+46|6679|Middle of nowhere, California
people crap on Bush about Iraq, saying it isn't going well, and we are just making them angry.... well, i agree, and these pictures show just how bad this situation is... and how we are not helping Iraq at all and should pull out immediately... … r_kids.jpg … lsm8jo.jpg … iChild.jpg

and those are just a few... if anyone has anymore pictures to show just how badly we are doing there, and how the soldiers who have died so far, died for no reason, plz  let everyone else see how badly we must pull out, and how evil Pres. Bush is....
+605|6701|San Diego, CA, USA
I still think Rumsfeld was an idiot...we should had gone in with 400,000 troops.
+46|6679|Middle of nowhere, California
The Lizzard
If Iraq's so safe why are they all wearing helmets and body armour?
Yay! Those pictures prove with 100% certainty that Iraq isn't a lost cause!!! The coalition are winning! /sarcasm.
'Light 'em up!'

CameronPoe wrote:

Yay! Those pictures prove with 100% certainty that Iraq isn't a lost cause!!! The coalition are winning! /sarcasm.
But then again pictures of bomb damage in a marketplace don't give 100% certainty that Iraq is a lost cause.
smells like wee wee

Harmor wrote:

I still think Rumsfeld was an idiot...we should had gone in with 400,000 troops.
agreed. rummy sent you guys in way below the numbers that were needed. I feel sorry for all of the guys/girls serving over there.

Harmor wrote:

I still think Rumsfeld was an idiot...we should had gone in with 400,000 troops.
How about sending the 400,000 into Afghanistan instead of the bullshit mission in Iraq??
Ruckel for all!
i hate those pictures, they feel so fake.
biggie smalls
+72|6606|Ontario, Canada
Proves' we're there for somewhat a good reason.
"you know life is what we make it, and a chance is like a picture, it'd be nice if you just take it"
Ruckel for all!
i call it propaganda
Thank God someone here is willing to show the other side sometimes. There are tons of positive things happening all over Iraq. The main media of course only focuses on the negative and all we hear is numbers of the dead or bomb pictures. I would love to see a documentary on national TV showing all the progress that is made and the hard work and sacrifice our soldiers make every day. Remember that the bulk of the problems in Iraq are in concentrated areas....not all over Iraq. Of course, its not always perfect but its getting there. There is progress...but of course, you will never hear about it from any major media outlet. I personally know soldiers in Iraq who are tired of the mainstream media because of how they portray the war and how there is rarely a positive side to what these soldiers are doing.
+60|6811|South West England

Ruckel wrote:

i call it propaganda
I call it media turned propaganda, the pictures are taken and then used to promote the "just cause" of the operation out their
I'm back, baby... ( sort of )
+664|6994|Cologne, Germany

any picture, be it "positive" or "negative" fails to capture the "big" picture.

and the big picture is: 3,500 US troops dead, tens of thousands more wounded, with little to no progress being made and no hope for improvement.

The US cannot build a democracy for the Iraquis. That's something the Iraquis have to accomplish themselves. Get out, I say. That country ain't worth the life of one more coalition soldier
+46|6679|Middle of nowhere, California
you all complain about all the dead troops and u wanna pull out?!?! if we pulled out, all the deaths were for no reason... sure it might save a few more lives, but it makes all 3,500 deaths wortheless and will put the terrrorists bak in charge...
All kiiiiiiiiinds of gainz

Smitty5613 wrote:

you all complain about all the dead troops and u wanna pull out?!?! if we pulled out, all the deaths were for no reason... sure it might save a few more lives, but it makes all 3,500 deaths wortheless and will put the terrrorists bak in charge...
Tha tewawrist wa neva in shargez in da fiurst plaice.....and for all those pictures i could quite easily provide you pictures/videos demonstrating quite the opposite....
Blackbelts are just whitebelts who have never quit.
+46|6679|Middle of nowhere, California

m3thod wrote:

Smitty5613 wrote:

you all complain about all the dead troops and u wanna pull out?!?! if we pulled out, all the deaths were for no reason... sure it might save a few more lives, but it makes all 3,500 deaths wortheless and will put the terrrorists bak in charge...
Tha tewawrist wa neva in shargez in da fiurst plaice.....and for all those pictures i could quite easily provide you pictures/videos demonstrating quite the opposite....
uh... english??  and yes you could show pictures that were quite the opposite, just like all the stuff the media shows exclusively....
Yeah I hate Bush. I think were over there for no good reason but no one can do shit about it.

B.Schuss wrote:

That country ain't worth the life of one more coalition soldier
+1,230|6996|Alberta, Canada

How does that make the Marines bad?
bad touch

Fuck Iraq. Fuck Afghanistan. Fuck Iran. Fuck Israel.

We need to concentrate on our real enemies. The Welsh.

Ryan wrote:

How does that make the Marines bad?
...Bad ass.
You orrible caaaaaaan't
Hotlink FTW! Still though pains me to see the amount of US and UK troops getting killed by suicide and car bomb attacks.
aka S.J.N.P.0717
+21|6430|Mo Val, Cali
The military are taught to be considerate and respectful of the Iraqis so there are plenty of moments like that in the pictures. They are encouraged to learn the language or at least parts and the culture. But on the other hand the soldier's go out on a daily basis not knowing if they'll be making it back to their base. Terrorist attacks have risen some 20%, millions have left an we have turned people against us and into terrorists by invading. We went into the country for no justifiable reason to lose even 1 solider. Plus, there's no guarantee the terrorists won't fight  to be in power once we leave. We've had a strong miliatry presence and that hasn't deterred them, so once we leave... We're now in there to create a stable situation because we caused a very unstable one by invading. No problem with solider s's, they're just doing their job. those pictures are 100% real. That happens everyday all over Iraq but look at other details of them. In the 1st and 2nd ones both guys have their weapons shouldered right in front of them because some shit could pop off anytime, and the closer they're to their weapon the better. The third one all 3 guys in that vehicle are concentrated on their surroundings not the kid because their more worried about something happening.
+4|6327|México City, México.

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