Prophet of Certain Certainties
In 1994, Joel L. McKiernan agreed to donate his sperm to Ivonne V. Ferguson under the conditions that he would never be required to provide child support. He would also loose all visitation rights.

Unfortunately, when Ivonne gave birth to twins, she changed her mind on the agreement, threw it out the window, and sued McKiernan for child support. In a county court, not only did she win her suit, forcing him to pay $1500 a month, but another $66,000 in back support.

A the Pennsylvania Supreme Court recently ruled that McKiernan is finally free. They ruled she had no right to renege on a previously made agreement and is not entitled to anything McKiernan does not want to give.

Thank GOD. The fact that this girl had (ironically) the balls to completely screw this guy (but not really) and try to squeeze him for cash actually makes my vision blurry.

But the fact that people are twisted, mean, and can be quite imaginative when it comes to extortion, isn't all that surprising. The thing that blew me away was the dissenting remarks by Justice J. Michael Eakin:

Justice J. Michael Eakin, in a dissent, said a parent cannot bargain away a child’s right to support. “The children point and say, ’That is our father. He should support us,”’ Eakin wrote. “What are we to reply? ’No! He made a contract to conceive you through a clinic, so your father need not support you.’ I find this unreasonable at best.”
If McKiernan had fathered the children conventionally, yes, he would be responsible for their livelihood. But he had chosen to donate his sperm so the money grubbing, back stabbing, muffin fucking gutter slut plaintiff only under the previously state agreement.

Basically, without the agreement, there would be no sperm, there would be no kids, there would be no problem. That fact that she suddenly realized shes too damn stupid to raise kids should not be any of the guys problem. She made an agreement. Live with it.
R.I.P. Neda
+456|6980|Grapevine, TX
See our system isn't totally fubar. I agree with the courts decision in this matter.
All I can add to this is; what a bitch.
O Canada
+1,596|6556|North Carolina
Lesson learned: NEVER donate sperm....  unless she swallows.
Connecticut: our chimps are stealin yo' faces.
She should pay him for dragging him through the mud.

Also, a little lesson to thr younuns in here: Keep your baby gravy to yourself. Or pull out and shoot it on her face.

Last edited by deeznutz1245 (2008-01-04 19:59:42)

Malloy must go
All kiiiiiiiiinds of gainz

Turquoise wrote:

Lesson learned: NEVER donate sperm....  unless she swallows.
One exception.  You can if she been through menopause.  Yup, i did that.
Blackbelts are just whitebelts who have never quit.
I am all that is MOD!

m3thod wrote:

Turquoise wrote:

Lesson learned: NEVER donate sperm....  unless she swallows.
One exception.  You can if she been through menopause.  Yup, i did that.
I hope you don't mean you've actually screwed an old bitch...
All kiiiiiiiiinds of gainz


m3thod wrote:

Turquoise wrote:

Lesson learned: NEVER donate sperm....  unless she swallows.
One exception.  You can if she been through menopause.  Yup, i did that.
I hope you don't mean you've actually screwed an old bitch...
Ain't nuttin wrong with a MILF.  I think i've done 3.
Blackbelts are just whitebelts who have never quit.
I am all that is MOD!

m3thod wrote:


m3thod wrote:

One exception.  You can if she been through menopause.  Yup, i did that.
I hope you don't mean you've actually screwed an old bitch...
Ain't nuttin wrong with a MILF.  I think i've done 3.
There's MILF, and then there's GILF.  Never done a GILF (or a chick that has been through menopause).
O Canada
+1,596|6556|North Carolina
"Shit brick?!"
All kiiiiiiiiinds of gainz


m3thod wrote:


I hope you don't mean you've actually screwed an old bitch...
Ain't nuttin wrong with a MILF.  I think i've done 3.
There's MILF, and then there's GILF.  Never done a GILF (or a chick that has been through menopause).
Okay i've done 2 MILFS and 1 GILF!
Blackbelts are just whitebelts who have never quit.
Make Love and War
+303|6629|Communist Republic of CA, USA

m3thod wrote:


m3thod wrote:

Ain't nuttin wrong with a MILF.  I think i've done 3.
There's MILF, and then there's GILF.  Never done a GILF (or a chick that has been through menopause).
Okay i've done 2 MILFS and 1 GILF!
He's pretty proud of that...

And oh Lawdy, the google ads at the bottom of the page...
What part of donate doesn't that bitch understand?

Last edited by David.P (2008-01-04 20:52:37)


Let off? A little too late. Is he going to get his money back?

Last edited by unnamednewbie13 (2008-01-04 21:19:14)

I work with a guy that was being forced by the Pennsylvania courts to pay child support for a kid that wasn't even his. 

He did blood testing originally, the test showed the child wasn't his, but the court said because he was living with the whore when she conceived and gave birth, he had to pay.

Then he had DNA testing done, proved again the child wasn't his, and the f-tard PA court system said that because he'd been paying support for over a certain amount of time, he was obligated to keep paying.

Seriously, what kind of logic do the courts use when coming up with these rulings???

I lost touch with him, but I heard he finally beat it, but he never got any of the money back.

Then the whore went after the real father to get child support, and of course *back* child support that he didn't pay, from him.
has joined the GOP
i think this is why i'm glad to live in CA, but i'm not sure. i could be completely backwards.

and i agree with blackkoala.

colonel_locke wrote:

I work with a guy that was being forced by the Pennsylvania courts to pay child support for a kid that wasn't even his. 

He did blood testing originally, the test showed the child wasn't his, but the court said because he was living with the whore when she conceived and gave birth, he had to pay.

Then he had DNA testing done, proved again the child wasn't his, and the f-tard PA court system said that because he'd been paying support for over a certain amount of time, he was obligated to keep paying.

Seriously, what kind of logic do the courts use when coming up with these rulings???

I lost touch with him, but I heard he finally beat it, but he never got any of the money back.

Then the whore went after the real father to get child support, and of course *back* child support that he didn't pay, from him.
I was going to say "+1 Karma to the Pennsylvania Supreme Court" until i read this.
Пушкин, наше всё
+387|6475|New Haven, CT
That is beyond ridiculous that the courts even allowed her case to be heard. He needs to counter sue for every cent wrongfully extracted by the slimy coward.

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