Mr. Boombastic
+178|6594|Stealth City, UK

The_Mac wrote:

buLLet_t00th wrote:

The_Mac wrote:

I think Britain is the ultimate example of why big socialist governments fail, they try to satisfy everybody, and instead satisfy big businesses, lobbyists, and public health officials.
The British need to reexamine their path and see that big governments are not the solution to maintaining a stable and free country.
Are you living in a little shack on top of a mountain or are you just stupid?
Yeah, there's definitely something to argue with there. Step off your perch, parrot, and debate. If not, feel free to leave.
So you're telling me that you don't think/believe that the US government has any role in satisfying big businesses or lobbyists. Have you seen whats happening in Iraq? All because America needs to secure oil reserves and set up camp in the Middle East.

Its hard to argue with people that don't know much.

Edit: Off topic slightly.....but I couldn't let that lie.

Last edited by buLLet_t00th (2007-06-28 14:45:17)

A REAL Combat Engineer in the house
+187|6404|UK Bradford W,Yorks. Age 27
Why should Non-smokers contract diseases from second hand smoking? I'm all for the ban. My partner is quiting now with my support. Its hard, but Im fed up of stinking to high heaven of smoke when I come home from the pub,  with a sore throat in the morning also. I can't wait for the ban to come into force.

buLLet_t00th wrote:

The_Mac wrote:

buLLet_t00th wrote:

Are you living in a little shack on top of a mountain or are you just stupid?
Yeah, there's definitely something to argue with there. Step off your perch, parrot, and debate. If not, feel free to leave.
So you're telling me that you don't think/believe that the US government has any role in satisfying big businesses or lobbyists. Have you seen whats happening in Iraq? All because America needs to secure oil reserves and set up camp in the Middle East.

Its hard to argue with people that don't know much.

Edit: Off topic slightly.....but I couldn't let that lie.
Completely off-topic.
I am all that is MOD!

Ayn Rand considered smoking a sign of man's triumph over nature.

I hate Ayn Rand.
A REAL Combat Engineer in the house
+187|6404|UK Bradford W,Yorks. Age 27

unnamednewbie13 wrote:

buLLet_t00th wrote:

The_Mac wrote:

Yeah, there's definitely something to argue with there. Step off your perch, parrot, and debate. If not, feel free to leave.
So you're telling me that you don't think/believe that the US government has any role in satisfying big businesses or lobbyists. Have you seen whats happening in Iraq? All because America needs to secure oil reserves and set up camp in the Middle East.

Its hard to argue with people that don't know much.

Edit: Off topic slightly.....but I couldn't let that lie.
Completely off-topic.
ALSO off topic. I like Taco's.

buLLet_t00th wrote:

So you're telling me that you don't think/believe that the US government has any role in satisfying big businesses or lobbyists. Have you seen whats happening in Iraq? All because America needs to secure oil reserves and set up camp in the Middle East.

Its hard to argue with people that don't know much.

Edit: Off topic slightly.....but I couldn't let that lie.
mmhrmm, speaking of people who don't know much, you'd be enlightened to know that the United States' chief supplier of oil is Canada, followed by Saudi Arabia. I guess what the BBC News Analysts told you wasn't quite the truth eh?
You'd like to further be enlightened to know that Iraq has no oil. Why do you think Kuwait was invaded by Saddam Hussein? And a further brain opener (sounds like yours hasn't been opened in a while), Saddam ordered the oil fields in Kuwait burned when he left. This meant that there is no oil above the ground--it has to be pumped out. This was back in 1991, by the way. So a while back.
Hope you enjoyed the information, it's always nice to educate those who would try and educate you.
Confused Pothead
+1,101|6733|SE London

The_Mac wrote:

buLLet_t00th wrote:

So you're telling me that you don't think/believe that the US government has any role in satisfying big businesses or lobbyists. Have you seen whats happening in Iraq? All because America needs to secure oil reserves and set up camp in the Middle East.

Its hard to argue with people that don't know much.

Edit: Off topic slightly.....but I couldn't let that lie.
mmhrmm, speaking of people who don't know much, you'd be enlightened to know that the United States' chief supplier of oil is Canada, followed by Saudi Arabia.
Might want to get your facts straight before flaming people.

US oil imports:
3.Saudi Arabia
I am all that is MOD!

The_Mac wrote:

mmhrmm, speaking of people who don't know much, you'd be enlightened to know that the United States' chief supplier of oil is Canada, followed by Saudi Arabia. I guess what the BBC News Analysts told you wasn't quite the truth eh?
You'd like to further be enlightened to know that Iraq has no oil. Why do you think Kuwait was invaded by Saddam Hussein? And a further brain opener (sounds like yours hasn't been opened in a while), Saddam ordered the oil fields in Kuwait burned when he left. This meant that there is no oil above the ground--it has to be pumped out. This was back in 1991, by the way. So a while back.
Hope you enjoyed the information, it's always nice to educate those who would try and educate you.
Canada is our largest importer; They are also one of the largest (Mexico and Canada are close) recipients of US oil exports (because we do not have the refining capability to refine all our domestic reserves).

Iraq does have oil!  I have no idea where you came up with that?!

Kuwait was invaded by Saddam for a number of reasons.  One was because Kuwait was overproducing oil, causing the price of oil to drop, affecting the Iraqi economy.  Another of Saddam's arguments in invading Kuwait was that they (Kuwait) were allegedly diagonally drilling into Iraqi oil reserves.

Saddam's troops burnt a good amount of the oil fields as they left Kuwait (scorched-Earth policy, supported and imposed in numerous wars throughout history), true.  However, the majority of oil in the MidEast IS underground.

Hope you enjoyed the information, it's always nice to educate those who try and educate(?) you with falsehoods and half-truths.

Last edited by KEN-JENNINGS (2007-06-28 15:44:23)

GOP Sympathizer
+266|6642|Menlo Park, CA
I used to smoke, dont anymore. . .

Smoking is tacky, it stinks, and poses a health risk to those around inhaling the 2nd hand smoke. . . .

I have no problem not smelling smoke in a bar or restaurant.  In California we are used to people having to go outside to smoke etc.  You Brits will get used to it too. . . . I love not having holes in my shirts or burns on my skin bumping into people drunk and smoking!!!

btw the only reason I stopped smoking was my dad showing me the x-ray of my grandfathers lungs before he died!!! (he smoked unfiltered Lucky Strikes fyi)

Last edited by fadedsteve (2007-06-28 15:43:57)

Confused Pothead
+1,101|6733|SE London

fadedsteve wrote:

I used to smoke, dont anymore. . .

Smoking is tacky, it stinks, and poses a health risk to those around inhaling the 2nd hand smoke. . . .

I have no problem not smelling smoke in a bar or restaurant.  In California we are used to people having to go outside to smoke etc.  You Brits will get used to it too. . . . I love not having holes in my shirts or burns on my skin bumping into people drunk and smoking!!!

btw the only reason I stopped smoking was my dad showing me the x-ray of my grandfathers lungs before he died!!! (he smoked unfiltered Lucky Strikes fyi)
Damn Straight!

A friend of mine got septicemia from a cigarette burn he got while drunk in a club. Spent a week or two in hospital.

It's anti-social, unpleasant and unhealthy - and I am a smoker (I only get through about 10 (30ish/3 = 10ish) a week though).

Last edited by Bertster7 (2007-06-28 15:50:50)



blah blah blah etc
Saddam Hussein lies. Even if you took him seriously, that's rubbish. There's also the necessity to point out that if Iraq has oil and the US is one big lobbying mess, why aren't we importing any oil from Iraq right now? Why is our biggest exporter Canada? Maybe we just wanted to rid terrorists in the middle east.
Of course, we could just reason with terrorists, you know, Clinton achieved great success with that in the '90's.
+515|6806|Loughborough Uni / Leeds, UK
I can't wait for it to start!

I think smoking even in the same establishment/area is very inconsiderate in terms of second hand smoke. For example in pubs, or at bus stations.... I with my clean lungs still have to breath it in!
Confused Pothead
+1,101|6733|SE London

The_Mac wrote:


blah blah blah etc
Saddam Hussein lies. Even if you took him seriously, that's rubbish. There's also the necessity to point out that if Iraq has oil and the US is one big lobbying mess, why aren't we importing any oil from Iraq right now? Why is our biggest exporter Canada? Maybe we just wanted to rid terrorists in the middle east.
Of course, we could just reason with terrorists, you know, Clinton achieved great success with that in the '90's.
Wow. I'm suprised I didn't realise before - you really are retarded.

No oil in Iraq.

You wonder why most US oil imports come from Canada and Mexico? Think about it for just one minute genius. Could it perhaps be because of where they are?

Last edited by Bertster7 (2007-06-28 16:16:17)

I am all that is MOD!

The_Mac wrote:


blah blah blah etc
Saddam Hussein lies. Even if you took him seriously, that's rubbish. There's also the necessity to point out that if Iraq has oil and the US is one big lobbying mess, why aren't we importing any oil from Iraq right now? Why is our biggest exporter Canada? Maybe we just wanted to rid terrorists in the middle east.
Of course, we could just reason with terrorists, you know, Clinton achieved great success with that in the '90's.
Please tell me where you are getting your false information from?

We have been importing oil from Iraq since BEFORE the invasion, and DURING the invasion, and now DURING the 'occupation'.


If we wanted to rid terrorists in the Middle East, we (the people who run the US) would not have given Saddam weapons in the '80s, currently support the Saudi Government, or provide the incredible amount of support for Israeli Government actions.

You don't know what you are talking about, to be nice

As for the smoking, I agree with the two above (Bert and Steve).  I smoke too, about a pack a week.  I know it is disgusting.  That is one reason I support the inside ban in California.  Its one of those things that I rationalize so well in my mind though.

Last edited by KEN-JENNINGS (2007-06-28 16:23:23)

The Lizzard

jord wrote:

It's his choice if he wants to smoke, who are you to tell unhealthy people what they can and can't do.
The person having to stand in the same room?

Besides which, if that's your stance, explain crack, weed and other such banned substances.
can detect anyone's visible post count...
+691|6917|Cambridge (UK)

=OBS= EstebanRey wrote:

On Sunday July 1st the ban on smoking in enclosed places comes into effect in England & Wales
Great Birthday present (for me), no?
can detect anyone's visible post count...
+691|6917|Cambridge (UK)

Bubbalo wrote:

jord wrote:

It's his choice if he wants to smoke, who are you to tell unhealthy people what they can and can't do.
The person having to stand in the same room?

Besides which, if that's your stance, explain crack, weed and other such banned substances.
Can't speak for Jord, but I say make 'em all legal.
The Lizzard
And watch society fall apart................

Scorpion0x17 wrote:

Bubbalo wrote:

jord wrote:

It's his choice if he wants to smoke, who are you to tell unhealthy people what they can and can't do.
The person having to stand in the same room?

Besides which, if that's your stance, explain crack, weed and other such banned substances.
Can't speak for Jord, but I say make 'em all legal.
Then you're stupid. Why in the world would you want Crack, heroine etc legal? Thats just retarded

The smoking ban has been in place in Scotland for pubs, etc. Didn't affect me that much.

So i didn't bother about it, But NOW, they are increasing the age to 18 to buy Cigarettes and 21 for drink. Which is shocking seeing as I'm 18 and still get ID'd at the shops >
can detect anyone's visible post count...
+691|6917|Cambridge (UK)

Bubbalo wrote:

And watch society fall apart................
I take it that's in reply to me?

If so, I doubt it - there would probably be an initial rise in people using, but on the whole, those that take drugs now will continue to take the same drugs. Those that don't won't.

And, because there will not the same illegality attached to their habits, abusers will be more likely to seek medical help when they need it. Instead of having to be scraped up out of the gutter as they are now.
can detect anyone's visible post count...
+691|6917|Cambridge (UK)

Bruce-SuperNub wrote:

Scorpion0x17 wrote:

Bubbalo wrote:

The person having to stand in the same room?

Besides which, if that's your stance, explain crack, weed and other such banned substances.
Can't speak for Jord, but I say make 'em all legal.
Then you're stupid.
And you are closed minded.

(also see my reply to Bubbalo, above)

buLLet_t00th wrote:

You're the fucking stinky, unhealthy minority my friend! I can't fucking wait!
Fuck you.....

buLLet_t00th wrote:

But why should I have to breathe the unfiltered smoke? If they want to smoke they can go and do it somewhere else, I haven't told them they can't smoke, the big boys upstairs do that!
.....and again in a different hole.....

buLLet_t00th wrote:

Because waitresses and waiters still have to go and serve food and drinks there (I know thats a lame excuse but thats one of the reasons).

A smoker has the choice of either smoking or not smoking......a non-smoker doesn't have the choice of whether breathing it in or not (unless they're really good at holding their breath). Think about it for a second....it makes sense!
......and once more in the face for good luck.

Smoking is a choice, just like your craptastic opinion.  How would you like it if the government banned your opinion?  Working in a restaurant where people smoke is also a choice, so I guess we should ban working where you please as well, since we are banning choices and all.

I got into a fight at a restaurant about 3 years ago because of this.  There I am in the smoking section, smoking my cigarette and watching a football game on TV as I waited on my food.  Some dick-cheese, not much different than yourself, sitting 10 feet away in a booth behind a glass wall asks me to put out my cigarette.  I told him no.  He stands up and walks over to my stool and sticks his finger in my face and tells me to put it out.  So I did. 

As he turned to walk away, I grabbed the ash-tray and threw it at his head and split the fuckers nugget open, then commenced to kick the shit out of him.  Spent a night in the brig for that one.

It was my choice to smoke a cigarette.  it was his choice to eat in a restaurant that has a smoking section, it was his choice to sit 10 feet away from the smoking section, it was his choice to be a dick and it was my choice to split his head open for trying to oppress my decision to have cigarette.  The whole thing could have been avoided if the asshole would have respected the decisions of others, instead of trying to force his way on other people around him.

Moral of the story:  Don't be a dick.  Respect the choices of others.

Last edited by Cougar (2007-06-28 20:14:03)

can detect anyone's visible post count...
+691|6917|Cambridge (UK)

Cougar wrote:

buLLet_t00th wrote:

You're the fucking stinky, unhealthy minority my friend! I can't fucking wait!
Fuck you.....

buLLet_t00th wrote:

But why should I have to breathe the unfiltered smoke? If they want to smoke they can go and do it somewhere else, I haven't told them they can't smoke, the big boys upstairs do that!
.....and again in a different hole.....

buLLet_t00th wrote:

Because waitresses and waiters still have to go and serve food and drinks there (I know thats a lame excuse but thats one of the reasons).

A smoker has the choice of either smoking or not smoking......a non-smoker doesn't have the choice of whether breathing it in or not (unless they're really good at holding their breath). Think about it for a second....it makes sense!
......and once more in the face for good luck.

Smoking is a choice, just like your craptastic opinion.  How would you like it if the government banned your opinion?  Working in a restaurant where people smoke is also a choice, so I guess we should ban working where you please as well, since we are banning choices and all.

I got into a fight at a restaurant about 3 years ago because of this.  There I am in the smoking section, smoking my cigarette and watching a football game on TV as I waited on my food.  Some dick-cheese, not much different than yourself, sitting 10 feet away in a booth behind a glass wall asks me to put out my cigarette.  I told him no.  He stands up and walks over to my stool and sticks his finger in my face and tells me to put it out.  So I did. 

As he turned to walk away, I grabbed the ash-tray and threw it at his head and split the fuckers nugget open, then commenced to kick the shit out of him.  Spent a night in the brig for that one.

It was my choice to smoke a cigarette.  it was his choice to eat in a restaurant that has a smoking section, it was his choice to sit 10 feet away from the smoking section, it was his choice to be a dick and it was my choice to split his head open for trying to oppress my decision to have cigarette.  The whole thing could have been avoided if the asshole would have respected the decisions of others, instead of trying to force his way on other people around him.

Moral of the story:  Don't be a dick.  Respect the choices of others.
Here, bloody, here!

You should have put the cigarette out on his face.
Member 5307
quit smoking since 31st Dec 2006.
feels great!
happy now that the bars and clubs will be smoke free,
but i can feel for the smokers out there, sucks big time for them.

edit: clubs and bars will be smoke free from July 1 2007

Last edited by tthf (2007-06-28 20:34:18)

+59|6797|The United States of America

buLLet_t00th wrote:

=OBS= EstebanRey wrote:

On Sunday July 1st the ban on smoking in enclosed places comes into effect in England & Wales and makes tomorrow night the last in which you can enjoy a fag with your pint at the local.  I for one plan to go out with a camera so I can take a picture of myself with a ciggie to show the grand kids.  Are there any other UK smokers here or anyone other smokers who live under a ban like this already?

I live in Oxford and for most of the pubs, popping outside won't be a problem; being a University city most of the pubs in town have gardens (although you do have to put up with a lot of American students, lol).  Our nightclubs, in comparison, won't currently let you out once you're in so how is that going to work?

Muscian Joe Jackson is an outspoken opponent of the smoking ban and had this to say: -

"Smokers are now the only minority whose minority status is quoted as justification for abuse.  Britain is becoming a society in which the extreme agendas of health officials and lobby groups are allowed to determine public policy. Freedom of choice, tradition, tolerance, pleasure, property rights, market forces and public opinion are being swept aside by a fanatical fringe."
You're the fucking stinky, unhealthy minority my friend! I can't fucking wait!
You know, in a different context, say if it went something more like this:

buLLet_t00th wrote:

=OBS= EstebanRey wrote:

On July 1st the ban on Islam comes into effect in England and Wales.  I'm a muslim.

Muscian Joe Jackson is an outspoken proponent of the Islam ban and had this to say: -

"Muslims are now the only minority whose minority status is quoted as justification for abuse.  Britain is becoming a society in which the extreme agendas of health officials and lobby groups are allowed to determine public policy. Freedom of choice, tradition, tolerance, pleasure, property rights, market forces and public opinion are being swept aside by a fanatical fringe."
You're the fucking stinky, unhealthy minority my friend! I can't fucking wait!
---- you wouldn't have your head on right now, or maybe you'd just get a car packed with Ampho in your living room.  I know you're being sarcastic, but I want to use your statement to make a suggestion to everyone on this forum.  If you're unsure about whether you'll offend someone with your words, think about it in a context similar to the one above and consider what would happen to you.  If you would still be alive, its probably a politically correct thing to say.  Otherwise, you put Islam above other minorities by censoring pictures of their God in your TV shows and by apologizing when you tell them they're violent and they go burn churches. 
Just something to think about.  Britain and minorities brought it up for me, maybe it does for others.

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