David.Podedworny wrote:
2. M16 does'nt recoil that much and i'm not thinking about the head when he's 5m away from me with his ak47 pointing in my direction.
And yet what does your "From:" box say?
David.Podedworny wrote:
4. Listen at 10m and up it takes 2 shots from the m11-87 to kill an armored target, At the same range it takes 3 saiga shells.
Bunnyhopping solves all. Besides, fast reflexes > S12K.
David.Podedworny wrote:
5. It maybe accurate to some extent but most of the shots i take are at 15m any other smg(excluding pp-19) can tear me up.
Single-shot solves all accuracy problems. Besides, that's why you have the SRAW.
David.Podedworny wrote:
6. Ya but it only takes one under barrel grenade to bring it to smoking where as the vodnik just goes into the red.
Smoking is better than red, I hope you know.
David.Podedworny wrote:
8. Hud is good? Really then tell me why when i'm in a t-90 and i shoot better under the turret?
Because the M1's HUD has the dot in the center. Also, everyone favors different things.
David.Podeworny wrote:
9. It's miniguns still rock but after the nerf they are not as good to use against apc's.
It still works against them.
David.Podedworny wrote:
10. Thats "If" you have a good gunner in most situations anyone will jump in and start shooting everywhere in all directions. I cant tell you how many times i've shot down a cobra with ease because of the pilots cockiness.
So? With practice, everyone can be a good gunner. It's just that usually, some people tell them to get out, not giving them a chance to learn the ropes. And don't say practice on singleplayer, because those pilots don't do anything for you.
David.Podedworny wrote:
Controlling your fire is not easy when your face to face with a guy who has a better weapon then you.
With the SAW, you don't
have to control your fire when you come face to face with a guy (just ask fatherted and how he ripped me [and Orangehound] a new asshole when I [and Orangehound!] charged him with shock paddles). Actually, I find the SAW better scoped, but, to each his own.
With the M16, just keep clicking. If you're at close enough range, the deviation and "20% less damage" doesn't mean anything, really. Chance are, one of the shot will hit the head, anyway.
With the M24, you shouldn't be rushing down halls alone anyway. Just stay back and cover your squad if covering fire is that important.
With the M11-87, just make sure that you aim for the torso. Don't forget to bunnyhop!
With the MP5, only let loose on full auto at short or very-short ranges. Single-shot for medium, and (if you're feeling ballsy) long-range. Otherwise, save the SRAW for long range engagements.