I don't post on forums regularly but I enjoy the vibe of this site very much and felt it my time to contribute my little part to protect the dwindling non-asshat community that is so rare to find in BF2.

I was doing my usual rounds on a Wake server yesterday around 11am GMT when I caught word of a stats padder back at the USMC carrier. After doing some repairs on artillery I decided to head back in my little investigation boat as we were getting thrashed anyway. I tried to submerge first of all to check if he was hiding under the carrier but I found him capsized on the otherside anyway.

Demo: http://rapidshare.de/files/13093570/demo3.bf2demo.html
Awaiting Justice http://bf2s.com/player/Pulloverschwein/

The twat is called 'Pulloverschwein', there are more screenshots of him but I have the whole round on BF2Recorder anyway. The other guy in the boat was the one who stumbled upon the padder first and I don't suspect him of padding.

This just got me really niffed at the time, I have been trying for my veteran repair badge the legit way for a long time and finally earned it after teaming up with superb squadplayer in the same server a few rounds later - [dof]CP, you are a LEGEND!!)

Its just really sad that there are millions of threads of people keep complaining that each award is 'sooo damm impossible' to get without padding. Most of the time what's needed is to pick the right server/map and work as a team rather than spending an entire round repairing a single boat to boost one's virtual ego which is not how I would choose to enjoy the game. For me who plays for mainly for challenge it just demotes the entire idea of the awards system.

If anyone can tell me where I can locate my Battlerecorder files I will find a way to upload them as soon as I'm available.

Apologies if this is in the wrong section, I have to be going out for class now and will be back laters.

*random morning internet rant over*

EDIT: Added a screenshot for the general picture, uploaded the demo recording of the round and provided the bf2s link to his growing dubious stats.

Last edited by Lost_Zodiac (2006-02-12 04:40:08)

It's always nice to have a sensible member, welcome!

I suggest you use the free image hosting services out there, rather than that msn thing.

As for the recordings, the location of the file in a typical install will look something like this.

C:\Documents and Settings\YOUR USER NAME\My Documents\Battlefield 2\Profiles\Default\demos
youve now just been Pwned by the Mavster
Vet enginner is way too hard...i gave up as i dont want to pad it
Expert engineer, thats a hard one =/, GOT IT!
[Expert Smoke Grenade]
+44|6926|Hamburg, Germany
got my ver at karkand (ofcourse) when the us tank and apc did not dare move into the town....
is a good spot you can reach the artllery quick....
but it all depends on other players sometimes. keep on trying....

and welcome here
want to go heads up?
+11|6886|cairns australia
take the s\s and footage.get them hosted.post a link on bf2rs.
I L0v3 C4k3
Hi i think i was on that server to, i also took 3 screenshots of him..
I also want repairs:( aiming for the meritorious medal:)

Last edited by Mushroomcar (2006-02-10 03:50:57)

Thanks everyone for the help and the very friendly welcome. If anyone needs help on any badges, don't hesitate on tracking me down - I'm one of the worst Hawker pilots out there and could always do well with 3 wonderful engineers in the back.

It looks like I'll be stopping by more as I came across a whole 'clan' of classic statspadders in a game lastnight and I'll likely need the community's help to bring on an effective reset..

But anyway.. I wish that EA would dish out some sort of awards for reporting these types of idiots that we are all coming across more frequently. We'll be needing threads like these:

"God.. need 7 more reports until my Anti-Twat Medal!!"
thanks for the heads up,  much appreciated..

sent to EA...
got my veteran on Warlord, repairing commander stuffs since an insurgent spec ops keeps destroying them
Busy doing highfalutin adminy stuff ...
+1,335|6801|Washington DC

With a little persistence, getting the Vet Engineer is quite possible without stat padding ... even for a below average player like myself.  How someone gets the Expert Engineer without padding is a true mystery to me.  This seems like one of the hardest (if not THE hardest) medals of all to get.

[I got my veteran on Oman ... very early in the round, I got four as MEC when the commander assets were destroyed plus another helping out an APC ... then, grrrrrrrr, lost my connection ... I quickly rejoined the same server, this time coming up as USMC ... my stats were still there (whew).  I got another five repairing the Arty from some aggressive special ops ... then that beautiful shiney thing appeared!!!!!!]
Yeh look in his stats at number of repairs

Feb 3: 47
Feb 9: 345
Feb 10: 582
Feb 11: 652
this also says enough to me

Favorite Victim
(Kills to, via EA)  HERB1 (31)
More Victims
(Top 10) You are no one's worst enemy. Go bully someone.
Worst Enemy
(Deaths by, via EA) i<<==[alucard]==>>i (60)
More Enemies
(Top 10) Hotwarchamp88 (55)

seems like he has a few statpaddingfriends

IndianScout wrote:

thanks for the heads up,  much appreciated..

sent to EA...
ya know that whe ya do this ppl are just going to keep posting this stuff here and not where its supposed to be.
we all know what padding looks like, why the 10000 posts here about it?
+0|6876|Maryland, USA

Lt.Maverick|Lw| wrote:

Vet enginner is way too hard...i gave up as i dont want to pad it
Not if u vehicle whore.
how many repair points did that guy get in one round?  i'm just curious cause' i was recently playing a wake server that had just enough people to start the game...i think it was like 6 on each side.  anyway, my entire team was so busy trying to get vehicles off the carrier all while being pounded by the enemy and i was the only person that caught flags on the island (to which noone ever spawned on) and making kills.  at the end of the round i gained more points than the top player on the chinese team that won and i figured more than anyone on my team since they were busy screwin around.  low and behold, there was one guy on my team that had almost 80 points.  i came in 2nd with about 65 while the next person below me on my team was less than 15 points.  i was stunned at how some guy that sat in or on the carrier scored so much.  when the round stats appeared at the end, it showed he had all his points from repairs.  almost 80 repair points in one round?!?!  wtf?!?!
I try and tell everyone that expert engineer isnt that hard. Everyone thinks command assets are the way to go. No, they are not. No one thinks of how many pilos on wake shoot the essex every pass. Did you know repairing even an UNMANNED essex gives you repair points? I didnt think so. Try and see if you wrench energy can even handle one round. You may get 30+ points.

edit: by the way. Don't stand level with the essex. Stand on the level below and look up. You wont be shot there and you can keep repairing the whole round (if the USMC doesnt cap the airfield).

Last edited by F.Rabshaw (2006-02-12 19:37:59)

"Generous mods" < Thats right Systray !

F.Rabshaw wrote:

I try and tell everyone that expert engineer isnt that hard. Everyone thinks command assets are the way to go. No, they are not. No one thinks of how many pilos on wake shoot the essex every pass. Did you know repairing even an UNMANNED essex gives you repair points? I didnt think so. Try and see if you wrench energy can even handle one round. You may get 30+ points.
Just try not to die with the Essex, because it does spawn back on its own =\

F.Rabshaw wrote:

I try and tell everyone that expert engineer isnt that hard. Everyone thinks command assets are the way to go. No, they are not. No one thinks of how many pilos on wake shoot the essex every pass. Did you know repairing even an UNMANNED essex gives you repair points? I didnt think so. Try and see if you wrench energy can even handle one round. You may get 30+ points.

edit: by the way. Don't stand level with the essex. Stand on the level below and look up. You wont be shot there and you can keep repairing the whole round (if the USMC doesnt cap the airfield).
figured that out last night on the iron gator.  i didn't even realize the flag right next to the aa on the carrier was under MEC control (was with the US).  i don't know though, when it does come time for me to get expert repair, i'll probably just end up going to my favorite server for badges- 11th Airborne (since it's a slow 16 player, 64 player sized map server).

SysTray wrote:

Just try not to die with the Essex, because it does spawn back on its own =\
Not when its desroyed every minute by a J-10.
teh adam

F.Rabshaw wrote:

I try and tell everyone that expert engineer isnt that hard. Everyone thinks command assets are the way to go. No, they are not. No one thinks of how many pilos on wake shoot the essex every pass. Did you know repairing even an UNMANNED essex gives you repair points? I didnt think so. Try and see if you wrench energy can even handle one round. You may get 30+ points.

edit: by the way. Don't stand level with the essex. Stand on the level below and look up. You wont be shot there and you can keep repairing the whole round (if the USMC doesnt cap the airfield).
I played like about 10 rounds of wake doing this but we were raping the PLA (and the J-10 pilots sucked)... so I got in a jet and did my usual bombing runs.

I just can't find a damn server where the USMC are getting raped...

teh adam wrote:

I just can't find a damn server where the USMC are getting raped...
Moders Wake 24/7. It happens about every 3rd round. It doesn't reload until 99 rounds. Very reliable for points and awards, so you wont have to worry about not getting a tough award.

This is also on Wake   TV2 Wake only server.

This server runs Battlerecorder but they still stat pad.

One bloke has the War College Ribbon and he was happily reparing a Vodnik ...driving it in and out of the water. There was mayhem going on with 63 players giving their all and he padded for a whole 25 minute round.
He was reported.

But the following screen shots are really funny. Try and guess who the TKers are and then work out who where the medics.

Where the medics point whoring or where they doing their job.

Why where the Americans all crowding around the Blackhawk area all the time. Why didnt the admin ban the Tkers.

This is the funniest battlerecorder file I have it makes me laugh everytime I watch it.




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