I am a commander in CoD4 and have completed almost every challenge in the game and I noticed that some of the challenges were particuarly hard to finish.  (1)  counter claymore - this is one of two challenges that i have yet to complete/how are you supposed to shoot a claymore and kill an enemy b4 it self detonates???  (2)  sabotage - this one is not difficult to complete but I have found it to be one of the longest challenges.  (3)  claymore - although it doesn't sound hard to kill two enemies with a single claymore I found this one to be very hard to get.  (4)  airborne - with a lot of luck I was finally able to complete this one today but I still think it is a rediculously stupid challenge.  (5)  invinsable - this  is the other challenge that I have yet to complete/I don't know how anyone is supposed to survive five near fatal hits.   These are the five hardest challenges in my opinion.  Plz post and let me know what the hardest challenges were for you!    And if anyone has any suggestions for 1 or 5 I would really appreciate the help.
1. Place a clay in a high-traffic area, aim at it. When you hear it click, fire. Done.
2. Play sabotage only servers
3. Clayspam. Eventually you'll get lucky.
4. Haven't got this one, still unsure what it means. Jump, and kill 2 guys before you land? That's ridiculously hard....
5. I haven't tried this one yet, use Juggernaut if you're trying for it

Last edited by GGF0RCE (2007-12-17 20:28:43)

I still have left

Counter-Claymore III 6/10
Counter-C4 II 4/5
Think Fast Flash
How the?

I've had a million oppurtunities for all of them but keep screwing it up by not working quickly enough and getting killed before I can make it happen but, as for Airborne... to be honest I haven't even tried to complete it.

Bomb Squad would help with Counter-Claymore as you'd be able to spot the claymore before you set it off. Remember the challenge states it's to their own claymore, not a claymore that you laid down.
I got Clay More by random LMG spam.
I got Invincible just by playing for ages and getting it randomly though I'm unclear on what exactly the challenge states but I know I didn't have Juggernaut on.
Maple Syrup Faggot
+362|6464|Vancouver | Canada
I got one of the counter claymores by an unlucky player who just happened to pass his friendly clay as I cleared it.
+383|6294|Aus, Qld
I found the "What the...?" one was the hardest. I mean for goodness sake how on earth are you meant to shoot through a wall, hit a clay/c4, and kill somone with it. Impossible.
what the was easy for me, i was playing with a few friends only using C4 as we were bored and i was running at a guy and threw it at him and he shot me before i could detonate and i went to last stand, he had spammed and was reloading and took cover behind a wall, and a trash can was infront of me, so i shot my deagle of where i thought my C4 was and yay \o/. so i suggest throwing a C4 over a small bin or something else small that you can easily shoot through and see over.

Last edited by weasel_thingo (2007-12-17 20:53:38)

+383|6294|Aus, Qld

weasel_thingo wrote:

what the was easy for me, i was playing with a few friends only using C4 as we were bored and i was running at a guy and threw it at him and he shot me before i could detonate and i went to last stand, he had spammed and was reloading and took cover behind a wall, and a trash can was infront of me, so i shot my deagle of where i thought my C4 was and yay \o/. so i suggest throwing a C4 over a small bin or something else small that you can easily shoot through and see over.
Meh, ill probly get it randomly.
well i was going to say invincible but i just looked and i have it, must have been lucky last night.  I have think fast but not stun or flash, guess i will just have to hope to get lucky. I still have airborne to do and dunno how im gonna get it.  I haven't done any of the hot potato ones because i never throw back grenades.  The hardest one though is counter C4 imo, i only have 3 and no one uses C4

shoopysean wrote:

Remember the challenge states it's to their own claymore, not a claymore that you laid down.
No, it can be your own claymore, or C4 if you're doing counter-C4. I got mine by laying an explosive and camping with my gun pointing at it.
liquid fluoride thorium reactor
+874|6983|Canberra, AUS
Most of the counter claymore/ counter c4 I get through luck and grenade launching. In paticular on the fenced-off roof on Crash. Sometimes people put claymores/explosives up there, the launched grenade detonates them, fair few kills.
The paradox is only a conflict between reality and your feeling what reality ought to be.
~ Richard Feynman
+1,010|6594|Denmark aka Automotive Hell

sniper14M wrote:

I am a commander in CoD4 and have completed almost every challenge in the game and I noticed that some of the challenges were particuarly hard to finish.  (1)  counter claymore - this is one of two challenges that i have yet to complete/how are you supposed to shoot a claymore and kill an enemy b4 it self detonates???  (2)  sabotage - this one is not difficult to complete but I have found it to be one of the longest challenges.  (3)  claymore - although it doesn't sound hard to kill two enemies with a single claymore I found this one to be very hard to get.  (4)  airborne - with a lot of luck I was finally able to complete this one today but I still think it is a rediculously stupid challenge.  (5)  invinsable - this  is the other challenge that I have yet to complete/I don't know how anyone is supposed to survive five near fatal hits.   These are the five hardest challenges in my opinion.  Plz post and let me know what the hardest challenges were for you!    And if anyone has any suggestions for 1 or 5 I would really appreciate the help.
All are easy,, except for airborne......

Tbh i think Airborne was abit hard to get, i ran around with shotgun and hoped for double kills

BTW i'm 100% in all challenges now... except for LMG, ASSAULT & SMG camo's...
­ Your thoughts, insights, and musings on this matter intrigue me
+1,010|6594|Denmark aka Automotive Hell

bakinacake wrote:

I found the "What the...?" one was the hardest. I mean for goodness sake how on earth are you meant to shoot through a wall, hit a clay/c4, and kill somone with it. Impossible.
LoL not... ever heard of thinking?

I placed a C4, aimed through the corner of a door and shot it when someone passed by.... not hard tbh....
­ Your thoughts, insights, and musings on this matter intrigue me

FloppY_ wrote:

bakinacake wrote:

I found the "What the...?" one was the hardest. I mean for goodness sake how on earth are you meant to shoot through a wall, hit a clay/c4, and kill somone with it. Impossible.
LoL not... ever heard of thinking?

I placed a C4, aimed through the corner of a door and shot it when someone passed by.... not hard tbh....
I also found this one to be very easy. (got it on my first try)  Just play a low populated server in Sabatoge and plant a c4 on the crate.  pull out your sniper rifle and hide behind a doorway or a fence.  I have noticed that many of you put down airborne as your hardest challange.  I to found this one difficult but here are some tips i have noticed.  Dont try to jump off of a building - I first thought that I could get it playing on pipeline because of the two tall buildings but I noticed that the enemies were allways too far away and the gun accuracy too shitty to ever get two kills b4 you hit the ground and die.  For those of you who aren't sure, you do have to get the two kills at the same time in mid air... you cant jump, kill the guy, and jump and kill another one.  The best tactic I found was to use an SMG, either the MP5 or the P90, and play a rediclously high populated server on TDM hardcore.  You will have to rush many times b4 you get it but eventually it will come.  just keep jumping!!!

FloppY_ wrote:

bakinacake wrote:

I found the "What the...?" one was the hardest. I mean for goodness sake how on earth are you meant to shoot through a wall, hit a clay/c4, and kill somone with it. Impossible.
LoL not... ever heard of thinking?

I placed a C4, aimed through the corner of a door and shot it when someone passed by.... not hard tbh....
I also found this one to be very easy. (got it on my first try)  Just play a low populated server in Sabatoge and plant a c4 on the crate.  pull out your sniper rifle and hide behind a doorway or a fence.  I have noticed that many of you put down airborne as your hardest challange.  I to found this one difficult but here are some tips i have noticed.  Dont try to jump off of a building - I first thought that I could get it playing on pipeline because of the two tall buildings but I noticed that the enemies were allways too far away and the gun accuracy too shitty to ever get two kills b4 you hit the ground and die.  For those of you who aren't sure, you do have to get the two kills at the same time in mid air... you cant jump, kill the guy, and jump and kill another one.  The best tactic I found was to use an SMG, either the MP5 or the P90, and play a rediclously high populated server on TDM hardcore.  You will have to rush many times b4 you get it but eventually it will come.  just keep jumping!!!
Flamesuit essential

Double post?
Fear is a Leash
+85|6480|New Austin, Not
This. Is. Ownage.
Minister of Silly Walks
+67|6447|New Jersey
What do you have to do to get How the ?
Fear is a Leash
+85|6480|New Austin, Not
Shoot an explosive device through a wall and kill someone in the ensuing explosion.
The 150 head shots for the scorpian is proving difficult for me.
+515|6963|Loughborough Uni / Leeds, UK
Airborne - I got by getting a nade kill (that I'd thrown a few seconds earlier) and killing a guy who was jumping over a wall, which ended up at pretty much the same time.

It's luck really.
i was having a tough time with the brink which was the only one i had left but just nabbed it last night

Chappy556 wrote:

i was having a tough time with the brink which was the only one i had left but just nabbed it last night
That's the one with killing 3 people whilst on the brink of death (flashing red health), right?
I got that one just after unlocking it actually. Got it by a nade that killed 2 people and I shot one person whilst on the brink.
I Am McLovin!!!!
Never thought I would get the Airborne one but Bunny Hopping Ftw thats how I got it.
+1,010|6594|Denmark aka Automotive Hell

Jepeto87 wrote:

The 150 head shots for the scorpian is proving difficult for me.
Scorpion is the most accurate weapon in the entire game O.o

And it has NO recoil....

Silenced Scorpion > all

TIP: Use iron sights as the red dot gives the gun recoil for some reason....

Last edited by FloppY_ (2007-12-20 12:43:11)

­ Your thoughts, insights, and musings on this matter intrigue me
+783|7152|Reykjavík, Iceland.
Got all challenges already, and gotta say, the hardest was the Counter C4


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