I am an avid user of this special forces server, and I hate to do it being a fellow clan member but i gotta call these guys out...  I went 74-1  k:d in a round on their server, and as soon as my gold showed up, a message indicating that i was banned for ex, TKing, or by server admin popped up...  So all i gotta say is, IM calling you the pussy ass admin from MODERS out...  WTF... Have some integrity, i highly enjoyed the time on your server, I admin my own so i know how it can be...  I have had this problem with the TOMCLANCY server, and we dealt things out with the admins, and it turned out to be some what of an alliance.  The owned up for thei mistake, but now i put you on the hot seat, what reason do you have for a PERM BAN?????  coulda kicked me for a round or 2 cause i was skilled and you suck, but no... you BAN me... so i am calling you out, WTF do you have to say...
bad touch

dude, ALL of moders servers have some kind of nazi on them, just stay away
feeding the BF2S community since 2005.....
id say hes a pussy....thanks for the heads up;)
its just sad, because people have posted about our server, but we had an even rebuttle.. I understand its frustrating as an admin at times, but i was blatently PERM BANNED.... for killing too many people in their server.... i was 74:1 in a helo on their ghost town 24/7 server...  And the only time i attacked their spawn was to take out the AA locking me up...  how about that for some shit....  So im sorry but i gotta say FUCK ALL OF YOUR MODDER SERVERS...   me and my 30 clanmates will be spreading the word about your half ass clan...
I attend BF2 Anonymous Meetings
I avoid their servers like the plague
lol well i guess i gatta add another server to the "Do Not Join List".......dam list is getting kinda big here.......they should have a age requirement  in order to be an admin lol.......14yr old admins just arent working
+1|7034|Savannah GA
really? i think there is way more to that story then what you have said cause i do nothing but play on there servers and i got 100+ point rounds with admins on and never banned or kicked. i got a gg or nice round but never STFU FAGGOT HACKER LEAAVE.!3121

you sure you never tked some one or something along the lines of that. also you could of just posted something on there fourms instead of coming here and running your mouth it could of been a mistake. you should of gone to them first and said look why was i banned. im sure if you did nothing wrong they would of un banned you.

stryyker wrote:

dude, ALL of moders servers have some kind of nazi on them, just stay away
I have'nt played since dec.1 but I do remember having bad experiences after having a good round on the moders servers.
+4|6974|3 Miles East of Smurf Village

1sfg-ronln wrote:

I am an avid user of this special forces server, and I hate to do it being a fellow clan member but i gotta call these guys out...  I went 74-1  k:d in a round on their server, and as soon as my gold showed up, a message indicating that i was banned for ex, TKing, or by server admin popped up...  So all i gotta say is, IM calling you the pussy ass admin from MODERS out...  WTF... Have some integrity, i highly enjoyed the time on your server, I admin my own so i know how it can be...  I have had this problem with the TOMCLANCY server, and we dealt things out with the admins, and it turned out to be some what of an alliance.  The owned up for thei mistake, but now i put you on the hot seat, what reason do you have for a PERM BAN?????  coulda kicked me for a round or 2 cause i was skilled and you suck, but no... you BAN me... so i am calling you out, WTF do you have to say...
Wtf, do you need someone to shave your balls for you?

You sound like my ex girlfriend bro, no matter what i did for her, or to her, she would never shut the fuck up, so one day i shoved a fucking popsycle in her mouth while we were watching T.V. and suprisingly it worked quite well.

Moral of the story is, you can bitch all you want, and no one will care, or you can find another server that will feed you what you want.

*EDIT* On side not, if your an avid user on this server, then why would you publically bring it into this furom instead of delivering the message personaly to www.modersgaming.com
If i was the owner and someone brought a complaint to a public furom first, instead of me, or my clan, i would have no sympathy for you and never remove your tight ass ban, bitch.

Last edited by [BSF]Nexar (2006-02-10 07:16:50)

I have played with the Moders a bunch of times.  Absolutely no problems.

1sfg-ronln wrote:

I am an avid user of this special forces server, and I hate to do it being a fellow clan member but i gotta call these guys out...  I went 74-1  k:d in a round on their server, and as soon as my gold showed up, a message indicating that i was banned for ex, TKing, or by server admin popped up...  So all i gotta say is, IM calling you the pussy ass admin from MODERS out...  WTF... Have some integrity, i highly enjoyed the time on your server, I admin my own so i know how it can be...  I have had this problem with the TOMCLANCY server, and we dealt things out with the admins, and it turned out to be some what of an alliance.  The owned up for thei mistake, but now i put you on the hot seat, what reason do you have for a PERM BAN?????  coulda kicked me for a round or 2 cause i was skilled and you suck, but no... you BAN me... so i am calling you out, WTF do you have to say...
All I can say is that i play on Moders all the time, and have had no problems, scores of over 100+ and never kicked for it. All of there admins have been nothing but respectfull to me. Add this all up and I think there is something fishy with your story.
Heh, they either like your or they don't.
God's Little Squirt
six of one, half a dozen of the other
one word FEEB!!

+10|6963|Cherry Valley, IL
Played Moders Wake Only For A Few Weeks When I Got Kicked For No Reason. Some Bs About Admin Kicking For Tkin Although I Had Not Tked A Single Person In The 3 Rounds I Played. The Reason Was Obvious. There Planes Kept Raping Our Carrier And I Asked With No Reply Is This A Legal Tactic On Your Server. So I Said The Hell With It I Finally Got In The F-35 After Countless Arty And Bombs Dropped On My Head. And Proceded To Shoot Down There J-10 And Then Raped The Shit Out Of There Runway Not Allowing A Plane Or Chopper To Take For The Remainder Of The Game. What Do You Know End Of The Game I Had The Gold And And Whoever The Puss Was That Kicked Didnt Even Have The Balls To Let Me Know It Was Coming.

Anyone Who Enjoys Bf2 Do Yourself A Favor A Do Not Join A Moders Server
Death StatPadder
+228|7077|Human Meat Shield
Are you sure it wasn't a full server and someone with a payed slot came in? Because that's what it exactly says - " Admin kick for excessive teamkilling...." (too bad they dont' have 'You are in a payed slot'). I've had a server kick me; I just joined and I had zero's across the board -- explain that. Also been kicked doing good and I was a SL -- explain that. It's not all the servers fault, it's how it's set up primarily. And when we all have good outings and get ping busted or kicked; what do we do? We go back in and it says 'banned' because PB has certain criterias, then we try again and what does it say? 'perm banned'. Before you play the blame game, think what you are doing and figure out what is going on, maybe it's not the servers you should blame. Many questions arise, did you have a good ping? Did you cuss? Did you TK? The story is in the eye of the beholder, only you know the truth.  This is just my experience. I am just tired of people blaming others than thierselves. It's just a game, move on and wait for next round, you guys are taking this wayyyy too serious.

And if it wasn't slot thing then think to yourself..How many times have I had this chopper tonite?
Flame on.

flossmore wrote:

Played Moders Wake Only For A Few Weeks When I Got Kicked For No Reason. Some Bs About Admin Kicking For Tkin Although I Had Not Tked A Single Person In The 3 Rounds I Played. The Reason Was Obvious. There Planes Kept Raping Our Carrier And I Asked With No Reply Is This A Legal Tactic On Your Server. So I Said The Hell With It I Finally Got In The F-35 After Countless Arty And Bombs Dropped On My Head. And Proceded To Shoot Down There J-10 And Then Raped The Shit Out Of There Runway Not Allowing A Plane Or Chopper To Take For The Remainder Of The Game. What Do You Know End Of The Game I Had The Gold And And Whoever The Puss Was That Kicked Didnt Even Have The Balls To Let Me Know It Was Coming.

Anyone Who Enjoys Bf2 Do Yourself A Favor A Do Not Join A Moders Server
Captials at all letters... crazy...
¦Tactics Øver Principles¦

flossmore wrote:

Played Moders Wake Only For A Few Weeks When I Got Kicked For No Reason. Some Bs About Admin Kicking For Tkin Although I Had Not Tked A Single Person In The 3 Rounds I Played. The Reason Was Obvious. There Planes Kept Raping Our Carrier And I Asked With No Reply Is This A Legal Tactic On Your Server. So I Said The Hell With It I Finally Got In The F-35 After Countless Arty And Bombs Dropped On My Head. And Proceded To Shoot Down There J-10 And Then Raped The Shit Out Of There Runway Not Allowing A Plane Or Chopper To Take For The Remainder Of The Game. What Do You Know End Of The Game I Had The Gold And And Whoever The Puss Was That Kicked Didnt Even Have The Balls To Let Me Know It Was Coming.

Anyone Who Enjoys Bf2 Do Yourself A Favor A Do Not Join A Moders Server
Do us a favor and turn off caps lock.
I want the pink mist
Ever since the first day I got this game I played on Moders servers, never seen anyone get banned for no reason.  Kicks are usually because its an admin that wants in which really in my opinion is no big deal. Being 74-1 sounds kind of fishy though...especially with how fast the rounds on Ghost Town go. And the claim that you didn't base rape to get those kills seems kind of hard to believe.

And wow, relax with the capital letters flossmore...

Last edited by oJmHo (2006-02-10 12:23:19)

so let me get this straight...you come to a public forum to complain about something you did not even bother looking into....

did you go to the moders forum and ask why you were kicked/baned? i think you did not. so here is what i see.

A  you didnt bother to follow up why you got kicked/baned
B  you come to a public forum to complain about moders without going to them (just rude)
C  you insult the admin on moders calling them pussy ass
D  and you tell them to have some integrity......you should listen to your own advice

if you admin your own server then why did you go to moders to begin with? it seems to me that you didnt get what you wanted when you wanted it or wasnt treated the way YOU think you should be treated and now you are bad mouthing the moders community behind their backs .........

maybe you should rethink your post and go about finding answers in a more respectable way.........

btw moders is not a clan its a gaming community......

from your very own website.......look at the last paragraph.......maybe you should read your own suggestions and follow them.........

Welcome to the United States First Special Forces Group (airborne). We are an online gaming community dedicated to combat-based PC gaming, who are primarily involved with EA Game's Battlefield 2 franchise.

The squad utilizes "1SFG" as it?s tags which members display as a prefix to their name. Our current membership is composed of approximately forty personnel. We currently operate and administrate a Battlefield 2 forty-person ranked server titled "1SFG-" The server may also be
located via the following IP address: Port: 16567 (Standard). Please refer to our server rules if you intend on frequenting the server.

The squad's membership is comprised mostly of adults with ages ranging between fifteen to early forties. Our recruitment policy requires applicants to meet the minimum age requirement of eighteen years. Individuals occupy a vast array of professions: active and former military, law enforcement, pilots, college students, regulatory and sales professions, manufacturing and much more. Currently, we are not accepting new applicants.

The 1SFG utilizes the "De Oppresso Liber" unit symbol to represent itself in the context of the gaming community. It is utilized with honor and without financial profit. Although we are not associated with the real U.S. military?s Special Operations, we have provided appropriate links for those interested in pursuing further research in regards to the actual 1SFG. We also have the
fortunate and honorable distinction of having been accepted by several of its operators who are currently serving at home and abroad. These real heroes display a "1SFG" tag after their name. Do not hesitate to accord them the respect they have earned with their dedication and courage.

Those interested will discover the membership is vastly represented by U.S. citizens. We make it no secret that we display patriotic themes and engage in criticism of our nation's detractors and enemies. Most of the squad would be characterized as tradionalist, conservative, and Christian. We support our men and women in uniform who stand in harms way on all of our behalf. We
will readily and ably engage in debate that is respectful and conducted with maturity. We will not tolerate dissent for its own sake, nor indulge those whose intent is simply to vilify our nation or its military.

First and foremost our members value the friendship our community offers them. We enjoy the shared and entertaining experience of online PC gaming--the emphasis is on shared. At its core, the 1SFG is fundamentally about people who value one another's company and having fun. A component of this fun is naturally, competition, but it is not the central component. Too often squads and clans have literally sold out for the right to compete for a shallow and subjective honor, to be named "the best." We recognize games will come and go, and so will the squads which have solely attached themselves to such interests. We provide our respect to squads who
conduct themselves with honor and who are humble in victory.

Finally, we request your toleration. We are all human beings and it is not uncommon for any of us to err, or fall away from the side of what is just. We make every attempt to avoid this, and more so to correct our oversights. As a patron of the site or server, please do not hesitate to come forward and present your concerns or position on a matter of dispute. We only ask that it is done in an appropriate and respectful manner.

Thank you,

1SFG Command & Control Unit

Last edited by tambulance (2006-02-10 13:10:42)

I think that there is only half truth being told here by this guy. I know for a fact that you would not have been PERM BANNED for doing nothing but going 74:1, but if that is your story then you stick to it there internet cowboy! Also the fact that your an " avid player on our SF server" and yet you come here to post a shitty thread on how Moders are assholes and banned you for no reason makes me think that your not as talented as you think, and you are just another nub that pissed off the wrong admin and it resulted in you demise here at Moders.

As for everyone else who has something to say about Moders well we will continue to run a top 50 ranked server and be ever more popular amongst the adult gamers. Enjoy your time on some EA servers and other clan servers who will for sure not be as nice as we have been.
Im sure there is more to the story... Go to their website and I'm sure they will let you back in but I'll bet you wont cause your just flaming.  Nice to see the BSF cheats chimed in with their opinions.
Moders is first and formost a community.  As a community, we have a varied population of players from all backgrounds of life.  This often can cause some contentions especially with the malcontents of the world, who just don't give a frack, who they hurt or abuse, as long as they get what they want.

Moders tries it's best, to offer fair games, for all people.  Often that means taking a stance on certain inderviduals who cannot respect our way of running the servers.  Each of our servers, often run differently.  Karkand is often admin'd 24/7 because it's the easiest to control with a no nonsence attitude that our regular players respect.  Wake, whilst harder to control, is admin'd often enough, to discourage Tk'ing for vehicles or other breaches of rules set down by EA.

Ghost Town, is a problem for many of our admins.  The rules we have in place for other servers often don't work here, but the basics are still in place and those that admin are working against a constant battle of childish behaviour and this is trying for even the most experianced admins.  Yet, that being said, we have an effective team who deal on a personal level with many of the players and can sort of problems quickly and effectively.

I would remind anyone who has a problem with our servers or players on those servers, that you can contact admin on our TeamSpeak or by emailing [email protected].  These forms of communication are there to help YOU!  If you have a problem with a specific Admin we can look into the situation and deal with it and it will be treated as much as if you had a problem with another player.

Lastly, I will add this to those that do not know us. Our admins are mature, easy going and fun to play with.  We have the respect of many gaming communities and we are constantly expanding into new gaming areas with new servers.  We welcome everyone, old and new, to check our servers and judge for yourselves, rather than listening to few malcontents, who have not even contacted us about problems they are having, yet can post elsewhere, thinking we won't see it.

Come judge for yourself!
bad touch

woo someone that tries to help ^
+1|7034|Savannah GA
bah as i said its funny how he talks like modders were teh wrong ones doing everything wrong blah blah blah flame flame flame.. if you would if just went to the site - fourms and asked to be unbanned (if from what your have said you did nothing wrong but i think thats onlyhalf the story) and you would of now sence you came here and ran your mouth and never handled it like you suld im glad your banned so i dont have to run into you on there servers. i mean think about it... from they way you took this i would think your one of the commanders who will tk for the chopper and sit a base rape.  so i say drop it have a nice day go find a new server to piss people off in.

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