So, after almost eight years of bitching about the Bush Tax Cuts, the democrats are saying that cutting taxes, or a tax rebate is a good way to stimulate the economy.
Hillary Clinton claims to be the most experienced candidate, after eight years as a jilted first lady and eight years of being a NY senator. Her husband, the first black president, is doing everything he can to destroy him who would be...the first black president.
Consumer confidence is in the gutter. People are not spending money. The ripple effect is killing businesses across the nation. It's not that people are just afraid of losing the value of their homes, their IRA and savings. What is making people nervous is the reckless spending their government does. The lack of border control. The wars without aim or end.
Until some modicum of responsibility and sanity is returned to the government people will continue to hoard their chips, and the economy will continue to founder.
I am a business owner. My revenues are down 60% over a year ago. As are my peers. As are the trucking companies that ship our goods. My business is internet based and my customer pool is nationwide and EVERYBODY is singing the blues.
It doesn't matter who is elected. Until some modicum of responsibility and sanity is returned to the government this Tower shall fall.

Hillary Clinton claims to be the most experienced candidate, after eight years as a jilted first lady and eight years of being a NY senator. Her husband, the first black president, is doing everything he can to destroy him who would be...the first black president.

Consumer confidence is in the gutter. People are not spending money. The ripple effect is killing businesses across the nation. It's not that people are just afraid of losing the value of their homes, their IRA and savings. What is making people nervous is the reckless spending their government does. The lack of border control. The wars without aim or end.
Until some modicum of responsibility and sanity is returned to the government people will continue to hoard their chips, and the economy will continue to founder.

I am a business owner. My revenues are down 60% over a year ago. As are my peers. As are the trucking companies that ship our goods. My business is internet based and my customer pool is nationwide and EVERYBODY is singing the blues.

It doesn't matter who is elected. Until some modicum of responsibility and sanity is returned to the government this Tower shall fall.