I have a book at home called Bloody Sunday Lord Widgery's report 1972. The chap l think your on about when examined had lead deposits on his scarf and hands, which indicates he had used a fire arm.IG-Calibre wrote:
One victim was found to have a bullet pass through one underarm and out the other ...he had his arms in the air.
Aye, probably waving a White handkerchief in the air - there is no evidence to support the claim that any civilian was firing a rifle, & also the question surrounding the legitimacy of the 4 "nail Bombs"
Had a flick through the book and it says of the deceased
5 had no evidence of having used fire arms or nail bombs, but some had been near others that had
8 Had evidence of using fire arms or throwing nail bombs
It also mentions one of the dead was found with 4 nail bombs in his clothing and that one of the injured was hit by a low-velocity round fired wildly by a civie.
I can't in an instance belive that Soldiers just open fire for fits and giggles. I belive they were provoked into firing, granted it maybe over the top l will admit that and innocents people died, but heres a quote from the book.
"There would have been no deaths in Londonderry on 30th of January if those who organised the illegal march had not thereby created a highly dangerous situation in which a clash between demonstrators and the security forces was almost inevitable."
At the end of the day the terrorists that committed the bombings and killing of British soldiers, RUC officers and Civilians are all free.
I belive that the IRA and other groups such as the LUF, UVF, CIRA, PIRA, RIRA and the such are terrorists and not freedom fighters, maybe years ago the IRA could have been classed as freedom fighters, but now ,no. As soon as you start killing Innocent civilian by executing and bombings and doing illegal activities such as drug dealing, extortion and the such are terrorists and nothing more!
Last edited by The_Guardsman (2007-05-26 06:16:12)