I am all that is MOD!

People here always are claiming: ALL Muslims are terrorists; no one in the Muslim community speaks out against terrorism; I am too lazy to look up any information on the topic so I think all Muslims hate everyone; blah blah really is ignorant and rubbish. … ksreligion

For the people too intelligent to click the link:

"Those who seek to deliberately kill or maim innocent people are the enemies of us all," said Dr Muhammad Abdul Bari, secretary-general of the moderate Muslim Council of Britain."

"Speaking at a news conference at the MCB's east London headquarters, Bari said there was "no cause whatsoever" to justify the attempted bomb attacks in central London early Friday and at Glasgow airport on Saturday afternoon."

"Those who engage in such murderous actions and those that provide support for them are the enemies of us all, Muslims and non-Muslims, and they stand against our shared values in the United Kingdom," he added.

Bari and his deputy Daud Abdullah expressed their shock that up to six of the eight people in custody were medical doctors.

"As we have stated in the past, terrorism is not a regional nor a national matter. Neither does it have a profession or class,"Abdullah told AFP as the MCB called on all Britons to help the police and the security services.

So much for the "Islamic Republic of the UK".
Confused Pothead
+1,101|6621|SE London

We've had a lot of these threads. Lots of Muslims speak out against terrorism, all the time in fact.

They just don't show it on FOX, so most of the Neo-Con crowd don't realise.
+271|6795|United States of America


People here always are claiming: ALL Muslims are terrorists; no one in the Muslim community speaks out against terrorism.
Wrong. My best friend at school is Muslim. Don't start stereotyping when you yourself are condemning it.

Bertster7 wrote:

We've had a lot of these threads. Lots of Muslims speak out against terrorism, all the time in fact.

They just don't show it on FOX, so most of the Neo-Con crowd don't realise.
They don't realize much because they don't live in reality.
Mr. Boombastic
+178|6482|Stealth City, UK


People here always are claiming: ALL Muslims are terrorists; no one in the Muslim community speaks out against terrorism; I am too lazy to look up any information on the topic so I think all Muslims hate everyone; blah blah really is ignorant and rubbish. … ksreligion

For the people too intelligent to click the link:

"Those who seek to deliberately kill or maim innocent people are the enemies of us all," said Dr Muhammad Abdul Bari, secretary-general of the moderate Muslim Council of Britain."

"Speaking at a news conference at the MCB's east London headquarters, Bari said there was "no cause whatsoever" to justify the attempted bomb attacks in central London early Friday and at Glasgow airport on Saturday afternoon."

"Those who engage in such murderous actions and those that provide support for them are the enemies of us all, Muslims and non-Muslims, and they stand against our shared values in the United Kingdom," he added.

Bari and his deputy Daud Abdullah expressed their shock that up to six of the eight people in custody were medical doctors.

"As we have stated in the past, terrorism is not a regional nor a national matter. Neither does it have a profession or class,"Abdullah told AFP as the MCB called on all Britons to help the police and the security services.

So much for the "Islamic Republic of the UK".
I think this kind of attitude in Muslims is well known within the UK, thats why I'm not at my nearest mosque with a petrol bomb.
+3,611|6661|London, England

Miller wrote:


People here always are claiming: ALL Muslims are terrorists; no one in the Muslim community speaks out against terrorism.
Wrong. My best friend at school is Muslim. Don't start stereotyping when you yourself are condemning it.
I'll admit i was shocked when I read this post


Anyway, they don't do enough. The normal Muslims that is. They're always complaining about this or that being regulated as it offends them, instead of tackling the real problem in their own yard (terrorism).

Last edited by Mekstizzle (2007-07-03 10:37:38)

Mr. Bigglesworth


People here always are claiming: ALL Muslims are terrorists; no one in the Muslim community speaks out against terrorism; I am too lazy to look up any information on the topic so I think all Muslims hate everyone; blah blah really is ignorant and rubbish. … ksreligion

For the people too intelligent to click the link:

"Those who seek to deliberately kill or maim innocent people are the enemies of us all," said Dr Muhammad Abdul Bari, secretary-general of the moderate Muslim Council of Britain."

"Speaking at a news conference at the MCB's east London headquarters, Bari said there was "no cause whatsoever" to justify the attempted bomb attacks in central London early Friday and at Glasgow airport on Saturday afternoon."

"Those who engage in such murderous actions and those that provide support for them are the enemies of us all, Muslims and non-Muslims, and they stand against our shared values in the United Kingdom," he added.

Bari and his deputy Daud Abdullah expressed their shock that up to six of the eight people in custody were medical doctors.

"As we have stated in the past, terrorism is not a regional nor a national matter. Neither does it have a profession or class,"Abdullah told AFP as the MCB called on all Britons to help the police and the security services.

So much for the "Islamic Republic of the UK".
This is the same as a Corporation doing wrong then sending out the mailroom grunt to apologize. Sorry, not enough.
+51|6814|North Hollywood
I dont assume any group of people is all bad...cept eskimoes. But seriously, it seems like the jihadi's are always louder than the moderates.
I am all that is MOD!

golgoj4 wrote:

I dont assume any group of people is all bad...cept eskimoes. But seriously, it seems like the jihadi's are always louder than the moderates.
That's the way it is in politics.  Often the people who scream the loudest and take the most extreme measures are the ones people pay attention to.
BF2s Frat Brother
Yaa sure.....They should be more pro active rather that crying about it on the news after it happens. I haven't heard "them" expressing grave concern about top Islamic leadership that seems to be "encouraging this type of activity".
'Light 'em up!'


golgoj4 wrote:

I dont assume any group of people is all bad...cept eskimoes. But seriously, it seems like the jihadi's are always louder than the moderates.
That's the way it is in politics.  Often the people who scream the loudest and take the most extreme measures are the ones people pay attention to.
That's where the media comes in.
+271|6795|United States of America

Mekstizzle wrote:

Miller wrote:


People here always are claiming: ALL Muslims are terrorists; no one in the Muslim community speaks out against terrorism.
Wrong. My best friend at school is Muslim. Don't start stereotyping when you yourself are condemning it.
I'll admit i was shocked when I read this post


Anyway, they don't do enough. The normal Muslims that is. They're always complaining about this or that being regulated as it offends them, instead of tackling the real problem in their own yard (terrorism).
She can't do anything is what I have found. For many reasons. She is the most innocent person I know, the cutest too. Always a smile on her face, always ready to give a hug to those who need it, ready to give all of herself for others. Hell, she even helped me out when I was cutting. She takes offense to the slightest things about Islam and always feels the need to defend it. The fact of the matter is, she can't do anything to help the situation other than be herself.

Not all Muslims are terrorists, nor are all Terrorists Muslims.
biggie smalls
+72|6493|Ontario, Canada

Miller wrote:

Mekstizzle wrote:

Miller wrote:

Wrong. My best friend at school is Muslim. Don't start stereotyping when you yourself are condemning it.
I'll admit i was shocked when I read this post


Anyway, they don't do enough. The normal Muslims that is. They're always complaining about this or that being regulated as it offends them, instead of tackling the real problem in their own yard (terrorism).
She can't do anything is what I have found. For many reasons. She is the most innocent person I know, the cutest too. Always a smile on her face, always ready to give a hug to those who need it, ready to give all of herself for others. Hell, she even helped me out when I was cutting. She takes offense to the slightest things about Islam and always feels the need to defend it. The fact of the matter is, she can't do anything to help the situation other than be herself.

Not all Muslims are terrorists, nor are all Terrorists Muslims.
A majority of them are Muslims. Terrorists recruit Muslims because they are an easy target to recruit. Their own Holy Scriptures tell them to kill disbelievers of Islam?
"you know life is what we make it, and a chance is like a picture, it'd be nice if you just take it"
I am all that is MOD!

Miller wrote:


People here always are claiming: ALL Muslims are terrorists; no one in the Muslim community speaks out against terrorism.
Wrong. My best friend at school is Muslim. Don't start stereotyping when you yourself are condemning it.
People here aren't always claiming that?  Read the post a few down from here by Rawls.  I could provide you with at least two dozen links, and that probably would take me 10 minutes at most.  I did not say everyone here does it, I said people here are (some people) are always (as in, relentless) claiming those things.

OMG, all terrorists aren't Muslims, and the other way around too?!?! No wai! It goes against my righteous anti-Muslim righteousness! It can't be!



Last edited by k30dxedle (2007-07-03 10:47:49)

+226|6782|Tír Eoghan, Tuaisceart Éireann
I am all that is MOD!

d4rkst4r wrote:

Miller wrote:

Mekstizzle wrote:

I'll admit i was shocked when I read this post


Anyway, they don't do enough. The normal Muslims that is. They're always complaining about this or that being regulated as it offends them, instead of tackling the real problem in their own yard (terrorism).
She can't do anything is what I have found. For many reasons. She is the most innocent person I know, the cutest too. Always a smile on her face, always ready to give a hug to those who need it, ready to give all of herself for others. Hell, she even helped me out when I was cutting. She takes offense to the slightest things about Islam and always feels the need to defend it. The fact of the matter is, she can't do anything to help the situation other than be herself.

Not all Muslims are terrorists, nor are all Terrorists Muslims.
A majority of them are Muslims. Terrorists recruit Muslims because they are an easy target to recruit. Their own Holy Scriptures tell them to kill disbelievers of Islam?
They (normal Muslims) should not have to "DO" anything.  People should realize the reasons terrorists strap bombs to themselves and blow themselves up - whether it be insanity, depression, helplessness, etc. instead of rationalizing that terrorists kill us because "they don't like our freedom" or "they hate the way we live" or "they want to kill disbelievers of Islam".  We should not hold the world's Muslims accountable for a minority of people who use an archaic interpretation of scripture to further their own ideals.

And your friend "being herself" is the best possible thing she could do.
All kiiiiiiiiinds of gainz

rawls2 wrote:


People here always are claiming: ALL Muslims are terrorists; no one in the Muslim community speaks out against terrorism; I am too lazy to look up any information on the topic so I think all Muslims hate everyone; blah blah really is ignorant and rubbish. … ksreligion

For the people too intelligent to click the link:

"Those who seek to deliberately kill or maim innocent people are the enemies of us all," said Dr Muhammad Abdul Bari, secretary-general of the moderate Muslim Council of Britain."

"Speaking at a news conference at the MCB's east London headquarters, Bari said there was "no cause whatsoever" to justify the attempted bomb attacks in central London early Friday and at Glasgow airport on Saturday afternoon."

"Those who engage in such murderous actions and those that provide support for them are the enemies of us all, Muslims and non-Muslims, and they stand against our shared values in the United Kingdom," he added.

Bari and his deputy Daud Abdullah expressed their shock that up to six of the eight people in custody were medical doctors.

"As we have stated in the past, terrorism is not a regional nor a national matter. Neither does it have a profession or class,"Abdullah told AFP as the MCB called on all Britons to help the police and the security services.

So much for the "Islamic Republic of the UK".
This is the same as a Corporation doing wrong then sending out the mailroom grunt to apologize. Sorry, not enough.
secretary-general of the moderate Muslim Council of Britain is a mailroom grunt?

wake up.
Blackbelts are just whitebelts who have never quit.
ATG's First Disciple
+263|6664|Birmingham, UK

golgoj4 wrote:

I dont assume any group of people is all bad...cept eskimoes. But seriously, it seems like the jihadi's are always louder than the moderates.
Please, do not call them 'jihadis', as that is not what they are.

Many of you may have heard of 'Jihad', but not know the concept of it.

It is the personal struggle of every Muslim to follow the teachings of Islam and to resist and reject evil. It literally means 'striving' or 'trying your best possible'. This may include a physical battle against enemies of Islam & a willingness to accept martyrdom as the ultimate submission to the will of Allah. However, physical fighting is not the meaning of Jihad. Jihad is mainly the lifestyle following the example of Muhammad [peace be upon him] in good conduct and the struggle against evil. The aim of Jihad is to establish the Islamic system of life in order to fulfil the will of Allah and gain the favour of Allah.
Muslims are not pacifists (or they wouldn't exist today), but believe that all ways of solving disputes should be tried before resorting to physical violence. Muhammad [peace be upon him] taught his followers that Muslims should defend Islam and guided them into battle for their beliefs. However, Islam is a practical religion and there are rules that must be adhered to before going to war & it must ensure that the conduct of the conflict is acceptable to Allah.

      A war is not a Jihad if:
    * War is declared by a political, rather than religious, leader
    * An individual declares war without the support of the Muslim community (Ummah)
    * The war is aggressive, not defensive
    * The purpose is to gain land or power.


It must be noted that the reasons for a war not being a Jihad are extremely perspective and opinion based.

Oh, and it is illegal by the laws of Islam (Allah's command and will) to commit suicide. Suicide bombings are ridiculously stupid, and they claim they are Muslims, but they have abandoned the core principles of Islam. I'd call them 'free radicals', rather than Muslims. They don't really have a recognised religion. Islam itself is related to the word for 'peace' in Arabic, and is founded on this basis.

It's good to see some positive news coming from the Muslim community denouncing such grievous atrocities caused by terrible actions.

All the best,

EDIT: I must note that I am not a Muslim myself, but have studied it in depth (still doing so) & have many Muslim friends whom I discuss such issues.

Last edited by TheDarkRaven (2007-07-03 10:55:10)

All kiiiiiiiiinds of gainz

Superslim wrote:

Yaa sure.....They should be more pro active rather that crying about it on the news after it happens. I haven't heard "them" expressing grave concern about top Islamic leadership that seems to be "encouraging this type of activity".
It would help if there actually was a Islamic leadership.
Blackbelts are just whitebelts who have never quit.
Mr. Boombastic
+178|6482|Stealth City, UK
This doesn't help the situation.......

Especially when the Muslim Council of Britain didn't do much to stop it.

Are they classed as extremists, or just Muslims with nothing better to do than live of benefits?
All kiiiiiiiiinds of gainz
Blackbelts are just whitebelts who have never quit.
I am all that is MOD!

buLLet_t00th wrote:

This doesn't help the situation....... … rotest.jpg

Especially when the Muslim Council of Britain didn't do much to stop it.

Are they classed as extremists, or just Muslims with nothing better to do than live of benefits?
I'm pretty sure you could classify a guy with a sign that reads, "Slay those who insult Islam" as an extremist.
Mr. Boombastic
+178|6482|Stealth City, UK


buLLet_t00th wrote:

This doesn't help the situation....... … rotest.jpg

Especially when the Muslim Council of Britain didn't do much to stop it.

Are they classed as extremists, or just Muslims with nothing better to do than live of benefits?
I'm pretty sure you could classify a guy with a sign that reads, "Slay those who insult Islam" as an extremist.
But not all of them have signs.....does that make only the ones who have the ability to make signs extremist?
ATG's First Disciple
+263|6664|Birmingham, UK

buLLet_t00th wrote:


buLLet_t00th wrote:

This doesn't help the situation....... … rotest.jpg

Especially when the Muslim Council of Britain didn't do much to stop it.

Are they classed as extremists, or just Muslims with nothing better to do than live of benefits?
I'm pretty sure you could classify a guy with a sign that reads, "Slay those who insult Islam" as an extremist.
But not all of them have signs.....does that make only the ones who have the ability to make signs extremist?
See my above (and very long) post.

Or just read this excerpt:

I wrote:

Oh, and it is illegal by the laws of Islam (Allah's command and will) to commit suicide. Suicide bombings are ridiculously stupid, and they claim they are Muslims, but they have abandoned the core principles of Islam. I'd call them 'free radicals', rather than Muslims. They don't really have a recognised religion. Islam itself is related to the word for 'peace' in Arabic, and is founded on this basis.

Last edited by TheDarkRaven (2007-07-03 11:01:25)

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