+127|6679|Jesus Land aka Canada

David.P wrote:

agent146 wrote:

haha yes beat or is it shoot some sense into these strange people. I say strange because as i told em this if for fashion but they still insist on making me hear they "anti war cries" which is actually wishes for me to DIE and "get a bullet in your head." Any one would be angry at a such situation the easiest way is to be quiet as nonexistentusmc said, stryyker handled it heroicly, i however was a bit revengeful. & ya strange most of my friends do have a gun/pistol to use 9mm or .22 riles; they shoot on the outback of calgary at pigeons. They only thing i have mp5.....airsoft
I dont take shit from strange people ever!  Like is said, I'm surprised how he handled himself if it was me i'd be in jail.

Btw is your Mp5 made from plastic? Or does it have some metal parts? Especially the trigger mechanism.
lol ya he is too heroic for me.
as for the mp5 its made from the company ' ICS' is has full metal body only the handguard and the butt stock are made from hard plastic or from some polymer, shots at approx. 320 fps. but STAY ON TOPIC
+58|7071|Long Island
you did a good job man.  good work.

Hey Stryk......................welcome to the brotherhood.

Admiral of the Bathtub
+619|7073|Great Brown North

SgtSlauther wrote:

stryyker wrote:

A blond bimbo trophy wife second to last in line SCREAMS at me, "I hope you AND all of your friends DIE in Iraq for being so ignorant!"
Arent these the same people who say they support the troops but not the war
nope, im one of those people... the wishing to fuck they wouldnt be there but supporting them regardless kind

the people in that line needed to be beaten, frequently
+447|7140|Seattle, Washington, USA

Unfortunately, some people can't distinguish between the warrior and the war.
Toilet Sex
one love, one pig

I have no idea how you kept yourself together and didn't kick the living crap out of all of those ungrateful assholes.
Make Love and War
+303|6771|Communist Republic of CA, USA

Toilet Sex wrote:

I have no idea how you kept yourself together and didn't kick the living crap out of all of those ungrateful assholes.
He showed some Bearing.
I'm pretty liberal for the most part, but in no way do I have the audacity (nor balls) to do something to that extreme. The only people deserving enough to be told to die are child molestors and rapists. As much as I dislike the war, soldiers should never be told to die. (Unless that soldier was a child molestor or rapist, of course) It just isn't right.

At anyrate, dunno what you said about the people in line, but they probably deserved it anyway. +1 for composure, hope nothing like that happens again.

P.S. Cali isn't that bad.
R.I.P. Neda
+456|7122|Grapevine, TX


just to let you know tef he's not a marine yet he is currently in DEP program, so his cammies aren't issued - they don't have a name tap on them and if they do then he must have them on himelf .... its kindly like purchasing your own cammies, you can wear them where ever what stood him out in a public place is, cammie bottoms and marine corps tee and he probably is sporting the high and tight
but once stryyker goes through boot camp he'll know you can not wear cammies off base into a civilan building unless for emergencys
Ahh, a great sounding Young Marine by the sound of the way he kept his bearing. +1 Stryyker

Hurricane wrote:

What about when I see Army guys at the airport or on the subway in their ACUs? Or is it just a USMC thing? Or do they wear them when they're heading back to base?
Yes its something we are ingrained with in Boot Camp. It's just not acceptable for a Marine; In your Garrison or Dress Uniforms is fine, just not Cammies. As for the Army, Navy, and Air Force guys in Cammies, well they do what they do , their way.
Hooray Beer!
+94|6863|United States
Anti-war people like that just make my stomach hurt. It's so hard to believe that some people in society are such scum, that they feel they're able to say and/or do something like that towards a person that's protecting their very right to do so. Trying to comprehend ignorant people just makes my head hurt.

Good job with keeping your cool, and owning them in such a way that they knew they were ownt. I have a few friends in the armed forces who would have, unfortunately, said the same things you did... except with their fists. They take their love of this country a little too serious when it comes to people bad-mouthing, and they tend to lose their discipline briefly. Oh well. They're damn good soldiers so I'm quite easily able to overlook that.

On a side note, any and every American that's a part of this community should say a simple "Thanks" when you see soldiers out in public. I'll always walk up, shake their hand, and thank them for doing their job. It makes me feel good because you can see in their expressions that you just made their day.

For every soldier that is a part of this forum: Thank you.
Favorite Weapon? Pistol
+29|6963|Everett, WA, US

stryyker wrote:

So I'm walking from my car to a local provider of groceries in downtown Newport Beach this afternoon, on my way to work. Now, I had just finished with some Marine-related classes, so I was still dressed in my Cammie pants, boots, and secksy OD shirt.

I'm minding my own business, strolling through the isles looking for Pop tarts, when I start to notice the "upper class" members of the supermarket are glaring at me. I go up to the 10 items or less line, it has about 8 people in it. I have my poptarts (strawberry, frosted), A bottle of milk, bread, jelly, honey, ice, and a copy of Mountain Bike magazine. Now things get interesting.

The lady at the counter seems nice enough, but the other patrons are another story. The bag boy doesn't bag my groceries. I kinda shrug and start bagging it myself, while he sits in the little conclave and breathes at me. Awkward.

So after an ornate about face to get my change, the man behind me goes off. He is mid to late 30's. He has an A & F t-shirt on, expensive warn jeans, and what looked like Nike Air 2.0's (red).

He goes into various anti-war slander, the usuall

"Bush sucks.... Republicans are losing the war"

"dying in vain"

"Peace now"


Now, this goes on for a good 3 minutes, with other people in line joining in to the mans crusade against me. Then it got personal. A blond bimbo trophy wife second to last in line SCREAMS at me, "I hope you AND all of your friends DIE in Iraq for being so ignorant!"

Oh bitch, best not be saying that to a D.E.P'ing Marine that just had his first week of hand to hand combat training.

Now, this whole time, I had stood there, studious like, taking it all in. But now it was my turn.

First was the man. I commented on his appearance, and what it showed me. I went through the whole line of people belittling me and the others who didn't have a voice. It felt good.

Then, after I was done, the bimbo lady says to me again, "And what do you have to show for yourself hotshot?"

I did a quarter turn to my right, where a flag was hanging from the ceiling. I came to attention and saluted, while saying:

"I am a Citizen of the United States of America, A United States Marine, A Firefighter for this state. I think I've shown enough."

End salute, about face, and I walked out of the store.

Now, aside from being able to assert my linguistic skills into a situation, doesn't that situation feel.... Wrong?
Your doing a service for your country and were the bigger man for not getting into a large argument with those new age hippies.  I can't stand people like that who think it's your fault were in a war at all.  I suppose they would just prefer it if we had no military whatsoever.
Toilet Sex
one love, one pig

Major.League.Infidel wrote:

Toilet Sex wrote:

I have no idea how you kept yourself together and didn't kick the living crap out of all of those ungrateful assholes.
He showed some Bearing.
Exactly, and living in the UK, that's something I rarely see.

agent146 wrote:

David.P wrote:

agent146 wrote:

haha yes beat or is it shoot some sense into these strange people. I say strange because as i told em this if for fashion but they still insist on making me hear they "anti war cries" which is actually wishes for me to DIE and "get a bullet in your head." Any one would be angry at a such situation the easiest way is to be quiet as nonexistentusmc said, stryyker handled it heroicly, i however was a bit revengeful. & ya strange most of my friends do have a gun/pistol to use 9mm or .22 riles; they shoot on the outback of calgary at pigeons. They only thing i have mp5.....airsoft
I dont take shit from strange people ever!  Like is said, I'm surprised how he handled himself if it was me i'd be in jail.

Btw is your Mp5 made from plastic? Or does it have some metal parts? Especially the trigger mechanism.
lol ya he is too heroic for me.
as for the mp5 its made from the company ' ICS' is has full metal body only the handguard and the butt stock are made from hard plastic or from some polymer, shots at approx. 320 fps. but STAY ON TOPIC
Ok last Off topic post i promise! Ya know maybe i could modify it somehow... Brb to the internet!
+231|6666|Kyiv, Ukraine

stryyker wrote:

Now, aside from being able to assert my linguistic skills into a situation, doesn't that situation feel.... Wrong?
To answer your question...Yes, it absolutely does smell like any other patriotic chain email that dedicated wingnuts insist on keeping me on their list for sending me (sorry Mom!).  Fortunately, at least you were original enough to write your own prose, and with a little spell-checking, you might be able to mass mail this Patriotic(TM) tear-jerker and reach millions.

I'll tell you from two perspectives...first, being in BDU's for a majority of my time for 9 years, I have never experienced anything like you say.  Even walking through the center (accidently) of an anti-war protest in Germany, I've never experienced anything like this.  I have experienced a lot of random kindness, thank you's, etc., from all age groups and in all different places, but never anything like this from my 2 years near Monterrey, CA, my 2 years in Newport News, VA, or my year in Ft. Sill.  Even the Koreans at the height of being virulently anti-american could still be caught giving up seats for me in crowded restaurants during my tour there.  So, on the count of this being absolutely true, I call bullshit.

My second perspective, as a game designer/magazing writer for the last 3 years, will say this is a great pro-American wingnut piece and plays perfectly to a rightwing audience.  You've managed to hit almost every point -
- A few "snotty lib" stereotype strawmen
- A little "Vietnam vets are baby killers" nostalgia
- The color "red" carefully included
- You've got a big American flag conveniently hanging least there wasn't a bible in your story somewhere too, or did I miss it?
- The "Persecuted Hero" by those that just "couldn't understand"
- Good calm military speech-making, hoo-rah devil dog...
- I'm proud to be an American, where at least I know I'm freeeeeeeeeeeeee...
- A good solid "wink" at the reader with the last line.  Bravo (seriously!).

If this was indeed your completely original work, I'd say you have solid writing potential for someone your age.  A little real life experience and a little better command of vocabulary and you'd be easily competing with Bill Kristol, and blow away Malkin or Coulter.  I do wish you the best in your career as a US Marine and writer.  Smokejumper school is Goodfellow AFB, one of my alma maters as well...just don't get caught near the bunkers no matter what she says about "nobody is around", you'll be trying to convince some Air Force SP with a nervous tick to put down his weapon before anyone gets hurt.  Again, enjoy your future career, and keep up the writing, you never know when it will come in handy.

Last edited by GorillaTicTacs (2007-07-28 05:08:15)

mostly afk
+480|6843|CH/BR - in UK

Eh, that's a disgrace. I may disagree with the policy that is driving the US army into other countries - the government, the president etc. , but that doesn't mean that every person in the army agrees with Bush, or that they're not doing an honorable service. Someone has to do that, and wishing you to die is not exactly what I would imagine a "thanks" should sound like.

I personally would have invited each one of them outside to take a look at the underside of my Bellevilles.  Props to you for keeping the situation in relative order.  I'm sure that there are a lot of soldiers out there who would have handled the situation in a much harsher respect.  There is no way in hell that this would have happened here in WI.  Chances are that if word got out in the community that a soildier was dressed down by civilians who opposed his duties, that store wouldn't have half the buisiness it did the prior day.
+16|7055|South Carolina
First off you are not a Marine until you walk across the parade deck and get handed your EGA by your DI. Second why on earth would you walk out into town in your utilities? Even if you are not a Marine yet you are a direct reflection on the Marine Corps if you are in the delayed entry program. Do you know what would happen to me if I walked into a store in town in my cammies? Let's just say my life would be hell for the next six months for disrespecting the Corps, my uniform and my unit. Please until you actually finish recruit training and earn the title US Marine do not refer to yourself as one.
+1,352|6786|N. Ireland
That woman sounds like a typical idiot. I'm pretty sure if she was in Iraq she wouldn't do too well at all. Sorry you had to hear that woman shouting those things, though.

USMCkilla wrote:

First off you are not a Marine until you walk across the parade deck and get handed your EGA by your DI. Second why on earth would you walk out into town in your utilities? Even if you are not a Marine yet you are a direct reflection on the Marine Corps if you are in the delayed entry program. Do you know what would happen to me if I walked into a store in town in my cammies? Let's just say my life would be hell for the next six months for disrespecting the Corps, my uniform and my unit. Please until you actually finish recruit training and earn the title US Marine do not refer to yourself as one.
Maybe he forgot to change them---as said before, they're not really the USMC, but his own. It's like me buying digital cammies (The new ones) and wearing em at my supermarket.
Also, he didn't stand in the store and declare himself a US Marine, everyone immediately labeled him one/other service member, so I don't think he was trying to disrespect the corps. Furthermore, he handled himself like a US Marine, and he was inducted into Marine boot camp---he didn't label himself as a US Marine, but he is a US Marine in training--everyone jumped on him like he was.

Finally, I thought of this saying: "You don't wake up one day and want to be a US Marine--you're born to be a US Marine."
-Master Gunnery Sgt King
O Canada
+1,596|6698|North Carolina

stryyker wrote:

So I'm walking from my car to a local provider of groceries in downtown Newport Beach this afternoon, on my way to work. Now, I had just finished with some Marine-related classes, so I was still dressed in my Cammie pants, boots, and secksy OD shirt.

I'm minding my own business, strolling through the isles looking for Pop tarts, when I start to notice the "upper class" members of the supermarket are glaring at me. I go up to the 10 items or less line, it has about 8 people in it. I have my poptarts (strawberry, frosted), A bottle of milk, bread, jelly, honey, ice, and a copy of Mountain Bike magazine. Now things get interesting.

The lady at the counter seems nice enough, but the other patrons are another story. The bag boy doesn't bag my groceries. I kinda shrug and start bagging it myself, while he sits in the little conclave and breathes at me. Awkward.

So after an ornate about face to get my change, the man behind me goes off. He is mid to late 30's. He has an A & F t-shirt on, expensive warn jeans, and what looked like Nike Air 2.0's (red).

He goes into various anti-war slander, the usuall

"Bush sucks.... Republicans are losing the war"

"dying in vain"

"Peace now"


Now, this goes on for a good 3 minutes, with other people in line joining in to the mans crusade against me. Then it got personal. A blond bimbo trophy wife second to last in line SCREAMS at me, "I hope you AND all of your friends DIE in Iraq for being so ignorant!"

Oh bitch, best not be saying that to a D.E.P'ing Marine that just had his first week of hand to hand combat training.

Now, this whole time, I had stood there, studious like, taking it all in. But now it was my turn.

First was the man. I commented on his appearance, and what it showed me. I went through the whole line of people belittling me and the others who didn't have a voice. It felt good.

Then, after I was done, the bimbo lady says to me again, "And what do you have to show for yourself hotshot?"

I did a quarter turn to my right, where a flag was hanging from the ceiling. I came to attention and saluted, while saying:

"I am a Citizen of the United States of America, A United States Marine, A Firefighter for this state. I think I've shown enough."

End salute, about face, and I walked out of the store.

Now, aside from being able to assert my linguistic skills into a situation, doesn't that situation feel.... Wrong?
I know I crack on my state and conservativism a lot, but for what it's worth, you'd never experience this shit in NC -- unless you were in Chapel Hill.

Anyway, these are the kind of people that embarass me.  These are the people that give liberals a bad name.

I think you'll find that Southern liberals are a very different breed, and we like guns just as much as the conservatives do...  lol

We also respect servicemen, even if we don't agree with the war.  Thankfully, things have changed a lot since Vietnam, although it sounds like they haven't much in California.
bad touch

Turquoise wrote:

stryyker wrote:

So I'm walking from my car to a local provider of groceries in downtown Newport Beach this afternoon, on my way to work. Now, I had just finished with some Marine-related classes, so I was still dressed in my Cammie pants, boots, and secksy OD shirt.

I'm minding my own business, strolling through the isles looking for Pop tarts, when I start to notice the "upper class" members of the supermarket are glaring at me. I go up to the 10 items or less line, it has about 8 people in it. I have my poptarts (strawberry, frosted), A bottle of milk, bread, jelly, honey, ice, and a copy of Mountain Bike magazine. Now things get interesting.

The lady at the counter seems nice enough, but the other patrons are another story. The bag boy doesn't bag my groceries. I kinda shrug and start bagging it myself, while he sits in the little conclave and breathes at me. Awkward.

So after an ornate about face to get my change, the man behind me goes off. He is mid to late 30's. He has an A & F t-shirt on, expensive warn jeans, and what looked like Nike Air 2.0's (red).

He goes into various anti-war slander, the usuall

"Bush sucks.... Republicans are losing the war"

"dying in vain"

"Peace now"


Now, this goes on for a good 3 minutes, with other people in line joining in to the mans crusade against me. Then it got personal. A blond bimbo trophy wife second to last in line SCREAMS at me, "I hope you AND all of your friends DIE in Iraq for being so ignorant!"

Oh bitch, best not be saying that to a D.E.P'ing Marine that just had his first week of hand to hand combat training.

Now, this whole time, I had stood there, studious like, taking it all in. But now it was my turn.

First was the man. I commented on his appearance, and what it showed me. I went through the whole line of people belittling me and the others who didn't have a voice. It felt good.

Then, after I was done, the bimbo lady says to me again, "And what do you have to show for yourself hotshot?"

I did a quarter turn to my right, where a flag was hanging from the ceiling. I came to attention and saluted, while saying:

"I am a Citizen of the United States of America, A United States Marine, A Firefighter for this state. I think I've shown enough."

End salute, about face, and I walked out of the store.

Now, aside from being able to assert my linguistic skills into a situation, doesn't that situation feel.... Wrong?
I know I crack on my state and conservativism a lot, but for what it's worth, you'd never experience this shit in NC -- unless you were in Chapel Hill.

Anyway, these are the kind of people that embarass me.  These are the people that give liberals a bad name.

I think you'll find that Southern liberals are a very different breed, and we like guns just as much as the conservatives do...  lol

We also respect servicemen, even if we don't agree with the war.  Thankfully, things have changed a lot since Vietnam, although it sounds like they haven't much in California.
The majority of the state isnt like this, but there is a... cultural barrier in some parts. I work in Newport Beach, the median home price there is over a million dollars. I was raised lower middle class. Its like the residents shun people that arent of their wealth status.

Now that's self-control. Just goes to show that you > them, no matter how rich and spoiled they are.

If I were in the same situation...guh. 8 bloody noses.
NIKE Swoosh
A REAL Combat Engineer in the house
+187|6546|UK Bradford W,Yorks. Age 27
I have had abuse hurled at me by the stereotypical Asian male here in the UK whilst also still in my Combat 95 dress (dpm fatigues, not literally a dress)! So fucking annoying that we are paid to fight and protect these idiots, only for them to abuse us. MAkes me really fucking angry.
O Canada
+1,596|6698|North Carolina

stryyker wrote:

The majority of the state isnt like this, but there is a... cultural barrier in some parts. I work in Newport Beach, the median home price there is over a million dollars. I was raised lower middle class. Its like the residents shun people that arent of their wealth status.
That is rather ironic since liberalism is supposed to be aimed at helping the middle class and poor...  I guess they don't practice what they preach.

Having a true concern for labor, the middle class, and the poor involves respecting them.

Anyway, good luck and thanks for your service. 

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