I know there are many people out there trying to obtain explosive badges.

…just looking to know better ways to help their team mates better.

Maybe by listing ways that you use C4 in a round will give ideas to those looking to achieve them.

Things like running up to a APC loaded with guys, slapping some on in a rush and knowing if you don’t hit the button now....even though your right next to’re team at the flag will die. You hit it in a suicide hit, but save a bunch of buddies.

Are you a sneaky type? Planting C4 by a flag and waiting.....

Could you make a good living at FEDEX, by chucking it to a guy, turning and running hitting the switch, while holding onto your balls for luck?

What ways are you creative with C4?
What ways are you resourceful?

Let us know your ways.....or just good stories.

I crap bigger than you
+0|6753|America!! Fuck Yeah!!!
Oh no.  Another thread for Wagon Attack to infect.  Oh well.

I use C4 for defense usually at the TV stations on Sharqi and Warlord.  Not a big C4 fan overall.  I do not have the patience to plant C4 and wait for someone to walk by.  The TV stations are different though since they are always seeing action.

Got my basic exp badge by jihad jeeping (I don't do that anymore).
Got vet on Warlord at the TV station.
I love using at mines, i figure that they are the easiest to get kills with as per tanks.

Story time!

Okay, one time on The Iron Gator (It's an SF map so dont cry) i snuck off the US ship and over to the Mec landing place thingy. I ran accross the edge down to where their heli's spawn, then i seen on the list that a whole shitload of people got shot down in a blackhawk, so i waited for it to spawn back. Once it spawned, i threw a couple C4s on it and waited, my time payed off, 6 count them, 6 people hopped in eventually, the blackhawk was not three feet in the air then BOOM! 6 kills for Tor!

Probably one of the funniest things was on Sharqi, I was engineer with alll my AT mines, so i sat in the mec end (i was usmc) and waited for an apc to spawn, only to through an at mine in front of it, BOOM when the guy got in it and moved forward an inch, so i do it again, and again, and AGAIN. i think i did it about 4 times ending with 7 kills when i was out of mines and just ran in throwing nades
Don't Flame
+20|6784|St. Paul, MN
My advice: If you want that expert explosives badge, better get it soon because the changes to c4 will make it harder to get...of course you don't really need c4 to get the badge, but most people don't venture down that road.
Don't Flame
+20|6784|St. Paul, MN
more stuff:

put c4 on miniguns, chopper blades, and wheels. It's fun to see the skulls spin around.  Actually it's kind of funny because if you put it on a minigun, it doesn't spin nearly as fast as it should.

for the time being (I don't think you'll be able to do this in 1.2) carry only one c4 pack so you can throw it and whip out your remote instantly.

Last edited by Kkookie (2006-01-26 14:16:41)

J-10 whore
Jilhad Jeeping seriously have a great effect on my score. So now i go for ATV jilhad:P
Moderator Emeritus
+148|6879|Cheshire, UK
Mine would be in the form of the first movie on this page
Sry Guys I'm a c4 chucker.....
On Wake Island, I was U.S. We had the two end flags on the south side of the island. I know a tank is coming from the airfield, and people are pretty wise to the C4 in the orad trick. So I place one in the middle of the road and two on either side in the grass. Basically, I was hoping he'd see the C4 in the road and go around.

The best is on Karkand. I was on top of the building in the square. An APC tries to drive into the flag area. Well, sitting on top of the building, it's pretty easy to just drop and click.
Negative Ping
One of the most simplest ways that alot of ppl just get someone's attention, possibly a sniper since they can only take one shot at a time before lockin another round in, have them chase you...drop one block on the ground just as u turn a corner, move a ways back, wait...then boom.  Helped me get my expert.  Also, I boobytrap apcs, expecially on Sharqi.  Throw 2 on to the closest enemy flag, drop a few bad guys, take one AT shot (or not), then jump out and run for safety, far if you like.  If they don't blow up the apc, they'll take it...thinking you abandoned it.  Watch your radar, and when that apc disappears from the radar, and it don't turn blue, wait 5 seconds, then detonate.  In those few seconds you wait...more enemy could be jumpin aboard.  Good times, hope that helps someone. 
bad touch

landed on US carrier on wake, put 2 C4 at each BH spawn, and then 1 on the Cobra Spawn, and waited (an arty had just taken out half the team). they spawn, i press


29 kills, on top of that, 6 from minutes earlier, and what happens? China has won! (133-0)

+5|6815|Laguna Beach, CA
I find it hard to get the Basic Explosive Ordinance Badge.

I alwys hop on 64 player servers. I've come close like 12 and 11 kills, but can't seem to follow through to the edge.

And advice? I play Karkand a lot so any advice for that map wpuld be cool.
Me and my friends are practicing taking a Bertha, 1 supply, 2 medics, 2 engineers and a specops, and just throw c4 down on everything, quite fun, still only have my basic explosives though
Thanks for the advice Oktane.  I'll have to try that apc thing some time.

Thats what I have found most useful.  Run out, let an enemy see you, run behind a building and toss c4 on the corner where they can't see it, wait for them to turn the corner and then fry them.

One time I enacted a bf2 miracle.  I was on Karkand, MEC team, and a 6 man squad was pressing forward to take the west most flag at the hilltop.  The squad was situated so they were pouring through the hole in the brick wall to take shots at my teammates as we were spawning.  During this fire fight I managed to sprint across to the wall toss one c4 pack by the opening, back up and detonate.  It killed all six people in the squad eliminating the infantry threat.  During this time enemy armor had strolled up to the fight behind me and didn't see where I was, so I turned around, caught up to the armor.  I threw a couple packs on its side and let it drive ahead a bit and then detonated.  I got 7 kills in under 30 seconds all without team damage or a single team kill completely shutting down that particular offensive wave.

Last edited by h4r13quin (2006-01-26 18:31:25)

Negative Ping
Lol, good times there.    I actually got my Good Conduct medal the same round I got my Expert C4...wasn't easy (and I know I've said that in a few posts since I recieved them both...but give me a break, I'm proud).    Got a few other tactics as well, but too much to mention.  You learn alot when you work for it for 2.5 months.  My first tries, I went into regular servers, buncha ppl, and never came close.  Then the day I actually went for it...I had all 37 kills with 150 tickets or so left. 
prince of insufficient light

Co77er wrote:

Me and my friends are practicing taking a Bertha, 1 supply, 2 medics, 2 engineers and a specops, and just throw c4 down on everything, quite fun, still only have my basic explosives though
That's what my friends and I do too, although we have gotten someone veteran and the same person probably could have gotten expert but he didn't have the global kills. We also like flying over blackhawks in the air and dropping c4 on them, at least four BH whores down in one fell swoop.

Last edited by Flaming_Maniac (2006-01-26 18:56:12)

Yay I have a story.

Dragon valley, i had just capped the US flag at docks(the one with all the armour)when a US attack chopper come over.
i jumped in the car and drove. With this heli following behind went up the hill and past the vista point w/the gazebo, i took a deep breath and launched the car of the mountain, which to my surprise landed perfectly and only lost a 1/3 of the cars hitpoints.

Still the heli couldnt hit shit.

Drove on past and through the villiage and back up the hill. The heli had stopped chasing me by now and had decided to cap the villiage flag.

So ran back down and behind the heli, which was hovering above the flag not moving to see if people were around, threw a few packs of C4 at the bottom of the flag and detonated bang 2 kills, and a defended flag.

Afterwards the guy asked me how i did it with C4??? but didnt reveal my trade secret.

Needless to say my highlight of BF2

Run to group of red dots on mini-map.

Throw C4 (Far)

Go prone while it's mid-air.

Set it off while it's mid-air.

Run to next group of red dots.

You get the idea.

This is insanely funny for those people who try to run you down with a vodnik or hmv, they never even get close.
Mass Media Casualty

My FAVOURITE thing to do, possibly in the whole game, is when the opportunity arises to plant C4 on a chopper. Transport or Attack, I'm not picky. Once they're up in the air, I find a good viewing place and, BOOM!
It's brilliant, because they think they're safe. They have no incling that as soon as they got in that chopper, they were dead men. I also like counting it down so my mates get a good look at the fireworks.

One time I forgot I had planted it. Some guys were speaking over VOIP, (I don't have VOIP.)

"Fuck, there's an enemy chopper raping our base, we can't get rid of it."
I typed back. "Wait... is that the Chinese attack chopper?"
"Yeah it is."
"Oh shit, sorry."
Few seconds later.
"Fuck, it just blew up! How the fuck did you do that!?"


Last edited by Tyferra (2006-01-26 20:19:22)

[Blinking eyes thing]
To get your basic, dont limit yourself (particularly on karkand) too just C4, use claymores in busy areas, on flags being captured by the enemy, in the path of oncoming enemies & hey if you get killed, no need to worry about detonating them, they are proximity
My story.

It was zatar wetlands (aka the worst map ever) and I was getting annoyed at the AA's inability to hit the enemy chopper.  I was in a squad as an engineer while my buddy was spec-ops.  We were trying to cap the center flag when the chopper returned for repairs.  I hid from it behind the shacklike thing next to the helipad while my buddy got himself killed before he could detonate the C4 he had put on the chopper's canopy.  After the chopper flew away I picked up my buddy's kit, dropped one C4 in a random location and pushed the detonator.  BOOM!!!!!!! the chopper in the distance goes up in a giant fireball...I don't remember who ended up getting the kills though..

although completely unrelated to C4 I have another funny thing to say about killing choppers in a way the pilot never expected.

With the jeep.  No not with the gun on top like your thinking.  I jumped the jeep off of the dam on Kumbra dam and bailed out to parachute down to the central dam flag...little did I know that I would have a front row seat to the jeep hitting the MEC attack chopper dead center in the cockpit.

Last edited by the_ubernoob_ (2006-01-26 20:37:49)

I have to admit, the C4 in the chopper bit is good for a lot of laughs.  My mates and I would form a full squad (5 SpcOp and 1 Support) helo our butts to their pads, drop in and take turns putting C4 on thier aircraft. My best story like that was booby trapping a helo then watching a cluster fight to get aboard only to leave a few behind as it left.  When a bout 30' off the deck I blew it up and the burning shell dropped back down the kill the rest that didn't get on the first time.

Last edited by sabotwulf (2006-03-05 18:59:15)

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