mtb0minime wrote:
I haven't played CoD4 yet, but isn't there a perk that lets you hold your breath longer or something? If that's the case, then isn't it now completely useless if you don't need to hold your breath to snipe? Or does it just eliminate sway, whereas if you don't hold your breath it'll still sway?
Kinda a debatable topic....Here is MY take:
with out holding breath there used to just be a cone of fire...The gun was to inaccurate to really hit anything so if you didn't hold your breath you would miss even if you adjusted for the sway. In my experience if you held your breath for a long time the random deviation went away and you would hit your target pretty much every time.
At first this seamed like it sucked....but its kinda good. You cant just twich over and hit some one. You have to prepair your shot (I.E. get somewhere safe to look through the scope for a few seconds, hold your breath stop and take aim, wait for a good shot).
While there is sway, it doesn't really affect the the cross hair while your moving it around. This makes it hard when your standing there aiming at a sliver of some ones head behind cover(I.E. shots where you trying to get your scope steady on a target, but if you move your cross hair over the target and fire before you even really stop on them you cant really notice the sway.
Also if you have a real good idea where the center of the screen is the scope is pretty much on target as soon as you bring it up so you can fire before it really has a chance to "sway"
Its kinda good easier to defend your self close quarters, and I do like sniping....but it was nice when there was more challenge to it, kills felt more rewarding I guess.
I still use breathing a tiny bit, but you