks

Last edited by Titch2349 (2008-01-02 05:51:20)


Inspired by me ladles and gentlespoons. I take full credit for this tutorial.
got any popo lolo intersting?

main battle tank karthus medikopter 117 megamegapowershot gg
Enemy Wheelbarrow Spotted..!!
+736|6738|Area 51
O'rly?Ya rly

It works!

Last edited by RDMC (2008-01-02 06:02:38)

[ br] also comes in handy. As you can't add line breaks into table cells any other way.
Support fanatic :-)

Wiki ? ... stickey ?

Wait behind the line ..............................................................
Served and Out
+642|6735|Southampton, UK

Good job, was thinking of doing this after USmarine questioned how to do it.

... I was too lazy.
+1,352|6667|N. Ireland
Some preset tables for you lazy ones..


[th]Header 1[/th]
[th]Header 2[/th]


[th]Header 1[/th]
[td]Header 2[/td]
prince of insufficient light
Official lame Crysis fanboy.
+84|6545|Netherlands tbh
Nice tut helps me alot! I have a problem though, when creating three cells in a row and putting some text in the third one, the table gets pushed down, a lot. I don't know what's causing it but do any of you have an answer?
iz me!

xGj wrote:

Nice tut helps me alot! I have a problem though, when creating three cells in a row and putting some text in the third one, the table gets pushed down, a lot. I don't know what's causing it but do any of you have an answer?
Post the code, and i'm sure someone will be able to help.

I've noticed that tables been pushed down a lot is sometimes because a tag isn't closed.

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