How many of you still play BF2?
I do | 65% | 65% - 69 | ||||
I dont | 34% | 34% - 37 | ||||
Total: 106 |
just played last night.
well, a good portion of people here would still play, just not as often.
edit: a better poll would be "How often do you still play BF2?"
well, a good portion of people here would still play, just not as often.
edit: a better poll would be "How often do you still play BF2?"
Last edited by tthf (2007-12-16 20:24:27)
I don't
I'm Jamesey wrote:
I don't
Add me on Origin for Battlefield 4 fun: DesKmal
havn't played since i got cod4 about a week ago.

not as much. I played a couple of weeks ago. I'm back at DOD:S, CS and Red Orchestra.
on and off
rhinoh2o74 wrote:
on and off

i played once for about 20 minutes three weeks ago, and that was the first time in like a month
i played once for about 20 minutes three weeks ago, and that was the first time in like a month
about 4-5 day's a week
I dont pub much any more usually just playing in clan matches etc.
I just started again, it's actually fun for me at the moment
I do, also rFactor.
I do!
I need it for my [tpi] Frag Projects and for the [tpi] Community projects.
I need it for my [tpi] Frag Projects and for the [tpi] Community projects.
I will until I get some of the last goals I want to do.
Hellz yeah! I finally got a new computer so I'm actually able to play decent games. (Went from 15-20 fps with everything on low at 800x600 to 100 fps with everything on high at 1280x1024. Not to mention instead of waiting throughout the entire loading song and then some, it loads within seconds). So I'll be playing now more than ever.
Oh and I also just got CoD4 and Orange Box... and I'm still playing BF2
Oh and I also just got CoD4 and Orange Box... and I'm still playing BF2
Every so often I spend some time honing my skills, then take a while off to allow things to brew, then repeat.
I don't but I see my self coming back to play some chopper maps and planes if allowed by the plane whores
I want to get my last two unlocks. I don't play enough to do it though. so forget it
what a liarI'm Jamesey wrote:
I don't
i do, need to get those pointz0rz!!
and those shiny pixels called "awards"
yeah but its sorta dying on me
there was about 5-6 [bf2s] tags on the EU during yesterday afternoon, the most i'd ever seen for a while, also the most fun i'd had on bf2 i a while, even if i did get a 3rd purple heart lol
Last edited by Tehremos (2007-12-16 21:07:19)
Aye, US servers mostly
Nope, My disk is broken.
When I have time... Life has a bad habit of getting in the way.