Nice, people must hate your jet-flying guts

My first bf2 account - XStrangerDangerX

My Main Account - XRogerMellieX

Once I hit Colonel there was no further I could go in ranks as I only play IO. I love ranking up, it's what makes me come back to the game every single night. So I started these guys...

-=Binary-Sheriff=- (boy did THIS guy get called a hack)

SonOfMellie (I wear my clan tags now and people aren't as angry when they die)
i have one main account which i have used since i first started
and some others which i use to piss people off or to just randomly run around doing stuff etc
+97|6928|Kent, UK
made two new ones: bored and dont liek waiting forever for my main to load
+405|6776|A W S M F O X
Just the one, maybe ill make second one to see teh 1337nes's and get the hAxcusations.
Only made a second for kidnapping or glitching.
I have really gotten into playing on my noob account trying to get all the basic badges.  Its been fun.  I am almost out of school for the summer I might just play all summer on my noob account just to see how many points I can earn.
R.I.P. Neda
+456|7142|Grapevine, TX
After 1500+ hours I wanted to see more accurate stats. I really, really sucked for my first 750 hours! This was my first online FPS, but I stuck with it! Ill stick with my 1st.
Main Account 2ndAccount

RDMC(2) wrote:

Made one fun account..A paddle acount, just running around with paddles and zapping them, awh you must see them run backwards when they run out of ammo and have to reload or the replies when you do zap them..
Look at my vid about 1.57 minutes in, I know the shocking (no pun intended) paddling skills are nothing to gloat about, but you could smell the fear on that one!!


Please leave any comments if you approve.

/On Topic - First account = Disused
                 Second account = Main (better name but fool as I was included a perma-tag)
                 Third account = For clan matches (without perma-tag so my name is visible with new clan tag)

Edit: Spelling and on topic

Last edited by PrivateVendetta (2007-05-17 09:48:38)


I don't wanna create a new account, even if it will make me look better. I've put too much time into this current account. Plus I'm an award whore and no way am I going to give up all that time and effort to start over!
+133|6609|Bloomington Indiana
same account as the day i started....last january. i sucked then. over time i think its starting to get better and i like to see my progression and watching my SPM go up from less than one per minute back then to almost 2.5 now.
+9|6659|Queen Creek, AZ USA
I started a new account because when I first started, my coworker told me to add his clan's tag to my name. He quit working here and I never got a chance to play with him. Now I am currently looking for a clan to call my own, I don't want another clan's tag.

Anyone know any good clans??

Thanks in advance.
I started with 2 from the beginning
#1 http://bf2s.com/player/43789439/
#2 http://bf2s.com/player/44319834/ haven't put much time into this one.
Lets go tazy crazy!
My main + one to whore P/K Servers with.
ney, never
PiMp mE APC^^
+4|6633|In Your Butz Making Baby
i made some to make fun, but some are to see what my spm and kd would be

http://www.bf2s.com/player/70998539/ = main
http://bf2s.com/player/89843403/ = checking my skillz ^^
http://bf2s.com/player/86454831/ = messing arround
http://bf2s.com/player/92987180/ = messing arround
http://bf2s.com/player/100040284/ = unranked clanaccount
I have 36 accounts. Only noobs care about stats, and since I can't change in-game nick, I must create new accounts. GG EA.
Last night I finished up on all my basics with hardly any hrs of play. It has been fun using this noob account.
Vroom Vroom

1st - phatmatt0005 - http://bf2s.com/player/48003563/
crappiest account ever then i joined a clan and started a new account

2nd - [-DER-]phatmatt - http://bf2s.com/player/48644371/
it was an ok account, but then i joined another clan that was in my region and people who spoke my language (french) so i made a new one leaving all my points behind

3rd - -=[HL]=-Phatmatt - http://bf2s.com/player/69218603/
I got some good stats and im proud of them, there not the best but i still wouldnt trade them.

Also when i got bored i created 'one night stand' accounts for fun

O4er - http://bf2s.com/player/86060165/
I have more but I dont remember them
I eat noobs for breakfast
my inf pwnage acc: http://www.bf2s.com/player/95182784/
my plane skillz practise acc: http://www.bf2s.com/player/96292589/

But I still play on my main account most of the time
.yag era uoy fi siht deaR
I have 2, My main one, and my other one for TK'ing n00bs that TK me for the chopper
Main 1: http://www.bf2s.com/player/73751431/
And my second one isnt in the BF2s database, it's in the EA stat site but i lost the link to it, anyone know it? (yes, i have googled it)
i have two accounts main http://bf2s.com/player/62042766/
and second account just for fun http://bf2s.com/player/95347080/

Last edited by k.one (2007-12-20 04:32:59)

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