+15|6538|Sydney, Australia
Sarge, are you saying that you tk people that tk for the jet? Or do you tk someone that beats you to the jet?

Also, out of curiosity.. Just what is the point of this thread?
Paddles/Plane Whore
+28|6878|Australia, NSW

DrunkFace wrote:


server admin wrote:

Heya Drunk,

The offending CD key has been given a break from XXXXXXX servers.


Its no less then what all you fagots deserve.
i was in that round, and that tard tked me as well im gunna hunt him down
.yag era uoy fi siht deaR
I hate you and your T'King type, the few times i play on veichle servers i always get TK'd for the chopper!
+3|6494|In your base Teabaggin your CO
He's not saying he is a vehical Teamkiller, he's saying that if someone pushes in front of him for a jet, when its blatently his turn then he TK's. He doesn't mention once about TK for every jet all the time, like some muppets in the game. They are the ones you want to hunt down and rape to fuck.

I'm sure if it wasn't Sarge's turn he would let whoever is in front of him go with no TK, as that is his "waiting for a jet" policy. If he does well then his entire post and this thread would be a complete waste of time, something i doubt he would do considering he probably games along side alot of you.
Death StatPadder
+228|7086|Human Meat Shield
If you wait for a vehicle maybe you should be teamkilled. Waiting is worse than tking.
Fantasma Parastasie
Let me oversimplify this further


Having joined Kubra for some flying, I stand at a jet spawn
player B spawns
Player B does not wait nor ask
Player B gets the jet by chance
player B gets team killed

Situation 2:

Player B is waiting for the jet
I spawn
I see player B
Player B gets it

Situation 2.1:

Player B then dies
I'm now waiting for the jet
Player B tries to get it again
Player B dies.

Situation 3:

I'm waiting for a jet
I'm taking off
Player B teamkills me and takes it
I make sure he dies and stays dead

POINT: Not standing in line is, in my opinion, more than enough reason to be forced into it. If people jump queue or try to steal a vehicle, theyre gone.

It seems that some people think that ANY TK'ing is so bad it can never be justified. Some even think that teamkilling in battlefield 2 equals murdering someone in real life (Jord?). Intentional teamkilling for selfish reasons, such as being able to take a vehicle from a player who was waiting, is bad. It seems that my analogy didn't get through to him, so I'll explain it again:

Queues in real situations compared to battlefield 2

At a store:

You're standing in line. somebody forces their way in front of you. your response: you tell them to fuck off, in whatever way you prefer

In BF2:

You're standing in line. Somebody forces their way in front of you. My response: I tell them to fuck off. The only way to do is by team killing them.

Now, compare the sanctions: In the store, you can do all kinds of things, but none of them are particularly bad. You can tell them to get out, push them out, whatever. In BF2, you do the same relatively: You kill them and they come back to life in 15 seconds.

So no, teamkilling somebody in BF2 is not the same as murdering someone and therefore I shouldn't have to stop doing it because it's just as bad.
I guess in those situations it ok, but in general, tking for vehicles is very bad.

Most people just M95 their way into the jet/heli no matter whats going on. So i think your topic title needs adjusting.

BF2 Myth: being teamkilled for vehicles is always bad.

+1,716|7050|St. Andrews / Oslo

I agree with Sarge tbh.
https://static.bf2s.com/files/user/26774/flickricon.png https://twitter.com/phoenix/favicon.ico
+4|6897|I'm not sure
Anybody standing "in line" is an almost complete waste of space for the team.  In my book, if a vehicle spawns, people who are at least basically competent in its use should go for it, whoever gets it first uses it, and the others should GO AND DO SOMETHING USEFUL rather than waiting in line.  So no, I do not wait. But no, I don't teamkill, block, etc. if i'm not the one who gets it.

My opinion only, but its worthwhile remembering that it's no more or less valid than yours sarge, when you're out dispensing justice and righteousness to the world.

ProudLimey wrote:

It all depends on what the server rules are. If they are no TKing, then you should not TK *WHATEVER* the case. There are no excuses for it. Not only does it show impatience but it hinders the team. The same goes for waiting for planes. Let's face it, there is a general code throughout BF2 that if someone enters a jet before you, then you politely move out of the way and let them take off. The assholes are usually the ones who either TK or stand in front of the jet as some dumb form of 'vengeance'. That is sour grapes to the extreme.

In my experience, players who TK for vehicles get kicked straight away when there is an active admin. They often tend to be the immature ones,  and the tking for vehicles is their equivalent to throwing a tantrum. So I'm sorry but I completely disagree with you about that.

As for the waiting for the helicopter I am more sympathetic as I often fly with friends, but again there is no reason at all to TK someone for getting to the chopper before you. Just wait until next time. I'm sure lots of people have their own rules on justifying their TKing, but that doesn't make them correct. The most simple thing to do is not to TK in the first place.
Very well put. Couldn't agree more.
Teh forum ghey!
+172|6954|Wigan. Manchester. England.
Sarge is right.

Tk'ing is in the game for a reason right?
+46|6844|Middle of nowhere, California
when u go to the store and you want to get to the head of the line, you dont shoot the person in front of you..
WoW, i'd be one of those who TK u for the rest of the round shootin ur @ss out of every aircraft with an m95 if u ever tried that shi-t on me. Im no BF2 nub, if anyone wants a good ol game of BF2, hit me up on my Xfire: bombardier9999
Depending on the specific server rules:
1) wait in queue for your turn in the vehicle; nice, but poor gameplay if 4 players stand idle at spawn (arty- fodder )
2) first come, first serve: everybody at the  helipad press E, those who get in fly away, the rest MOVE ON, on feet, by jeep or whatever.

In both cases no need to teamkill.

I am in favour of the 2nd option.

scottomus0 wrote:

Sarge is right.

Tk'ing is in the game for a reason right?
TK'ing is not in the game for a reason.  Friendly Fire is in the game for a reason.  It's called what happens when you attack the wrong target. 

There are accidental tk's because some walked in your line of fire as you engage a target, you get run over trying to catch a ride in a vehicle of any type and other number of ways in which friendly fire happens.

Then are deliberate tk's.  These have no place in the game.  They are the results of people either being childish and killing everyone in sight because they are
a.  pissed off at everyone because they didn't get their vehicle
b.  pissed off because some accidently tk'd them and didn't say sorry.  (accidental tk's happen a lot and people don't automatically say sorry)
c.  being an asshat in general.  i.e. JackBurtonEDF.

Then there are childish TK's  for vehicles.  It's first come first serve when the round starts.  After that if someone is waiting then it's their's when the vehicle respawns.  If it's a helo or bomber then hop in the 2nd seat if your the 2nd person there.  Unless the other person asks or tells you to fly.  I will ban anyone I see tk'ing for a vehicle.  on either team.  I have been known to leave a round and come back under a non admin id and ban people for various rules infractions using the bf2cc so as not to give away my alternate id.

Last edited by DSRTurtle (2007-06-01 11:04:44)

well, I don't like to see people fly helos or jets and two seconds later they killed or they just crash, especially in the time of need when you need air support.

but at the same time, what if it was done to you? 

Kind of one sided don't you think?  But if it was me I wouldn't hesitate to pull the trigger myself at an idiot who can't do anything right with a vehicle.

Last edited by link52787 (2007-06-01 11:07:32)

+21|6803|Enschede / Netherlands
Maybe its me,  but i rarely get TK for a vehicle,   most servers i play on will get you kicked immediately when the admin see this happening,  so i don't even have to worry about being TK.
The best way to make sure you always have assets to choose from,   is to buy a good computer,   98% of the time I'm the first one in the server after the server has loaded a new map,  so i can pick whatever i want.
If I'm playing with friends,  i will make a squad first and fly to a flag and jump out, so they can spawn on me.
Sometimes we take a flag even before anybody else has spawned.   


Last edited by cosworth1983 (2007-06-01 11:39:44)

Who the fuck says theres a line you have to wait in?
Personal philosophy: Clothing optional.
+1,022|6941|Camp XRay

BlackKoala wrote:

Who the fuck says theres a line you have to wait in?
waiting is for pussys

SargeV1.4 wrote:

You're playing Battlefield 2. A guy is waiting for a jet. The tag above his head reads "SargeV1.4". You do not say anything, you do not attempt to communicate, you just run straight towards where he's standing, block him, and ram e hoping you'll get it. By luck, you get the jet. You're about to take off, when you suddenly die. At the top of the screen is the message "SargeV1.4 [TeamKills] You". You get angry. you finally have the decency to say something, even if it's barely legible crap. You spend the rest of your round teamkilling him. And yet somehow you think that you're completely right in your actions and that SargeV1.4 is an asshole.
And he is absolutly right: You are an asshole (if you teamkill him).

Your name is SargeV1.4. And? Who cares? My name is GameOver(HUN). And? What's then? NOTHING.  By the way can you see your name on the jet? No. Why not? BECAUSE IT'S NOT YOURS. IT BELONGS TO WHOEVER GETS IN IT FIRST and not to whoever is waiting for it for a longer time.

And nobody cares that you are maybe more skilled at that vehicle than the guy who hopped in the vehicle before you. He has the same right to use that vehicle as you - independently of the fact that he is not as skilled at it than you, and the fact that he probably won't be as useful for the team as you would be. He bought the game, he payed for it. Just like you or me. And he bought it to use vehicles and not to being teamkilled by a bumptious player who thinks that it's his own vehicle.

I am a quite good chopper flyer, and I love flying choppers. And to tell the truth I am more useful for my team if I fly one, than a lot of other players, but I never teamkill for it. If somebody gets in it before me I don't get mad (just like a 2-year-old child, from whom somebody took away his toy). I look for another vehicle and try to be useful in another way.

It doesn't matter your name, your rank, your skill. None of these authorize you to teamkill your teammates. It doesn't matter for what reason you are teamkilling, if you teamkill someone intentionally you are an asshole.

SargeV1.4 wrote:

"every action has a consequence." This saying is appropriate for me teamkilling people in Battlefield 2 - A lack of communication and decency will cause me to teamkill you for your inappropriate behaviour. I'm really quite nice, if you'd just have the common sense to take a few seconds out to talk.
Sorry mate, I can't see the point of what you are talking about. What does lack of communicate have to do with teamkilling? What is the connection between the two things? I usually play as a lone wolf, I don't communicate with anybody, and I still can play without teamkilling, and I absolutly don't care that my teammates don't talk to me. Why should I teamkill them for not talking to me? I cannot understand this, I cannot see the correlation. It's enough for me that I can see, that his name is blue, thats all what I need, and I won't shoot at him, I don't need his communication at all to know that he is my teammate and not my enemy.

And one question more: Why don't you kill the enemy instead of teammates? Usually there are a lot of enemies on the server. Oh yes, I know, I know, it's much difficult to kill the enemy...

Last edited by GameOver (2007-06-01 12:29:00)

set your body ablaze

GameOver wrote:

Your name is SargeV1.4. And? Who cares? My name is GameOver(HUN). And? What's then? NOTHING.  By the way can you see your name on the jet? No. Why not? BECAUSE IT'S NOT YOURS. IT BELONGS TO WHOEVER GETS IN IT FIRST and not to whoever is waiting for it for a longer time.
Well said. IMO there's no justification for killing teammates unless they're shooting at you first. Who gets the vehicle will always be determined by who stands in the right spot holding "E" and that won't ever change.

The real-world analogy doesn't work because BF2 is not the real world; it allows for relative anonymity. You don't skip ahead of other people in line at the grocery store because there are real-world consequences (someone confronts you; the store kicks you out; at worst, you get in a fight). The internet allows for a degree of anonymity and reduced consequences (you get kicked, maybe banned from the server at worst).

It's nice to think that people would communicate things like "You were here first, you can have the plane" but realistically that won't happen because of the nature of the internet.
I totally understand what Sarge is saying. But personally I don't like to stoop to peoples' levels. I've done it on several occasions, although very rare, and I didn't like at all doing it.

If players will continue with this attitude we can all wish BF2 to RIP. Better to set an example where you can.
To the OP (I haven't bothered to read any of this other crap) I concur. I'm glad there are people are like you to put the nubs into place.

stand in line.. lol.. sorry to break it to u buddy, this aint the line at the mini mart.. whoever gets in, it's theirs.. i get tked for it, i tk em back til server kicks me, or i kick/ban em on the server(s) i admin
I've never tk'd for a vehicle. And i think i've only been tk'd myself once or twice. But there have been plenty of snipers who have taken a few steps back and fired at the cockpit with their M95 and missed my head. I hate whoever does that to me.

I got the jet, its mine until i get shot down. Whenever they try that, i take off, turn the plane round, and go on a bombing run.

I understand that some people may tk for the jet if it really is a useless guy trying to fly it (thats what singleplayer is for), but i dont do it personally.

And actually, the last time i saw a guy tk his way into a jet, i SRAW'd it as it was taking off. Served him right.

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