I got a kick out of reading the "Best BF2 moments" thread and then I realized that some of my most memorable BF2 moments were when things didn't go to well.  C'mon admit it, you've all had one of those instances where you are thinking that you're going to pwn someone and get bitch slapped instead.  Let's hear about it!

I'll start it off:

I was playing Mec on Karkand and our team was on the verge of extinction as we were down to our last flag (the Mec base across the bridge on the 32 player map).  I respawned in time to see a whole column of Marine armor advancing down the bridge and Marines running everywhere so I strapped all of my C4 charges to a Vodnik and drove down expecting to at least take out a tank and hopefully more.  As I'm charging the tank I'm zig-zagging to try and dodge his fire and just as I closed on him I zigged instead of zagged and my zig took me next to two of my own teammates and our scanner and BOOM!!!  The guy in the tank nailed me and the resultant explosion took me and two of my teammates out and destroyed our scanner.  I was punished with two teamkills and had team damage to boot.  Doh!  (But it was such a good plan...... lol.)  This probably made the tank drivers day and who knows maybe he'll post it as his "Best BF2 moment"....

Last edited by ZZOT (2006-01-24 22:01:06)

Well just had one: was the start of the next round, so i jumped i a plane (wake 2007) and this guy drives up to the plane.
He parks it in front of the plane. and since i was allready running i couldn't stop. Bam TK and puished and kicked from the server

KaFuRaX wrote:

Well just had one: was the start of the next round, so i jumped i a plane (wake 2007) and this guy drives up to the plane.
He parks it in front of the plane. and since i was allready running i couldn't stop. Bam TK and puished and kicked from the server
that happens to me so much but i have a better one i got in the plane (i was china in wake island 2007) at the begging so happy i got the first plane and sa i started taking of so did the blackwak with 5 ppl in it and when i saw wat going to happen it was to late boom 5 teamkills and no plane and o yeah i got kicked
I.M.I Militant
We Are Not Alone In Here
+297|7037|Melbourne, Australia
i hate people that block my jet   i just sit there until sum nice persons moves the car for me .. i have no problem runnin down the little shit that blocked it off ..
Hmmmm.... many to pick from...  id say in Mashtuur... I was piloting the blackhawk flying death maker...  had a score of 200 something... the enemy helo caught be off guard and rammed me, but when we both blew up it gave me the 5 TKs, and seeing as i led the whole chopper to there equal scores of 200 something, they of course wanted to thank me by getting me out of the server as fast as they could before all my fans swarmed me... VIA a TK punish...  gotta love that shiat
I haven't had a particularly bad BF2 moment cause I'm relatively new to the game.

Probably when I was in a tank across the dam in Kubra and a american jeep comes. I took it lightly, deliberately missed a round. The enemy smashed his jump into my tank and out came a specs ops. I blew up and he jumped off the edge, sucided.
Mass Media Casualty

A Cleansweep at Cleansweep. I joined the game as MEC and as I was waiting to spawn for my first time, every single remaining flag, (all but one,) went blank. The USMC team got them all and I waited ten or so minutes while some wily team mates just spent their time dodging bullets rather than getting back any points. I quit the game before the remaining guys were found.
[Blinking eyes thing]
Steam: http://steamcommunity.com/id/tzyon
+1|7081|The Netherlands
I was going for my veteran resupply in the black hawk at Mashtuur City.
Someone else was the pilot and we got hit a lot,, so I bailed and the next thing that happened was that the black hawk exploded with me getting killed and getting all the teamkills.

So I was starting at -13 or something.
The black hawk spawned again and I was being a pilot,, I got a lot of point but because people where bailing from the black hawk I got team damage every time for that. (I flew the BH the rest of the round)

I could get a lot more points that round if these bugs didn't cost me that much negative points.
(I did get my veteran resupply that round and a pretty good score so it wasn't that worse).
I.M.I Militant
We Are Not Alone In Here
+297|7037|Melbourne, Australia
nice storys
Got milk?
I was a commander and was doing good... My team won like 4 games straight and we were going to win 5th. At that moment something swithed in my head (brain lag lol!) and somehow I managed to drop arty on the flag which my team just capped. 1st wave gives me 4 tks. I'm like awwwww well it could be worse, but seconds later the last shell hits fully loaded transport chopper which just took off the ground. +6 tks. *sigh* results of 1 arty drop: 10 tks. This was my worst game ever, even tho we won that round and my team was OK about tks.  What can i say sh!t happens
Mobile AA Whore
+1|7056|San Diego
When someone TK me repeatly just to use the AA on the Essex
my worst moment ever was probably on sharqi peninsula, and i spawned, walked around for 5 seconds, got ran over by a jeep, i spawn again, notice someone in a tank is coming towards the flag, so i run into the "tunell" arch thing, am about to plant sum c4's then the tank kills me, so i respawn again, at the hotel, i get taken out by arty, so i respawn there again, and a mec takes me out, i respawn over at the construction site i finally manage to get about 1 kill in, before i step on a grenade, coincidentally killing me, and the final part is, i respawn and immediately i get blown up by a grenade, so i rage quit and didnt play bf2 for the rest of the day, well half of it anyways, but damn that was the most annoying round of bf2 i ever played
+0|7054|Almere, Holland
Was playing Moders Strike at Karkand 24/7 and the round before I was MEC and they autoswitch u there so I was USMC and it switched me back to MEC and I was like WTF? and I switched back to USMC and it said RDMC failed to stay on MEC.. I got banned for a few days
+12|7070|Perth, Western Australia
Worst moment was..

Karkand, MEC, I spawn at the middle spawn point, north of the hotel, forgot the name, I spawn RIGHT in front of a prone support troop, he fillets me with bullets, ok, that's not bad, so I spawn at the train wreck, where I'm greeted by high velocity artillery shells, at this point my eye was twitching, it was 2AM in the morning, so I couldn't tell if it was fatigue or just being plain pissed off, so I respawn, this time again at the Train Crash, but as luck would have it, right in front of a moving M4A1, which proceeded to crush my carcass into the ground.

After that, I continued playing, and lost, of course, as I've never seen a round where MEC actually won the damn match.
+54|7070|Upper Franconia
Worst moment ever = when I got kicked and banned for owning everything with my SVD.

Lord_Tyler_486 [SVD] Whoever
Lord_Tyler_486 [SVD] 'nother'tard
Lord_Tyler_486 [SVD] justonemore
Sorry Lord_Tyler_486 you are being banned.
Sorry Lord_Tyler_486 you are being kicked. Please watch your language <--- WTF??!?! I didnt ever say a word or ANYTING

+1|6988|TC Michigan
The countless times that I've taken a screenshot before knifing or putting a pistol to the back of some dude's skull, only to find that during the 1-2 second pause, the guy saw me and commenced murdering me.
I had a teammate in vodnik run over my mine.  The vodnik was full and there were three guys walking next to us.  8 tks with one mine.

-xBluebirdx- wrote:

I had a teammate in vodnik run over my mine.  The vodnik was full and there were three guys walking next to us.  8 tks with one mine.
Man that's bad.  I had one where a convoy of armor was approaching one of our flags so I jumped into a vodnik and put a bunch of C4 on it and drove off to hopefully blow up at least a tank and an APC.  Unfortunately one of my teammates tosses a mine just as I pass him (thanks noob) and my Vodnik goes up with a huge explosion.  I really had to restrain myself not to punish him for the tk when it comes up with "you've been punished for a teamkill".  Apparently the noob was in my blast zone when he blew up my Vodnik and punished me instead.  Doh!
It was when I was playing American but I forgot I was with. I flew my F-15, shot down a Blackhawk full of people, bombed two APCs before getting kicked for TM! All the while, I was so focused in pursuing that I didn't notice the TK messages. Ack!
The Power of Two
+188|6812|Sydney, Australia
I was playing Chinese medic on Wake Island, and realised that for once I was doing pretty well, and I had a good chance of getting 100 which I needed for the People's Medallion. The round lasted for a long time and soon I was on 97 with twenty tickets left for the Americans. I run out looking for ways of getting the last 3 points, a USMC soldier shows up after a while and I get him. There's ten tickets left, I see someone yelling out for a revive. I run down, use up all my sprint, get to him but he disappears. I head back, and a tank rolls along and kills me. I look at the tickets there three left. Then a medic revives me and there are two critically injured Chinese soldiers next to me. So I pull out my defibrillators, run up, dive, click... "There a problem with you connection".

The round ended and I had 99 points.

I have to admit that it was a very good round, so it's probably not my worst, just my most frustrating, BF2 moment to date.

Last edited by Vub (2006-07-19 05:25:03)


Making the mistake to patch past 1.21.
+186|6877|The real world
Being one of the three people waiting for a helicopter, dont get it, 5 times in a row
+149|6866|USA bitches!
Mine? This is just one example of what I deal with on a daily basis:


Last edited by Jenkinsbball (2006-07-19 07:42:19)

Ready for combat
+211|6913|Belchertown Massachusetts, USA
was on daquing oilfields flyin around in an f-15 killin stuff when i noticed that the center flag was neutral, im like "shit they just capped that so i checked my map and saw a bunch of friendlies get killed, except for one so im thinkin "hmm hes gonna die die in  a min" so i turn my attenjtion back to bombing. so i swoop in and bomb the place. turns out that last guy was a medic and revived about 6 people and a tank and a linebacker came into my bombing zone at the last min. ended up with 8 tks all of which punished. i was so pissed.

Last edited by seymorebutts443 (2006-07-19 08:58:55)

Frosties > Cornflakes

mmm I would say my worst was on kubra (bak in my noob days) i hadnt quite got the hang of the tv and well erm, a full squad nicked the enmy bh and was owning the only remaining us flag outside the uncaps, so my pilot flies over there, I line up a tv (he was a good pilot btw) and, well, erm 6tks!!!!! and the reckage mangaed to kill like 3 people on the ground on our team.  Got kicked,

STILL, my 1st ever owning of a bh with a tv!!!!.....Eventhough, erm, ya hehe

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