Hmn. I had a serious relationship for 2 years with an american girl, untill i found out she was having an affair with god >.> Anyways, besides the point. I spent alot of time in the states. CA, AZ mostly. Combined with my travels to many other countries around the world i have come to the conclusion that no matter what country you are from, you can divide the population into a) Plonkers and b) Normal People.
A major reason for disliking "americans" i found, comes from the constant, unstoppable crap we (and you) are fed by radio/tv/politicians. "USA is the best country in the world." "USA has the best standard of living in the world." "USA USA USA" Argh! i mean really, if that was spewed constantly from your media sources but something along the lines of "China is the best country in the world." etc. wouldnt you think it would be just slightly fucking arrogant and offensive? I know i do.
As a world traveller i know better than to believe shit about a country and its people based soley on the reportings of a media source. Ive been to iran twice, believe it or not the people there were more polite, more hospitable, and friendlier then the majority of americans i met. What you dont understand is that people are the same no matter where you are. In Iran they sit down to family dinners, laugh, drink "soda", complain about the government. Just the same as america, yet if you are a believer of most american news sources, they are murdering terrorists that all deserve to be shot or locked up. Some of you buy into it, just like some of them buy into foolish extremist ideals.
Some of you mentioned jealousy as a reason before, i believe this to be untrue. There are about five countries i can name from the top of my head with better living, working and social conditions than the USA.
Sure the usa has given us some great inventions, but not all of them. Greece, England, Rome, Egypt, Even Australia can also claim to great inventions. What people see is americans flouting their successes as if only they could have built the wheel (for example) whilst completley demeaning and ignoring (sometimes even expressing horror) the fact that other nations also invent things. Which is why some mumblings against the states can be percieved as jealousy, it is not. please do not assume it is.
The truth is people, americans are no different that anyone else, they have good people and they have bad people and they have misguided people. Just like England/Iran/Russia/China/Australia. As open minded people, do not tar them all with the same brush the good people are worthy of our praise and friendship, just as their bad are worthy of the same scorn we deem appropriate for "terrorists." To lump every american in the same pot makes you no better than the americans who do the same to muslims, in critisising them, you contradict your own argument and critisise yourself.